Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Killing Americans without due process with drones in ally countries while not engaged in battle would be the reason.

His reign has been Un-American and criminal. He has no regard for our Nation or its Constitution. For his awful IRS abuses alone, he should be Impeached. He's become the President Nixon always wanted to be.

The IRS "abuses" came from the Tea Baggers who broke Federal Law when they were engaged in politics despite the law prohibiting that.

They should have been Jailed or Deported.

Uh, your boy Barack Hussein doesn't believe in deportation. Haven't you heard? Man, you Obamabots really do live in an alternate universe. Your guy and his posse of criminals should all be wearing orange jumpsuits at this point. His IRS & NSA abuses are unforgivable. Nixon would be so proud.
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Actually it should be that high.

That's what most of the world pays.

WTF is wrong with you that you hate the lower and middle class so much? I always thought that the other countries paid too much and the reason they do is not because of the price of a barrel of oil but because of the taxes put on the fuel.

If you like the rest of the world why not just move to what you obviously think is utopia?



4,500 dead Americans?

Because you want cheap gas?

Why don't you move the fuck out.

So typical of you to come back with an inane response that has nothing to do with your hating the lower and middle class, or should I say America in general?
WTF is wrong with you that you hate the lower and middle class so much? I always thought that the other countries paid too much and the reason they do is not because of the price of a barrel of oil but because of the taxes put on the fuel.

If you like the rest of the world why not just move to what you obviously think is utopia?



4,500 dead Americans?

Because you want cheap gas?

Why don't you move the fuck out.

So typical of you to come back with an inane response that has nothing to do with your hating the lower and middle class, or should I say America in general?

Wasn't "inane" at all.

We have "cheap" gas because of several reasons:

1. Government support of the Oil Industry through grants, tax breaks and subsidies.
2. Government support of the Oil Industry through insanely low prices on land usage.
3. Government support of the Oil Industry through military action to suppress foreign entities and control foreign oil resources.

While 1 and 2 are deplorable, 3 actually costs American lives.

Is that what you support?

Yes or No?

Because if you support that shit? It is you that is un-American.

And actually hateful of Americans in general.

I, personally, don't have a problem paying for goods that have a fair market value in a free and equitable market.

I believe in Capitalism.
Since they never rescinded the Authorization they passed in 2002 of course he doesn't.

It would show a united front if the GOP led House would pass a resolution supporting the President however ludicrous and improbable as that sounds.


4,500 dead Americans?

Because you want cheap gas?

Why don't you move the fuck out.

So typical of you to come back with an inane response that has nothing to do with your hating the lower and middle class, or should I say America in general?

Wasn't "inane" at all.

We have "cheap" gas because of several reasons:

1. Government support of the Oil Industry through grants, tax breaks and subsidies.
2. Government support of the Oil Industry through insanely low prices on land usage.
3. Government support of the Oil Industry through military action to suppress foreign entities and control foreign oil resources.

While 1 and 2 are deplorable, 3 actually costs American lives.

Is that what you support?

Yes or No?

Because if you support that shit? It is you that is un-American.

And actually hateful of Americans in general.

I, personally, don't have a problem paying for goods that have a fair market value in a free and equitable market.

I believe in Capitalism.

Barack Hussein has been very cozy with BP from the start. He was their biggest cheerleader all throughout their awful Gulf debacle. Follow the money. BP gave more money to him than any other Candidate.


4,500 dead Americans?

Because you want cheap gas?

Why don't you move the fuck out.

So typical of you to come back with an inane response that has nothing to do with your hating the lower and middle class, or should I say America in general?

Wasn't "inane" at all.

We have "cheap" gas because of several reasons:

1. Government support of the Oil Industry through grants, tax breaks and subsidies.
2. Government support of the Oil Industry through insanely low prices on land usage.
3. Government support of the Oil Industry through military action to suppress foreign entities and control foreign oil resources.

While 1 and 2 are deplorable, 3 actually costs American lives.

Is that what you support?

Yes or No?

Because if you support that shit? It is you that is un-American.

And actually hateful of Americans in general.

I, personally, don't have a problem paying for goods that have a fair market value in a free and equitable market.

I believe in Capitalism.

This is that last post in this thread, it is off topic.

Gas prices are in red and total taxes* (both excise and consumption levies) are in blue. As you can see, almost every European country surveyed charges more in fuel taxes alone than we pay for a gallon of gasoline.

Why does Obama need to follow the Constitution? He has routinely thumbed his nose at it while the pub's sit around scratching their ass


He is CiC. Constitutionally, he can do what he wants. He is constrained by the War Powers Act supposedly (although many presidents regard that as unconstitutional it has yet to be challenged.)

And that's without the two resolutions he can cite giving him the authority to do so.

Personally I think I agree with Glenn Beck :)eek: I think I just threw up a little). But I don't think that will ever happen. Why? Oil.
Do you ride a bicycle, cause Iraq is #4 in oil production and reserves,,,so, if we fuck Iraq, gas can and would be 5 bucks and up a gallon...

Actually it should be that high.

That's what most of the world pays.

WTF is wrong with you that you hate the lower and middle class so much? I always thought that the other countries paid too much and the reason they do is not because of the price of a barrel of oil but because of the taxes put on the fuel.

If you like the rest of the world why not just move to what you obviously think is utopia?

You don't have to think the rest of the world is utopia to understand the benefits to the mass's when fuel taxes are high and used to supplement and provide public transportation. Have you ever traveled around Europe and used public transportation? It's cheap and everywhere. Bus stops in little villages and often where villages don't even exist. You can go anywhere you want at the funding that you can best afford. You can rent a car or spend a dollar or less for a bus and only a little more for a train.
So typical of you to come back with an inane response that has nothing to do with your hating the lower and middle class, or should I say America in general?

Wasn't "inane" at all.

We have "cheap" gas because of several reasons:

1. Government support of the Oil Industry through grants, tax breaks and subsidies.
2. Government support of the Oil Industry through insanely low prices on land usage.
3. Government support of the Oil Industry through military action to suppress foreign entities and control foreign oil resources.

While 1 and 2 are deplorable, 3 actually costs American lives.

Is that what you support?

Yes or No?

Because if you support that shit? It is you that is un-American.

And actually hateful of Americans in general.

I, personally, don't have a problem paying for goods that have a fair market value in a free and equitable market.

I believe in Capitalism.

This is that last post in this thread, it is off topic.

Gas prices are in red and total taxes* (both excise and consumption levies) are in blue. As you can see, almost every European country surveyed charges more in fuel taxes alone than we pay for a gallon of gasoline.


What does this..have to do with anything I posted.

Do YOU support sending Americans overseas to die so you can have cheap gas?
I completely get your point and I agree. However I think you missed my point. If Obama wants to send attack jets into Iraq on bombing missions congress would approve with a 90% majority. Bank on it

Congress also has the power to declare war. So if 90% were behind attacking in Iraq, they would have done so already.
Why does Obama need to follow the Constitution? He has routinely thumbed his nose at it while the pub's sit around scratching their ass


He is CiC. Constitutionally, he can do what he wants. He is constrained by the War Powers Act supposedly (although many presidents regard that as unconstitutional it has yet to be challenged.)

And that's without the two resolutions he can cite giving him the authority to do so.

Personally I think I agree with Glenn Beck :)eek: I think I just threw up a little). But I don't think that will ever happen. Why? Oil.

Within the law.
The Republicans love to harp at Obama from the Sunday morning talk shows. Whatever course of action he takes, they will oppose

They did it in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Ukraine

Make them vote and let their position be known

Of course you realize the Dems will also have to vote yeah or nay on Iraq and their position will be known as well.

Personally I'd be happy if they nuked the whole middle east from orbit.

I sure don't want any more of our boys and girls killed over there. Let Iraq sink or swim on its own.

Do you ride a bicycle, cause Iraq is #4 in oil production and reserves,,,so, if we fuck Iraq, gas can and would be 5 bucks and up a gallon...

Yup. I also own a horse so I guess I'm covered. How bout You??
Why does he insist on picking a fight? It's nice that he acknowledges that congress gave permission to the president the first time. Who gave Clinton permission to bomb Yugoslavia? Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam? Democrats set the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. The same thing is going on in Afghanistan. Obama fixed it so that Americans die in stupid little patrols that accomplish nothing and the greatest technological fighting force has to follow the rules set by 6th century maniacs. If a single civilian is pushed by Taliban into a firefight and is killed the US Military risks being charged with murder by an administration that doesn't have a clue.
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is an awful Catch 22 for Americans. It's time for something different. It's time to end this permanent state of War we're stuck in. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism is an outdated and failed concept. All you have to do is look at Iraq for the proof.
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is an awful Catch 22 for Americans. It's time for something different. It's time to end this permanent state of War we're stuck in. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism is an outdated and failed concept.

Please convince the radical Muslims.
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is an awful Catch 22 for Americans. It's time for something different. It's time to end this permanent state of War we're stuck in. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism is an outdated and failed concept.

Please convince the radical Muslims.

We don't have to do that. Really think about why they hate us and have so much support. Perpetual War does not bring Perpetual Peace. That's a flawed & failed Catch 22 belief. Time for something different.
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is an awful Catch 22 for Americans. It's time for something different. It's time to end this permanent state of War we're stuck in. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism is an outdated and failed concept.

Please convince the radical Muslims.

We don't have to do that. Really think about why they hate us and have so much support. Perpetual War does not bring Perpetual Peace. That's a flawed & failed Catch 22 belief. Time for something different.

You should think about why they hate us and have so much support among muslims worldwide. Better, LISTEN to them. Muslims have never been shy about telling you their reasons. They intend sharia law over the entire world. That's the reason why.
Please convince the radical Muslims.

We don't have to do that. Really think about why they hate us and have so much support. Perpetual War does not bring Perpetual Peace. That's a flawed & failed Catch 22 belief. Time for something different.

You should think about why they hate us and have so much support among muslims worldwide. Better, LISTEN to them. Muslims have never been shy about telling you their reasons. They intend sharia law over the entire world. That's the reason why.

Here's a few suggestions, let's stop invading nations and killing so many Muslims around the World. Then let's stop funding & arming extremist Muslim groups just because we believe it's expedient at the moment. Just a few suggestions that may lead to less tensions and bloodshed. It's time to stop meddling. No more Empire-Building. We're bankrupt and far less safe at this point.
No it is not if you want to do things legally! Which the far left would demand with someone with an (R) next to their name.

The reason Obama will not do this is because this is the mid term elections and if the far left back Obama's war in Iraq they will certainly loose the senate.

Remember it needs to be done legally and constitutionally.

I completely get your point and I agree. However I think you missed my point. If Obama wants to send attack jets into Iraq on bombing missions congress would approve with a 90% majority. Bank on it

As he said he doesn't need their approval to do that. as long as they are in and out within a certain timeframe.

Obama's Presidency, how to make a war not a war no matter how many people die or how much money is wasted.
Who knew the liberals on these boards were so pro war. Does Iraq being illegal under Bush make it illegal under Obama? How about a bad idea under Bush, is it a bad idea under Obama?

Now you want to avoid a vote in congress because Reps might vote No on a war just because Obama is in power? Now the WPA is law of the land and super cool?

How is that anti Bush Obama any different than the man you guys hate so much again?

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