Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

The AUMF was a Republican measure signed into law by a Republican president; the partisan right is in no position to whine about this, Obama is following the law as enacted by Republicans.
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The AMUF was a Republican measure signed into law by a Republican president; the partisan right is in no position to whine about this, Obama is following the law as enacted by Republicans.

Hey CC I 100% agree... Obama is about as close to Bush as anyone could have gotten.

Bush and Obama thank you for your mindless support, in fact they count on it.
Who knew the liberals on these boards were so pro war. Does Iraq being illegal under Bush make it illegal under Obama? How about a bad idea under Bush, is it a bad idea under Obama?

Now you want to avoid a vote in congress because Reps might vote No on a war just because Obama is in power? Now the WPA is law of the land and super cool?

How is that anti Bush Obama any different than the man you guys hate so much again?

You don't understand.

Liberals oppose Obama on this, just as they opposed Bush, the wars, and the post 9/11 laws enacted - that hasn't changed.

Liberals also understand that these laws are in place and not invalidated by the courts, that they acknowledge this fact and respect the law doesn't mean they endorse it
Who knew the liberals on these boards were so pro war. Does Iraq being illegal under Bush make it illegal under Obama? How about a bad idea under Bush, is it a bad idea under Obama?

Now you want to avoid a vote in congress because Reps might vote No on a war just because Obama is in power? Now the WPA is law of the land and super cool?

How is that anti Bush Obama any different than the man you guys hate so much again?

You don't understand.

Liberals oppose Obama on this, just as they opposed Bush, the wars, and the post 9/11 laws enacted - that hasn't changed.

Liberals also understand that these laws are in place and not invalidated by the courts, that they acknowledge this fact and respect the law doesn't mean they endorse it

From reading these boards and even listening to you it would be hard to tell "liberals oppose the use of these powers for war."

What made Bush so bad to liberals/Dems was his wars, his bail-outs and his growth in Government (Medicare part D, homeland security, patriot act, war powers act and so on.) Obama expanded most of that and dramatically so. Now Obama is a abusing the war powers he used to condemn on a war he once ran on voting against. Untill I see a rally of Dems pissed and holding up posters with Obama looking like Hitler I call bullshit on your statement.

I do feel Obama will be splitting the party over this and many other issues, but at best you will get Dems not showing up to vote, not staging a protest.
Obama got a parade each of the 3 times he "ended" the Iraq war... Ending on the Bush set timetable... and years after he made the statement that the first thing he will do in office if elected is end the Iraq war....

Again, I predict not a single sizable protest from the left over more war for oil and the rich.
Why does Obama need to follow the Constitution? He has routinely thumbed his nose at it while the pub's sit around scratching their ass


He is CiC. Constitutionally, he can do what he wants. He is constrained by the War Powers Act supposedly (although many presidents regard that as unconstitutional it has yet to be challenged.)

And that's without the two resolutions he can cite giving him the authority to do so.

Personally I think I agree with Glenn Beck :)eek: I think I just threw up a little). But I don't think that will ever happen. Why? Oil.

Within the law.

Like order combat troops back to Iraq to defend the oil fields? If the oil fields in Iraq fall to the terrorist, is that a threat to our national security? If so, will Obama disregard the Carter Doctrine or will he defend it along with the oil fields? If not, wtf do we care again?
He is CiC. Constitutionally, he can do what he wants. He is constrained by the War Powers Act supposedly (although many presidents regard that as unconstitutional it has yet to be challenged.)

And that's without the two resolutions he can cite giving him the authority to do so.

Personally I think I agree with Glenn Beck :)eek: I think I just threw up a little). But I don't think that will ever happen. Why? Oil.

Within the law.

Like order combat troops back to Iraq to defend the oil fields? If the oil fields in Iraq fall to the terrorist, is that a threat to our national security? If so, will Obama disregard the Carter Doctrine or will he defend it along with the oil fields? If not, wtf do we care again?

Its only history, which some here find worthless, but, Eisenhower first sent military advisors to Vietnam, and Obama today announced.....military advisors to Iraq.........'the past is prologue' came to mind....................
He is CiC. Constitutionally, he can do what he wants. He is constrained by the War Powers Act supposedly (although many presidents regard that as unconstitutional it has yet to be challenged.)

And that's without the two resolutions he can cite giving him the authority to do so.

Personally I think I agree with Glenn Beck :)eek: I think I just threw up a little). But I don't think that will ever happen. Why? Oil.

Within the law.

Like order combat troops back to Iraq to defend the oil fields? If the oil fields in Iraq fall to the terrorist, is that a threat to our national security? If so, will Obama disregard the Carter Doctrine or will he defend it along with the oil fields? If not, wtf do we care again?

I like oil, I say we protect the fields. I like freedom I say let's help the Iraqis keep their freedom. I say Obama can send troops in without Congress' blessing, no that is not me that is the Wars Power Act that says that. Once he does then it is up to Congress to have a vote to stop him, not one chance in hell of that happening. So as was with Clinton, Obama can do pretty much what he wants. But it should be within the law.
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq - CNN.com

WOW the far left does not like to be told what to do. Now Obama would need Congressional authorization to make any military action in Iraq.

Had this been anyone with an (R) next to their name, the far left would be besides themselves.

I guess since Obama got away with his illegal war in Libya he will not start a true illegal war in Iraq.

I think that he should seek authorization from Congress if he wants to take any military action. He should communicate and arrange with Congress now, what we should do if our embassy there is being attacked or threatened. If it seems inevitable he should be allowed to act quickly.
I think that this excerpt from the article may be kind of telling:
"including options for increased security assistance.". How many service members may be required for security and for what period of time? Will this eventually lead us into being an occupying force?
What should be of concern is not what Obama is or isn’t doing.

Of concern should be that everyone – left, right, center – is opposed to the laws authorizing presidents to act unilaterally – yet we’re helpless to compel Congress to repeal these measures.
Neocon/Progressive Democrats and Republicans love this current set-up. That's why no Impeachment Hearings have taken place in recent years. Obviously Obama should be Impeached for his awful IRS abuses alone. And some could argue Bush should have been Impeached as well. But the reason it hasn't happened is because both political parties like the current set-up.

The President has almost unlimited powers at this point. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers didn't want. No moves on Impeachment are happening because both parties realize that it's good to be King. Both wanna enjoy those perks forever. The Republicans know they'll get the Presidency back at some point. And then their guy or girl will get to play Dictator for awhile. They see no reason to change anything. These are very sad times for our nation. No doubt about that.
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq - CNN.com

WOW the far left does not like to be told what to do. Now Obama would need Congressional authorization to make any military action in Iraq.

Had this been anyone with an (R) next to their name, the far left would be besides themselves.

I guess since Obama got away with his illegal war in Libya he will not start a true illegal war in Iraq.

Didn't your boy Trump bomb Assad without going to Congress? What a loser and hypocrite.
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq - CNN.com

WOW the far left does not like to be told what to do. Now Obama would need Congressional authorization to make any military action in Iraq.

Had this been anyone with an (R) next to their name, the far left would be besides themselves.

I guess since Obama got away with his illegal war in Libya he will not start a true illegal war in Iraq.

Didn't your boy Trump bomb Assad without going to Congress? What a loser and hypocrite.

And he can do a one time strike without Congress vs the illegal wars of Obama that you supported!

See the far left can not prove anything other than are the true Hypocrites.
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq - CNN.com

WOW the far left does not like to be told what to do. Now Obama would need Congressional authorization to make any military action in Iraq.

Had this been anyone with an (R) next to their name, the far left would be besides themselves.

I guess since Obama got away with his illegal war in Libya he will not start a true illegal war in Iraq.

Didn't your boy Trump bomb Assad without going to Congress? What a loser and hypocrite.

And he can do a one time strike without Congress vs the illegal wars of Obama that you supported!

See the far left can not prove anything other than are the true Hypocrites.
When President Trump attributed his flip-flop on Afghanistan to his team of military generals , who informed him that a withdrawal from America’s 16-year war would leave a “haven” for terrorists, I couldn’t help but think of former presidential candidate George Romney during the Vietnam War. After opposing the war, Romney traveled to Vietnam and returned with the same flip-flop mindset that Trump has experienced. Like Trump, Romney blamed it on the generals, who, he said, had “brainwashed” him into supporting the war. Romney’s brainwashing, however, wasn’t permanent, as Romney later returned to an antiwar position. So maybe there’s hope that the same thing will happen to Trump.

The Illegality of Trump's Afghanistan War - The Future of Freedom Foundation
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq - CNN.com

WOW the far left does not like to be told what to do. Now Obama would need Congressional authorization to make any military action in Iraq.

Had this been anyone with an (R) next to their name, the far left would be besides themselves.

I guess since Obama got away with his illegal war in Libya he will not start a true illegal war in Iraq.

Didn't your boy Trump bomb Assad without going to Congress? What a loser and hypocrite.

And he can do a one time strike without Congress vs the illegal wars of Obama that you supported!

See the far left can not prove anything other than are the true Hypocrites.
When President Trump attributed his flip-flop on Afghanistan to his team of military generals , who informed him that a withdrawal from America’s 16-year war would leave a “haven” for terrorists, I couldn’t help but think of former presidential candidate George Romney during the Vietnam War. After opposing the war, Romney traveled to Vietnam and returned with the same flip-flop mindset that Trump has experienced. Like Trump, Romney blamed it on the generals, who, he said, had “brainwashed” him into supporting the war. Romney’s brainwashing, however, wasn’t permanent, as Romney later returned to an antiwar position. So maybe there’s hope that the same thing will happen to Trump.

The Illegality of Trump's Afghanistan War - The Future of Freedom Foundation

Yes you have proven you will use what ever means necessary to justify the illegal wars of Obama that you supported! They will use any far left site to prove their religious dogma!

Opinion | Obama's Illegal War in Libya

Come on now, stop being a far left drone!
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq - CNN.com

WOW the far left does not like to be told what to do. Now Obama would need Congressional authorization to make any military action in Iraq.

Had this been anyone with an (R) next to their name, the far left would be besides themselves.

I guess since Obama got away with his illegal war in Libya he will not start a true illegal war in Iraq.

Did you shit your pants when Trump did it?

Did President Trump need to get congressional approval before taking military action in Syria? - Think the Vote
Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq

Obama to Congress: I don't need new permission on Iraq - CNN.com

WOW the far left does not like to be told what to do. Now Obama would need Congressional authorization to make any military action in Iraq.

Had this been anyone with an (R) next to their name, the far left would be besides themselves.

I guess since Obama got away with his illegal war in Libya he will not start a true illegal war in Iraq.

Did you shit your pants when Trump did it?

Did President Trump need to get congressional approval before taking military action in Syria? - Think the Vote

I see the far left got bested on another thread and now makes a pointless point on this thread and proving they support the illegal wars of Obama.

And a president does not need Congressional approval for one military strike, on going missions, yes.

So another far left drone fail!

What else do you want to prove far left drone?

That you supported the illegal wars of Obama?

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