Obama to delay individual mandate?

tsk tsk, and this is Time a liberal rag...and losing FAITH, sorta cultish when they write this man eh? I never had any faith in him from the start...lol


Americans Losing Faith in Obamacare

New polls suggest it's not just tech glitches endangering the health-reform law, but also a crisis of confidence

By Kate Pickert [MENTION=17129]kate[/MENTION]pickertOct. 22, 201330 Comments

The recent government shutdown may have distracted some Americans from the bungled rollout of Obamacare, but a new Pew survey shows many people are well aware of just how bad things are for the law’s new insurance websites. Forty-six percent of Americans polled on Oct. 9 to 13, while the shutdown was in full swing, said the Affordable Care Act’s online insurance exchanges were working “not too well” or “not working at all.”

While about 41% of Americans approve of the ACA, according to Pew, negative public perception of the exchanges could hinder the administration’s plan to enroll 7 million people in private health plans through the exchanges by the end of 2014. Before the error-riddled launch on Oct. 1, the White House promised the exchanges would be easy-to-use tools, allowing consumers to compare and buy insurance policies in the same way they book travel or buy books online. The harder the exchange websites are to use — or the harder consumers think they are to use — the less likely people are to log on or sign up. These persistent problems mean many of those who have enrolled so far have done so only after making multiple attempts to navigate slow and crash-prone websites.

While President Obama sought to reassure the public in a speech on Monday that exchange-website malfunctions were being fixed, a separate poll found that many believe technical problems plaguing the websites may indicate that the entire law is broken. A Washington Post–ABC News poll conducted Oct 17 to 20 and released Oct. 21 found that 56% of those surveyed believed the “website glitches” are “part of a broader problem with the health care law.”

all of it at the swamp
Read more: Obamacare Polls: Faith in Health Care Exchanges Eroding | TIME.com
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How are they to penalize people for not purchasing something that cannot be purchased?

What a clusterfuck... just as predicted.
I believe that talking point went out the window with the disastrous roll out. Just saying...

Actually when the republicans got NOTHING in their attempts, we know how correct my statement is.

You didn't listen to my protip.

When someone fails at a negotiation they are NOT a terrorist.

Again, don't be a moron.

They failed because they're incompetent. Doesn't stop them from being terrorists as you called them.
I will repeat what Stephanie stated for the brain impaired:

Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Yes, Obama did shut down the government. The root cause is that Obama hasn't submitted a budget that Congress could pass for over 5 years. The inevitable result of running the government with CRs is the constant game of chicken.

And Obama likes it that way. He is perfectly willing to hold the country hostage while he refuses to negotiate...further demonstrating why a Community Organizer In Chief makes a Lousy President.

Good thing the majority of the country doesn't share your warped view of reality.
If this fine, tax, whatever, is written in the law, how can King Barack decide people don't have to pay it on time, with a sweep of a wand? Maybe ask Congress, or write another EO, or King's Order?
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See: Jay Carney: No Access to Obamacare, No Penalty

I hear the Obama Administration is thinking about delaying the penalty for Americans who do not buy federally approved health insurance.

How sweet of the federal government to think about delaying penalties for people who decide to not buy federally approve health insurance and decide to buy health insurance to meet their own personal health care needs.

However, to believe our federal government has the authority to penalize a person for not buying federally approved health insurance, one would have to also believe it is not a fundamental right of the individual to make their own decisions regarding their medical and health care needs. But the fact is, it has long been settled law that a person does have a fundamental right to make their own medical and health care decisions. And, "The mere chilling of a Constitutional right by a penalty on its exercise is patently unconstitutional." Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618

Why are the American people so willing to surrender one of their most fundamental rights and allow the federal government to force them to buy “federally approved” health insurance? When was such an intrusive power granted to our federal government?


A legislative act which "impinges upon a fundamental right explicitly or implicitly secured by the Constitution is presumptively unconstitutional." See: Harris v. McRae United States Supreme Court (1980) Also see City of Mobile v. Bolden, 466 U.S. 55, 76, 100 S.Ct. 1490, 64 L.Ed.2d 47 (1980)

He can't delay the mandate, if he does the entire law will crash.
It's a Stephanie post so you know it will be hate filled and total nastiness.

I will repeat what Stephanie stated for the brain impaired:

just think, he let the government be shut down over this VERY THING Republicans were asking for

Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

He refused to do his job, but it wasn't his fault.
Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

I believe that talking point went out the window with the disastrous roll out. Just saying...

Actually when the republicans got NOTHING in their attempts, we know how correct my statement is.

Actually, that just demonstrates how stupid you are. The Republicans never wanted the shutdown, and would have been perfectly happy to cave to Obama before the shutdown ever happened. Unfortunately for them, the people that elected them won't let them get away with that.
He refused to do his job, but it wasn't his fault.

On the contrary...he actually showed some balls for once and did a great job of leading.

his job is to make the government work, not pretend he has balls.

Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.
On the contrary...he actually showed some balls for once and did a great job of leading.

his job is to make the government work, not pretend he has balls.

Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.

So what your saying is, Obama wouldn't worl with Republicans to do something he is hevily considering doing now, just days after the shutdown ended.... a shutdown that could have been avoided if Obama simply worked with Republicans to do something he fully supports doing. Cuz it sounds like Obama was the one who shut down the government if he ends up doing the very thing Republicans asked him to do, again, just days/weeks after, not years, days/weeks.
On the contrary...he actually showed some balls for once and did a great job of leading.

his job is to make the government work, not pretend he has balls.

Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.

Yet you support holding government hostage to your viewpoint.


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