Obama to delay individual mandate?

his job is to make the government work, not pretend he has balls.

Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.

So what your saying is, Obama wouldn't worl with Republicans to do something he is hevily considering doing now, just days after the shutdown ended.... a shutdown that could have been avoided if Obama simply worked with Republicans to do something he fully supports doing. Cuz it sounds like Obama was the one who shut down the government if he ends up doing the very thing Republicans asked him to do, again, just days/weeks after, not years, days/weeks.

Difference is now there is an actual potential real reason to delay the mandate...if he chooses to go that route.

Before there was no reason except Republicans whining and crying, which we all know is not a valid reason.
his job is to make the government work, not pretend he has balls.

Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.

Yet you support holding government hostage to your viewpoint.


When did I do that? I didn't, but it will be fun to watch you try and prove it. Give it a crack, I can use a laugh.
It's a Stephanie post so you know it will be hate filled and total nastiness.

I will repeat what Stephanie stated for the brain impaired:

just think, he let the government be shut down over this VERY THING Republicans were asking for

Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Contrary to what you have been told, Obama DID shut the government down. His butt boy, Harry Reid has refused to pass a budget for years and Obama promised to veto every budget the House passed.
That is what caused a government shutdown, and until the entitlement programs that will bankrupt the US are dealt with, there should be a few dozen more shutdowns if that is what it takes.
Unfortunately, the Democrats don't care and the Republicans don't have the power or the will to do what has to be done.

You call doing NOTHING leading? Lmao

Not giving in to lunatics is something.

You're right, it IS something. It's an OPINION. You call them lunatics, I call them fiscally conservative. But feel free to continue your trolling while you ignore the topic entirely.

How can they be fiscally conservative when they're willing to spend us in to debt to finance endless wars and bloated military budgets?

Ironic, huh?
I will repeat what Stephanie stated for the brain impaired:

Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Contrary to what you have been told, Obama DID shut the government down. His butt boy, Harry Reid has refused to pass a budget for years and Obama promised to veto every budget the House passed.
That is what caused a government shutdown, and until the entitlement programs that will bankrupt the US are dealt with, there should be a few dozen more shutdowns if that is what it takes.
Unfortunately, the Democrats don't care and the Republicans don't have the power or the will to do what has to be done.

It's funny that people still actually think the way you do. How does it feel to be in the overwhelming minority?
On the contrary...he actually showed some balls for once and did a great job of leading.

his job is to make the government work, not pretend he has balls.

Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.

Not really, should they become the victim of the same health care issues that is plaguing NHS.
Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Contrary to what you have been told, Obama DID shut the government down. His butt boy, Harry Reid has refused to pass a budget for years and Obama promised to veto every budget the House passed.
That is what caused a government shutdown, and until the entitlement programs that will bankrupt the US are dealt with, there should be a few dozen more shutdowns if that is what it takes.
Unfortunately, the Democrats don't care and the Republicans don't have the power or the will to do what has to be done.

It's funny that people still actually think the way you do. How does it feel to be in the overwhelming minority?

How does it feel to be considered a dumbass troll by your peers on USMB?
he damn well better with this fiasco of his ObambamFailnocare

just think, he let the government be shut down over this VERY THING Republicans were asking for

You voted for this incompetent idiot to run your lives and bring MORE government on your backs, with the IRS

He probably should but he won't. That's not in this egomaniacs lexicon. To suddenly now give the "people" a one year break would be doing what the republicans wanted him to do in the "no negotiations BS" - and something he absolutely rejected.

Nope. He will do what he ALWAYS does. Hunker down and refuse to accept responsibility. Just like the IRS, Benghazi, etc etc etc...

Any other Chief Executive would have already terminated Kathleen Sebellius and anyone involved in this holy horse crap and started over. That ain't the way this thug operates.
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Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Contrary to what you have been told, Obama DID shut the government down. His butt boy, Harry Reid has refused to pass a budget for years and Obama promised to veto every budget the House passed.
That is what caused a government shutdown, and until the entitlement programs that will bankrupt the US are dealt with, there should be a few dozen more shutdowns if that is what it takes.
Unfortunately, the Democrats don't care and the Republicans don't have the power or the will to do what has to be done.

It's funny that people still actually think the way you do. How does it feel to be in the overwhelming minority?

The problem is exactly that it's NOT an overwhelming minority. At best, ACA has slim majority support. And you simply can't push through such sweeping changing without a broad consensus and expect it to go smoothly. People just aren't that malleable.
I will repeat what Stephanie stated for the brain impaired:

Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Yes, Obama did shut down the government. The root cause is that Obama hasn't submitted a budget that Congress could pass for over 5 years. The inevitable result of running the government with CRs is the constant game of chicken.

And Obama likes it that way. He is perfectly willing to hold the country hostage while he refuses to negotiate...further demonstrating why a Community Organizer In Chief makes a Lousy President.

Google "Obama's Budget"! You'll see your comment about no budgets from the Big O was an inaccurate statement.
Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Yes, Obama did shut down the government. The root cause is that Obama hasn't submitted a budget that Congress could pass for over 5 years. The inevitable result of running the government with CRs is the constant game of chicken.

And Obama likes it that way. He is perfectly willing to hold the country hostage while he refuses to negotiate...further demonstrating why a Community Organizer In Chief makes a Lousy President.

Google "Obama's Budget"! You'll see your comment about no budgets from the Big O was an inaccurate statement.

Did the budget pass? Hell, did it get a SINGLE vote?

Now sit down and stfu.....

Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.

So what your saying is, Obama wouldn't worl with Republicans to do something he is hevily considering doing now, just days after the shutdown ended.... a shutdown that could have been avoided if Obama simply worked with Republicans to do something he fully supports doing. Cuz it sounds like Obama was the one who shut down the government if he ends up doing the very thing Republicans asked him to do, again, just days/weeks after, not years, days/weeks.

Difference is now there is an actual potential real reason to delay the mandate...if he chooses to go that route.

Before there was no reason except Republicans whining and crying, which we all know is not a valid reason.

I believe there is a valid reason when IRS and Federal employees are desiring not to be included in these health care exchanges, the same as everyone else. It's the most valid issue that the Republicans stand a good chance in presenting and winning.

the National Treasury Employees Union—the union that includes employees of the Internal Revenue Service—is asking its members to write letters to their Congressmen, stating that they are “very concerned” about legislative efforts requiring IRS and Treasury employees to enroll in the Obamacare exchanges.

IRS Employees Union Is 'Very Concerned' About Being Required To Enroll In Obamacare's Health Insurance Exchanges - Forbes
Yes, Obama did shut down the government. The root cause is that Obama hasn't submitted a budget that Congress could pass for over 5 years. The inevitable result of running the government with CRs is the constant game of chicken.

And Obama likes it that way. He is perfectly willing to hold the country hostage while he refuses to negotiate...further demonstrating why a Community Organizer In Chief makes a Lousy President.

Google "Obama's Budget"! You'll see your comment about no budgets from the Big O was an inaccurate statement.

Did the budget pass? Hell, did it get a SINGLE vote?

Now sit down and stfu.....


Exactly. We have been operating under George Bush's final budget (Via CR) since the day OBarry took office. The House has brought forward their budget proposals each and every year and each and every year that thug bastard Harry Reid (on orders from OBarry) has shut them down in favor of the CR.
See: Jay Carney: No Access to Obamacare, No Penalty

I hear the Obama Administration is thinking about delaying the penalty for Americans who do not buy federally approved health insurance.


Sorry oBozo, but the GOP gave you a chance to delay the launch until you fixed the glitches, but you and your Senate whores said NO!! This is your fuck-up. You eat it, you stupid son of a bitch!! You eat ...every...fucking...piece!!!!
Government doesn't work when it's being held hostage. He didn't give in to such tactics. Future generations will thank him for not allowing that dangerous precedent to be set.

Yet you support holding government hostage to your viewpoint.


When did I do that? I didn't, but it will be fun to watch you try and prove it. Give it a crack, I can use a laugh.

I didn't see you complaining about Obama threatening to veto any bill that didn't give him everything he wanted, even though it would have to pass the Senate, and get Democratic votes, in order for him to veto it.

Or are you going to pretend that is the Republicans fault?
Not giving in to lunatics is something.

You're right, it IS something. It's an OPINION. You call them lunatics, I call them fiscally conservative. But feel free to continue your trolling while you ignore the topic entirely.

How can they be fiscally conservative when they're willing to spend us in to debt to finance endless wars and bloated military budgets?

Ironic, huh?

The Tea Party didn't do that, did they?

Tell me something, how can you simultaneously blame the Tea Party for not spending money and spending money?
Only problem is Obama didn't shut the government down. What he did do however is not negotiate with hostage takers.

Yes, Obama did shut down the government. The root cause is that Obama hasn't submitted a budget that Congress could pass for over 5 years. The inevitable result of running the government with CRs is the constant game of chicken.

And Obama likes it that way. He is perfectly willing to hold the country hostage while he refuses to negotiate...further demonstrating why a Community Organizer In Chief makes a Lousy President.

Google "Obama's Budget"! You'll see your comment about no budgets from the Big O was an inaccurate statement.

I suggest you Google all the votes that Obama's budgets got in Congress over the last few years. I don't remember the individual years that well, but there was a grand total of zero.
Contrary to what you have been told, Obama DID shut the government down. His butt boy, Harry Reid has refused to pass a budget for years and Obama promised to veto every budget the House passed.
That is what caused a government shutdown, and until the entitlement programs that will bankrupt the US are dealt with, there should be a few dozen more shutdowns if that is what it takes.
Unfortunately, the Democrats don't care and the Republicans don't have the power or the will to do what has to be done.

It's funny that people still actually think the way you do. How does it feel to be in the overwhelming minority?

How does it feel to be considered a dumbass troll by your peers on USMB?

It keeps me up at night knowing that some uneducated, hypocritical rednecks don't agree with me.

I cry myself to sleep.
See: Jay Carney: No Access to Obamacare, No Penalty

I hear the Obama Administration is thinking about delaying the penalty for Americans who do not buy federally approved health insurance.


Sorry oBozo, but the GOP gave you a chance to delay the launch until you fixed the glitches, but you and your Senate whores said NO!! This is your fuck-up. You eat it, you stupid son of a bitch!! You eat ...every...fucking...piece!!!!

What this debacle has done is it has proven to the American public that this guy is an incompetent slob - that he had no business EVER doing ANYTHING but being a community organizer (whatever the hell that is).

This "president" internalizes any criticism of his "policies" and he goes after those that make them. He literally HATES the right because they called him out for the slob and street thug that he is. He is an egomaniac that, when called on incompetence, takes it "personally".

I don't know, but I believe Hitler and Napoleon suffered from the same shortcoming.

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