Obama to Detail His Economic Plan in Acceptance Speech--And Where Are Mitt's?

Aug 7, 2012
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?
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Id Obama has economic plans, why hasn't he used them and why aren't they working? Why hasn;'t he been working with his Job Council and implementing their recommendations?

Mitt did outline his plans. You must not have been watching.
LOL, Obama has a economic plan...well golly gee..it took him four years to find it:lol:
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't for for him)?
Why don't we wait and see, or more accurately, hear what this great economic plan is.

I"ll bet you $100 USD, that is economic plan is generalities, based upon vague philosophical rhetoric

If he speaks numbers at all (which he won't) it will be in broad, total government expenditure.

In other words. He will not be specific and give us some exact numbers of his economic plan.

Care to guess why?
Abate the entrepreneurial oppressive hand of .gov is an economic plan.
I can't believe people still swallow what this guy has to say...He had a chance to lay out his economic plan, but chose to SHOVE his ObamaCare down our throats the first two year in office..

vote this idiot out of office folks
If we would have just made sure our tires were probably inflated all would be fine now.
i can hear Obama now

"i do have an economic plan, but you know, why roll it out, the republicans are just going to stop. They are going to say things like That doesnt work, we wont back it, and of course, i will say You are stoppng my policies and i will say Its Bushs fault, and we will all be wrong, so i said President OBama, cause i like to talk in the third person. So president obama didnt roll out an economic plan because the republicans are .,... where did the teleprompter go, oh well Heres Biden on a unicycle, IM prez obama and i approve this speech. Thats how Prez Obama rolls.
Let's hear the "details" of Obama's plan.

I hope it isn't the same details as his last one: Spend, spend, spend. "Shovel ready projects" that weren't ready, and a whole new entitlement program...and alternative energy.

Please list or link to the details of Romney's economic plan. The one he and his wife both said they would not give details on because then people wouldn't vote for him. Once Obama gives his acceptance speech, let's compare his details to Romney's hidden details since he can't release them or won't due to the reason he and his wife mentioned.
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I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

You just heard? After four years? Are you some kind of mental midget?
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

You just heard? After four years? Are you some kind of mental midget?

He will be laying out his economic plan GOING FOWARD. I think you're the mental midget!
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

Hidden with his tax returns.
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

Why should be believe a single Word Obama Says? He said a lot of nice sounding shit the last time he made an Acceptance speech, and Almost none of it came true. If the man stands up there and claims he is going to get serious about the Debt, I will die laughing.

What a Joke.
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

You just heard? After four years? Are you some kind of mental midget?

He will be laying out his economic plan GOING FOWARD. I think you're the mental midget!

Still beter than what the repubs left us with when Bush left office.

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