Obama to Detail His Economic Plan in Acceptance Speech--And Where Are Mitt's?

Id Obama has economic plans, why hasn't he used them and why aren't they working? Why hasn;'t he been working with his Job Council and implementing their recommendations?

Mitt did outline his plans. You must not have been watching.

Below are not plans, these projects are the result of Federal, State, Local and private sector funds, creating thousands of jobs in San Francisco. Mitts plan is to cut, cut and cut; Obama's plan, in effect, is to build infrastructure and build jobs.

Photo's of Bay Bridge Construction - Google Search

photo's of Culdecot tunnel construction - Google Search

photo's of Doyle Drive construction - Google Search

Mission Bay development photos - Google Search

Central Subway to San Francisco Chinatown - The largest chinatown outside of Asia
Romney's plan has been on his website since he launched his campaign. Why has Obama waited so long to release his?
Mitt's job is to finish what Republicans started under Bush. Move the rest of the wealth to the top 1% and then tear down the rest of the country so everyone could "go it alone". Except for the rich. They will "band together". They already have.
Id Obama has economic plans, why hasn't he used them and why aren't they working? Why hasn;'t he been working with his Job Council and implementing their recommendations?

Mitt did outline his plans. You must not have been watching.

Below are not plans, these projects are the result of Federal, State, Local and private sector funds, creating thousands of jobs in San Francisco. Mitts plan is to cut, cut and cut; Obama's plan, in effect, is to build infrastructure and build jobs.

Photo's of Bay Bridge Construction - Google Search

photo's of Culdecot tunnel construction - Google Search

photo's of Doyle Drive construction - Google Search

Mission Bay development photos - Google Search

Central Subway to San Francisco Chinatown - The largest chinatown outside of Asia

Yes i saw how mitt's true purpose is to gut labor and drive us down in real wages. No real tax base for his tax policy. no real ideas of revenue, except that billions of tax cuts for the rich and raising poor peoples taxes, that should make you people of fixed incomes happy.
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

Ha.Ha.-- We've LIVED Obama's economic plan for the past 4 years. His plan has resulted in 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment at 11% if you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits. There are today 26 MILLION Americans that are either unemployed or underemployed in this country. 46 MILLION Americans on food stamps--1 in 5 families now living beneath the poverty level--16 trillion in red ink with another 5 trillion to be added to this tab--just in interest over the next decade. Gas prices are UP--food prices are UP--and Consumer Confidence is in the tank.

SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

Do not try and pretend that Obama is just a new kid on the block--and hasn't existed for the past 4 years.-:badgrin::badgrin:

Here is Obama's reelection campaign strategy:

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Mitt's job is to finish what Republicans started under Bush. Move the rest of the wealth to the top 1% and then tear down the rest of the country so everyone could "go it alone". Except for the rich. They will "band together". They already have.

Is it painful, being as stupid as you are, deanie?
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

You just heard? After four years? Are you some kind of mental midget?

He will be laying out his economic plan GOING FOWARD. I think you're the mental midget!


When will Nancy and Harry be delivering it?
Id Obama has economic plans, why hasn't he used them and why aren't they working? Why hasn;'t he been working with his Job Council and implementing their recommendations?

Mitt did outline his plans. You must not have been watching.

Below are not plans, these projects are the result of Federal, State, Local and private sector funds, creating thousands of jobs in San Francisco. Mitts plan is to cut, cut and cut; Obama's plan, in effect, is to build infrastructure and build jobs.

Photo's of Bay Bridge Construction - Google Search

photo's of Culdecot tunnel construction - Google Search

photo's of Doyle Drive construction - Google Search

Mission Bay development photos - Google Search

Central Subway to San Francisco Chinatown - The largest chinatown outside of Asia

Yes i saw how mitt's true purpose is to gut labor and drive us down in real wages. No real tax base for his tax policy. no real ideas of revenue, except that billions of tax cuts for the rich and raising poor peoples taxes, that should make you people of fixed incomes happy.

See the bridge, see the tunnel, see the subway.
This thread is hysterical. Obama is now, after 4 years in office, going to lay out his economic plan for the country.

This is just wrong on oh so many levels. I read Michelle's speech and the new phrase is
"Change is hard, and change is slow, and it never happens all at once – but eventually we get there, we always do".


These people are all smoke and mirrors. When Obama first got elected I constantly referred to him as a Milli Vanilli.

Nothing has changed with this man. He's still a Milli Vanilli. An imposter, but an imposter playing at being President.
Please list or link to the details of Romney's economic plan. The one he and his wife both said they would not give details on because then people wouldn't vote for him. Once Obama gives his acceptance speech, let's compare his details to Romney's hidden details since he can't release them or won't due to the reason he and his wife mentioned.

link to Romney economic plan is in my sig, dipstick. Right there for the whole worlds to see, so your contention he's hiding them is whale spit.
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

Do you honestly believe that Obama is actually going to detail his economic plan in a speech at the convention? Can I come back here and laugh at you after he doesn't?
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't for for him)?
Why don't we wait and see, or more accurately, hear what this great economic plan is.

I"ll bet you $100 USD, that is economic plan is generalities, based upon vague philosophical rhetoric

If he speaks numbers at all (which he won't) it will be in broad, total government expenditure.

In other words. He will not be specific and give us some exact numbers of his economic plan.

Care to guess why?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd4VkBcG2PQ]Welcome Back, Kotter Arnold Horshack Raising Hand - YouTube[/ame]

I know why.
Id Obama has economic plans, why hasn't he used them and why aren't they working? Why hasn;'t he been working with his Job Council and implementing their recommendations?

Mitt did outline his plans. You must not have been watching.

Below are not plans, these projects are the result of Federal, State, Local and private sector funds, creating thousands of jobs in San Francisco. Mitts plan is to cut, cut and cut; Obama's plan, in effect, is to build infrastructure and build jobs.

Photo's of Bay Bridge Construction - Google Search

photo's of Culdecot tunnel construction - Google Search

photo's of Doyle Drive construction - Google Search

Mission Bay development photos - Google Search

Central Subway to San Francisco Chinatown - The largest chinatown outside of Asia

The Bay Bridge? The one that took 24 fracking years to rebuild after the earthquake? You really want to use that as an example of government planning?
I just heard Obama will be laying out details of his economic plan in his acceptance speech. Tell me again where Mitt's details are (the ones he and Ann have said they won't give because then people wouldn't vote for for him)?

Do you honestly believe that Obama is actually going to detail his economic plan in a speech at the convention? Can I come back here and laugh at you after he doesn't?

As promised, I am back.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXSvsEGlf84]Woody Woodpecker Laugh - YouTube[/ame]
Please list or link to the details of Romney's economic plan. The one he and his wife both said they would not give details on because then people wouldn't vote for him. Once Obama gives his acceptance speech, let's compare his details to Romney's hidden details since he can't release them or won't due to the reason he and his wife mentioned.

Go on, dumb ass... compare the DETAILS in Obama's speech to the ones on the link in my sig. Which is more detailed?

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