Obama to go on tour and announce future executive actions before state of the union address

Smart people can look at two similar things and see differences.
Stupid people see similarities.
Guess which one you are, Ming.

That made much less sense than you normally do. Time for you to drop acid or whatever it is you do to get back up to the level of drooling idiot.
A simple observation and of course you can't understand it. Why am I not shocked?


The Rabbi is to turd what Palin is to turd...okay now I see it...both of you are turds.
You know, Ming. It used to be you made sense every now and then. Now you're just a foul mouthed piece of shit. And worthy of Ignore. Bye!

take a stand and fight back

if posters keep ignoring one another, there soon will be no more "Politics" on USMB

ignoring is childish and cowardly........, just my OPINION..., of course....
When people show they have nothing to contribute but snark and insults then they arent worth my time. When people post consistently wrong information and then deflect to snark and insults when called on it, they are dishonest posters and arent worth my time. I dont ignore people who post facts and arguments, regardless of what those are. But many posters here think bumper sticker slogans are substitutes for real thought. If we ignore them maybe they'll go away.
Obama must have been climbing the walls having to go a few days without being surrounded by his worshippers
and not giving a speech a day.
Obama is all rested up and ready to piss off more Republicans with an onslaught of executive orders
Because the job of a president is to piss people off rather than actually accomplish something, right Nutjobber?
Seems our President is the only one accomplishing anything

What have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
Let me check............

Oh, here it is..........They shut down government and wasted $26 billion dollars
Really, What did he accomplish?
Killed American citizens via drone strike
Obstructed justice
Destroyed evidence
Failed with Russia
Failed with Iran
Failed with North Korea

If Democrats worship failure then Obama is their god.
Let's see?

Rabbi replies by babbling ......fail, Fail, FAIL

Color me shocked
Obama must have been climbing the walls having to go a few days without being surrounded by his worshippers
and not giving a speech a day.
Obama is all rested up and ready to piss off more Republicans with an onslaught of executive orders
Because the job of a president is to piss people off rather than actually accomplish something, right Nutjobber?
Seems our President is the only one accomplishing anything

What have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
Let me check............

Oh, here it is..........They shut down government and wasted $26 billion dollars

Partial government shutdown Sparky.That lasted what? 2 weeks...
The national debt is now over $18 trillion and you're crying over $26 billion....

I don't see you guys asking for Washington to stop wasteful spending one bit.
Obama must have been climbing the walls having to go a few days without being surrounded by his worshippers
and not giving a speech a day.
Obama is all rested up and ready to piss off more Republicans with an onslaught of executive orders
Because the job of a president is to piss people off rather than actually accomplish something, right Nutjobber?
Seems our President is the only one accomplishing anything

What have Republicans accomplished in the last six years?
Let me check............

Oh, here it is..........They shut down government and wasted $26 billion dollars

Partial government shutdown Sparky.That lasted what? 2 weeks...
The national debt is now over $18 trillion and you're crying over $26 billion....

I don't see you guys asking for Washington to stop wasteful spending one bit.

The same Congressmen that voted against funding for disaster relief had no problem with blowing $26 billion on an Obamacare temper tantrum
That made much less sense than you normally do. Time for you to drop acid or whatever it is you do to get back up to the level of drooling idiot.
A simple observation and of course you can't understand it. Why am I not shocked?


The Rabbi is to turd what Palin is to turd...okay now I see it...both of you are turds.
You know, Ming. It used to be you made sense every now and then. Now you're just a foul mouthed piece of shit. And worthy of Ignore. Bye!

take a stand and fight back

if posters keep ignoring one another, there soon will be no more "Politics" on USMB

ignoring is childish and cowardly........, just my OPINION..., of course....
When people show they have nothing to contribute but snark and insults then they arent worth my time. When people post consistently wrong information and then deflect to snark and insults when called on it, they are dishonest posters and arent worth my time. I dont ignore people who post facts and arguments, regardless of what those are. But many posters here think bumper sticker slogans are substitutes for real thought. If we ignore them maybe they'll go away.

Fact Rick Perry issued an executive order that would have forced your 11 y/o daughter to get a painful, potentially dangerous 3 shot injection for a disease that is only transmitted through intercourse. That is a fact and it is backed up by science.

Fact: The Rabbi is okay with that only because Rick Perry issued the order. Can you imagine if BHO had issued the same order--that you must take your daughter to the doctor to get injections that will prevent a disease that she shouldn't be exposed to for another 6 or 7 years?

Does any sober respondant here believe that The Rabbi would be anywhere near supporting such a measure had Obama proposed it?

His intellectual dishonesty is volumatic enough so that it would take a series of books to point it all out. That he has chosen to ignore me is his perrogative of course. Thats fine. I doubt he'll be ignoring much of what I write however; because he knows it is the truth and that it reveals his weak mind.

But don't take my word for it....

He said that the Dems didn't win in 2014 because of voter fraud and that "people are on to it".

Just wait, in 2016 if/when a Democrat wins the Presidency/Senate...he'll pick voter fraud as an excuse and, magically, the "people [who are]on to it" will be off of it all of the sudden.

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