Obama to go on tour and announce future executive actions before state of the union address

A link will not tell us anything we don't already know about the useless piece of shit. I can't breathe!

It's not east to piss me off, but now that we control congress I want his approval ratings to drop into the 30's. i want him to look so bad and be so unpopular that his exective actions and major legislation that he signed to make scholars look back 20 years from now and declare him the worst public servant in the history of our nation to the point of being unamerican.

I want him to have a hell of a life after his presidency, which he's already guaranteed for him and his family. He doesn't care, though. Wouldn't shock me if he got divorced by Michelle after it. Pretty smart move on her part.


it is only an illusion that now "we control Congress" --LOL

you really expect any different from mitch or john

Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

"Do nothing" when it comes to Obama's despicable extreme left wing agenda is a good thing.

Obama's despicable extreme left wing agenda was elected twice by wide margins

That means he gets to serve as chief executive. As chief executive he gets veto power and the ability to issue executive orders

Now Republicans control both Houses of Congress. They lack 60 votes in the Senate, which gives them the ability to do squat without concurrence from the President
Republicans were elected to control the House since 2010 and this year the Senate. Last I checked those are equal branches of government, with Congress truly representing the will of the people. Obama was not elected by a majority of people.
This means Congress speaks for the people and Obama needs to defer to their judgment.

Obama received more votes for President than all Republicans in either house

That is the will of the people

not sure about that

but the left won the non vote this time around

the prezbo said so himself

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Oil company lobbyists have spent millions to get national media and political attention for an essentially local issue that they have overblown to the max to get regular people give a fuck about something that does not affect them in any meaningful way. Punch some holes in it rather than reject it out of hand as you have been.

You have no argument, you still don't
And you still haven't said exactly why you think that. If you must reject something at least make something up that sounds like a counter argument instead rejecting it out-of-hand.

Actually, I have clearly explained it and you are clearly showing it. This pipeline is like hundreds of other ones. There is nothing special about it. Yet the left is in endless meltdown over it. You can't point to anything special about it. I'm saying it's ordinary. You can't contradict that. How do I prove it's ordinary? That you can't show otherwise is what shows that.

Like all energy projects, it spurs economic activity which is good for our economy.
Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Oil company lobbyists have spent millions to get national media and political attention for an essentially local issue that they have overblown to the max to get regular people give a fuck about something that does not affect them in any meaningful way. Punch some holes in it rather than reject it out of hand as you have been.

You have no argument, you still don't
And you still haven't said exactly why you think that. If you must reject something at least make something up that sounds like a counter argument instead rejecting it out-of-hand.

Actually, I have clearly explained it and you are clearly showing it. This pipeline is like hundreds of other ones. There is nothing special about it. Yet the left is in endless meltdown over it. You can't point to anything special about it. I'm saying it's ordinary. You can't contradict that. How do I prove it's ordinary? That you can't show otherwise is what shows that.

Like all energy projects, it spurs economic activity which is good for our economy.
Yes but but if they build it they can kiss the planet good bye!
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

"Do nothing" when it comes to Obama's despicable extreme left wing agenda is a good thing.

Obama's despicable extreme left wing agenda was elected twice by wide margins

That means he gets to serve as chief executive. As chief executive he gets veto power and the ability to issue executive orders

Now Republicans control both Houses of Congress. They lack 60 votes in the Senate, which gives them the ability to do squat without concurrence from the President
Republicans were elected to control the House since 2010 and this year the Senate. Last I checked those are equal branches of government, with Congress truly representing the will of the people. Obama was not elected by a majority of people.
This means Congress speaks for the people and Obama needs to defer to their judgment.

Obama received more votes for President than all Republicans in either house

That is the will of the people
No he did not He did not receive any votes from the people. You need to review how the president is elected.

How obtuse
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.

Waiting for Congress to do something is not going to happen

Obama needs to just start doing stuff until Republicans finally realize they have to work with the President if they want to accomplish anything in the short two year window they have Congress
"Do nothing" when it comes to Obama's despicable extreme left wing agenda is a good thing.

Obama's despicable extreme left wing agenda was elected twice by wide margins

That means he gets to serve as chief executive. As chief executive he gets veto power and the ability to issue executive orders

Now Republicans control both Houses of Congress. They lack 60 votes in the Senate, which gives them the ability to do squat without concurrence from the President
Republicans were elected to control the House since 2010 and this year the Senate. Last I checked those are equal branches of government, with Congress truly representing the will of the people. Obama was not elected by a majority of people.
This means Congress speaks for the people and Obama needs to defer to their judgment.

Obama received more votes for President than all Republicans in either house

That is the will of the people
No he did not He did not receive any votes from the people. You need to review how the president is elected.

How obtuse
Its not obtuse. It's fact.
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.
You're such an airhead
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.
You're such an airhead

Texas Governor Perry issues a forced inoculation executive order forcing you to pay for 3 potentially dangerous injections injections for your 11 year old daughter.
Your verdict...Good.

Obama issues a murky executive order to allow peaceful illegal aliens to get on a path to citizenship that will not effect you, your family or anyone whom you ever met one iota.
Your verdict...Bad.

Its amazing you're able to stand upright after sucking so much GOP cock from a kneeling position (I went ahead and mentioned genitalia since you would have in your lame retort anyway) with so much hypocrisy between your ears.
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.
You're such an airhead

Texas Governor Perry issues a forced inoculation executive order forcing you to pay for 3 potentially dangerous injections injections for your 11 year old daughter.
Your verdict...Good.

Obama issues a murky executive order to allow peaceful illegal aliens to get on a path to citizenship that will not effect you, your family or anyone whom you ever met one iota.
Your verdict...Bad.

Its amazing you're able to stand upright after sucking so much GOP cock from a kneeling position (I went ahead and mentioned genitalia since you would have in your lame retort anyway) with so much hypocrisy between your ears.
Total fallacy and a big fail-o from Ming, fake lesbian
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.
You're such an airhead

Texas Governor Perry issues a forced inoculation executive order forcing you to pay for 3 potentially dangerous injections injections for your 11 year old daughter.
Your verdict...Good.

Obama issues a murky executive order to allow peaceful illegal aliens to get on a path to citizenship that will not effect you, your family or anyone whom you ever met one iota.
Your verdict...Bad.

Its amazing you're able to stand upright after sucking so much GOP cock from a kneeling position (I went ahead and mentioned genitalia since you would have in your lame retort anyway) with so much hypocrisy between your ears.
Total fallacy and a big fail-o from Ming, fake lesbian

Lesbian? Don't bring your hobbies into this Shirley...

Presidents as long as any can remember have issued executive orders...you just hate this man so you hate his being able to do it...pretty cut and dried.

Of course, you won't tell us why you support one Executive Order issued without input from the congress but will support another Executive Order issued without input from the congress--one that could kill you child. But we're not surprised by your inability to explain your views...you're pretty confused on them anyway.

Remember when you predicted Palin would be President in 2012? I do.

2016 Election Prediction Thread Page 32 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That was just 5 months after your announcing she was "finished".
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

Please. get a life. this OP is so stupid and silly.
Well, President Obama has returned from a well deserved vacation

Time to get back to work. Guess who will accomplish more this year?

President Obama
Do Nothing Congress

Not too hard to figure out
Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Oil company lobbyists have spent millions to get national media and political attention for an essentially local issue that they have overblown to the max to get regular people give a fuck about something that does not affect them in any meaningful way. Punch some holes in it rather than reject it out of hand as you have been.

You have no argument, you still don't
And you still haven't said exactly why you think that. If you must reject something at least make something up that sounds like a counter argument instead rejecting it out-of-hand.

Actually, I have clearly explained it and you are clearly showing it. This pipeline is like hundreds of other ones. There is nothing special about it. Yet the left is in endless meltdown over it. You can't point to anything special about it. I'm saying it's ordinary. You can't contradict that. How do I prove it's ordinary? That you can't show otherwise is what shows that.

Like all energy projects, it spurs economic activity which is good for our economy.

So now the claims go from "It will employ hundreds of thousands and solve our energy problems while slashing the price of gas" to "It's no different than any other line". If it is no different, why did the right make such a big deal out of it to start with? If this is completed, it will be the first time a foreign company will be given immanent domain authority over our citizens land. You don't see that as different from any other line?
So now the claims go from "It will employ hundreds of thousands and solve our energy problems while slashing the price of gas" to "It's no different than any other line". If it is no different, why did the right make such a big deal out of it to start with? If this is completed, it will be the first time a foreign company will be given immanent domain authority over our citizens land. You don't see that as different from any other line?

Sorry guy, I must have been posting drunk or something because I totally don't remember posting the part in green. Can you show me that?

As for "why did the right make such a big deal out of it" I'd like to direct you to any of the number of people on the right on the board to ask that question.

Are you sure you meant to put this in a reply to me? You don't seem to have anything related to what I said or my views.
So now the claims go from "It will employ hundreds of thousands and solve our energy problems while slashing the price of gas" to "It's no different than any other line". If it is no different, why did the right make such a big deal out of it to start with? If this is completed, it will be the first time a foreign company will be given immanent domain authority over our citizens land. You don't see that as different from any other line?

Sorry guy, I must have been posting drunk or something because I totally don't remember posting the part in green. Can you show me that?

As for "why did the right make such a big deal out of it" I'd like to direct you to any of the number of people on the right on the board to ask that question.

Are you sure you meant to put this in a reply to me? You don't seem to have anything related to what I said or my views.

The part in green are claims that have been commonly made by supporters of XL on numerous occasions. I don't care to track down your particular posts, so you might not have been one of them, but you have to admit those claims are familiar to you. You were discussing how you think this line is no different than any other, so it was perfectly logical to question why the drastic change in claims. If, as you claim, you never believed all the flowery and extreme advantages that have been promised for this line, do you agree that they were just lies to start with?

Now back to what you have to admit you posted. Here are my questions that you have yet to answer.

If it is no different, why did the right make such a big deal out of it to start with? If this is completed, it will be the first time a foreign company will be given immanent domain authority over our citizens land. You don't see that as different from any other line?
I'm to lazy to find the damn link and too pissed off. Does this guy have balls or what? Holy shit! He's going to do this BEFORE the SOU address. that means he's going to stand up in front of a republican congress and give them a big fuck you.

he needs to be embarrassed and crushhed the last 2 years he has in office. Bring up the IRS scandal and Benghazi and just unleash the fury. Then send him TONS of legislation to sign and all they need to do is find 4 dems to cross over. With how much the libs hate Obama we can find 4. Fuck him. Let him fuck his party also while he's at it. half the titanic is gone and there's one more half to go.

You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.
You're such an airhead

Texas Governor Perry issues a forced inoculation executive order forcing you to pay for 3 potentially dangerous injections injections for your 11 year old daughter.
Your verdict...Good.

Obama issues a murky executive order to allow peaceful illegal aliens to get on a path to citizenship that will not effect you, your family or anyone whom you ever met one iota.
Your verdict...Bad.

Its amazing you're able to stand upright after sucking so much GOP cock from a kneeling position (I went ahead and mentioned genitalia since you would have in your lame retort anyway) with so much hypocrisy between your ears.
Total fallacy and a big fail-o from Ming, fake lesbian

Lesbian? Don't bring your hobbies into this Shirley...

Presidents as long as any can remember have issued executive orders...you just hate this man so you hate his being able to do it...pretty cut and dried.

Of course, you won't tell us why you support one Executive Order issued without input from the congress but will support another Executive Order issued without input from the congress--one that could kill you child. But we're not surprised by your inability to explain your views...you're pretty confused on them anyway.

Remember when you predicted Palin would be President in 2012? I do.

2016 Election Prediction Thread Page 32 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That was just 5 months after your announcing she was "finished".
Smart people can look at two similar things and see differences.
Stupid people see similarities.
Guess which one you are, Ming.
You've guys tried that for 6 years and he's still 4 times more popular than congress.

I heard he is going to issue an EO requiring all 6th grade girls to get a painful, expensive, and dangerous, series of shots to help prevent cervical cancer---a type of cancer that one only gets through intercourse; just like Rick Perry did in Texas.
You're such an airhead

Texas Governor Perry issues a forced inoculation executive order forcing you to pay for 3 potentially dangerous injections injections for your 11 year old daughter.
Your verdict...Good.

Obama issues a murky executive order to allow peaceful illegal aliens to get on a path to citizenship that will not effect you, your family or anyone whom you ever met one iota.
Your verdict...Bad.

Its amazing you're able to stand upright after sucking so much GOP cock from a kneeling position (I went ahead and mentioned genitalia since you would have in your lame retort anyway) with so much hypocrisy between your ears.
Total fallacy and a big fail-o from Ming, fake lesbian

Lesbian? Don't bring your hobbies into this Shirley...

Presidents as long as any can remember have issued executive orders...you just hate this man so you hate his being able to do it...pretty cut and dried.

Of course, you won't tell us why you support one Executive Order issued without input from the congress but will support another Executive Order issued without input from the congress--one that could kill you child. But we're not surprised by your inability to explain your views...you're pretty confused on them anyway.

Remember when you predicted Palin would be President in 2012? I do.

2016 Election Prediction Thread Page 32 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That was just 5 months after your announcing she was "finished".
Smart people can look at two similar things and see differences.
Stupid people see similarities.
Guess which one you are, Ming.

So how does your little statement relate to all the things that teabaggers as yourself say when comparing Obama's actions to socialism or communism, or any of the other crazy things teabaggers whine about?

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