Obama to go on tour and announce future executive actions before state of the union address

what's funny is the democratic party has officially been ruined by Obama and the are at a huge disadvantage no matter who runs in 2016. Nothing will change that infact, the GOP has full control to over the liberal party to mke things worse for them. We dictate political moves now.
what's funny is the democratic party has officially been ruined by Obama and the are at a huge disadvantage no matter who runs in 2016. Nothing will change that infact, the GOP has full control to over the liberal party to mke things worse for them. We dictate political moves now.

Oh goodie.....How many times you gonna vote to kill healthcare?
Energy is long cycle, it's so short sighted to think that way. And there is no reason to oppose the Keystone pipeline except political ideology. There are pipelines all over the place, the horse is long out of the barn. It's pure political posturing by the anti-progress party.
All sorts of things never got done because of the NIMBY principal (Not In My Back Yard) that had nothing to do with politics. What if they wanted to put a landfill next to your property? Would you applaud it for the jobs it would bring?

What does that have to do with my point?
Everything, this is not just about politics and it is not just Obama trying to get in the way of progress. If you quit looking at this on national level and instead look at it on a local level you will find that it is not that clear-cut and it is not cleanly divided along party lines. All sorts of local people you wouldn't expect are opposing this thing but they do not fit the narrative so no one is listening to their reasonable objections.

Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?
All sorts of things never got done because of the NIMBY principal (Not In My Back Yard) that had nothing to do with politics. What if they wanted to put a landfill next to your property? Would you applaud it for the jobs it would bring?

What does that have to do with my point?
Everything, this is not just about politics and it is not just Obama trying to get in the way of progress. If you quit looking at this on national level and instead look at it on a local level you will find that it is not that clear-cut and it is not cleanly divided along party lines. All sorts of local people you wouldn't expect are opposing this thing but they do not fit the narrative so no one is listening to their reasonable objections.

Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?
Right now, Obama can get things done without the Republicans
republicans can't do a thing without Obama

Who is gunna win?
Obama is going to get slapped down, again, by the Supreme Court. Of course at some point he'll decide it's a "do nothing Court" and suspend them.

If they overrule him they overrule him. Step back, change the part they don't like and come back with a nearly identical executive order
You don't think they will rule EOs are unconstitutional do you?
what's funny is the democratic party has officially been ruined by Obama and the are at a huge disadvantage no matter who runs in 2016. Nothing will change that infact, the GOP has full control to over the liberal party to mke things worse for them. We dictate political moves now.
Sorry but that has no relation to political reality

It is a nice rant though
What does that have to do with my point?
Everything, this is not just about politics and it is not just Obama trying to get in the way of progress. If you quit looking at this on national level and instead look at it on a local level you will find that it is not that clear-cut and it is not cleanly divided along party lines. All sorts of local people you wouldn't expect are opposing this thing but they do not fit the narrative so no one is listening to their reasonable objections.

Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.
What does that have to do with my point?
Everything, this is not just about politics and it is not just Obama trying to get in the way of progress. If you quit looking at this on national level and instead look at it on a local level you will find that it is not that clear-cut and it is not cleanly divided along party lines. All sorts of local people you wouldn't expect are opposing this thing but they do not fit the narrative so no one is listening to their reasonable objections.

Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?
Second time I tired to explain to him and he just does not get it that the Keystone pipeline is a manufactured issue that actually has little bearing on anyone's life except the people who stand to profit and those that own the potential right-of-way.
Everything, this is not just about politics and it is not just Obama trying to get in the way of progress. If you quit looking at this on national level and instead look at it on a local level you will find that it is not that clear-cut and it is not cleanly divided along party lines. All sorts of local people you wouldn't expect are opposing this thing but they do not fit the narrative so no one is listening to their reasonable objections.

Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?
Everything, this is not just about politics and it is not just Obama trying to get in the way of progress. If you quit looking at this on national level and instead look at it on a local level you will find that it is not that clear-cut and it is not cleanly divided along party lines. All sorts of local people you wouldn't expect are opposing this thing but they do not fit the narrative so no one is listening to their reasonable objections.

Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?
Second time I tired to explain to him and he just does not get it that the Keystone pipeline is a manufactured issue that actually has little bearing on anyone's life except the people who stand to profit and those that own the potential right-of-way.

We aren't connecting because I know the energy industry and understand economics and you are shilling for liberal lawyers. We have different standards. The Keystone Pipeline is a no brainer, it's no different than hundreds of other pipelines. The left is just politicizing it.
Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Have you seen a map of the pipelines across the country? Why this one? What you said could apply to any development project. This is political, that's the only reason.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?
Second time I tired to explain to him and he just does not get it that the Keystone pipeline is a manufactured issue that actually has little bearing on anyone's life except the people who stand to profit and those that own the potential right-of-way.

We aren't connecting because I know the energy industry and understand economics and you are shilling for liberal lawyers. We have different standards. The Keystone Pipeline is a no brainer, it's no different than hundreds of other pipelines. The left is just politicizing it.

If it is no different than any other pipeline, then why is the right making such huge claims about it?
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Oil company lobbyists have spent millions to get national media and political attention for an essentially local issue that they have overblown to the max to get regular people give a fuck about something that does not affect them in any meaningful way. Punch some holes in it rather than reject it out of hand as you have been.
What I said applies to EVERY development project including this one. You only care about this because Big Oil lobbyists made it national political issue because the local level was just not buckling under to Big Oil this time. This thing is still being presented to the nation as a path to energy independence, which it is not, and that level of disingenuous rhetoric deserves a response. This is a national issue ONLY because Big Oil wants the federal government to overrule state and local governments and local land owners, there is no other reason, none. When you present this thing without the over-blown estimates of jobs created and inexpensive oil all you have is Big Oil and Republicans vs. local interests and no clear argument why the federal government should be involved.

That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.

Ok, I was only asking which of occupied's claims you thought were wrong. Obviously, you can't point that out. Does that mean you agree with his specific points even if you aren't smart enough to understand what they mean as a group?
Right now, Obama can get things done without the Republicans
republicans can't do a thing without Obama

Who is gunna win?
Obama is going to get slapped down, again, by the Supreme Court. Of course at some point he'll decide it's a "do nothing Court" and suspend them.

If they overrule him they overrule him. Step back, change the part they don't like and come back with a nearly identical executive order
You don't think they will rule EOs are unconstitutional do you?
They already have ruled some of his EOs unconstitutioonal. How did you miss that?
That actually makes sense to you, doesn't it?

Exactly which part do you think isn't true?

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Oil company lobbyists have spent millions to get national media and political attention for an essentially local issue that they have overblown to the max to get regular people give a fuck about something that does not affect them in any meaningful way. Punch some holes in it rather than reject it out of hand as you have been.
How is ti a local issue if it runs from Canada to Texas? If it were a local issue the feds would have no jurisdiction.

Kaz, why do we have to explain just very basic elemental facts to libs, facts they get wrong every time and refuse to learn?
Right now, Obama can get things done without the Republicans
republicans can't do a thing without Obama

Who is gunna win?
Obama is going to get slapped down, again, by the Supreme Court. Of course at some point he'll decide it's a "do nothing Court" and suspend them.

If they overrule him they overrule him. Step back, change the part they don't like and come back with a nearly identical executive order
You don't think they will rule EOs are unconstitutional do you?
They already have ruled some of his EOs unconstitutioonal. How did you miss that?
Let em go to court and let Obama keep issuing executive orders

What are Republicans going to give us now that they have Congress? They do realize they have to play nice now don't they?
Exactly which part do you think isn't true?

The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Oil company lobbyists have spent millions to get national media and political attention for an essentially local issue that they have overblown to the max to get regular people give a fuck about something that does not affect them in any meaningful way. Punch some holes in it rather than reject it out of hand as you have been.
How is ti a local issue if it runs from Canada to Texas? If it were a local issue the feds would have no jurisdiction.

Kaz, why do we have to explain just very basic elemental facts to libs, facts they get wrong every time and refuse to learn?
Your facts are fucked up, the main sticking point at this moment are several court cases before the Nebraska supreme court. Of course congress and the president could take action but it would involve all sorts of big government eminent domain shit that you people are supposed to fucking hate. The decision is due in 11 days, if the court sides with big oil THEN it will be up to the Feds to grant final approval. If they side with local interests THEN it will probably be appealed and then you people will have to wait even longer for something that only matters to you as a political issue.
Right now, Obama can get things done without the Republicans
republicans can't do a thing without Obama

Who is gunna win?
Obama is going to get slapped down, again, by the Supreme Court. Of course at some point he'll decide it's a "do nothing Court" and suspend them.

If they overrule him they overrule him. Step back, change the part they don't like and come back with a nearly identical executive order
You don't think they will rule EOs are unconstitutional do you?
They already have ruled some of his EOs unconstitutioonal. How did you miss that?
Let em go to court and let Obama keep issuing executive orders

What are Republicans going to give us now that they have Congress? They do realize they have to play nice now don't they?
Actually Obama is the one who has to play nice or else explain why he is vetoing popular legislation.
The whole thing is ridiculous. You know nothing about the energy industry or oil markets and that you oppose this is a thinly veiled excuse. That's the thing, you people pull this crap at every opportunity then try to take credit for falling oil prices. You are mental children.

Ok, you got your obligatory insults out of the way. So now, can you answer the question? Exactly which part of the post being discussed do you think is wrong?

None of it makes sense. Why would I take a paragraph of tripe and dissect it line by line? What do you like about it? If you pick your favorite part, I'll tell you what's wrong with that.
Oil company lobbyists have spent millions to get national media and political attention for an essentially local issue that they have overblown to the max to get regular people give a fuck about something that does not affect them in any meaningful way. Punch some holes in it rather than reject it out of hand as you have been.
How is ti a local issue if it runs from Canada to Texas? If it were a local issue the feds would have no jurisdiction.

Kaz, why do we have to explain just very basic elemental facts to libs, facts they get wrong every time and refuse to learn?
Your facts are fucked up, the main sticking point at this moment are several court cases before the Nebraska supreme court. Of course congress and the president could take action but it would involve all sorts of big government eminent domain shit that you people are supposed to fucking hate. The decision is due in 11 days, if the court sides with big oil THEN it will be up to the Feds to grant final approval. If they side with local interests THEN it will probably be appealed and then you people will have to wait even longer for something that only matters to you as a political issue.
Your facts are the fucked up ones. Obama is holding up the decision. Period.

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