Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

Sorry she doesn't care.

It's not that I don't "care". It's that the religious types shouldn't be allowed to substitute their religious/moral judments for mine or anyone else's.

And frightening young girls, without advising them in any medical way is unacceptable manipulation.

Sorry... this issue is about WHEN GOVERNMENT IS ALLOWED TO ACT...not about how much hysteria the religious right can drum up on the issue.

You don't think it is "frightening young girls" when the hysteric left tells them that they can and should have sex...but that if they get pregnant they aren't capable of raising a child; that they will be poor mothers, and their children will likely be criminals?

And it isn't about religious or moral judgments outside when murder is acceptable and when it's not. According to the liberals, murder's okay when they are inconvenienced by something.

And the whole "magic thinking" that funding abortions overseas will somehow help the economy is pure and utter bullshit.

So don't pull that crap on thinking individuals about how "religious types" are trying to terrify young girls into keeping their babies. It's just the opposite. It's assholes who believe in murder, if it's convenient, who are "terrifying" them into thinking they have no other options, and forcing United States citizens to pay for it whether they want to or not.

In other words, fuck off until you can fucking talk straight.
I got a new idea how about we dont support either abstinence or abortion policies one doesnt work and the other is not supported by some of the country so lets just keep the money in the US hell we need it anyways.
Go volunteer in a NNICU center with some of the babies that are born MONTHS ahead of time.. see how they react to human touch... and tell us they're not lives...

Just because a baby passes thru a vag canal, comes out a C-section already or not, does not make it any more or less a life than the baby still in the body

This is about murder of the most innocent.. who cannot defend themselves

We do not terminate innocent lives.. we may execute criminals and hideous murderers... who have made a conscious choice to harm others... we may war with an enemy who has made a conscious choice to violate us or attack us.. we don't just murder innocents because we don't think they are viable

It is not about controlling 'your' own body... it is preventing you controlling the body of a life that is dependent on you, and you not having the right to arbitrarily terminate that life on your fucking whim... if it were just you mutilating yourself or having an elective surgery that only effects YOU, this would not be an issue... just because you can so easily dismiss a young human life, does not take away from the fact that it is a life
Go volunteer in a NNICU center with some of the babies that are born MONTHS ahead of time.. see how they react to human touch... and tell us they're not lives...
Just because a baby passes thru a vag canal, comes out a C-section already or not, does not make it any more or less a life than the baby still in the body

This is about murder of the most innocent.. who cannot defend themselves

We do not terminate innocent lives.. we may execute criminals and hideous murderers... who have made a conscious choice to harm others... we may war with an enemy who has made a conscious choice to violate us or attack us.. we don't just murder innocents because we don't think they are viable

It is not about controlling 'your' own body... it is preventing you controlling the body of a life that is dependent on you, and you not having the right to arbitrarily terminate that life on your fucking whim... if it were just you mutilating yourself or having an elective surgery that only effects YOU, this would not be an issue... just because you can so easily dismiss a young human life, does not take away from the fact that it is a life

Excellent Post Dave. :clap2:
Seems funny to me our new President had to swear an oath on the BIBLE. There were at least two prayers to GOD asking him for guidance for this country. These prayers were a public event and they were heard by millions.

I guess God is important enough to include in our inauguration of our new President but we do not need his advice on abortions huh.

A lot of us have gotten so caught up in being "politically correct" we neglect those who are in need like young venerable women who are pregnant.

I agree they need all information that is available if it is pictures they need to see exactly what they are getting into. A lot of us assume that a pregnant women will be guilted into not getting an abortion if we mention the name of God. I firmly believe they should be told how God feels about abortion which by the way he is pro life. Yes that could be included in the pamphlet. Like one poster said ALL information possible for a informed decision.

It is SOME pro choice that want to wheel them in and wheel them out. I have known women who have had that neat and quick abortion only to regret it down the years like when they do eventually have other children the one they aborted will always haunt them like my child would have been this age if I had let them live.I wonder what I would have named them I wonder what they would have looked like. I wonder what they would have become. That crap will never leave your head.

Don't believe me ask a woman who has had an abortion. A abortion is a decision that will effect the rest of your life weather you like it or not. It will cause a wound that cannot be healed. If you get what I am saying.

As for this country sending money over seas for abortions is just stupid. Gosh why can't we clean up own backyard first?

One more I would like to speak up for single parents. There are some very successful single parents to assume that a woman is not capable of raising her child is ridiculous. To assume she will mistreat this child or abounded them just because she considered aborting them is ridiculous. I am sure that happens but I am quite sure it is not as much as you think.

What we need to offer young women who find themselves pregnant in an unwanted pregnancy is other options other then abortion. An abortion should never happen but since they do they should only be used only when there are no other options. These women do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed or treated like a second rate citizen. They need to know we care and reassured they will get the support they need.

There are services that can be called upon for women and children. Having a child does not mean a life has to end for either of them it is only a new beginning for the both of them. Call me a religious nut if you wish I don't expect my opinion to be accepted because a lot of us are to involved in the Holocaust where the unborn are slaughtered daily one of the most vulnerable in our society and we sit back and say nothing about it. Hmmm I wonder in the future who else will find themselves not so useful anymore perhaps the elderly. What cya think that could be next. Who else can we kill?

i agree with a great deal of what you said.

Here is where i disagree....

I do not believe God should be mentioned in the informative pamphlets at an abortion clinic, as example.... Science explains enough on this to give the girl the information she needs from the clinic.

Churches or temples that they may go to are free to have pamphlets made up on Abortion and what God has to say about it.

Their parents or relatives or friends are free to discuss God and what His stance would be on abortion...

If the girl has gone to her Doctor and not a clinic, she may have the opportunity to have a one on one with her gyno, and this may cover her religion and God, but it won't be written down in a pamphlet and it shouldn't be....unless the patient wants to discuss it with the technicians or nurses or counselors, the pamphlets/discussions should be medically based.

I also disagree on the terms you use, like holocaust, and slaughter and CRAP like that to make yourself "seem" holier than thou and honestly....a pius bitch.

while I agree with the opposite side of you ...that actually seemed concerned about the well being of the mother to be...and her stability down the road.

I disagree that the UNBORN are the most vulnerable among us.....because they are NOT among us yet...when they are BORN they are the most vulnerable AMONG us.

and another question for ya...

When and how did God give "life" to man, to Adam?

He formed Adam out of dust, but what gave Adam "life" according to the Bible?

I will answer that for you....The Bible says that Life was given to Adam when God "Breathed life into him". then Adam took his first breath and had "life"....why didn't Adam have "life" in him when he was being formed or formed? yet it took a breath to make him "have life"?

this is why i believe the most vulnerable are those infants birthed and breathing among us, along w/ some of the handicapped disabled.

but, this bible passage also shows the importance of the foetus, indirectly....God did not twinkle his nose like Bewitched and man just showed up....he was ''formed'' by god first, then breath gave man life....but adam was FORMED.... this is what the foetus is, the formation of man, so that life can be breathed in to it....or begin.

Can't have a live, breathing person, without them being formed or a foetus.....thus great importance should surround it, but the foetus does not have ''life'' until it is birthed and breathes imo.


Listen just because I believe in God and the teaching of the Bible does not make me holier then thou. That is a stereo typing by the secular world who knows little to nothing about religion or a relationship with God. If you had a clue as to what you were saying having a relationship with God shows you just how unworthy you really are. How you can NEVER be worthy on your own you can NEVER be good enough for God. We are ONLY sanctified by Christ sacrifice.

If you will check your Bible concerning the law God set down for the Israelites if a man were to harm a pregnant woman a debt was to paid. If he killed her or her BABY a debt was to be paid what does this tell us hmmm God does not consider a embryo a disposable piece of trash. One of the commandments is thou shalt not kill. I know the secular world does not recognize God's law that is their problem but those of us who do have just as much right to say so and to voice our opinion. We will not shut up just because you refer to me as a female dog or call me holier then thou. That is your OPINION and we all have one don't we.

Nowhere in the Bible are we given permission to kill and unborn baby just for the record. Yes I do think that everywhere an abortion is obtained all information should be supplied including God's views on it. We do not separate church and state when we swear in a president by all means lets let these women know what God's views are on abortion are.

Are you scared these women cannot handle all of the truth? If they cannot handle ALL of the truth then they don't need to be there now do they.
What is amazing is some of us are so down on religion. I can't imagine what kind of experience some of you had with religion but mine has been God wants us to love one another to respect one another to support one another. My church is one who collects money to support those in need. To see about single moms and their children we go to orphanages and support them with money and our time we rock babies that have no Mom to do to rock them. We take food to the sick and the shut ins. We collect goods for the pregnancy center. We offer support to anyone in need that comes to us. The churches are some of the first people front lne in a crisis like the horrific hurricanes that happened. We build houses for the indigent and much more. Wow we are horrible people huh.
Not only that, but so long as it is CHristians who are funding the alternatives to abortion, I think if they want to include God in their pamphlets if they want to. Of course they're going to, they want to save babies, but they want souls for Jesus, too.

If the pro-baby-killing, population control, eugenics crowd don't like the mention of God in the pamphlets which are provided to young women to help them find help with a pregnancy, maybe they should try funding a few homes for unwed mothers. Otherwise, they can leave out all references to God in their pro-abortion materials and nobody's going to complain. But they have absolutely no control over what CHURCHES put in their pamphlets which provide women with information about the resources there are available to them THROUGH THE FRICKING CHURCHES.
As a Christian, I can't reconcile either forcing a woman to give birth by law, nor can I reconcile preferring a child be born to disease and prolonged suffering rather than humanely aborting the pregnancy in the first trimester.

Earlier in this thread I cited population statistics as a response to the question "why else would Democrats be so gung-ho about killing babies?" I think that is a gross mischaracterization of the facts associated with this gag rule. I have yet to read all of the posts here, but wanting to eradicate disease and minimize human suffering is NOT eugenics.

NO ONE is gung-ho about killing babies. :cuckoo:

Bottom line, my opinion is that Obama did the right thing in lifting this gag rule. :clap2:
Thirty-five years after the Supreme Court legalized abortion in the U.S., abortion rates are at their lowest level in three decades — which gives both sides in the culture wars something to celebrate and plenty to fight over, while the rest of us try to figure out what happened.


Why Have Abortion Rates Fallen? - TIME

So because a city reduced it's murder rate from 324 to 300, it makes those 300 murders less tragic and nothing to be concerned about? Does it mean those murders are OK because there are less of them? Does it mean those 300 persons murdered were not viable because the person that murdered them simply thought that way?
As a Christian, I can't reconcile either forcing a woman to give birth by law, nor can I reconcile preferring a child be born to disease and prolonged suffering rather than humanely aborting the pregnancy in the first trimester.

Earlier in this thread I cited population statistics as a response to the question "why else would Democrats be so gung-ho about killing babies?" I think that is a gross mischaracterization of the facts associated with this gag rule. I have yet to read all of the posts here, but wanting to eradicate disease and minimize human suffering is NOT eugenics.

NO ONE is gung-ho about killing babies. :cuckoo:

Bottom line, my opinion is that Obama did the right thing in lifting this gag rule. :clap2:

There is no such thing. Take a look at some pictures and tell me how humane abortion is. Oh, and note that the site isn't some rabid, religious, right-wing one. Do me a favor and browse around the site. All you pro-abortionists, go have a gander. THIS is what you believe in. How anyone can look at these picutres and insist that this is not human life destroyed, is blind.

I also suggest that the pro-life group visit this site. If you want to get involved, contribute or have your voice heard, there is always a way and this is a good place to start.

CBR / Abortion Pictures
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As a Christian, I can't reconcile either forcing a woman to give birth by law, nor can I reconcile preferring a child be born to disease and prolonged suffering rather than humanely aborting the pregnancy in the first trimester.

Earlier in this thread I cited population statistics as a response to the question "why else would Democrats be so gung-ho about killing babies?" I think that is a gross mischaracterization of the facts associated with this gag rule. I have yet to read all of the posts here, but wanting to eradicate disease and minimize human suffering is NOT eugenics.

NO ONE is gung-ho about killing babies. :cuckoo:

Bottom line, my opinion is that Obama did the right thing in lifting this gag rule. :clap2:

There is no such thing. Take a look at some pictures and tell me how humane abortion is. Oh, and note that the site isn't some rabid, religious, right-wing one.

CBR / Abortion Pictures

No thanks. I think it's a sick individual who wants to shove those pictures in the face of a woman on the verge of such a difficult and extremely personal decision. I respect the pro-life stance, but in my opinion it equates to anti-choice. I won't be posting pictures of neglected or diseased children to illustrate my point. :cuckoo:
As a Christian, I can't reconcile either forcing a woman to give birth by law, nor can I reconcile preferring a child be born to disease and prolonged suffering rather than humanely aborting the pregnancy in the first trimester.

Earlier in this thread I cited population statistics as a response to the question "why else would Democrats be so gung-ho about killing babies?" I think that is a gross mischaracterization of the facts associated with this gag rule. I have yet to read all of the posts here, but wanting to eradicate disease and minimize human suffering is NOT eugenics.

NO ONE is gung-ho about killing babies. :cuckoo:

Bottom line, my opinion is that Obama did the right thing in lifting this gag rule. :clap2:

There is no such thing. Take a look at some pictures and tell me how humane abortion is. Oh, and note that the site isn't some rabid, religious, right-wing one.

CBR / Abortion Pictures

No thanks. I think it's a sick individual who wants to shove those pictures in the face of a woman on the verge of such a difficult and extremely personal decision. I respect the pro-life stance, but in my opinion it equates to anti-choice. I won't be posting pictures of neglected or diseased children to illustrate my point. :cuckoo:

Does that mean that someone else can arbitrarily state that you are not viable to society or the country and simply off you?? You any different because you came out of a vag canal? You any different because of an arbitrarily set time period in an oxygen environment? Does a vag canal or cesarean slice possess some magic pixie dust that turns something from no life to life? Because something must be nurtured and cannot take care of itself, it is not inherently a life?
No thanks. I think it's a sick individual who wants to shove those pictures in the face of a woman on the verge of such a difficult and extremely personal decision. I respect the pro-life stance, but in my opinion it equates to anti-choice. I won't be posting pictures of neglected or diseased children to illustrate my point. :cuckoo:

Exactly. But they can't control themselves. It's what zealots do.
As a Christian, I can't reconcile either forcing a woman to give birth by law, nor can I reconcile preferring a child be born to disease and prolonged suffering rather than humanely aborting the pregnancy in the first trimester.

Earlier in this thread I cited population statistics as a response to the question "why else would Democrats be so gung-ho about killing babies?" I think that is a gross mischaracterization of the facts associated with this gag rule. I have yet to read all of the posts here, but wanting to eradicate disease and minimize human suffering is NOT eugenics.

NO ONE is gung-ho about killing babies. :cuckoo:

Bottom line, my opinion is that Obama did the right thing in lifting this gag rule. :clap2:

There is no such thing. Take a look at some pictures and tell me how humane abortion is. Oh, and note that the site isn't some rabid, religious, right-wing one.

CBR / Abortion Pictures

No thanks. I think it's a sick individual who wants to shove those pictures in the face of a woman on the verge of such a difficult and extremely personal decision. I respect the pro-life stance, but in my opinion it equates to anti-choice. I won't be posting pictures of neglected or diseased children to illustrate my point. :cuckoo:

I'm sorry you are in such a difficult situation. I am not shoving anything in your face. If you don't want to look don't. It is your decision. But not looking doesn't mean the picutres are any less true. Please consider this from all angles, including that of the unborn child's. You are making a choice about the life or death of another human. Pregnancy is a temporary condition; adoption is forever. Think about it and good luck with your decision.
Exactly. But they can't control themselves. It's what zealots do.

Did you have look at the site or are you a coward? If you so strongly believe in 'my body, my choice' -- be man enough to own up to exactly what 'your choice' does.

Why? It doesn't change the fact that government has no business inserting itself into the mix.

And get a grip... we've all seen the pictures that, more often than not, have nothing to do with what the religious right says they are.
Exactly. But they can't control themselves. It's what zealots do.

Did you have look at the site or are you a coward? If you so strongly believe in 'my body, my choice' -- be man enough to own up to exactly what 'your choice' does.

Why? It doesn't change the fact that government has no business inserting itself into the mix.

And get a grip... we've all seen the pictures that, more often than not, have nothing to do with what the religious right says they are.

So then government should not protect any innocent life?
so that brings it right back down to personal responsibility, Why can't the average 20 to 30 year old female and male make smart decisions about preventing pregnancy? that is assuming they are smart enough to know they need an abortion?

Maybe when religious wingnuts stop harping on about abstinence only and get real. 15 year olds bonk. Deal with it, then move on....
Exactly. But they can't control themselves. It's what zealots do.

Did you have look at the site or are you a coward? If you so strongly believe in 'my body, my choice' -- be man enough to own up to exactly what 'your choice' does.

Why? It doesn't change the fact that government has no business inserting itself into the mix.

And get a grip... we've all seen the pictures that, more often than not, have nothing to do with what the religious right says they are.

Just as I thought. You talk the talk but cannot walk the walk. You refuse to even look at the pictures and refuse to acknowledge that they are human beings destroyed, because anyone in their right mind can see that's exactly what it is. The site is not even religious. Nor are the directors of the organization. Your only argument is those pictures aren't real. Provide some pictures of how you think aborted babies really look.

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