Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

There is no such thing. Take a look at some pictures and tell me how humane abortion is. Oh, and note that the site isn't some rabid, religious, right-wing one.

CBR / Abortion Pictures

No thanks. I think it's a sick individual who wants to shove those pictures in the face of a woman on the verge of such a difficult and extremely personal decision. I respect the pro-life stance, but in my opinion it equates to anti-choice. I won't be posting pictures of neglected or diseased children to illustrate my point. :cuckoo:

I'm sorry you are in such a difficult situation. I am not shoving anything in your face. If you don't want to look don't. It is your decision. But not looking doesn't mean the picutres are any less true. Please consider this from all angles, including that of the unborn child's. You are making a choice about the life or death of another human. Pregnancy is a temporary condition; adoption is forever. Think about it and good luck with your decision.

Ummm, I'm NOT in that position, and if I was, MY personal choice would not be to abort, BUT that is beside the point. I am pro-choice, NOT pro-abortion.

I was talking about the sick people who shove pictures of mangled fetuses at people as they enter Planned Parenthood clinics. They're fooling themselves if they think they've taken the moral high ground by doing such.
so that brings it right back down to personal responsibility, Why can't the average 20 to 30 year old female and male make smart decisions about preventing pregnancy? that is assuming they are smart enough to know they need an abortion?

Maybe when religious wingnuts stop harping on about abstinence only and get real. 15 year olds bonk. Deal with it, then move on....

However the fact that they do doesn't give the left carte blanche to commit infanticide. Yes, it's a handy way to get rid of those annoying stupid people. But it's still eugenics. Though, as Jillian likes to say, every child born makes each life less valuable. Which explains why the one-child libtards are so desperate to rid the world of rabble.
However the fact that they do doesn't give the left carte blanche to commit infanticide. Yes, it's a handy way to get rid of those annoying stupid people. But it's still eugenics. Though, as Jillian likes to say, every child born makes each life less valuable. Which explains why the one-child libtards are so desperate to rid the world of rabble.

Really? I said that? Kindly go find the post, please. I mean, I know you're a compulsive liar and can't help it, but do try to stick to something resembling the truth, at leas. ;)
Just as I thought. You talk the talk but cannot walk the walk. You refuse to even look at the pictures and refuse to acknowledge that they are human beings destroyed, because anyone in their right mind can see that's exactly what it is. The site is not even religious. Nor are the directors of the organization. Your only argument is those pictures aren't real. Provide some pictures of how you think aborted babies really look.

I actually don't believe in abortion. I think adoption is hte better choice. But nor do I subscribe to this ridiculous notion, led by the religious right, that this foetus that has no name, cannot breathe on its own and in 99 percent of the time is not even of three months gestation, is somehow a human being. Does it have the potential to be human? Absolutely, just as an egg has the potential to be a chicken (but it ain't). Stop trying to stuff your morals down other peoples' throats. If you get pregnant (or your wife does), don't have an abortion. Simple.
so that brings it right back down to personal responsibility, Why can't the average 20 to 30 year old female and male make smart decisions about preventing pregnancy? that is assuming they are smart enough to know they need an abortion?

Maybe when religious wingnuts stop harping on about abstinence only and get real. 15 year olds bonk. Deal with it, then move on....

However the fact that they do doesn't give the left carte blanche to commit infanticide. Yes, it's a handy way to get rid of those annoying stupid people. But it's still eugenics. Though, as Jillian likes to say, every child born makes each life less valuable. Which explains why the one-child libtards are so desperate to rid the world of rabble.

o do tell ...now having one child is wrong...what happen to...cant feed them dont breed them...i sure wished you people would decide...you do realize you cant be anti abortion and then starve them after they are born?
Strolling, you really need to lay off the weed.

Where did I say having one child was wrong? As a matter of fact, I was pointing out the liberal (okay, specifically Jillian) conception (pun intended) that the more children you have, the less valuable each child is.

Are you saying it's okay for some anonymous person to determine who can have children and who can't? YOu up for enforced abortion of pregnant women under a certain income, with certain genetic defects, with certain physical ailments? You like that world? Who do you want making those decisions for your daughters and your granddaughters? Hillary Clinton? Nancy Pelosi? Dr. Kevorkian?

What the hell am I thinking. Of course you do.
And you liberal pieces of shit dare to preach to me about making "moral" judgments. You're talking about killing babies because you're pissed off that the mother got knocked up, or made a bad choice at some point.
I'd say that too, if I were you, Jillie. It's the liberal baby-killers who take their own agenda and apply it to others so they can pretend the ones who are into eugenics are the sane ones.

Margaret Sanger was a wonderful woman, don't you know. You ever read her stuff? Sounds just like yours. Only better written.
Ummm, I'm NOT in that position, and if I was, MY personal choice would not be to abort, BUT that is beside the point. I am pro-choice, NOT pro-abortion.

I was talking about the sick people who shove pictures of mangled fetuses at people as they enter Planned Parenthood clinics. They're fooling themselves if they think they've taken the moral high ground by doing such.

Oops, sorry I misread your post.

I agree with the bolded part and I never suggested shoving anything in anyones face. But I do believe that, as part of the information provided to women, pictures need to be included so they fully understand the ramifications of their actions. Just like when M.A.D.D. brings in a mangled car to show how drink/drugs and driving have horrible consequences. It brings the reality of it into light, and woman shouldn't have this sugar-coated or brushed under the table just because its horrific to look at. So yes, the visual should be a part of it. Ignoring it and putting one's head in the sand doesn't negate the fact of what happens to the unborn when they are aborted.

I understand the 'choice' part and not having any government imposing itself on what you can do with your body. If it were any other discussion, I'd be behind it . . . but the problem is, abortion does not affect the mother's body it affects the unborn's body. Seems to me hypocritical. The very thing that pro-choice advocates argue about - don't tell me what to do with my body - they then turn around and impose their actions onto someone else's body.

You're pro-choice but not pro-abortion. If your choice results in abortion how does this not make you pro-abortion. In this particular choice, the two are one in the same to me.
You're pro-choice but not pro-abortion. If your choice results in abortion how does this not make you pro-abortion. In this particular choice, the two are one in the same to me.

Just because someone is pro-choice does not mean if they themselves got pregnant, they would have an abortion. Many people are pro-choice that have never had or never would have an abortion. The basic concept of being pro-choice is only believing ever woman should have the right to choose what to do in the situation themselves. People that are pro-choice don't believe in dictating their own morality onto others.
You're pro-choice but not pro-abortion. If your choice results in abortion how does this not make you pro-abortion. In this particular choice, the two are one in the same to me.

Just because someone is pro-choice does not mean if they themselves got pregnant, they would have an abortion. Many people are pro-choice that have never had or never would have an abortion. The basic concept of being pro-choice is only believing ever woman should have the right to choose what to do in the situation themselves. People that are pro-choice don't believe in dictating their own morality onto others.

Thank you. In the particular instance of abortion, though, it seems clear to me that the choice made results in abortion and the destruction of human life. Being 'pro-choice but not pro-abortion' is wishy-washy and non-commital -- its the 'safe' answer, imo.

Which brings us right back to the unborn being human life and the arguments start all over again. <sigh>
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Please tell me that you're confined to bed and are desperate for anything to pass the time.
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