Obama to Maduro : Extradite Snowden - Maduro : Go Flock Yourself

Obama officially demands that Venezuela extradites Patriot Snowden .

Maduro tells Obama to go fuck himself.


Obama haz a sad.

President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday that the U.S. government asked the Venezuelan extradition of former U.S. intelligence consultant Edward Snowden, accused of espionage.
"The U.S. government gave our chancery one 'piece of paper' (...) asking for the extradition of that young man, Snowden," Maduro said after arriving travel from Russia.
"The first thing you have to do to have moral seek the extradition of this young (...) revealed that only you commit crimes against humanity, is to surrender Luis Posada Carriles, who protect," said Maduro.
Posada Carriles, Cuban ex-CIA agent, is accused Venezuela of being the mastermind of a bomb attack that left 73 dead against a Cuban airliner that took off from Caracas in 1976.
"They have no moral right to seek the extradition of a young woman who is warning of the illegality with the Pentagon, the CIA and the United States could act. (...) I, as head of state, reject any request you make extradition" concluded.
Following on the heels of the slap down obama got from Putin, this is just wonderful. Egypt is giving obama a few one-two punches for his duplicity too. Merkle referred to obama as stasi 2.0.

obama's fall is going well but not fast enough.
I question people patriotism, when they side with foreign leaders who would love to see the demise of America. These leaders could give a shit if the US leader was a Democrat or a Republican. They just want to see your country fail.

I'm sorry; I can't hear you over the sound of how irrelevant your opinion is.
I question people patriotism, when they side with foreign leaders who would love to see the demise of America. These leaders could give a shit if the US leader was a Democrat or a Republican. They just want to see your country fail.

I'm sorry; I can't hear you over the sound of how irrelevant your opinion is.

When Chavez berated "W" and the left defended him while they were bashing "W", I thought that was pretty disgusting. I posted something similar to my above post on another board. I would bet you would have considered my opinion relevant then.
For me, it's country over ideology!
Remember how funny it was when they threw a shoe at da BOoooooooooooooooooooooooooosh?
I question people patriotism, when they side with foreign leaders who would love to see the demise of America. These leaders could give a shit if the US leader was a Democrat or a Republican. They just want to see your country fail.

Obama is overseeing the demise of America
I question people patriotism, when they side with foreign leaders who would love to see the demise of America. These leaders could give a shit if the US leader was a Democrat or a Republican. They just want to see your country fail.

I'm sorry; I can't hear you over the sound of how irrelevant your opinion is.

When Chavez berated "W" and the left defended him while they were bashing "W", I thought that was pretty disgusting. I posted something similar to my above post on another board. I would bet you would have considered my opinion relevant then.
For me, it's country over ideology!

Don't bet on it.
Remember how funny it was when they threw a shoe at da BOoooooooooooooooooooooooooosh?

No, I remember how that was bullshit. It was not funny at all.

Why is this funny now?

I distinctly remember republicans calling democrats out for that bullshit and the ‘celebrating’ that someone insulted the president that way. It is highly hypocritical to now do the same thing because the ‘shoe’ is on the other foot. I will not be that hypocrite.

Who here is ‘in a love fest’ with that dog?

The statements he made are bullshit. You do NOT talk about your fellow leaders like that unless you are enemies or have other reasons to be critical. Unfortunately, they are true and THAT is the real problem. America has essentially lost the ‘moral highroad’ here. How can gallivant around the world like we do acting like the police and setting up governments when we are fucking over our own rights and freedoms right here at home. We are NOT the terrorists but shit, that line is getting harder to spot by the day.



Who here is ‘in a love fest’ with that dog?

The statements he made are bullshit. You do NOT talk about your fellow leaders like that unless you are enemies or have other reasons to be critical. Unfortunately, they are true and THAT is the real problem. America has essentially lost the ‘moral highroad’ here. How can gallivant around the world like we do acting like the police and setting up governments when we are fucking over our own rights and freedoms right here at home. We are NOT the terrorists but shit, that line is getting harder to spot by the day.



Not since the 'Pax Romana' period of 27 BC to 187 AD has there been such a period of peace in the world.

And it is 100% because of the United States.


Not 99%.

Not 99.6% or 99.9%


Personally, I find times of peace to be too boring. But I always figured that it was what 'the people' wanted.

Maybe a good, ass-kicking, hundred-million-dead War might wake a few people....

Nah. You're too stupid.

As soon as we won, you'd be up to the same shit you're doing now -- Criticizing things you don't understand.

Which is about everything, actually
Not since the 'Pax Romana' period of 27 BC to 187 AD has there been such a period of peace in the world.

And it is 100% because of the United States.


Not 99%.

Not 99.6% or 99.9%


Personally, I find times of peace to be too boring. But I always figured that it was what 'the people' wanted.

Maybe a good, ass-kicking, hundred-million-dead War might wake a few people....

Nah. You're too stupid.

As soon as we won, you'd be up to the same shit you're doing now -- Criticizing things you don't understand.

Which is about everything, actually

Let me guess......ah......a KBR, Halliburton or some other war profiteer employee?


And the truth shall set you free

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"An average man is too concerned with liking people or with being liked himself. A warrior likes, that's all. He likes whatever or whomever he wants, for the hell of it."
~ Carlos Castaneda Quotes from A Separate Reality

"The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse."
~ Carlos Castaneda Quotes from Tales of Power

You wouldn't understand
"An average man is too concerned with liking people or with being liked himself. A warrior likes, that's all. He likes whatever or whomever he wants, for the hell of it."
~ Carlos Castaneda Quotes from A Separate Reality

"The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse."
~ Carlos Castaneda Quotes from Tales of Power

You wouldn't understand

You have decided to become incoherent.

Well , in that case I hit the nail right on its head.


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