Obama to present plan to close Guantanamo, move detainees to US

What I am curious about is when he brings these 31 terrorist into our neighborhood prisons...

Who told you they would be in your neighborhood?

Why do you people work so hard to scare yourselves silly with imaginary bullshit?

What IS that?!?
If they are coming to the US then they will be placed in somebody's neighborhood.

Very true

In a maximum security prison with 25 foot walls, barbed wire, electronic surveillance, isolated cells, video surveillance

Are you scared yet?
You're not threatening anyone are you , Mona?

Reminder: Bringing GITMO Detainees to The U.S. is Banned Under Federal Law
What I am curious about is when he brings these 31 terrorist into our neighborhood prisons...

Who told you they would be in your neighborhood?

Why do you people work so hard to scare yourselves silly with imaginary bullshit?

What IS that?!?
If they are coming to the US then they will be placed in somebody's neighborhood.

Very true

In a maximum security prison with 25 foot walls, barbed wire, electronic surveillance, isolated cells, video surveillance

Are you scared yet?

I have met people such as yourself before. You are the 1st one to wet your pants if one of them was to manage to escape. I have dealt with scum a big part of my life in war and in law enforcement. Keep the scum at Gitmo.
What I am curious about is when he brings these 31 terrorist into our neighborhood prisons...

Who told you they would be in your neighborhood?

Why do you people work so hard to scare yourselves silly with imaginary bullshit?

What IS that?!?
If they are coming to the US then they will be placed in somebody's neighborhood.

Very true

In a maximum security prison with 25 foot walls, barbed wire, electronic surveillance, isolated cells, video surveillance

Are you scared yet?

I have met people such as yourself before. You are the 1st one to wet your pants if one of them was to manage to escape. I have dealt with scum a big part of my life in war and in law enforcement. Keep the scum at Gitmo.

What would they do? How many people escape super max's. And if they did , then what ? They'd make a bomb out of gum and paper clips ?
The moronic 8 yrs is almost over...
War Is Over, Prison Camp Closes
Obama’s closing Guantanamo shows again that he doesn’t even believe we’re in a war.
February 24, 2016
Robert Spencer

Barack Obama announced Tuesday that he was finally fulfilling one of his foremost campaign promises and closing the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Usually the closing of a prison camp for enemy combatants signals the end of the war, and since Obama has never acknowledged that the U.S.’s defense against the global jihad is a war at all, it is fitting that he should end his presidency by closing the camp that so notoriously demonstrated otherwise. And besides, the jihadi leadership ranks need replenishing.

Certainly Obama has replenished them a great deal already. With as many as thirty percent of prisoners freed from Gitmo returning to the jihad, one would think that the Obama administration would pause and consider their plan very carefully before releasing more or transferring them to far less secure prisons inside the United States. That is, administration officials would pause and consider if they had any genuine concern for national security, but it is increasingly clear that they do not. After all, in January, al-Qaeda bomb expert Tariq Mahmoud Ahmed al-Sawah was released from Guantanamo.

What could possibly go wrong? What benefit could jihad terrorists possibly get from a bomb expert? And just last week, Fox News reported: “When Ibrahim al Qosi was released from Guantanamo Bay in 2012, a lawyer for the former Usama bin Laden aide said he looked forward to living a life of peace in his native Sudan. Three years later, Qosi has emerged as a prominent voice of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, appearing in a number of AQAP propaganda videos — including a 50-minute lecture calling for the takeover of Saudi Arabia.”

And on the same day that Obama announced his plan to close Gitmo, a former Gitmo inmate was arrested in Spain for recruiting for the Islamic State. The arrest epitomized just how much Obama’s plan is rooted in Leftist fantasy that would prefer to ignore the global jihad, rather than in reality.

But don’t be concerned. Many of the worst jihadis will be brought to prisons stateside. Again, what could possibly go wrong? Well, even aside from the possibility of escape, there is the likelihood that these jihadis will become heroes in prison, and convert many other prisoners to Islam – including some who will be ready to take up the jihad once they’re released.

None of that matters, however, because as far as Obama is concerned, Guantanamo is already recruiting jihadis by the sheer fact of its existence: “When it becomes clear that something is not working as intended,” he said, “when it does not advance our security, we have to change course. This is not just my opinion, this is the opinion of experts.... [terrorists] use it as propaganda in their efforts to recruit.”


War Is Over, Prison Camp Closes
Jay Seculow on his show live said 25 min after the announcement one of the released gitmo terrorists committed more terror/crimes.
I have wondered what superhuman powers the pants shitters think these detainees have which is activated if they set foot on US soil.

They are criminals. Try them, convict them, put them in a supermax and throw away the key. What the fuck are these cowering pussies like the OP writer so afraid of?
They aren't criminals. They are combatants and should be kept locked up until the war is over.

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