Obama to present plan to close Guantanamo, move detainees to US

I have wondered what superhuman powers the pants shitters think these detainees have which is activated if they set foot on US soil.

They are criminals. Try them, convict them, put them in a supermax and throw away the key. What the fuck are these cowering pussies like the OP writer so afraid of?

This is not the compelling argument you might believe it is.
Is too!

Your turn.
Being imprisoned in Cuber provides Isis a recruiting tool. Arizona....not so much. Perfectly logical if you're a Libtard.
Straw man.

That is not the reason Gitmo should be closed, and no one has said that is the reason.

I have yet to hear anyone explain what magical properties a criminal in Gitmo acquires when they touch US soil.
Guantanamo Bay: Obama sends closure plan to Congress - CNNPolitics.com
Obama said, "It is viewed as a stain on our broader record of upholding the highest standards of rule of law."

This is absolutely correct.

Try them in court as the criminals they are. Then throw the convicts into a supermax. You foolish rubes are imbuing them with more power than they deserve.
I've definitely gone from firmly against closing Gitmo's Dentention Facility, to 'on the fence'. I can see good reasons to keep it open, and equally good reasons to close it.

That it is used as a recruiting tool is not one of them.
Lets get to the real reason we don't have trials for these alleged terrorists

It is not that we are afraid they might be found not guilty, but we are afraid to go to trial where evidence will be provided on how they were tortured, how their human rights were violated and how little we actually have on them

Easier to lock them up and throw away the key
In addition to the fact that the idiot Bush indiscriminately detained these individuals without first bothering to find out who, if any, actually posed a threat, or gathering evidence of their alleged guilt sufficient enough to prosecute and win a conviction.

Now, as a result of Bush's incompetence and stupidity, we have some 90 detainees we can't try because we lack the evidence needed for prosecution, they can't return to their home countries for various reasons, and we're afraid the release them – which is the only lawful course of action – because we 'think' they 'might' be dangerous.

The president is correct: it's time to clean up one of Bush's more disastrous blunders, close Guantanamo once and for all, and move ahead as a Nation with the resolve to never again repeat Bush's moronic mistake.
Yeah, Trump is one of those tards who think beating people up is the only way to get information out of them, and that it nets reliable information.
Lets get to the real reason we don't have trials for these alleged terrorists

It is not that we are afraid they might be found not guilty, but we are afraid to go to trial where evidence will be provided on how they were tortured, how their human rights were violated and how little we actually have on them

Easier to lock them up and throw away the key
In addition to the fact that the idiot Bush indiscriminately detained these individuals without first bothering to find out who, if any, actually posed a threat, or gathering evidence of their alleged guilt sufficient enough to prosecute and win a conviction.

Now, as a result of Bush's incompetence and stupidity, we have some 90 detainees we can't try because we lack the evidence needed for prosecution, they can't return to their home countries for various reasons, and we're afraid the release them – which is the only lawful course of action – because we 'think' they 'might' be dangerous.

The president is correct: it's time to clean up one of Bush's more disastrous blunders, close Guantanamo once and for all, and move ahead as a Nation with the resolve to never again repeat Bush's moronic mistake.

You whine a lot
Yeah, Trump is one of those tards who think beating people up is the only way to get information out of them, and that it nets reliable information.

Hard to argue with all of recorded history. If it didn't work, nobody would waste time doing it.

What method of extracting critical information from sworn enemies would you suggest?
You know, during WWII, we had over 150 POW camps here in the United States, and some of them were detainment facilities specifically for the most rabid SS Nazis.

We didn't have a problem with keeping them in the US back then, why the outcry now?

There were several hundred THOUSAND of the POW's here during them, and they were kept secure, why is it now such a problem with less than a hundred of them now?

I'm retired military, and I think that keeping GTMO prison open is a bad idea.

Bring them over here, give them a public trial (so that the rest of the country could watch if they wanted to), and then when sentenced, put them in a supermax like the one up in Colorado.
What I am curious about is when he brings these 31 terrorist into our neighborhood prisons...

Who told you they would be in your neighborhood?

Why do you people work so hard to scare yourselves silly with imaginary bullshit?

What IS that?!?
If they are coming to the US then they will be placed in somebody's neighborhood.

Hey, Nazi and SS POW's were put in somebody's neighborhood during WWII.
You know, during WWII, we had over 150 POW camps here in the United States, and some of them were detainment facilities specifically for the most rabid SS Nazis.

We didn't have a problem with keeping them in the US back then, why the outcry now?

There were several hundred THOUSAND of the POW's here during them, and they were kept secure, why is it now such a problem with less than a hundred of them now?

I'm retired military, and I think that keeping GTMO prison open is a bad idea.

Bring them over here, give them a public trial (so that the rest of the country could watch if they wanted to), and then when sentenced, put them in a supermax like the one up in Colorado.
You were just a bike riding sailor....what would you know?
You know, during WWII, we had over 150 POW camps here in the United States, and some of them were detainment facilities specifically for the most rabid SS Nazis.

We didn't have a problem with keeping them in the US back then, why the outcry now?

There were several hundred THOUSAND of the POW's here during them, and they were kept secure, why is it now such a problem with less than a hundred of them now?

I'm retired military, and I think that keeping GTMO prison open is a bad idea.

Bring them over here, give them a public trial (so that the rest of the country could watch if they wanted to), and then when sentenced, put them in a supermax like the one up in Colorado.
You were just a bike riding sailor....what would you know?

I know how to use the internet to look up facts and history.

And...........if they were put in supermax, how many do you REALLY think would be able to make it out?

The only ones who have escaped from a supermax have had help from those that worked in the prison, and I seriously doubt that any Islamic POW is going to be able to move anyone to help them escape.

Besides...............if they did, they could then be shot on site, problem solved.
You know, during WWII, we had over 150 POW camps here in the United States, and some of them were detainment facilities specifically for the most rabid SS Nazis.

We didn't have a problem with keeping them in the US back then, why the outcry now?

There were several hundred THOUSAND of the POW's here during them, and they were kept secure, why is it now such a problem with less than a hundred of them now?

I'm retired military, and I think that keeping GTMO prison open is a bad idea.

Bring them over here, give them a public trial (so that the rest of the country could watch if they wanted to), and then when sentenced, put them in a supermax like the one up in Colorado.
You were just a bike riding sailor....what would you know?

I know how to use the internet to look up facts and history.

And...........if they were put in supermax, how many do you REALLY think would be able to make it out?

The only ones who have escaped from a supermax have had help from those that worked in the prison, and I seriously doubt that any Islamic POW is going to be able to move anyone to help them escape.

Besides...............if they did, they could then be shot on site, problem solved.

By the way I was joking about the sailor comment. I was a Marine. My worry is not as much about them escaping as about them recruiting from our prisons. There will also be a financial increase by placing them in prison here in the US.
You know, during WWII, we had over 150 POW camps here in the United States, and some of them were detainment facilities specifically for the most rabid SS Nazis.

We didn't have a problem with keeping them in the US back then, why the outcry now?

There were several hundred THOUSAND of the POW's here during them, and they were kept secure, why is it now such a problem with less than a hundred of them now?

I'm retired military, and I think that keeping GTMO prison open is a bad idea.

Bring them over here, give them a public trial (so that the rest of the country could watch if they wanted to), and then when sentenced, put them in a supermax like the one up in Colorado.
You were just a bike riding sailor....what would you know?

I know how to use the internet to look up facts and history.

And...........if they were put in supermax, how many do you REALLY think would be able to make it out?

The only ones who have escaped from a supermax have had help from those that worked in the prison, and I seriously doubt that any Islamic POW is going to be able to move anyone to help them escape.

Besides...............if they did, they could then be shot on site, problem solved.

By the way I was joking about the sailor comment. I was a Marine. My worry is not as much about them escaping as about them recruiting from our prisons. There will also be a financial increase by placing them in prison here in the US.
By the way I visited one of the World War II prison sites. It was located in Princeton, Texas. Very little of it still remains except for a few monuments. The prisoners were picked up by local farmers to work the land in which they were paid 35 cents an hour. They were returned to the prison at night. Hopefully Obama does not have that in mind.
Obama has kept to his canpaine promises . This is another one . The GOP has stoos in his way all the time trying to sabatage him.

You should want to close gitmo for the costs alone !

It was one of his first EO and Congress proved it was mightier than the pen and have been blocking it ever since.

As Congress-critters they're not about to give their opponents in the next election that kind of ammo.

The President has whittled down the population at the prison but still very few in Congress will support this President.
They also work it into every Defense appropriations bill that no money be spent in relocating Gitmo inmates

Congress is full of moral cowards
What I am curious about is when he brings these 31 terrorist into our neighborhood prisons...

Who told you they would be in your neighborhood?

Why do you people work so hard to scare yourselves silly with imaginary bullshit?

What IS that?!?
If they are coming to the US then they will be placed in somebody's neighborhood.

Very true

In a maximum security prison with 25 foot walls, barbed wire, electronic surveillance, isolated cells, video surveillance

Are you scared yet?

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