Obama to present plan to close Guantanamo, move detainees to US

The people in Gitmo are there because they supposedly were engaged in terrorist activity. I believe all of them should be given military tribunals, and the ones that are not convicted should be deported.

Key word is supposedly

If we have evidence, we should present it and give them definitive sentences

America is not about....This guy "might" be dangerous so we will lock him up just to be safe

Oh and your so sure they aren't terrorists or dangerous?? I'm sure there are plenty of people around the world who wouldn't agree with you.

How's that crystal ball working for ya??

Can't we do the same thing with any criminal?

Lock them up because they "might" be dangerous

Terrorists. Not mere criminals. Lock them up because they are dangerous.

Ask Paris and San Bernardino and everywhere else around the world these assholes have killed and maimed.

I agree

But the burden of proof in showing they are terrorists and still a threat is on us
If they are as bad as you say...it shouldn't be that hard
That would be waste of time and money that this country does not have, dump them out in international waters...
The Blamer just wants to move the muslim terrorists in country where they can't be interrogated. He's such a nice fella.
Lets get to the real reason we don't have trials for these alleged terrorists

It is not that we are afraid they might be guilty, but we are afraid to go to trial where evidence will be provided on how they were tortured, how their human rights were violated and how little we actually have on them

Easier to lock them up and throw away the key

Their rights?? Idiots like you are more concerned with their "rights" than you appear to be about the dead all over the world and security for the living.

WOW are you clueless and a fool.

Yup...pesky things called rights

What this country was founded on
For citizens, not for human dung...
Obama has kept to his canpaine promises . This is another one . The GOP has stoos in his way all the time trying to sabatage him.

You should want to close gitmo for the costs alone !
I agree, gitmo is like a five-star hotel, a Fucking waste of money, time and resources on human shit piles. We should not waste another penny on them pieces of shit...
They certainly do not deserve to be brought to this country, progressives will treat them like kings and saviors...
Obama has kept to his canpaine promises . This is another one . The GOP has stoos in his way all the time trying to sabatage him.

You should want to close gitmo for the costs alone !
I agree, gitmo is like a five-star hotel, a Fucking waste of money, time and resources on human shit piles. We should not waste another penny on them pieces of shit...
They certainly do not deserve to be brought to this country, progressives will treat them like kings and saviors...

It's expensive cause jackass conservatives won't allow relations wh cuba . So everything has to be flown into gitmo . Gitmo gets nothing from Cuba . No water , energy , food , nothing !

You jackasses fuck everything up.
Lets get to the real reason we don't have trials for these alleged terrorists

It is not that we are afraid they might be guilty, but we are afraid to go to trial where evidence will be provided on how they were tortured, how their human rights were violated and how little we actually have on them

Easier to lock them up and throw away the key

Their rights?? Idiots like you are more concerned with their "rights" than you appear to be about the dead all over the world and security for the living.

WOW are you clueless and a fool.

Yup...pesky things called rights

What this country was founded on

If they were Americans you would have a valid point. Since they aren't then your point is moot.

We try people in our courts all the time who are not American citizens. They are still subject to our laws and still entitled to their rights
Obama has kept to his canpaine promises . This is another one . The GOP has stoos in his way all the time trying to sabatage him.

You should want to close gitmo for the costs alone !
I agree, gitmo is like a five-star hotel, a Fucking waste of money, time and resources on human shit piles. We should not waste another penny on them pieces of shit...
They certainly do not deserve to be brought to this country, progressives will treat them like kings and saviors...

It's expensive cause jackass conservatives won't allow relations wh cuba . So everything has to be flown into gitmo . Gitmo gets nothing from Cuba . No water , energy , food , nothing !

You jackasses fuck everything up.
Cuba's a shit pile, let those Muslim bastards go jihad on those fucked up socialists in Cuba...
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Lets get to the real reason we don't have trials for these alleged terrorists

It is not that we are afraid they might be guilty, but we are afraid to go to trial where evidence will be provided on how they were tortured, how their human rights were violated and how little we actually have on them

Easier to lock them up and throw away the key

Their rights?? Idiots like you are more concerned with their "rights" than you appear to be about the dead all over the world and security for the living.

WOW are you clueless and a fool.

Yup...pesky things called rights

What this country was founded on

If they were Americans you would have a valid point. Since they aren't then your point is moot.

We try people in our courts all the time who are not American citizens. They are still subject to our laws and still entitled to their rights
Human dung does not qualify. Cookie
What Obama really wants is to bring them to the US in order to put them into our court system so they can have a platform from which to bash America......Obama is nothing more than a seditious traitorous shitbag....

Obama says closing Gitmo will 'save money'.......:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yet it would cost millions to bring them into the US and who knows how much more money to keep and maintain them here...especially when you consider potential terrorist attacks and court costs at the US taxpayers expense...
What Obama really wants is to bring them to the US in order to put them into our court system so they can have a platform from which to bash America......Obama is nothing more than a seditious traitorous shitbag....

Obama says closing Gitmo will 'save money'.......:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yet it would cost millions to bring them into the US and who knows how much more money to keep and maintain them here...especially when you consider potential terrorist attacks and court costs at the US taxpayers expense...
... He really wishes he could Pardon them
What Obama really wants is to bring them to the US in order to put them into our court system so they can have a platform from which to bash America......Obama is nothing more than a seditious traitorous shitbag....

Obama says closing Gitmo will 'save money'.......:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yet it would cost millions to bring them into the US and who knows how much more money to keep and maintain them here...especially when you consider potential terrorist attacks and court costs at the US taxpayers expense...

Not to mention long drawn out trials. Trials that should be done in a military tribunal.
What Obama really wants is to bring them to the US in order to put them into our court system so they can have a platform from which to bash America......Obama is nothing more than a seditious traitorous shitbag....

Obama says closing Gitmo will 'save money'.......:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yet it would cost millions to bring them into the US and who knows how much more money to keep and maintain them here...especially when you consider potential terrorist attacks and court costs at the US taxpayers expense...
... He really wishes he could Pardon them
with liberal lawyers defending them in court that is the idea.....the sob stories would be grist for the liberal media....

we know whose side the left is really on.....
White House declines to rule out Gitmo executive action...
White House declines to say if Gitmo executive action off table

Obama: ‘A Lot’ of People Are Worried About Closing Gitmo, I’m Not Running for Re-Election And Don’t Worry About Politics

Obama: 'A Lot' of People Are Worried About Closing Gitmo, I'm Not Running for Re-Election And Don't Worry About Politics - Breitbart

Demonstrating his disdain / disregard for the Constitution and Congress, Obama signals that he intends to do whatever the hell he wants to do and signals a big 'F* YOU' to Congress and anyone who opposes his Gitmo Plan (which covers a majority of people in this country). Americans are already being forced to take illegals and 'refugees' - they don't want terrorists, too.
White House declines to rule out Gitmo executive action...
White House declines to say if Gitmo executive action off table

Obama: ‘A Lot’ of People Are Worried About Closing Gitmo, I’m Not Running for Re-Election And Don’t Worry About Politics

Obama: 'A Lot' of People Are Worried About Closing Gitmo, I'm Not Running for Re-Election And Don't Worry About Politics - Breitbart

Demonstrating his disdain / disregard for the Constitution and Congress, Obama signals that he intends to do whatever the hell he wants to do and signals a big 'F* YOU' to Congress and anyone who opposes his Gitmo Plan (which covers a majority of people in this country). Americans are already being forced to take illegals and 'refugees' - they don't want terrorists, too.

He should bulldoze the fucker when he leaves
Count Mitch McConnell among the unimpressed with Barack Obama’s plan to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. The Senate Majority Leader responded to Obama’s declared plan to transfer its detainees to one or more of thirteen potential locations within the US by reminding the President that Congress has opposed such a move on a bipartisan basis. And, by the way, such a move would be illegalunder bills Obama has already signed....

Go, Mitch!

McConnell to Obama: Don’t forget that it’s illegal to transfer terrorists to US - Hot Air
White House declines to rule out Gitmo executive action...
White House declines to say if Gitmo executive action off table

Obama: ‘A Lot’ of People Are Worried About Closing Gitmo, I’m Not Running for Re-Election And Don’t Worry About Politics

Obama: 'A Lot' of People Are Worried About Closing Gitmo, I'm Not Running for Re-Election And Don't Worry About Politics - Breitbart

Demonstrating his disdain / disregard for the Constitution and Congress, Obama signals that he intends to do whatever the hell he wants to do and signals a big 'F* YOU' to Congress and anyone who opposes his Gitmo Plan (which covers a majority of people in this country). Americans are already being forced to take illegals and 'refugees' - they don't want terrorists, too.

He should bulldoze the fucker when he leaves

Nope. They should put a plaque on it memorializing the place with a list of all detainees. Another list of the detainees who went and fought after release.

Great place Gitmo. Hope its used again.
What Obama really wants is to bring them to the US in order to put them into our court system so they can have a platform from which to bash America......Obama is nothing more than a seditious traitorous shitbag....

Obama says closing Gitmo will 'save money'.......:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yet it would cost millions to bring them into the US and who knows how much more money to keep and maintain them here...especially when you consider potential terrorist attacks and court costs at the US taxpayers expense...

How will it cost millions ? We have high security prisons all over . All Ya got to do is fly them up.
I have wondered what superhuman powers the pants shitters think these detainees have which is activated if they set foot on US soil.

They are criminals. Try them, convict them, put them in a supermax and throw away the key. What the fuck are these cowering pussies like the OP writer so afraid of?

They are going to breath in Freedom which will activate the mutant cells that exist in every jihadist. Once that happens its over. They will reek havoc that even JJ Abrams cannot imagine
Once a jihadist steps foot on that precious American soil the spirits of our fore fathers will all turn in their grave causing the San Andreas fault to rupture and cause the most devastating earthquake the US has ever seen. If you want to keep California from being an island you must stand against terrorist ever coming to the US

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