Obama To Propose Protecting 1.4 Million Acres Of U.S. Arctic Refuge

Did you people bitch when Boosh made the worlds largest marine reserve?

What does that have to do with anything? Someone could easily ask if you cheered for Bush when he did it.
He did the same thing as what Oblama wants to do, how in the hell does it not have any comparison?

BUT BUUUSSSSHHHHH!!!! doesn't cut it, but by all means, go first. Did you cheer Bush on when he did it?

Good for you. I haven't heard anyone saying there is likely a large supply of energy-bearing petrochemicals around the Hawaiian Islands. That's one major difference between what he did and what Obama wants to do, which resembles little more than a passive-aggressive strike back at people who don't idolize him any more.
Ahem, if you haven't noticed, we have no shortage of petroleum, as far as petrochemicals, very few if any are in a state of existence in an organic setting...
What does that have to do with anything? Someone could easily ask if you cheered for Bush when he did it.
He did the same thing as what Oblama wants to do, how in the hell does it not have any comparison?

BUT BUUUSSSSHHHHH!!!! doesn't cut it, but by all means, go first. Did you cheer Bush on when he did it?

Good for you. I haven't heard anyone saying there is likely a large supply of energy-bearing petrochemicals around the Hawaiian Islands. That's one major difference between what he did and what Obama wants to do, which resembles little more than a passive-aggressive strike back at people who don't idolize him any more.
Ahem, if you haven't noticed, we have no shortage of petroleum, as far as petrochemicals, very few if any are in a state of existence in an organic setting...

Thanks to the utilization of sources under private land.
Alaskans dumped Obama sycophant Senator Mark Begich for a Republican. The state's other senator and single member of The House is a Republican.

You're just seeing a petulant boy-child's temper tantrum.

Let's hope He doesn't cut His Royal Heels as he kicks his feet in frustration on the White House carpet. Getting that shit outta the wool could push America into bankruptcyu.
Anytime a country acts to protect territory I applaud them. The Earth needs protection from the people constantly trying to rape it. I'll be happy if this passes, but we all know the GOP congress doesn't pass anything. Or do anything at all really. Oh well.
WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will propose protecting 1.4 million acres (556,000 hectares) of the Arctic from oil and gas drilling, the Interior Department said on Sunday.

Obama To Propose Protecting 1.4 Million Acres Of U.S. Arctic Refuge

Well, OK. Do you know what else Alaska has a lot of? Permafrost.
It's beginning to melt, rapidly, and we all know why. And actually, the oil's going to have to stay in the ground.

Yes permafrost that has never melted is now melting in Alaska.

They built many buildings on that permafrost and now those buildings are sinking because the permafrost is turning to swamp and mush.

But there's no global warming is there?

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