Obama to Romney: Let's make a deal on your tax returns.

The Romney campaign seems to be shaking in their boots.:lol:

Rhoades had this response to the offer: "Hey Jim, thanks for the note. It is clear that President Obama wants nothing more than to talk about Governor Romney’s tax returns instead of the issues that matter to voters, like putting Americans back to work, fixing the economy and reining in spending." He made no indication of taking up the offer, but added: "If Governor Romney’s tax returns are the core message of your campaign, there will be ample time for President Obama to discuss them over the next 81 days."

Obama Camp Offers Deal for Five Years Of Romney Taxes - Yahoo! News
Oh, how clever. Talk to me on the evening of the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. We'll see how that bravado worked out for 'em.

Done. We'll see who was successful, the team that focused on fixing the nation's problems or the team that focused on gossip and innuendo. Drinks to the winner.

Yo I can run up a mean bar tab:eusa_whistle::lol: We'll know soon enough.
This has got to be a joke. How many Americans have lost a penny or more in US Depository institutions since 1941?

315 MILLION of us!!!

How much money has the US taxpayer spent bailing out the banks and S&L's in the last 30 years?
Not much at all. The TARP funds that went to banks has almost all been repaid with interest. The S&L bailout cost alot but that's because they weren't yet properly insured - and the S&L Crisis was a result of bad government policy anyway. The RTC is still paying related debt obligations.

Every other bank failure has been handled out of bank-financed deposits into the FDIC.

Here, I'll even use a source that you approve of...
Contrary to the Obama administration's claims, the bailouts of the financial and auto industries have not turned a profit for the U.S. government and may never turn a profit, according to a grim new assessment by the bailout's watchdog.

Even by non-financial standards the bailout has been less than a roaring success and may be helping to lay the groundwork for future financial disasters and bailouts, writes Christy Romero, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in her latest quarterly report to Congress, released Wednesday morning.

"It is a widely held misconception that TARP will make a profit," she writes right at the top of her 327-page report. "The most recent cost estimate for TARP is a loss of $60 billion. Taxpayers are still owed $118.5 billion (including $14 billion written off or otherwise lost)."

TARP Profit A Myth, Claims TARP Inspector General Christy Romero
So reply to it now then. "I'm sorry, you were right" is a good place to start.

You haven't read the thread... If you did you'd have known I did reply...

Go be fucking stupid somewhere else...

That's why I get this:

Today, 02:46 PM
This message is hidden because RDD_1210 is on your ignore list.

He's an asshole.

Yeah... Can't say I'll miss him in November when he leaves....
Which is exactly why it isn't capitalism.

Here is a nice picture for you.

You haven't read the thread... If you did you'd have known I did reply...

Go be fucking stupid somewhere else...

That's why I get this:

Today, 02:46 PM
This message is hidden because RDD_1210 is on your ignore list.

He's an asshole.

Yeah... Can't say I'll miss him in November when he leaves....

He ignores me because he gets destroyed thoroughly everytime he even attempts to debate me, so rather than try he calls me names and ignores me. You're no better, although you don't have me on ignore but you might as well since you don't ever respond to serious debate. Neither of you NEVER post anything of substance, NEVER.
Soooo... this must be today's talking point from Democrats on high, 'drive the discussion back to Romney's tax records'. :rolleyes:

That's so last week. Before Romney chose Ryan and changed everything. People have moved on. Times have changed. And frankly, nobody cares. Polls estimate that there are probably only 5% of voters who haven't already made up their minds.

So, if you guys want to make some criminal charge, knock yourselves out. I'm thinking that Mitt Romney's tax returns have undergone the same scrutiny as any other taxpayers, and probably more. Just because they're not supposed to look, doesn't mean they don't, as we saw in the last election when some State Dept personnel got busted misusing information.
You might also consider offering a BETTER deal... ALL of Obama's records, college transcripts, passport history, and the documents his AG is hiding on Fast & Furious. Yeah. Maybe you just need a better offer. :rolleyes:

Or... you could realize that you're just looking silly at this point, with your candidate having nothing much to say about the REAL issues of the day. What's more, if ALL the tax records were on the table, America would see what a skin-flint Obama is, giving practically nothing to charity while Romney gives millions every year. Taken in context with Obama's own brother having to beg money from people he barely knows, living in the slums of Nairobi, kid in the hospital... it's just not gonna go well for you.
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Mr. President, here's a proposed deal.

Romney releases two more years of his post gubernatorial tax returns after YOU release all of your fucking college applications, loan applications, student aid applications, and transcripts.


Have your waffling mouthpieces get back to us.

No deal! Obama doesn't negoiate with terrorists nor tax-cheaters.

Who do you think you're kidding?

Obama has tax cheaters in his cabinet. He negotiates with Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood, to name just a few of the terrorists organizations he is chummy with.
So reply to it now then. "I'm sorry, you were right" is a good place to start.

You haven't read the thread... If you did you'd have known I did reply...

Go be fucking stupid somewhere else...

I'm sorry, I must have missed it. I'll apologize if I missed it but I did read the thread and didn't see it. Can you link me to it please?

Must I do everything for you?

You libs are the laziest fuckers....
You haven't read the thread... If you did you'd have known I did reply...

Go be fucking stupid somewhere else...

I'm sorry, I must have missed it. I'll apologize if I missed it but I did read the thread and didn't see it. Can you link me to it please?

Must I do everything for you?

You libs are the laziest fuckers....

I looked again and I did find it this time. So I do apologize, you were right.
315 MILLION of us!!!

How much money has the US taxpayer spent bailing out the banks and S&L's in the last 30 years?
Not much at all. The TARP funds that went to banks has almost all been repaid with interest. The S&L bailout cost alot but that's because they weren't yet properly insured - and the S&L Crisis was a result of bad government policy anyway. The RTC is still paying related debt obligations.

Every other bank failure has been handled out of bank-financed deposits into the FDIC.

Here, I'll even use a source that you approve of...
Contrary to the Obama administration's claims, the bailouts of the financial and auto industries have not turned a profit for the U.S. government and may never turn a profit, according to a grim new assessment by the bailout's watchdog.

Even by non-financial standards the bailout has been less than a roaring success and may be helping to lay the groundwork for future financial disasters and bailouts, writes Christy Romero, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in her latest quarterly report to Congress, released Wednesday morning.

"It is a widely held misconception that TARP will make a profit," she writes right at the top of her 327-page report. "The most recent cost estimate for TARP is a loss of $60 billion. Taxpayers are still owed $118.5 billion (including $14 billion written off or otherwise lost)."

TARP Profit A Myth, Claims TARP Inspector General Christy Romero

Read what I wrote above. I didn't say that TARP was profitable or even that they had been repaid with interest. I was far more specific.
That's why I get this:

He's an asshole.

Yeah... Can't say I'll miss him in November when he leaves....

He ignores me because he gets destroyed thoroughly everytime he even attempts to debate me, so rather than try he calls me names and ignores me. You're no better, although you don't have me on ignore but you might as well since you don't ever respond to serious debate. Neither of you NEVER post anything of substance, NEVER.

I debate those willing to debate... I offered clear, precice reasoning for why Romney won't release his taxes... Again, I can't be blamed for your inability to read...

Your posts aren't debate... Mostly circular logic and other absurd logical fallacies...

Any high school forensics team would laugh at you...
Soooo... this must be today's talking point from Democrats on high, 'drive the discussion back to Romney's tax records'. :rolleyes:

That's so last week. Before Romney chose Ryan and changed everything. People have moved on. Times have changed. And frankly, nobody cares. Polls estimate that there are probably only 5% of voters who haven't already made up their minds.

So, if you guys want to make some criminal charge, knock yourselves out. I'm thinking that Mitt Romney's tax returns have undergone the same scrutiny as any other taxpayers, and probably more. Just because they're not supposed to look, doesn't mean they don't, as we saw in the last election when some State Dept personnel got busted misusing information.
You might also consider offering a BETTER deal... ALL of Obama's records, college transcripts, passport history, and the documents his AG is hiding on Fast & Furious. Yeah. Maybe you just need a better offer. :rolleyes:

Or... you could realize that you're just looking silly at this point, with your candidate having nothing much to say about the REAL issues of the day. What's more, if ALL the tax records were on the table, America would see what a skin-flint Obama is, giving practically nothing to charity while Romney gives millions every year. Taken in context with Obama's own brother having to beg money from people he barely knows, living in the slums of Nairobi, kid in the hospital... it's just not gonna go well for you.

It's obvious Romneys tax returns issue has not gone away anytime soon. Just wishful thinking on the wingnuts part. Romneys tax-dodging ways will always be with us right up until election day... word of mouth is a powerful force. Until Romney relents, this issue will be a gift that keeps on giving.
We need the American public to put heavy pressure on Romney to release his tax returns other than what Romney has already released. Mr Romney, what are you hiding?

TRENDING: Obama camp: Let’s make a deal on tax returns. Romney camp: No. – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's campaign sought to turn up the pressure Friday on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns, offering to back off on their calls for the release of additional years of returns if he agrees to disclose five years of tax information.

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina offered the deal in a letter sent to Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades. The Obama campaign posted the letter on its web site and emailed it to journalists.

"If the Governor will release five years of returns, I commit in turn that we will not criticize him for not releasing more–neither in ads nor in other public communications or commentary for the rest of the campaign," Messina wrote. His offer did not include a promise to avoid attacking Romney on the contents of any new returns, or make any commitments for independent third party groups.

I'd counter with Obama unsealing every record he has sealed. I mean what is he afraid of? If he doesn't, that means he is guilty of something and hiding it.......at least in liberal "logic" land. Hell yeah, if I was Romney I'd agree to release 5 years of tax returns just as soon as Obama unseals his records. Now THAT'S a deal.
Is there any reason to care about his?

:lol: :lol: This is hilarious...You dont care about Romney's but care a whole lot about Obamas. Neither one has released this but you only find fault with one.


Nobody really cares about either...

You must be new to politics...

Yes they do, plenty of people right here continue to ask for it and prominent repubs too. I would give you a list but you've already showed an inability to deal with facts

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