Obama to Romney: Let's make a deal on your tax returns.


Obama took one to the nuts when Ryan was named VP and he's gasping for air.

No tax returns and no second term.

To bad.....
We need the American public to put heavy pressure on Romney to release his tax returns other than what Romney has already released. Mr Romney, what are you hiding?

TRENDING: Obama camp: Let’s make a deal on tax returns. Romney camp: No. – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Why? You are not entitled.....

I dont care about the returns I DO CARE ABOUT the current cover up that rivals watergate.

But you dont have the intelligence to understand what real corruption is..........

What's Romney hiding? It's obvious he is hiding something... but what?

Kidscock is back ?

Great. :eusa_whistle:

Thanks Lakhota!

That is a great Romney poster to put up from coast to coast if it's not infringing on copyrights. I would like to transform it to 'bumper-sticker' form if possible. I love it!!!

That encapsulates Romney all right... telling Americans it's 'none of their damn business'.
Are Swiss bank accounts illegal? No.

If you have evidence that he has not paid the amount he is legally obligated to pay, let's see it. However, like a true leftwing herder, you're just following your media's instructions on what you should think. How embarrassing for you. Hack.

That makes sense only if you ignore the over 20 repubs who also said he should release them too.

I'm not overly interested in the opinions of anyone... left or right... It's the ranting left winger obsession with rates that I find fascinating. If you're upset that he hasn't paid what you feel he should have paid... that's fine. Take it up with the government... because they set the rate, not the individual.

Seems to me that a lot of people struggle to tell the difference between income and capital gains. Two completely different things and completely different rates... try upping those rates and watch how fast those affected move their primary residence outside the US. You want easy answers and there are no easy answers.

Since I have an understanding of the issues... income vs capital gains - I'm just laughing at the fucking ignorance of y'all.

The expert in everything has arrived. Bow to her greatness.
We need the American public to put heavy pressure on Romney to release his tax returns other than what Romney has already released. Mr Romney, what are you hiding?

TRENDING: Obama camp: Let’s make a deal on tax returns. Romney camp: No. – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Why? You are not entitled.....

I dont care about the returns I DO CARE ABOUT the current cover up that rivals watergate.

But you dont have the intelligence to understand what real corruption is..........

What's Romney hiding? It's obvious he is hiding something... but what?

What he is hiding is that he payed only 13% Cap Gains Taxes most years, Perfectly Legal and anyone can do it, but he knows you lefties will use them to make him out to be some evil Robber Barron.

If Obama really want to wheel and deal let him trade his College Records for Romney's Tax Returns.

I mean really what are you hiding Mr President.
he already whined that the dems would just be mean to him if he released them.

i guess he's embarrassed by the swiss bank accounts.

tough shit, I like that he's not giving into the demoncraps temper tantrums.

So do I. It just might cost him the election.

The Romney campaign seems to be shaking in their boots.:lol:

Rhoades had this response to the offer: "Hey Jim, thanks for the note. It is clear that President Obama wants nothing more than to talk about Governor Romney’s tax returns instead of the issues that matter to voters, like putting Americans back to work, fixing the economy and reining in spending." He made no indication of taking up the offer, but added: "If Governor Romney’s tax returns are the core message of your campaign, there will be ample time for President Obama to discuss them over the next 81 days."

Obama Camp Offers Deal for Five Years Of Romney Taxes - Yahoo! News
tough shit, I like that he's not giving into the demoncraps temper tantrums.

So do I. It just might cost him the election.

The Romney campaign seems to be shaking in their boots.:lol:

Rhoades had this response to the offer: "Hey Jim, thanks for the note. It is clear that President Obama wants nothing more than to talk about Governor Romney’s tax returns instead of the issues that matter to voters, like putting Americans back to work, fixing the economy and reining in spending." He made no indication of taking up the offer, but added: "If Governor Romney’s tax returns are the core message of your campaign, there will be ample time for President Obama to discuss them over the next 81 days."

Obama Camp Offers Deal for Five Years Of Romney Taxes - Yahoo! News
Oh, how clever. Talk to me on the evening of the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. We'll see how that bravado worked out for 'em.
Nice to see Obama treating this like a game show contest......LET'S MAKE A DEAL

and the prize?

The prize being Romney exposed as a typical, fat-cat Republican tax-cheater.

Tax dodger...yes apparently.
Tax cheater...I don't think so.

We will find out eventually though. The die is cast.

You mean like Obama? He didn't have to shield income in his children's names. He could have walked the walk and "paid a little more", for the common good. Looks like Obama only wants to talk the talk. :(
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Most sensible people wouldn't either. The American government's ability to seize entire banks is right up there with Venezuela. Our government is simply too unstable for any kind of sizeable financial account.

This has got to be a joke. How many Americans have lost a penny or more in US Depository institutions since 1941?

315 MILLION of us!!!

How much money has the US taxpayer spent bailing out the banks and S&L's in the last 30 years?

You mean the US tax payer bailing out 'failed-capitalism', don't you?
So do I. It just might cost him the election.

The Romney campaign seems to be shaking in their boots.:lol:

Rhoades had this response to the offer: "Hey Jim, thanks for the note. It is clear that President Obama wants nothing more than to talk about Governor Romney’s tax returns instead of the issues that matter to voters, like putting Americans back to work, fixing the economy and reining in spending." He made no indication of taking up the offer, but added: "If Governor Romney’s tax returns are the core message of your campaign, there will be ample time for President Obama to discuss them over the next 81 days."

Obama Camp Offers Deal for Five Years Of Romney Taxes - Yahoo! News
Oh, how clever. Talk to me on the evening of the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. We'll see how that bravado worked out for 'em.

Done. We'll see who was successful, the team that focused on fixing the nation's problems or the team that focused on gossip and innuendo. Drinks to the winner.
Most sensible people wouldn't either. The American government's ability to seize entire banks is right up there with Venezuela. Our government is simply too unstable for any kind of sizeable financial account.

This has got to be a joke. How many Americans have lost a penny or more in US Depository institutions since 1941?

315 MILLION of us!!!

How much money has the US taxpayer spent bailing out the banks and S&L's in the last 30 years?
Not much at all. The TARP funds that went to banks has almost all been repaid with interest. The S&L bailout cost alot but that's because they weren't yet properly insured - and the S&L Crisis was a result of bad government policy anyway. The RTC is still paying related debt obligations.

Every other bank failure has been handled out of bank-financed deposits into the FDIC.
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