Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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Does anyone believe this is the end of the petty bull shit?
What I still can't figure out is if this document is obam's true long frm BC the dates of the filing to the dates of the accepting of the state registrar dosen't seem to match up with other long form BC 's

Obama's BC went one day form filing to being acceptedby the state registrar

When this one it took 4 days and the BC number are out of sequence


obama's BC certificate number 151- 1961- 010641

The child who was born a day after and the document took 4 days to process number is 151- 1961- 10637

But if he says this is his Long From BC and the government says it's ok I'll shut up and not mention this anymore.

It is a little early yet. Time does have to be given for experts to verify it is indeed the real thing. If it is, I'm convinced. It's over for me. Then we can move on to the issue of obama's father being a subject of Britain, which gave him dual citizenship at birth, which also disqualifies him from holding the office of President.

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It is appalling, degrading and invasion of the presidents privacy to have him produce his birth certificate. No other president in history has had to produce such personal information. I am really disappointed in Obama for have released it. In the future Anchor Babies who want to become president will have to produce their birth certificates and some of them are really fraudulent. Even now there will be those hard core racist that will not believe it is real or find something else to attach the president with.

It is really a sad day for America that a BLACK man has to prove who he is. His word is not good enough. I guess the old phrase “if you are WHITE you are RIGHT” is still alive and well. It’s a slap in the face of every black child. Having to check on applications which race and nationality you are is also degrading and humiliating and a tragedy.

Today, I feel we have been set back a hundred years. I will not even look at his long form birth certificate because it contain personal information. Now they will want to see his college transcripts, his baptismal and circumcision and kindergarten report card.

Every time I hear a birther question Obama place of birth, I feel it's a slap in my face. And I am Native American.

I don't believe it should be show to the public but to other heads of Government. This is an invasion of Obama's privacy.

I can't believe he caved.

How the fuck is the PRESIDENT'S birth certificate "private" information? And why is the OP obsessed with race? How is the desire to see that he's actually American wrapped up in his color? It has nothing to do with his color, it has to do with the fact that he refused to provide information that could have prevented this ball of wax from forming.

BTW...it was HILLARY CLINTON'S camp that started the "Obama may not be a citizen" thing. Thank your own fucking party for viciously starting that rumor.
You are right. good point. This was all started by Hillary

Wing nuts...your chairman...the one that sounds like a Harry Potter Character. Just put out a statement saying that.....THE PRESIDENT! shouldn't be wasting the country's time with this nonsense. :clap2::clap2::clap2:


I consider myself a fairly even tempered person but this kind of dim bulb back handed bullshit makes me want to slap a hoe.

Next its going to be...."How did he get it?" "We couldn't get it!" "They said it was against the rules....OH NOZ!! HE BROKE DA RULZ!!!" :bang3:
Part of the Obama Mystique (Mistake) which got him elected was his "citizen of the world" persona promoted by his TWO AUTOBIOGRAPHIES by the time he turned 45.

He's the one who raised the profile on the circumstances of his birth, his spending several years as a child living overseas, etc. He could have flattened the controversy long ago when the Clintons raised the question during the 2008 campaign by providing his birth certificate back then.

Instead, Bubba ignited The Meme.
What I still can't figure out is if this document is obam's true long frm BC the dates of the filing to the dates of the accepting of the state registrar dosen't seem to match up with other long form BC 's

Obama's BC went one day form filing to being acceptedby the state registrar

When this one it took 4 days and the BC number are out of sequence


obama's BC certificate number 151- 1961- 010641

The child who was born a day after and the document took 4 days to process number is 151- 1961- 10637

But if he says this is his Long From BC and the government says it's ok I'll shut up and not mention this anymore.

It is a little early yet. Time does have to be given for experts to verify it is in deed the real thing. If it is, I'm convinced. It's over for me. Then we can move on to the issue of obama's father being a subject of Britain, which gave him dual citizenship at birth, which also disqualifies him holding the office of President.


Not true. Where in the constitution does it state a president cannot be a duel citizen and become president? The qualifications are:

1. Must be a natural born citizen
2. Must have lived in the US for at least 14 years
3. Must be 35 years old

That's it.
What I still can't figure out is if this document is obam's true long frm BC the dates of the filing to the dates of the accepting of the state registrar dosen't seem to match up with other long form BC 's

Obama's BC went one day form filing to being acceptedby the state registrar

When this one it took 4 days and the BC number are out of sequence


obama's BC certificate number 151- 1961- 010641

The child who was born a day after and the document took 4 days to process number is 151- 1961- 10637

But if he says this is his Long From BC and the government says it's ok I'll shut up and not mention this anymore.
This too is a COLB, not a Birth Certificate.
In hindsight this might turn out to be a bad move for Obama. Now instead of this rediculous issue people might focus on his horrible record as President and his inability to lead.
Trump has shown that he has the power to do what nobody else has been able to do... made Obama show his birth certificate. It's something that Obama should have done long ago. This release of the birth certificate by Obama proves that everything he does is politically motivated. Those that feel he has been wronged by showing it, or tossing around the race card are ass clowns just like Obama. Obama's biggest problem is not the release of his birth certificate but the lack of leadership and having absolutely no clue as to what it takes to be the President of this country. I'm so glad that he is a one term President and my most disappointment in the election of a black President for this country is the fact that someone as inferior as Obama was the first black President. There are many more blacks who would have made a much better President then this idiot.
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Trump apparently said a few days ago that the long form was missing . . . too bad no reporter pegged him with that question. Trump dodged a similar question from a reporter though.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Trump cracks me up though. He just puts it all out there and doesn't give a shit if it offends or whatever. He just opens his mouth and out stuff spills . . . . lol

:clap2: Exactly...

THAT is why he is dangerous, if this were a Daniels or 'Poorlenty' they would turn tail and kiss the medias ass, who would then bang them over the head even harder, they would be on the Sundays shows from one to the next like the 13 stations of the cross mewling their mea culps like little children......

Trump tells them to eat me, , HE intimidates THEM not the other way round, reps are like frightened mice around the media.......and THIS why obama is trying to head this off now, Trumpp is capable fo possessing and controlling the spotlight and saying anything at any time....and obama knows not everything trump may say is defensible or won't hurt him, this is NOT 08.

Plus he needs a wag the dog moment, the ME is in melt down mode, he has NO plan for the deficit, hes out shooting hoops and on campaign....
Yeah basically.

Orrin Hatch wanted to change the Constitution to allow Arnold to run for President.

And I don't believe I've ever heard of another President called a liar in the Congressional chambers.

Republicans are showing their true colors...well as if there was ever any doubt.

Is that shit REALLY necessary?

You're right.

He's the President of the United States, Constitutionally elected by it's people and deserves respect.

No matter what his color.

There's no trouble here..disagreeing on issues..but HOPING the President to fail?

That's damned un-patriotic.
Yeah basically.

Orrin Hatch wanted to change the Constitution to allow Arnold to run for President.

And I don't believe I've ever heard of another President called a liar in the Congressional chambers.

Republicans are showing their true colors...well as if there was ever any doubt.

Is that shit REALLY necessary?

You're right.

He's the President of the United States, Constitutionally elected by it's people and deserves respect.

No matter what his color.

There's no trouble here..disagreeing on issues..but HOPING the President to fail?

That's damned un-patriotic.

What do you know about Patriotism.

You've never served your country and your're a Marxist.

Seig Heil.

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