Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Will the ten states with birther legislation continue pushing their bills?

Birther bills were not supposed to be about Obama, they were supposed to be to verify the candidacy of future candidates

How many think the birther bills will be dropped like a hot potato??

It is appalling, degrading and invasion of the presidents privacy to have him produce his birth certificate. No other president in history has had to produce such personal information. I am really disappointed in Obama for have released it. In the future Anchor Babies who want to become president will have to produce their birth certificates and some of them are really fraudulent. Even now there will be those hard core racist that will not believe it is real or find something else to attach the president with.

It is really a sad day for America that a BLACK man has to prove who he is. His word is not good enough. I guess the old phrase “if you are WHITE you are RIGHT” is still alive and well. It’s a slap in the face of every black child. Having to check on applications which race and nationality you are is also degrading and humiliating and a tragedy.

Today, I feel we have been set back a hundred years. I will not even look at his long form birth certificate because it contain personal information. Now they will want to see his college transcripts, his baptismal and circumcision and kindergarten report card.

Every time I hear a birther question Obama place of birth, I feel it's a slap in my face. And I am Native American.

I don't believe it should be show to the public but to other heads of Government. This is an invasion of Obama's privacy.

While I do not want to believe there is still this much racism in our country, I cannot for the life of me understand the apparent "coincidence" that so many on the right demanded to see a birth certificate for the first time in Presidential history, from our country's first black President. How sad are these people?

Maybe it had more to do with some people claiming he was born in a foreign country than the color of his skin.
Maybe the doubts continued due to the utter incompetence and lack of transparency of the President.
Racism is the domain of Liberals. They use it as a tool to keep blacks voting as a block. Conservatives are about character
If you need any proof of that, just review the 2 current threads about Rep Alan West R FL.

Wing nuts...your chairman...the one that sounds like a Harry Potter Character. Just put out a statement saying that.....THE PRESIDENT! shouldn't be wasting the country's time with this nonsense. :clap2::clap2::clap2:


I consider myself a fairly even tempered person but this kind of dim bulb back handed bullshit makes me want to slap a hoe.

Next its going to be...."How did he get it?" "We couldn't get it!" "They said it was against the rules....OH NOZ!! HE BROKE DA RULZ!!!" :bang3:

^^^^somebody rep that for me!

I'm out for a while.
What I still can't figure out is if this document is obam's true long frm BC the dates of the filing to the dates of the accepting of the state registrar dosen't seem to match up with other long form BC 's

Obama's BC went one day form filing to being acceptedby the state registrar

When this one it took 4 days and the BC number are out of sequence


obama's BC certificate number 151- 1961- 010641

The child who was born a day after and the document took 4 days to process number is 151- 1961- 10637

But if he says this is his Long From BC and the government says it's ok I'll shut up and not mention this anymore.
This too is a COLB, not a Birth Certificate.

Fine, but what I am trying to point out are out of squence dates
Like why did it take four days to get to the state Registrar for the COLB number 151- 1961- 10637

And only one day for obama's? And why is his COLB number higher then the other one when obama was born a day earlier. But as I said if people want to accept this fine.
Will the ten states with birther legislation continue pushing their bills?

Birther bills were not supposed to be about Obama, they were supposed to be to verify the candidacy of future candidates

How many think the birther bills will be dropped like a hot potato??

I doubt they will be dropped. The controversy has persisted for 3 years now. These bills could prevent a repeat.
Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

It's now 10:40am EDT, and I'm wondering if I want to stick around this thread and plow through over 200 posts, many of which will undoubtedly bring up the same old crap plus the added conspiracy that it's a forgery. Oh well, we've just jumped from snow to heat/humidity in two days and I'm already pissed off since I don't like either, so what the hell...
Yeah basically.

Orrin Hatch wanted to change the Constitution to allow Arnold to run for President.

And I don't believe I've ever heard of another President called a liar in the Congressional chambers.

Republicans are showing their true colors...well as if there was ever any doubt.

Is that shit REALLY necessary?

You're right.

He's the President of the United States, Constitutionally elected by it's people and deserves respect.

No matter what his color.

There's no trouble here..disagreeing on issues..but HOPING the President to fail?

That's damned un-patriotic.

Fuck you and your race-baiting rhetoric. The man must earn respect. It is the office that must be respected, something Obama has shown often that he has little of.
Look at the cast of characters who STILL don't believe he was born here. I LOVE it. All of a sudden, they are detectives, water-mark experts and constitutional scholars. LMAO!
Yeah basically.

Orrin Hatch wanted to change the Constitution to allow Arnold to run for President.

And I don't believe I've ever heard of another President called a liar in the Congressional chambers.

Republicans are showing their true colors...well as if there was ever any doubt.

Is that shit REALLY necessary?

You're right.

He's the President of the United States, Constitutionally elected by it's people and deserves respect.

No matter what his color.

There's no trouble here..disagreeing on issues..but HOPING the President to fail?

That's damned un-patriotic.


The Office of the President (Presidency) deserves respect.

The person occupying the office must earn it. The respect with which the person treats the Presidency affects how others will respect him.

Obama has shown incredibly poor respect for the power and privilege of the Presidency, hence he has not earned the respect of those who respect The Presidency itself.
And now Obama finally shows it (maybe).

LTC Terry Lakin chose to selflessly defend the Constitution as is his sworn duty as an officer and a citizen. All he wanted was confirmation of Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility. Instead he got six months in prison, loss of pay, loss of pension, and loss of rank.

Terry Lakin Action Fund

Donald Trump, Talk About Terry Lakin

Or, to state this without any spin or other bullshit, Lt Col Lakin refused to follow orders, hence he got six months in prison, loss of pay, loss of pension, and loss of rank. And rightfully so.
Trump has him flustered. Say what you want about Trump. Like Palin, he has nothing to lose. And that's what makes these people so scary to liberals.
What does this say about the citizens that were happy about letting Obama go on not producing his birth certificate when something about his origin of birth was in question. Just let it go, because you like the man? What if it was a president you didn't care for and the was an element of fear in his background?

We get too emotional in our politics and aren't objective. If a president is hiding something, it is wrong. Many were happy with the president coming out with a COLB and calling t a Birth Certificate when it clearly wasn't. Why hide a birth certificate? That remains a question, but we do see it and if someone still has questions due to the time it took to present it, I say, "Go for it!"

Or country is too great to be brought down by emotionalism. Let's be objective and sure. Once this BC is authenticated, we can say, "Well done, Mr. Presidet. Little Late...but Well Done!"
What I still can't figure out is if this document is obam's true long frm BC the dates of the filing to the dates of the accepting of the state registrar dosen't seem to match up with other long form BC 's

Obama's BC went one day form filing to being acceptedby the state registrar

When this one it took 4 days and the BC number are out of sequence


obama's BC certificate number 151- 1961- 010641

The child who was born a day after and the document took 4 days to process number is 151- 1961- 10637

But if he says this is his Long From BC and the government says it's ok I'll shut up and not mention this anymore.
This too is a COLB, not a Birth Certificate.

A COLB is a birth certificate you moron.
Here's a bigger story IMO:

Lt. Col. Lakin in Prison for Questioning Obama Birth Certificate FREE in 3 Weeks!

Lt. Col. Lakin in Prison for Questioning Obama Birth Certificate FREE in 3 Weeks! - Patriot Action Network

You can join welcome home for Army doc jailed over Obama's hidden birth certificate

Ex-LTC Lakin wasn't in jail for questioning Obama's Birth Certificate, he was charged with and found guilty of disobeying orders and missing movement, orders issued by senior military officers. Obama's birth certificate was irrelevant to the charges.

He was NOT charged for making a video, he was charged when he failed to report.

Yeah basically.

Orrin Hatch wanted to change the Constitution to allow Arnold to run for President.

And I don't believe I've ever heard of another President called a liar in the Congressional chambers.

Republicans are showing their true colors...well as if there was ever any doubt.

Is that shit REALLY necessary?

You're right.

He's the President of the United States, Constitutionally elected by it's people and deserves respect.

No matter what his color.

There's no trouble here..disagreeing on issues..but HOPING the President to fail?

That's damned un-patriotic.

Hoping for the failure of the policies of a President that seeks to destroy this country is about the most patriotic desire one can have. obama deserves no respect and will never get any from me.
I do however respect the office, to wit, "President obama".

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