Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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Yeah basically.

Orrin Hatch wanted to change the Constitution to allow Arnold to run for President.

And I don't believe I've ever heard of another President called a liar in the Congressional chambers.

Republicans are showing their true colors...well as if there was ever any doubt.
This document will be thoroughly examined by Donald Trump. So until he certifies it's authenticity, all of you claiming this issue is "over" should STFU.

Personally, I'm disappointed that he released his BC. It was fun watching the right go into conniptions about it...not that they won't find something else equally ridiculous to go into conniptions about.

I'm surprised he did it too. He enjoys dividing the country at any chance he can get.

:lol: right...HE'S the one doing the dividing. :lol:
Well, that was money well spent.... at least he paid out of his own pocket to keep it hidden. And now, let's see your college records, Mr O.


Remember when I (I think it was me) posted Michelle's thesis? COMPLETE GARBAGE. I could have written it in 7th grade.

I'll bet it can't be found now.
Yeah basically.

Orrin Hatch wanted to change the Constitution to allow Arnold to run for President.

And I don't believe I've ever heard of another President called a liar in the Congressional chambers.

Republicans are showing their true colors...well as if there was ever any doubt.

Is that shit REALLY necessary?
I believe he was born in Hawaii and think the birther BS is just that. BS.

I think it would be in his best interests to release his BC. There are many out there who believe whole heartedly that he isn't a US citizen. Those people will be voting in 2012.

So you don't think that it will HURT the Republicans for keeping this BS going?

Notice how some die hard birther-pushers have walked back, e.g. Bachmann.

Why do you think that is?

I'll tell you...this Birther nonsense is only going to HELP not HURT Obama's reelection chances. Every sensible person knows this.
You're lying about Bachmann. She washed her hands of the birther issue long ago.

I don't know how many times she's said publicly that she took Obama at his word.

Personnally it stinks to high heaven. Obama could have proved he was born here way back when Hillary brought it up, but he chose for some reason not to.
That is yet another COLB.... It is NOT a birth certificate. It is no different than what was previously released, other than the new date of release.


It's a 'Certificate of Live Birth' not a 'Certification of Live Birth (COLB)'. There is more information on the just released form.
It's not the birth certificate hun. The actual BC from the 60s would have his footprints, his mother's thumbprints, and more notarized signatures and also more information than a COLB. A COLB is a legal document certifying birth - it is not a birth certificate.

You should be asking yourself now, why are there are two of them - one a "certification" and one a "certificate" with no other changes than that.

I thought the bc's with footprints and such were just souvenir bc's.
Obama says birth certificate had become a distraction - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

I said this back in 2008... This was a Distraction... Like (43) not Directly Addressing the Bullshit Claims that he was AWOL during Nam... Why Barry has done this now, is beyond me...

I don't Know how it's Politically a Benefit for him...

It would have been Better to hold this until the End of the Summer NEXT Year, and then Embarrass whoever the GOPers were who were Running on it...

Now it will be a Dead Issue for Everyone in 2012.

Anyway... There will still be "Birthers"... That's for Certain.


Thank you for proving me right.

I called it.

90% of you morons won't be happy with anything. And will work to kill our chance of taking the WH.

Pardon me - but the State of Hawaii does indeed have something called a "Birth Certificate." When do you thing our Commander In Chump will share his with the nation?


B/c you can't get a copy of your actual BC from the hospital or the county you were born in.

But Please Oh Please! Whatever you do don't :stfu:. I need you guys to burn yourselves out now so we have a chance to cover the real issues w/o obama pointing you retards out.

I just had to have mine for a passport.... its reads "BIRTH CERTIFICATE" not "Certificate of Live Birth"

Just sayin'
So the quesiton is why did it take basically 3 years to cough this up?
My take is again, Obama miscalculated because he doesnt understand America or Americans. This is why people consistently attribute things to him that aren't true, like being a Muslim. They don't know enough about their own president and so make things up to fill in the gaps. And he has pushed this for reasons only his handlers know.
And yes I'd love to see his college records. What is he hiding??
On the PDF..... Why does it have a watermark taking up the whole page, and not just on the document in question? Why the overlay?


I don't see any watermark or overlay.
Look at the lime green pattern starting at the top of the image. This is an overlay. NOT part of the original document. This overlay was done when the PDF was created.

Its about time.

Was it really that hard Mr. President?

I'm glad he was born here, otherwise it would of been embarassing for this country to have a fraud in the office.

Now we can focus on what a shitty job he has been doing.

Sad how you say that, NOW we can focus, sure wish we could've focused on big kid issues before rather than wasting so much time and energy on this drivel.

I was sarcastically referring to the media. They were the ones focused on the birthers, especially with Trump. I've always been more focused on what a shitty job the Hussein has been doing. :lol:

Yeah, real issues like his middle name......................

Aye aye aye

It is appalling, degrading and invasion of the presidents privacy to have him produce his birth certificate. No other president in history has had to produce such personal information. I am really disappointed in Obama for have released it. In the future Anchor Babies who want to become president will have to produce their birth certificates and some of them are really fraudulent. Even now there will be those hard core racist that will not believe it is real or find something else to attach the president with.

It is really a sad day for America that a BLACK man has to prove who he is. His word is not good enough. I guess the old phrase “if you are WHITE you are RIGHT” is still alive and well. It’s a slap in the face of every black child. Having to check on applications which race and nationality you are is also degrading and humiliating and a tragedy.

Today, I feel we have been set back a hundred years. I will not even look at his long form birth certificate because it contain personal information. Now they will want to see his college transcripts, his baptismal and circumcision and kindergarten report card.

Every time I hear a birther question Obama place of birth, I feel it's a slap in my face. And I am Native American.

I don't believe it should be show to the public but to other heads of Government. This is an invasion of Obama's privacy.

Yeah - and you idiots humiliated the last WHITE president by making him produce documents to prove he wasn't AWOL.

Please STFU idiot.
It's a little early folks. The experts need to take a close look at it and verify it is in deed the real thing. If it is, then that issue is done. He was born in Hawaii.

Then we can move on to the issue of his father being a subject of Britain, which gives obama dual citizenship at birth which also disqualifies him from being President.


How the fuck is the PRESIDENT'S birth certificate "private" information? And why is the OP obsessed with race? How is the desire to see that he's actually American wrapped up in his color? It has nothing to do with his color, it has to do with the fact that he refused to provide information that could have prevented this ball of wax from forming.

BTW...it was HILLARY CLINTON'S camp that started the "Obama may not be a citizen" thing. Thank your own fucking party for viciously starting that rumor.

It is appalling, degrading and invasion of the presidents privacy to have him produce his birth certificate. No other president in history has had to produce such personal information. I am really disappointed in Obama for have released it. In the future Anchor Babies who want to become president will have to produce their birth certificates and some of them are really fraudulent. Even now there will be those hard core racist that will not believe it is real or find something else to attach the president with.

It is really a sad day for America that a BLACK man has to prove who he is. His word is not good enough. I guess the old phrase “if you are WHITE you are RIGHT” is still alive and well. It’s a slap in the face of every black child. Having to check on applications which race and nationality you are is also degrading and humiliating and a tragedy.

Today, I feel we have been set back a hundred years. I will not even look at his long form birth certificate because it contain personal information. Now they will want to see his college transcripts, his baptismal and circumcision and kindergarten report card.

Every time I hear a birther question Obama place of birth, I feel it's a slap in my face. And I am Native American.

I don't believe it should be show to the public but to other heads of Government. This is an invasion of Obama's privacy.

Yeah - and you idiots humiliated the last WHITE president by making him produce documents to prove he wasn't AWOL.

Why must you Liberal turds insert "Race" into everything

Please STFU idiot.

It's a 'Certificate of Live Birth' not a 'Certification of Live Birth (COLB)'. There is more information on the just released form.
It's not the birth certificate hun. The actual BC from the 60s would have his footprints, his mother's thumbprints, and more notarized signatures and also more information than a COLB. A COLB is a legal document certifying birth - it is not a birth certificate.

You should be asking yourself now, why are there are two of them - one a "certification" and one a "certificate" with no other changes than that.

I thought the bc's with footprints and such were just souvenir bc's.
No. That is the official Birth Certificate they give your mom. They keep one copy and will not replace it if you lose it. They give you a COLB instead.

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