Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I hope the birfers can move on to the important issues this country is facing right now.
I am glad that Obama decided to stop playing this game of distraction. He probably felt that it was becoming a negative for him in this campaign year.

i think he shouldn't have released it.

i think he should have waited til the birfers nominated the donald. if i were him, when the donald, at the debates, says "mr president, WHERE IS THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE", i'd have calmly reached into my pocket and said. "why donald, here it is".

i think we might have seen the donald speechless for the first time.
They will not stop this insanity.

This is the right wing base.

It's not the rightwing base, TM, it's the fringers.
Also, this was picking up steam from the democrats, also. Not as much as from the right, but it was increasing.
Not true. Over 50% of Republicans are birthers.

First...TM was talking about rightwing base, not republicans. Second...I doubt you could really get a non bias source to state that 50% of republicans believe this. I know a whole lot of them and only one was a birfer.....just sayin...
I hope the birfers can move on to the important issues this country is facing right now.
I am glad that Obama decided to stop playing this game of distraction. He probably felt that it was becoming a negative for him in this campaign year.

i think he shouldn't have released it.

i think he should have waited til the birfers nominated the donald. if i were him, when the donald, at the debates, says "mr president, WHERE IS THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE", i'd have calmly reached into my pocket and said. "why donald, here it is".

i think we might have seen the donald speechless for the first time.

the problem is the big media made this a popular story (most normal people do not view cable or surf internet news) with Trump and once the American public gets hold of a lie -- they invariably run with it.

Obama did what had to be done. :cool:
CNN . . . .

Oh, now they're playing the race card in the birther issue. :rolleyes:

whitehouse.gov . . . .birth certificate is now posted.

The Donald is also questioning Obama's student records . . . Harvard Law review . . . how did he get into Harvard . .. .

Played the race care, I am sure.
I'm pretty-certain that's still Pat Buchanan's job.....​

"Another disturbing and consistent pattern of Buchanan's is hiring trusted staff members who work with, or are part of, racist and militia groups. For example:

-- Larry Pratt, co-chairman of Buchanan's campaign, is a major figure in the militia movement, and has appeared at workshops and on TV shows sponsored by white supremacist "Christian Identity" groups.

-- Rev. Donald Wildmon, another of the 4 Buchanan co-chairmen, crusades against sexually explicit TV shows and has repeatedly asserted that Jews dominate the entertainment industry and are responsible. He condemned the movie "Last Temptation of Christ" as being funded by "Jewish money."

-- Michael Farris, the third of the 4 co-chairmen, attended the "White Rose Banquet" honoring those who had gone to jail for acts of violence in the anti-abortion crusade -- including Paul Hill, who shot a doctor and his bodyguard in Pensacola, Florida. The banquet was held in Arlington, VA on January 21, 1996

-- William Carter, a member of Buchanan's South Carolina steering Committee, ran David Duke's 1992 campaign there. After this came out, Buchanan fired him.

-- Susan Lamb, Duval County, Florida chairwoman for Buchanan was involved in the "National Association for the Advancement of White People", founded by Duke.

-- Samuel Francis, a friend and supporter who spoke at a 1993 meeting of Buchanan's group "American Cause", has called for a "white reconquest of the United States" and reportedly was asked to leave the Washington Times' editorial staff because of his racism.

-- Vincent Bruno, and two of Buchanan's other Louisiana delegates, have ties to ex-KKK wizard David Duke's 1991 campaign for Louisiana governor. Bruno was Duke's liaison to the religious right.

Senator Byrd ENOUGH SAID.
The republicans pretend this is not their base now.

They have no commitment to facts
From TM's source:

“Eighty-five percent of Democrats say that Obama was definitely or probably born in the U.S., compared to 68 percent of independents and 57 percent of Republicans
Once again, Obama makes conservatives look like fools.

I love it!

Not ALL conservatives. Besides, there were some dems who jumped on this bandwagon also. Obama likes to play games. Thus the reason he did not come clean from the get-go. Maybe it took the focus away from all that he is NOT doing!
So you now are claiming that the birthers are a fringe group of the republican party?
It's been nearly 3 years and no proof, or valid evidence has come forth to prove that he was not born in HI.


Do you want obama out in '12? Of course you do. Many people do.

But if you keep grinding this stoopid birffer stuff over and over and over. All big 0 has to do is tell the moderates; "Do you want someone that sees proof and ignores it, running this country?"

Seriously, he will make this BS a front and center issue and we will have a problem keeping the House, and we can FORGET the Senate.

So STFU now, and we can get some conservatives in and hopefully take both houses of Congress, and maybe we canfix the damage you are doing and take the WH.

If you don't?

We are all fucked.

No you Obama apologists need to stop being afraid of the truth and covering your ears and closing your eyes to the truth idiot. there is NONE evidence that he was born in hawaii.,deal with it.

Did you read the news?

He released the long form you morons have been demanding.


now :stfu: so we can get him out of the WH.


NO I will not the document he has still has an issue
Google nordyke long form BC look at signture line 21 and compare to the one obama just provided today. The signatures are of different people. Shouldn't the local registrar be the same since the two documents were filed in the same county within one day of each other?
Hawaii population was not big enough to have more than one locial registrar pre county in 1961
Twenty-seven percent of Republicans say he was probably not born here, and another 14 percent of Republicans say he was definitely not born in the U.S.”

41% of republicans is not fringe
From TM's source:

“Eighty-five percent of Democrats say that Obama was definitely or probably born in the U.S., compared to 68 percent of independents and 57 percent of Republicans

And this is surprising??? After all, he IS a democrat! Or maybe not.

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