Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
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    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
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So we're supposed to accept this document from a liar who drug his feet? I've already picked out one thing wrong with the document. But that won't stop you from believing this document is a true certified documentof obama's birth.

What a perfect example of the STUPIDITY and EGOTISM of these Birthers.

Stupidity in that they will never stop moving the goalposts and relying on their own pre-conceived notions of Obama instead of the facts. Read above! He says "why trust a liar" - well when your assumption is that everything's going to be a lie, of course you wont accept the REAL FACTS.

Egotism is that some wackjob on an internet forum board thinks he knows more about birth certificates than the rest of the world. Trust me there are smarter people out there than you who know about birth certificates. I doubt you are a bc expert and aren't the smartest guy in the room when it comes to government forms. To think you know more than the rest of the citizenry...than the experts who would LOVE to bring Obama down..is bullshit egotism.

BTW, is your "error" that the race is listed as "African" instead of Negro or Black? Nice try but that's not an error, Cochise.

The signature in box 21 should be the same on both documents because both documents were issued from the same county

Show me some citation as to why you think that? Until you show me a rule that says that, you've proven nothing.

I'm sure there could be more than one registrar. Or perhaps they changed in between. Or some other of a thousand other explanations.
Okay, I've now had opportunity to see most of the whole thing up close. And I'm also seeing that the birthers probably aren't going to shut up, though Donald Trump seems satisfied. He now wants the college transcripts and papers. :)

Questions remaining from the birthers:

• If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?

• Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: It is spelled “Ukulele.”

Here's a photo of the long form:


if gadawg is really a detective, why isn't he figuring this shit out? :lol:
There you go, one more in my 'stupidest' category, another denier.

Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.

Nope. You're the fucking douche in this equation. Every time Barry Obammy submits to one of your demands, you move the fucking goalpost. I can see why he took so damn long to show you this shit...it's never enough.

You people are certifiable whackjobs that have too much invested in this conspiracy bullshit.

I'm not happy with BO for lots of reasons, but at least he's had the balls to fuck with you nitwits for this long.

It's worthless until it has been authenticated.
No it's not. Worthless to crackpots like you maybe. But there you go. That's only for the crackpots.

I'm sure once it gets attested to you'll come up with some other bullshit goalpost.
Oh btw, you DO realize that there have been multiple government officials there locally who have attested to this BEFORE he sent it out right?

Or is your head so far up your ass that you didn't hear that part?
There you go, one more in my 'stupidest' category, another denier.

Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.

Nope. You're the fucking douche in this equation. Every time Barry Obammy submits to one of your demands, you move the fucking goalpost. I can see why he took so damn long to show you this shit...it's never enough.

You people are certifiable whackjobs that have too much invested in this conspiracy bullshit.

I'm not happy with BO for lots of reasons, but at least he's had the balls to fuck with you nitwits for this long.

That's what I look for in a President. Somebody who "fucks with" people.

That'll get a lot accomplished, let me tell yah.
What will be really telling is when all the state proposals to make new laws about this issue suddenly disappear.

There you go, one more in my 'stupidest' category, another denier.

Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.

Nope. You're the fucking douche in this equation. Every time Barry Obammy submits to one of your demands, you move the fucking goalpost. I can see why he took so damn long to show you this shit...it's never enough.

You people are certifiable whackjobs that have too much invested in this conspiracy bullshit.

I'm not happy with BO for lots of reasons, but at least he's had the balls to fuck with you nitwits for this long.

Let me guess... your eyes are brown... BECAUSE YOU'RE FULL OF BULL SHIT!

Quit your lying ya stinking little shit bag and stop french kissing obama's ass. This newest thing that's been released with HAVE to be VERIFIED as AUTHENTIC, PERIOD. If it is, game over. He was born in Hawaii, and I'll be the FIRST TO ADMIT IT, and there hasn't been a more adamant person on this issue on this board than me. So you're not only spewing leftist CRAP, but you're dead wrong. So if you're just here to regurgitate leftist party line bull shit, better get some new fucking material there johnny jingle nuts.
The President of the United States was brought down by a TV reality show host today and held a press conference to explain that he is a Natural Born Citizen. Now he's doing an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.

Nope. You're the fucking douche in this equation. Every time Barry Obammy submits to one of your demands, you move the fucking goalpost. I can see why he took so damn long to show you this shit...it's never enough.

You people are certifiable whackjobs that have too much invested in this conspiracy bullshit.

I'm not happy with BO for lots of reasons, but at least he's had the balls to fuck with you nitwits for this long.

That's what I look for in a President. Somebody who "fucks with" people.

That'll get a lot accomplished, let me tell yah.
you have to admit he is a super troll. look how well he fooled 60% of the population
What a perfect example of the STUPIDITY and EGOTISM of these Birthers.

Stupidity in that they will never stop moving the goalposts and relying on their own pre-conceived notions of Obama instead of the facts. Read above! He says "why trust a liar" - well when your assumption is that everything's going to be a lie, of course you wont accept the REAL FACTS.

Egotism is that some wackjob on an internet forum board thinks he knows more about birth certificates than the rest of the world. Trust me there are smarter people out there than you who know about birth certificates. I doubt you are a bc expert and aren't the smartest guy in the room when it comes to government forms. To think you know more than the rest of the citizenry...than the experts who would LOVE to bring Obama down..is bullshit egotism.

BTW, is your "error" that the race is listed as "African" instead of Negro or Black? Nice try but that's not an error, Cochise.

The signature in box 21 should be the same on both documents because both documents were issued from the same county

Show me some citation as to why you think that? Until you show me a rule that says that, you've proven nothing.

I'm sure there could be more than one registrar. Or perhaps they changed in between. Or some other of a thousand other explanations.[/QUOTE]

Show me some citation as to why you think that? Until you show me a rule that says that, you've proven nothing.

OH I see you think people are stupid for qustioning this document because obama drug his feet, but you question smone else who ha shown you the two signatures and expectan answer? Hawaii was a new state and would not have had the need of more than one local registrar pre county. Hawaii wan't that populated for the need of more than one local registrar.
Hawaii Pop
1961 659000

Last edited:

lol, one doc is 61 10461 the other is 61 10367. How many times was this guy born? :lol:

Two different documents for two different people.

ok, nevermind :lol:[/QUOTE]

And one is a .jpeg picture image of the original, and obama's is another .pdf computer generated image. So even now, there still isn't anything anyone can hold in their hand and look at. Just another internet, computer generated image. Personally though, I hope it checks out. I'm sick of this issue. We do need to get passed it. Then we can focus on is he a legal "natural born citizen" since his father was a subject of Britain, and maybe see his college records, passports, etc.
Obama really should have whipped the conspiracy theorists into a frenzy then released this.

Honest, it did him more good to have ppl talking this ridiculousness than real debateable issues.
Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.

Nope. You're the fucking douche in this equation. Every time Barry Obammy submits to one of your demands, you move the fucking goalpost. I can see why he took so damn long to show you this shit...it's never enough.

You people are certifiable whackjobs that have too much invested in this conspiracy bullshit.

I'm not happy with BO for lots of reasons, but at least he's had the balls to fuck with you nitwits for this long.

That's what I look for in a President. Somebody who "fucks with" people.

That'll get a lot accomplished, let me tell yah.

:lol: he is a community organizer after all :lol:
My BC has footprints on it.

Oh, and I was wondering why Obama's docs are on fresh paper. Mine is faded over the years and doesn't look nearly as new as his does.

But it's nice that somebody took the time to use a typewriter instead of a Microsoft office application.

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