Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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Its about time.

Was it really that hard Mr. President?

I'm glad he was born here, otherwise it would of been embarassing for this country to have a fraud in the office.

Now we can focus on what a shitty job he has been doing.

Oh that shouldn't be hard to do. After all, you've still got his verbal faux pas to fall back on, like "57 states" which seem to get added to any conversation about a real issue. Otherwise, you people tend not to be able to make your case.
It's been nearly 3 years and no proof, or valid evidence has come forth to prove that he was not born in HI.


Do you want obama out in '12? Of course you do. Many people do.

But if you keep grinding this stoopid birffer stuff over and over and over. All big 0 has to do is tell the moderates; "Do you want someone that sees proof and ignores it, running this country?"

Seriously, he will make this BS a front and center issue and we will have a problem keeping the House, and we can FORGET the Senate.

So STFU now, and we can get some conservatives in and hopefully take both houses of Congress, and maybe we canfix the damage you are doing and take the WH.

If you don't?

We are all fucked.

No you Obama apologists need to stop being afraid of the truth and covering your ears and closing your eyes to the truth idiot. there is NONE evidence that he was born in hawaii.,deal with it.

Did you read the news?

He released the long form you morons have been demanding.


now :stfu: so we can get him out of the WH.

He shouldn't have released it.... Now Republicans will challenge him on the issues instead of his birth certificate.... Now he has no chance for re-election. So much for the smartest President to ever live....

Ya think? The only candidate Republicans have so far that even has a slight chance is Mitt Romney, another Republican also-ran.

WH2012: General
PDF of long-form birth certificate


No shut the fuck up and move on to MUCH more important issues.

Obama releases detailed birth certificate - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

Can anyone see an official seal on it?

I can't see anything that actually is required to make it official.

Anyone got a new picture of it that shows the seal?

props too Zoom for noticing.

Why would there be a "seal" on it? The "seal" would be found on the certification that there's one on file. There's a signature and date of authenticity. Good God. I think Obama should start trying to locate the OBGYN who delivered him, if he's still alive, and prop him up before a Kangaroo Court of Birthers and see if they'll believe him. But I doubt it.

I know, I know.

Seriously though. For this to be an official document there needs to be a seal of some kind.

The seal, seals [pun intended] the deal completely and gives the burfers nothing to hold onto.
It will never end.

They will lie as long as the day lasts.

Evidence means nothing to dishonest people
Trump has him flustered. Say what you want about Trump. Like Palin, he has nothing to lose. And that's what makes these people so scary to liberals.

Trump said his team would have to examine the birth certificate and

"Today, I'm very proud of myself, because I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish," Trump told reporters. "Why he didn't do it when everybody else was asking for it, I don't know. But I am really honored, frankly, to have played such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue."

Read more: White House Releases Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate - FoxNews.com

Trump is a natural salesman, He is a master at marketing. Trump has access to the media and he knows how to use the media. obama knows this and it has him sacred. he is trying to diffuse this and derail trump, which is why he came out with this now. all he's done is tip his hat that he is worried. to trump, it's a shark smelling blood. The elections are a long way away. Trump is playing with him now, setting the stage. getting him off his guard and mr cool is breaking.
He shouldn't have released it.... Now Republicans will challenge him on the issues instead of his birth certificate.... Now he has no chance for re-election. So much for the smartest President to ever live....

Ya think? The only candidate Republicans have so far that even has a slight chance is Mitt Romney, another Republican also-ran.

WH2012: General

But romney will appeal to blue dog democrats and swing voters. He'll also catch the eye of the universal healthcare fanatics. this is a different year and different times. You have a fiscal conservative - what this country really needs, who is also a social liberal. the more democrats throw out there to discredit romney from the far right, the more he will appeal to the left
I have been fighting Birfers ever since the Hillary Clinton campaign first brought this up back in 2008. The PUMAS ran with it.


CNN has been showing the top of yet another COLB, NOT a BC. They haven't claimed yet this is the new document. If Obama releases yet another COLB it's a massive mistake - how can you have two COLBs?

Here it is:


That's the only form other than the "Certification" produced prior to this that Hawaii uses. CNN also produced a copy of some other guy's similar birth certificate with the same blocks of information required to be completed.

Now a Attestation needs to be done to prove its authenticity by independent certified document experts. Michelle Bachmann suggested this last week.

There you go, one more in my 'stupidest' category, another denier.
Here it is:


That's the only form other than the "Certification" produced prior to this that Hawaii uses. CNN also produced a copy of some other guy's similar birth certificate with the same blocks of information required to be completed.

Now a Attestation needs to be done to prove its authenticity by independent certified document experts. Michelle Bachmann suggested this last week.

There you go, one more in my 'stupidest' category, another denier.

Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.
CNN . . . .

Oh, now they're playing the race card in the birther issue. :rolleyes:

whitehouse.gov . . . .birth certificate is now posted.

The Donald is also questioning Obama's student records . . . Harvard Law review . . . how did he get into Harvard . .. .

Well it sure wasn't because some alumni gave him a free pass. And you don't just make Harvard Law Review (or any other law school magazine) without proving your academic credentials and writing skills based on knowledge of law as learned there.

That was once true. It is not quite so true now, nor was it when Obama was there. I, for one, have been far more interested in his college transcripts than his BC since the get go.
I think the main point is that there isn't a single shred of evidence that he was born elsewhere.

He's said Hawaii is his birthplace as long as he's been a public figure. There shouldn't be a reason to dispute it without some kind of evidence.

So obama has told the turth once in his life? when was that? He lies and that is enough reason not to belkieve him

What politician doesn't lie?

Have you asked for the BC's of all our presidents, congressmen, etc.?

No I haven't. Was there any doubt where they were born ?
Okay, I've now had opportunity to see most of the whole thing up close. And I'm also seeing that the birthers probably aren't going to shut up, though Donald Trump seems satisfied. He now wants the college transcripts and papers. :)

Questions remaining from the birthers:

• If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?

• Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: It is spelled “Ukulele.”

Here's a photo of the long form:

Now a Attestation needs to be done to prove its authenticity by independent certified document experts. Michelle Bachmann suggested this last week.

There you go, one more in my 'stupidest' category, another denier.

Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.

Nope. You're the fucking douche in this equation. Every time Barry Obammy submits to one of your demands, you move the fucking goalpost. I can see why he took so damn long to show you this shit...it's never enough.

You people are certifiable whackjobs that have too much invested in this conspiracy bullshit.

I'm not happy with BO for lots of reasons, but at least he's had the balls to fuck with you nitwits for this long.
Fmr Hawaii Heath Director Chiyome Fukino Told MSNBC Last Week In Interview That Obama's Long Form Was Half-Written

Just last week she told MSNBC when interviewed this:

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims - Politics - More politics - msnbc.com

[She found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files.]

Now what Obama released this morning is not half written. What Obama released this morning has nothing half written on it. There is only 3 written signatures. Something is not right. Governor Albercrombie could only find a written notation. Did Fukino lie to MSNBC about the long form being half written or was she telling the truth?

Here is Obama's long form COLB released this morning. Is it half written?


Signature box 21 is what I am questioning from the same county obama was supposedly born in compare with another COLB from the same county birth the day after obama


There you go, one more in my 'stupidest' category, another denier.

Wanting something obama took two and half years and untold pressure to release to be verified as authentic is "stupid?" You are a fucking moron.

Nope. You're the fucking douche in this equation. Every time Barry Obammy submits to one of your demands, you move the fucking goalpost. I can see why he took so damn long to show you this shit...it's never enough.

You people are certifiable whackjobs that have too much invested in this conspiracy bullshit.

I'm not happy with BO for lots of reasons, but at least he's had the balls to fuck with you nitwits for this long.

psssstt. that's how the game is played. btw, we also don't walk blindly into battle wearing bright red coats and waiting to see the whites of their eyes anymore either.
Oh I know. I'm just following suit. One stupid claim followed by each side alternating fucktarded remarks about the other. I've finally succumb.

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