Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I emphatically agree with the OP.

The dismal economy and failure of Obamanomics should be the focus. We are in the midst of the WORST RECOVERY EVER due to Obama's appalling spending binge and and anti business policies.

Giving him cover by focusing on the circumstances of his birth is counter productive.

His camp and the left used this as race bait and it has worked wonders I have always said it was a stroke of genius clearly above his pay grade
So we're supposed to accept this document from a liar who drug his feet? I've already picked out one thing wrong with the document. But that won't stop you from believing this document is a true certified documentof obama's birth.

I accepted Hawaii's confirmation of the original COLB.

You are a classic example of birther stupidity and you basically put a fine point on the very things we have been saying all along.

Thank you for being such a wonderful specimen who what we have all claimed would happen if Obama caved on the COLB thing.

Of course you are. Shouldn't there be one local registrar signing both documents, since they were filled within one day from each other?

You moron. The short form COLB is a reprint. A "receipt" that verifies the original exists and is issued at the time of request.

You want them to dredge up the guy from 1961 to sign a document that probably wasn't in circulation until 2004?

Do you even know what you are arguing here?
/\ This is a good example of the birther cognitive dissonance. Obama has produced the document they have screamed for. Now the standard is to "prove it's real". The bar will continued to be raised.

At any rate, I am pissed at Obama for giving in to the stupid birthers, but I see the logic. He has essentially called their bluff on the whole "Just show us the BC" mentality. Now as their demands get stranger and strangers, the American people will recognize the movement for what it truly is.

A bunch of fucking bigots who can't accept that their President isn't lily white.

So we're supposed to accept this document from a liar who drug his feet? I've already picked out one thing wrong with the document. But that won't stop you from believing this document is a true certified documentof obama's birth.

What a perfect example of the STUPIDITY and EGOTISM of these Birthers.

Stupidity in that they will never stop moving the goalposts and relying on their own pre-conceived notions of Obama instead of the facts. Read above! He says "why trust a liar" - well when your assumption is that everything's going to be a lie, of course you wont accept the REAL FACTS.

Egotism is that some wackjob on an internet forum board thinks he knows more about birth certificates than the rest of the world. Trust me there are smarter people out there than you who know about birth certificates. I doubt you are a bc expert and aren't the smartest guy in the room when it comes to government forms. To think you know more than the rest of the citizenry...than the experts who would LOVE to bring Obama down..is bullshit egotism.

BTW, is your "error" that the race is listed as "African" instead of Negro or Black? Nice try but that's not an error, Cochise.

One error i see (or don't see) - shouldn't this have a raised seal if it was certified???? Don't see one on the form he's showing...
AP: "By going on national TV from the White House, Obama portrayed himself as a voice of reason amid a loud, lingering debate on his birth status..."

Bullshit... It makes him look like his Skin was Thin enough for Trump to get under...

He hasn't addressed it for damned near 3 years, why now?...


Oh this is so funny watching all the birthers scramble and either drastically reach.

I've said it before, I'll say it again-this whole thing is just the far right's pathetic plan to make themselves feel better, and feel like they actually have a shot at getting Obama impeached.

Props to the right/republicans who denounce this as sheer stupidity (and I know you guys/gals have been saying it from the start). We need to focus on big issues, and not the meaningless ones based on conspiracy theories. If you want to get rid of Obama-do it the realistic way-vote him out in 2012. You wont do it by focusing on BS, focus on the areas he's done a bad job on. You have quite a bit to choose from.

Obama is just as American as anybody posting on these boards. Now I know that ruffles a lot of feathers, and you may not want to believe it-but doesn't make it any less true. A lot of people need to get their heads out of the sand with the "dems want America to fail", or the "repubs want America to fail". It doesn't do your side any good when you say that.

This isn't going to change anything in regards to the birthers.

Once you realize that this has never been about the birth certificate, it all makes so much more sense.

This is about a bunch of fucking bigots seized by cognitive dissonance that refuses to allow them to accept that a black man (or 1/2 black man) could be chosen by their countrymen to lead the nation. At the heart of it is the erroding sense of security that many people in "white America" feel as minorities are moving away from becoming minorities.

People do strange things in the name of xenophobia. Look at the "Know Nothing" movement and what the Irish and Italians had to deal with when they arrived in this country.

Ever think that Obama's actions, not his color, makes so many wonder what country Obama was born in.
Yeah....that's what it is....that's why White Wingers have always discriminated against The Blacks (as Baldy Trump calls 'em)....everyone was simply curious about where they came from.


You'd have to be one seriously, dumb, fuckin' Teabagger, to believe that!!!
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Fukino said last week to MSNBC that his original was half written. What was released today was not half written.
Berg wasn't the first, but he too got his marching orders from the Clinton campaign.

Who was the first?

Furthermore, you can no more prove that Berg got his marching orders from the Clinton campaign then I can prove that the the moon has a cheese filled center.

Berg has kept fighting this thing long (albeit ineptly) long after the primary.
Actually I can prove it, I still have the emails.
Berg and the PUMAS are still birfers. They never stopped.

E-mails from Clinton directing Berg to pull this crap? I would love to see that.
CNN . . . .

Oh, now they're playing the race card in the birther issue. :rolleyes:

whitehouse.gov . . . .birth certificate is now posted.

The Donald is also questioning Obama's student records . . . Harvard Law review . . . how did he get into Harvard . .. .

Well it sure wasn't because some alumni gave him a free pass. And you don't just make Harvard Law Review (or any other law school magazine) without proving your academic credentials and writing skills based on knowledge of law as learned there.
CNN . . . .

Oh, now they're playing the race card in the birther issue. :rolleyes:

whitehouse.gov . . . .birth certificate is now posted.

The Donald is also questioning Obama's student records . . . Harvard Law review . . . how did he get into Harvard . .. .

Whether you like to admit it or not, for many people this is a race issue. It should come as no surprise that some of the biggest birthers on this board are racist.

No they're not. We're race baiters. Did you forget?
Already seeing on USMB full proof of what many others and I have been saying all along. Even if President Obama released the original, people would still say it's a fake. Because after all, there are no pleasing the birthers on this issue. You could have a video of his birth with a time stamp, etc and they would still say fake.

For anyone bothering to pay attention, this is President Obama cutting Trump down at the knees while he's the leading GOP candidate in many polls. I figure he's been waiting two plus years for something like this.

Trump doesnt need to be cut at the knees cause he's not running anyway. do you have any idea the ratings his season finale is going to get given that he's announcing his intentions?

I think it's time for Omarosa to start making some public appearances. She could play to the tabloids that she was Trump's secret mistress which is why he had to fire her on the very first "Apprentice" show. Then we'd see how The Donald likes it when rumors fly about HIM.
I've said for at least three years Obama was waiting for someone important to go out on that birfer limb, so he could saw it off. Surprised at the timing though, this would have made for a great "October Surprise" after a birfer got the GOP nomination.

a 'birfer' was/is not going to get the GOP nomination. So hes left with choosing another moment or foe to use it on.

IF this is true and he does release this BC putting it all to bed, its becasue he wants to destroy Trump now.......

the question is 'why now' ............Trump doesn't really have a shot at the big seat, but he appears to be ready to take this thing to the primary and according to the 'wise' men of the media it will wreck the GOP's image....so, who wants to guess why ....'now'?

If Trump really found something in his "investigation" that Obama thinks might do some damage, do you honestly think he'll shut up about it? You're trying to create another conspiracy out of thin air.
CNN . . . .

Oh, now they're playing the race card in the birther issue. :rolleyes:

whitehouse.gov . . . .birth certificate is now posted.

The Donald is also questioning Obama's student records . . . Harvard Law review . . . how did he get into Harvard . .. .

Played the race care, I am sure.
I'm pretty-certain that's still Pat Buchanan's job.....​

"Another disturbing and consistent pattern of Buchanan's is hiring trusted staff members who work with, or are part of, racist and militia groups. For example:

-- Larry Pratt, co-chairman of Buchanan's campaign, is a major figure in the militia movement, and has appeared at workshops and on TV shows sponsored by white supremacist "Christian Identity" groups.

-- Rev. Donald Wildmon, another of the 4 Buchanan co-chairmen, crusades against sexually explicit TV shows and has repeatedly asserted that Jews dominate the entertainment industry and are responsible. He condemned the movie "Last Temptation of Christ" as being funded by "Jewish money."

-- Michael Farris, the third of the 4 co-chairmen, attended the "White Rose Banquet" honoring those who had gone to jail for acts of violence in the anti-abortion crusade -- including Paul Hill, who shot a doctor and his bodyguard in Pensacola, Florida. The banquet was held in Arlington, VA on January 21, 1996

-- William Carter, a member of Buchanan's South Carolina steering Committee, ran David Duke's 1992 campaign there. After this came out, Buchanan fired him.

-- Susan Lamb, Duval County, Florida chairwoman for Buchanan was involved in the "National Association for the Advancement of White People", founded by Duke.

-- Samuel Francis, a friend and supporter who spoke at a 1993 meeting of Buchanan's group "American Cause", has called for a "white reconquest of the United States" and reportedly was asked to leave the Washington Times' editorial staff because of his racism.

-- Vincent Bruno, and two of Buchanan's other Louisiana delegates, have ties to ex-KKK wizard David Duke's 1991 campaign for Louisiana governor. Bruno was Duke's liaison to the religious right.

Trump is on and very proud of himself. (Natch!)

He's glad Obama is finally releasing his BC. He should have done it when the Clinton's asked for it and when everyone else asked for it. He is honored in playing such a big role in hopefully getting rid of this issue.

We have to look at it and see that it's real, is it proper. Now we can talk about oil, gas prices, China ripping off this country, OPEC doing numbers on us like never before.

Trump just dodged a reporters question of 'hey Trump you said you're not going to believe what we've found'.

Many people will be looking at it. Amazing all of a sudden it materializes.

Experts will look at it. The Donald is proud of himself. (pat yourself a little more on your back there, Don)

But remember your signature:
Talk is cheap, it's what you do that counts.

Trump is trumpeting, period. He offers no specifics how he'll do squat, like tell OPEC to take a hike, etc. Uh huh..., sure, Donald, sure. Talk is cheap.
CNN . . . .

Oh, now they're playing the race card in the birther issue. :rolleyes:

whitehouse.gov . . . .birth certificate is now posted.

The Donald is also questioning Obama's student records . . . Harvard Law review . . . how did he get into Harvard . .. .

Whether you like to admit it or not, for many people this is a race issue. It should come as no surprise that some of the biggest birthers on this board are racist.

Do you have some specific examples of board member birther racism, or are you simply pulling that conslusion out of your ass.

Of course you are...


Like anyone is going to take the time to go back through two years of postings just for your benefit who's only graced us with your sick presence for a month. Don't think so, bub.

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