Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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]You should have told Hillary that, when she started this issue.

That's bunk, and I've been following this issue from the onset. Hillary might have made some gestures about this issue during the primary, but to credit her with the "birth of the birther" movement is idiotic.
Obama said so as well, just today.

I have been FIGHTING the birfers since day one. This issue originated with the Clinton campaign. The PUMAS ran with it.

The issue originated with Phil Berg who is a Clintonista, but is not, in fact, Hillary Clinton. That's about as close as you can get.

The PUMA dumbasses are just the dixiecrat leftovers who weren't smart enough to jump onto Nixon's Southern Strategy.

Do you think they supported Hillary because of her political views? Hell no.
So the birth certificate is out in the open and people are still questioning it? wow.

Is that mock surprise? Because if yo are truly surprised, I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you.

Who'd a thunk it?


called it on page one.

It's a conspiracy now.

So no amount of proof, literally nothing, will stop this until he is out of Ofc, and even then people will keep it going.

Krist there are still people that think we never landed on the moon, there was a 2nd shooter, Elvis and Bruce Lee are still alive.
Is that mock surprise? Because if yo are truly surprised, I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you.

Who'd a thunk it?


called it on page one.

It's a conspiracy now.

So no amount of proof, literally nothing, will stop this until he is out of Ofc, and even then people will keep it going.

Krist there are still people that think we never landed on the moon, there was a 2nd shooter, Elvis and Bruce Lee are still alive.

"Conspiracy now"???????????

WH releases Obama birth certificate. on Twitpic

/\ This is a good example of the birther cognitive dissonance. Obama has produced the document they have screamed for. Now the standard is to "prove it's real". The bar will continued to be raised.

At any rate, I am pissed at Obama for giving in to the stupid birthers, but I see the logic. He has essentially called their bluff on the whole "Just show us the BC" mentality. Now as their demands get stranger and strangers, the American people will recognize the movement for what it truly is.

A bunch of fucking bigots who can't accept that their President isn't lily white.

So we're supposed to accept this document from a liar who drug his feet? I've already picked out one thing wrong with the document. But that won't stop you from believing this document is a true certified documentof obama's birth.

WH releases Obama birth certificate. on Twitpic

/\ This is a good example of the birther cognitive dissonance. Obama has produced the document they have screamed for. Now the standard is to "prove it's real". The bar will continued to be raised.

At any rate, I am pissed at Obama for giving in to the stupid birthers, but I see the logic. He has essentially called their bluff on the whole "Just show us the BC" mentality. Now as their demands get stranger and strangers, the American people will recognize the movement for what it truly is.

A bunch of fucking bigots who can't accept that their President isn't lily white.

So we're supposed to accept this document from a liar who drug his feet? I've already picked out one thing wrong with the document. But that won't stop you from believing this document is a true certified documentof obama's birth.

I accepted Hawaii's confirmation of the original COLB.

You are a classic example of birther stupidity and you basically put a fine point on the very things we have been saying all along.

Thank you for being such a wonderful specimen who what we have all claimed would happen if Obama caved on the COLB thing.
That's bunk, and I've been following this issue from the onset. Hillary might have made some gestures about this issue during the primary, but to credit her with the "birth of the birther" movement is idiotic.
Obama said so as well, just today.

I have been FIGHTING the birfers since day one. This issue originated with the Clinton campaign. The PUMAS ran with it.

The issue originated with Phil Berg who is a Clintonista, but is not, in fact, Hillary Clinton. That's about as close as you can get.

The PUMA dumbasses are just the dixiecrat leftovers who weren't smart enough to jump onto Nixon's Southern Strategy.

Do you think they supported Hillary because of her political views? Hell no.
Berg wasn't the first, but he too got his marching orders from the Clinton campaign.
And how much money have the state wasted trying to pass the anti-Obama Birther bills? I'm sure some good pseudo-cons have already blamed the President for this too.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?

For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?

(And just so you know, I'm not a 'birther'. I just don't believe the average citizen will ever know.)

It's been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That's the standard of proof in this country. He's proven it as well as you could ever prove your own birthplace.
Oh this is so funny watching all the birthers scramble and either drastically reach.

I've said it before, I'll say it again-this whole thing is just the far right's pathetic plan to make themselves feel better, and feel like they actually have a shot at getting Obama impeached.

Props to the right/republicans who denounce this as sheer stupidity (and I know you guys/gals have been saying it from the start). We need to focus on big issues, and not the meaningless ones based on conspiracy theories. If you want to get rid of Obama-do it the realistic way-vote him out in 2012. You wont do it by focusing on BS, focus on the areas he's done a bad job on. You have quite a bit to choose from.

Obama is just as American as anybody posting on these boards. Now I know that ruffles a lot of feathers, and you may not want to believe it-but doesn't make it any less true. A lot of people need to get their heads out of the sand with the "dems want America to fail", or the "repubs want America to fail". It doesn't do your side any good when you say that.

Props to the right/republicans who denounce this as sheer stupidity (and I know you guys/gals have been saying it from the start). We need to focus on big issues, and not the meaningless ones based on conspiracy theories.
This is one of the stupidist arguments that will ever be used. Can't people muti task do two or three things at one time? If this issue was less important why are you here go to those other big issues if you can't muti task and discuss more than one issue. I've alread=y pointed out one isse with the long form.
Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I will repeat it again....

Stop asking about it.... and stick to some real issues. Such as how are we going to cut the debt. Hell, there are a million more important things Obama needs to answer for. His BC is the least of them as far as I am concerned.

Shit.... The Fed is going to hold a press conference for the 1st time in 97 YEARS!!!!!!

You're right. That press conference is historic and far, far more important. Rep for you.
Who'd a thunk it?


called it on page one.

It's a conspiracy now.

So no amount of proof, literally nothing, will stop this until he is out of Ofc, and even then people will keep it going.

Krist there are still people that think we never landed on the moon, there was a 2nd shooter, Elvis and Bruce Lee are still alive.

"Conspiracy now"???????????


yeah yeah

The last thing he put out was a little thin on info, so I could see where the nuts had something to bitch about.


Things are very very clear that he's from HI.

so NOW, it's a full blown bag full of nuts. Anyone that hangs onto this after today is just a nut and can't be cured.
I've said for at least three years Obama was waiting for someone important to go out on that birfer limb, so he could saw it off. Surprised at the timing though, this would have made for a great "October Surprise" after a birfer got the GOP nomination.

I think he wants it to stop dominating the cable news cycle. Even MSNBC keeps it going by repeating day in and day out what Trump, et al., have to say. If they really wanted the subject to be stopped, then they're complicit in keeping it going. Duh...
/\ This is a good example of the birther cognitive dissonance. Obama has produced the document they have screamed for. Now the standard is to "prove it's real". The bar will continued to be raised.

At any rate, I am pissed at Obama for giving in to the stupid birthers, but I see the logic. He has essentially called their bluff on the whole "Just show us the BC" mentality. Now as their demands get stranger and strangers, the American people will recognize the movement for what it truly is.

A bunch of fucking bigots who can't accept that their President isn't lily white.

So we're supposed to accept this document from a liar who drug his feet? I've already picked out one thing wrong with the document. But that won't stop you from believing this document is a true certified documentof obama's birth.

I accepted Hawaii's confirmation of the original COLB.

You are a classic example of birther stupidity and you basically put a fine point on the very things we have been saying all along.

Thank you for being such a wonderful specimen who what we have all claimed would happen if Obama caved on the COLB thing.

Of course you are. Shouldn't there be one local registrar signing both documents, since they were filled within one day from each other?
I've said for at least three years Obama was waiting for someone important to go out on that birfer limb, so he could saw it off. Surprised at the timing though, this would have made for a great "October Surprise" after a birfer got the GOP nomination.

I think he wants it to stop dominating the cable news cycle. Even MSNBC keeps it going by repeating day in and day out what Trump, et al., have to say. If they really wanted the subject to be stopped, then they're complicit in keeping it going. Duh...
He's made it worse I'm afraid, with today's action.
Fmr Hawaii Heath Director Chiyome Fukino Told MSNBC Last Week In Interview That Obama's Long Form Was Half-Written

Just last week she told MSNBC when interviewed this:

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims - Politics - More politics - msnbc.com

[She found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files.]

Now what Obama released this morning is not half written. What Obama released this morning has nothing half written on it. There is only 3 written signatures. Something is not right. Governor Albercrombie could only find a written notation. Did Fukino lie to MSNBC about the long form being half written or was she telling the truth?

Here is Obama's long form COLB released this morning. Is it half written?

This whole birth certificate thing was stupid and stank of racism, if Obamas father was a white man from Denmark or the UK I doubt any motherfuckin body would be asking for a bloody birth certficate.

Actually, I disagree. I think that, if his father was foreign born and his mother had lived outside the US... I am sure it would have been just as big an issue.... however, it is one that certainly had the racists excited.
I like what he said "We have bigger problem to deal with " unfortunately he doesn't know how to fix those problems, he and the progressives with just exacerbate them .
Just weird. He could have shut up all those dingalings a few years ago. Why now?

Because they're still dingalings but with a growing audience. It's clear that the Republicans who would like to announce their candidacy are reluctant to take a stand on that and a few other things for fear of losing support from the dingaling camp, so Obama basically opened the doors wide to let the games begin in earnest. The birth certificate conspiracy theory has actually worked in his favor and probably still would, so you should be thankful he released it which basically sends the signal that it's time to move away from silly politics.
Obama said so as well, just today.

I have been FIGHTING the birfers since day one. This issue originated with the Clinton campaign. The PUMAS ran with it.

The issue originated with Phil Berg who is a Clintonista, but is not, in fact, Hillary Clinton. That's about as close as you can get.

The PUMA dumbasses are just the dixiecrat leftovers who weren't smart enough to jump onto Nixon's Southern Strategy.

Do you think they supported Hillary because of her political views? Hell no.
Berg wasn't the first, but he too got his marching orders from the Clinton campaign.

Who was the first?

Furthermore, you can no more prove that Berg got his marching orders from the Clinton campaign then I can prove that the the moon has a cheese filled center.

Berg has kept fighting this thing long (albeit ineptly) long after the primary.

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