Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.

I'm satified. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?
You don't understand, this doesn't end it. It merely builds a bigger fire under it.

It was a huge mistake by Obama today.

Me thinks he's trying another one of his distraction campaigns.

What else is about to happen?

The Fed is talking today.

His new racist pastor is becoming a story.
Why does he bother? If he admitted he was a communist or a Muslim, crack-addict or Gay, the press and the left would simply cheer him.
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This whole birth certificate thing was stupid and stank of racism, if Obamas father was a white man from Denmark or the UK I doubt any motherfuckin body would be asking for a bloody birth certficate.
You should have told Hillary that, when she started this issue.
Insufficient. Hawaii and the US have a vested interested in ensuring that Obama is 'legal'. But hey, "you can trust me, I'm from the government."
It's sufficient for me, because of what a large conspiracy it would be, if not legitimate.

Too many possible "whistleblowers" involved.

The person that proves big 0 is not a citizen be set for 3 lives.

Let me complete this sentence for you:

The person that proves big 0 is not a citizen will be assassinated long before the truth got out.
For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?

(And just so you know, I'm not a 'birther'. I just don't believe the average citizen will ever know.)

I think the main point is that there isn't a single shred of evidence that he was born elsewhere.

He's said Hawaii is his birthplace as long as he's been a public figure. There shouldn't be a reason to dispute it without some kind of evidence.

So obama has told the turth once in his life? when was that? He lies and that is enough reason not to belkieve him

WH releases Obama birth certificate. on Twitpic

/\ This is a good example of the birther cognitive dissonance. Obama has produced the document they have screamed for. Now the standard is to "prove it's real". The bar will continued to be raised.

At any rate, I am pissed at Obama for giving in to the stupid birthers, but I see the logic. He has essentially called their bluff on the whole "Just show us the BC" mentality. Now as their demands get stranger and strangers, the American people will recognize the movement for what it truly is.

A bunch of fucking bigots who can't accept that their President isn't lily white.
Oh this is so funny watching all the birthers scramble and either drastically reach.

I've said it before, I'll say it again-this whole thing is just the far right's pathetic plan to make themselves feel better, and feel like they actually have a shot at getting Obama impeached.

Props to the right/republicans who denounce this as sheer stupidity (and I know you guys/gals have been saying it from the start). We need to focus on big issues, and not the meaningless ones based on conspiracy theories. If you want to get rid of Obama-do it the realistic way-vote him out in 2012. You wont do it by focusing on BS, focus on the areas he's done a bad job on. You have quite a bit to choose from.

Obama is just as American as anybody posting on these boards. Now I know that ruffles a lot of feathers, and you may not want to believe it-but doesn't make it any less true. A lot of people need to get their heads out of the sand with the "dems want America to fail", or the "repubs want America to fail". It doesn't do your side any good when you say that.
]You should have told Hillary that, when she started this issue.

That's bunk, and I've been following this issue from the onset. Hillary might have made some gestures about this issue during the primary, but to credit her with the "birth of the birther" movement is idiotic.
Obama said so as well, just today.

I have been FIGHTING the birfers since day one. This issue originated with the Clinton campaign. The PUMAS ran with it.
Obama has produced the document they have screamed for.
Actually, he has not. He merely re-issued the same document. A COLB, not a BC.

Oh, is that the talking point now? Are we still holding out for the "long form vault copy" or whatever the fuck?
I'm not. I am and always was satisfied with the COLB. I am telling you what this latest release will make the birfers say. Read back in this thread, where I explained that twice before already.

I am well known here and elsewhere is a enemy of the birfers.
Oh this is so funny watching all the birthers scramble and either drastically reach.

I've said it before, I'll say it again-this whole thing is just the far right's pathetic plan to make themselves feel better, and feel like they actually have a shot at getting Obama impeached.

Props to the right/republicans who denounce this as sheer stupidity (and I know you guys/gals have been saying it from the start). We need to focus on big issues, and not the meaningless ones based on conspiracy theories. If you want to get rid of Obama-do it the realistic way-vote him out in 2012. You wont do it by focusing on BS, focus on the areas he's done a bad job on. You have quite a bit to choose from.

Obama is just as American as anybody posting on these boards. Now I know that ruffles a lot of feathers, and you may not want to believe it-but doesn't make it any less true. A lot of people need to get their heads out of the sand with the "dems want America to fail", or the "repubs want America to fail". It doesn't do your side any good when you say that.

This isn't going to change anything in regards to the birthers.

Once you realize that this has never been about the birth certificate, it all makes so much more sense.

This is about a bunch of fucking bigots seized by cognitive dissonance that refuses to allow them to accept that a black man (or 1/2 black man) could be chosen by their countrymen to lead the nation. At the heart of it is the erroding sense of security that many people in "white America" feel as minorities are moving away from becoming minorities.

People do strange things in the name of xenophobia. Look at the "Know Nothing" movement and what the Irish and Italians had to deal with when they arrived in this country.
Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

At this point, politically speaking, why would Obama do this now. Polls already show that Americans do not care about the birthers or even birther candidates for the GOP. The longer they can waste their time focusing on the bullshit, the better it is for Obama.

Just at a guess, we are about to jump into the next campaign. Presenting this now, makes the "Birthers" look a little bit more foolish. Soon they will be complaining that it is not enough... oh wait, I suppose that has already started.


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