Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well, that was money well spent.... at least he paid out of his own pocket to keep it hidden. And now, let's see your college records, Mr O.
....As if some Bimbo, like you, would RECOGNIZE a college-record!!


It's time to.....

....you fuckin' pinheads!!!!​

Perhaps you should take your own advice, boy.
Calling that oxygen-thief "boy" is a compliment.

Mr. Shitman is not even a human fucking being.

He's just a mass of worthless grabastic after-birth.
Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.
Why is the local registrar signture differant on one document then the other document, when they were both filed in the same county?
It is not. It is a COLB.

The long-form certificate of live birth is the state of Hawaii's certification of birth, their birth certificate.

You and Jerome Corsi could look this up, if you cared to.
For all LEGAL standards, Yes it is.

That is not what the birfers are saying. They are saying they want to see the ORIGINAL BC.... That the President cannot get because he lost it over time, just like me. THIS is the issue and because it is the issue, Obama damaged himself further today be re-releasing what he's already released.

I am merely telling you what the birfers are going to say, not what I believe. I believe Obama's COLBS are perfectly legitimate proof of his birth in Hawaii. The birfers believe they are faked. I do not.

Understand now?

I understand what you're saying, I'm just saying you're wrong. The document produced today is his legal certification of birth, his birth certificate.

I don't care what the birfers are going to say. They are irrelevant and only strengthen Obama's position.
That would be spin. The Lieutenant Colonel simply asked to see Obama's birth certificate to ensure that he was qualified to lead. Obama now understands the importance of this by having today's press conference. So why didn't he show this soldier the same consideration 6 months ago? Does he not care about our soldiers?


The court martial says he disobeyed orders form senior officers and missed movement.

He fucked over his men.

He got what any moron gets for missing movement, minus the beating enlisted men give another for doing so.


Obama is CIC. If his eligibility is in doubt, all orders are suspect. Why didn't the CIC just comply with this soldier's request? He obviously thought it important enough to do it today. Why not 6 months ago?


familiarize yourself with this concept. unless LTC fuckwit was reporting directly to obama, he had no right to question legal orders received from his immediate superior.

Command hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if i'd been on the court, i'd have thrown the grandstanding prick in leavenworth for as long as the UCMJ allowed.
The long-form certificate of live birth is the state of Hawaii's certification of birth, their birth certificate.

You and Jerome Corsi could look this up, if you cared to.
For all LEGAL standards, Yes it is.

That is not what the birfers are saying. They are saying they want to see the ORIGINAL BC.... That the President cannot get because he lost it over time, just like me. THIS is the issue and because it is the issue, Obama damaged himself further today be re-releasing what he's already released.

I am merely telling you what the birfers are going to say, not what I believe. I believe Obama's COLBS are perfectly legitimate proof of his birth in Hawaii. The birfers believe they are faked. I do not.

Understand now?

I understand what you're saying, I'm just saying you're wrong. The document produced today is his legal certification of birth, his birth certificate.

I don't care what the birfers are going to say. They are irrelevant and only strengthen Obama's position.
It is NOT his birth certificate. It is his COLB, and it is perfectly legal identification and proof of birth, has all the 5W's and the H.

The actual BC is a totally different document.
Look at block 21 center bottom of both documents
Shouldn't both have the same signiture since both documents came from the same county and same hospital?
This the link to obama's long form document butI will add the image within the post
President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate | TPM Document Collection


No, they should be different since different people processed the copy.

In ahighly populated county I would agree but Hawaii at the time was not highly populated and would not have more than one local registrar, in each county of the state.
God...Lakin must feel like a Moron

Went to prison because he did not think Obama was a legitimate president.

Damn...I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

The court martial says he disobeyed orders form senior officers and missed movement.

He fucked over his men.

He got what any moron gets for missing movement, minus the beating enlisted men give another for doing so.


Obama is CIC. If his eligibility is in doubt, all orders are suspect. Why didn't the CIC just comply with this soldier's request? He obviously thought it important enough to do it today. Why not 6 months ago?

"Comply with this soldier's request"?????? Do you understand how the military chain of command system works? "Requests" flow DOWN the chain, not up.

Not true.

Requests go up the chain. Orders come down.

Enlisted had "Special request" forms, and we had to fill it out in a very specific fashion.

ex; I respectfully request too....
The long-form certificate of live birth is the state of Hawaii's certification of birth, their birth certificate.

You and Jerome Corsi could look this up, if you cared to.
For all LEGAL standards, Yes it is.

That is not what the birfers are saying. They are saying they want to see the ORIGINAL BC.... That the President cannot get because he lost it over time, just like me. THIS is the issue and because it is the issue, Obama damaged himself further today be re-releasing what he's already released.

I am merely telling you what the birfers are going to say, not what I believe. I believe Obama's COLBS are perfectly legitimate proof of his birth in Hawaii. The birfers believe they are faked. I do not.

Understand now?

I understand what you're saying, I'm just saying you're wrong. The document produced today is his legal certification of birth, his birth certificate.

I don't care what the birfers are going to say. They are irrelevant and only strengthen Obama's position.
The actual BC is a very decorative, celebratory-type souvinir document that is also a legal document. THIS is what the birfers want to see, and there is no way Obama can produce it if it's lost.

He can't do it any more than I can.
Even if he wasn't born here Obama is the President and there is no way you will get Eric Holder to prosecute the case so all you "Birthers" out there just drop the issue.

I've got a better idea.... How about we use it as an issue to forment violent revolution against the government in order to return this country to its proper social and moral roots?

Sounds like a fall back position to me. Of course I'd rather the revolution be fought with votes than bullets.
Marc, not all Reps believe in the birther BS and some will vote for OL'BO regardless of that issue.

As for why politicians do what they do?? Self interest big time.

So you're suggesting that you believe that you believe that there are Republicans out there now that would actually vote for Obama?!??

Really? How do you figure that?

Also, HOW would Bachmann find walking this thing back to be in her self-interest? That doesn't make sense. She's spent about 2+ years INVESTING in the Birther nonsense to trump up her base. Wouldn't suddenly walking this nonsense back now be more hurtful?

I struggle to see the logic in your statements Claudette.

Help me out here.

I voted for Obama and if my party doesn't come up with a responsible candidate will probably have to reluctantly vote for him again. As much as I would love to see a Eisenhower or Goldwater type show up all we seem to back are crazy religious ideologues any more. It is very discouraging. I will never vote for a Morman. I don't do cult Christians. It is better for the country to have an intelligent even if mediocre middle of the road Dem as POTUS caretaker of the White House than another leader that worships the top 1% and pisses on the middle class.

So many have forgotten that the middle class is the true strength of our nation. They are not going to make wealth and take their winnings elsewhere. They, when given the opportunity and education, are the true innovators. They start and build the small businesses that turn into bigger businesses that do most of the meaningful hiring and local spending. They are the ones with the fire in their bellies to get ahead. When the middle class prospers we all prosper.
Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?
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I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.

I'm satified. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?
You don't understand, this doesn't end it. It merely builds a bigger fire under it.

It was a huge mistake by Obama today.
God...Lakin must feel like a Moron

Went to prison because he did not think Obama was a legitimate president.

Damn...I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

My Dad had a saying;

The stoopid will be punished. Again and again and again.

If douch was and enlisted man, court marshal would have been a breeze after the other enlisted were done with him.

Obama is CIC. If his eligibility is in doubt, all orders are suspect. Why didn't the CIC just comply with this soldier's request? He obviously thought it important enough to do it today. Why not 6 months ago?

"Comply with this soldier's request"?????? Do you understand how the military chain of command system works? "Requests" flow DOWN the chain, not up.

Not true.

Requests go up the chain. Orders come down.

Enlisted had "Special request" forms, and we had to fill it out in a very specific fashion.

ex; I respectfully request too....

Summarily followed by a "screw you"?
Sounds like a fall back position to me. Of course I'd rather the revolution be fought with votes than bullets.

I'm not a fan of "voting" revolutions. Too many emotions involved and too many stupid people being allowed to have a say. Bullets don't get emotionally involved in the situation. They just do their job quickly and efficiently.
For fuck sake. His MOTHER was a US citizen. He could have been born on MARS, people.
This is such a non-issue.
Sounds like a fall back position to me. Of course I'd rather the revolution be fought with votes than bullets.

I'm not a fan of "voting" revolutions. Too many emotions involved and too many stupid people being allowed to have a say. Bullets don't get emotionally involved in the situation. They just do their job quickly and efficiently.

What the Fuck is THAT supposed to mean? :eek: You are just not wired right are you.:cuckoo: I dare say you are crazier than I am...That's really saying something.:lol: Hey! If you are going to go "Postal"..Start on "K" street in DC...THAT is where the real "revolution" needs to begin.
Sounds like a fall back position to me. Of course I'd rather the revolution be fought with votes than bullets.

I'm not a fan of "voting" revolutions. Too many emotions involved and too many stupid people being allowed to have a say. Bullets don't get emotionally involved in the situation. They just do their job quickly and efficiently.

you remain a complete fucking idiot.


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