Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
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    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

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  • don't insult my president...

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I emphatically agree with the OP.

The dismal economy and failure of Obamanomics should be the focus. We are in the midst of the WORST RECOVERY EVER due to Obama's appalling spending binge and and anti business policies.

Giving him cover by focusing on the circumstances of his birth is counter productive.
A COLB is a birth certificate you moron.
It's not.

A BC is what they give your mother. It has your footprints and her thumbprints. It has signatures of all witnesses. It's far different than a COLB. However if for whatever reason you lose your actual BC, they give you a COLB. I know, I lost my original BC in a fire and cannot get a copy. They issued me a COLB which is a legal document you can use as identification for anything.

The actual BC is what the birfers wanted to see, not yet another COLB. Why now are there two COLBs?

Obama should have left this alone. Instead he has given them nothing but new weapons. I'm not a birfer, have been fighting them since early 2008, and I see this as a huge mistake for Obama.

I have my birth certificate, from the hospital where I was born. On the back . . . my footprints and my mother's thumbprints aren't there! OMG, I wasn't really born!

The hub's birth certificate has his footprints on the back, as well as his mother's thumbprints. OMG, I married a real person and he . . . he . . . . didn't. :sad:

All we have for the kids are Certification of Birth forms . . . no footprints or thumbprints on them. Guess they take after me!
Gotta look at the era too. Obama =60s. Hawaii BCs in the 60s had the footprints and the thumbprints.
Even if he wasn't born here Obama is the President and there is no way you will get Eric Holder to prosecute the case so all you "Birthers" out there just drop the issue.

I've got a better idea.... How about we use it as an issue to forment violent revolution against the government in order to return this country to its proper social and moral roots?
Okay, he did it. Saw the document on the morning news. Does anybody actually think that the birthers will FINALLY admit they were wrong??? Yeah, and The Beatles really didn't have any talent. :rolleyes:

Just another "Certificate of Live Birth" - not the actual birth certificate. Nothing to get too thrilled about. I think this new COLB is a fake... have to wait until Trump certifies it.

Trump's an expert on real or fake COLB's?
The actual BC is what the birfers wanted to see, not yet another COLB. Why now are there two COLBs?

Obama should have left this alone. Instead he has given them nothing but new weapons. I'm not a birfer, have been fighting them since early 2008, and I see this as a huge mistake for Obama.

Obama fell for Trump's Trolling.

He's lost control of the narrative and is now in damage control mode to remove this issue so it doesn't come up during the campaign. I suspect the recent poll was the tipping point.

The left is cheering that this proves he's honest when in fact all it proves is Obama makes a living being deceptive.

I think he enjoys the turmoil that surrounds him.

And to think he somehow bought an award for transparity a few weeks ago.
Well, that was money well spent.... at least he paid out of his own pocket to keep it hidden. And now, let's see your college records, Mr O.
....As if some Bimbo, like you, would RECOGNIZE a college-record!!


It's time to.....

....you fuckin' pinheads!!!!​

Perhaps you should take your own advice, boy.
Okay, he did it. Saw the document on the morning news. Does anybody actually think that the birthers will FINALLY admit they were wrong??? Yeah, and The Beatles really didn't have any talent. :rolleyes:

Just another "Certificate of Live Birth" - not the actual birth certificate. Nothing to get too thrilled about. I think this new COLB is a fake... have to wait until Trump certifies it.

Trump's an expert on real or fake COLB's?

He has people do that for him.


  • $docpage-obamabirthcertificatelongform1.jpg
    166.9 KB · Views: 21

Donald Trump:

Real estate mogul Donald Trump's latest claim about President Obama's birth certificate is that it's missing.

"Well I've been told very recently, Anderson, that the birth certificate is missing," Trump told CNN's Anderson Cooper Monday. "I've been told that it's not there or it doesn't exist. And if that's the case it's a big problem."

Trump: 'I've Been Told the Birth Certificate Is Missing' - Donald Trump - Fox Nation

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBHYVm54AyY]YouTube - Trump To CNN: Obama's Birth Certificate Is Missing - 4/25/11[/ame]

From WW


Save your money, your campaign is toast now.

Good luck.


Obama presents the information/documentation you demand he provides?

State it publicly...yes or no?

I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.
Of course they won't, since all Obama did was further fuel their fire by releasing not a BC, but yet another COLB..

Now there are two of them.

The document released today is his official long-form birth certificate.
It is not. It is a COLB.

The long-form certificate of live birth is the state of Hawaii's certification of birth, their birth certificate.

You and Jerome Corsi could look this up, if you cared to.
Even if he wasn't born here Obama is the President and there is no way you will get Eric Holder to prosecute the case so all you "Birthers" out there just drop the issue.

I've got a better idea.... How about we use it as an issue to forment violent revolution against the government in order to return this country to its proper social and moral roots?

That would be great! Then we could return to our proper moral roots. You know, like returning people like Obama's family to the plantation.

What a great moral period that was!
Even if he wasn't born here Obama is the President and there is no way you will get Eric Holder to prosecute the case so all you "Birthers" out there just drop the issue.

Yes I understand he released another COLB today and yes I know the issues. Its different than the other one and the signatures don't match but that doesn't matter. Its NEVER going anywhere so just get off the subject already.

We have way more important things to press our politicians on. Lets get on with the debt, defecit, and shitty economy already and leave these stupid issues that aren't ever going anywhere alone.

For the love of America please just stop and focus on the debt, defecit, jobs, and the 2012 election already.

Thanks for thinking about it.

IMO had Obama taken steps to answer this when it was first became an issue it would have died right then and there.

However he didn't and this issue has taken on a life of its own that has little to do with the original premise that he wasn't a natural born citizen.

Now the American people are looking at this issue knowing full well there's a bit of phlonary going on far too many question's and a man who is very hesitant to answer those questions. This Monster is Obama's making he thought himself far above that of the mere voters of this Nation.........Ya come to find out ...not so much
It's not.

A BC is what they give your mother. It has your footprints and her thumbprints. It has signatures of all witnesses. It's far different than a COLB. However if for whatever reason you lose your actual BC, they give you a COLB. I know, I lost my original BC in a fire and cannot get a copy. They issued me a COLB which is a legal document you can use as identification for anything.

The actual BC is what the birfers wanted to see, not yet another COLB. Why now are there two COLBs?

Obama should have left this alone. Instead he has given them nothing but new weapons. I'm not a birfer, have been fighting them since early 2008, and I see this as a huge mistake for Obama.

I have my birth certificate, from the hospital where I was born. On the back . . . my footprints and my mother's thumbprints aren't there! OMG, I wasn't really born!

The hub's birth certificate has his footprints on the back, as well as his mother's thumbprints. OMG, I married a real person and he . . . he . . . . didn't. :sad:

All we have for the kids are Certification of Birth forms . . . no footprints or thumbprints on them. Guess they take after me!
Gotta look at the era too. Obama =60s. Hawaii BCs in the 60s had the footprints and the thumbprints.

Hubs and I are the same age, born two months apart, 1960 in the Philadelphia area.

I have no footprints/thumbprints on my bc; he does.

Means? Absolutely nothing. I probably screamed when they tried to ink me. lol

Somewhere the kids are inked and on a form. Hopefully. The hospital did charge us $300 for a circumcision . . . . on our daughter! Hey, mistakes happen.
The document released today is his official long-form birth certificate.
It is not. It is a COLB.

The long-form certificate of live birth is the state of Hawaii's certification of birth, their birth certificate.

You and Jerome Corsi could look this up, if you cared to.
For all LEGAL standards, Yes it is.

That is not what the birfers are saying. They are saying they want to see the ORIGINAL BC.... That the President cannot get because he lost it over time, just like me. THIS is the issue and because it is the issue, Obama damaged himself further today be re-releasing what he's already released.

I am merely telling you what the birfers are going to say, not what I believe. I believe Obama's COLBS are perfectly legitimate proof of his birth in Hawaii. The birfers believe they are faked. I do not.

Understand now?
That would be great! Then we could return to our proper moral roots. You know, like returning people like Obama's family to the plantation.

What a great moral period that was!

Despite the slavery issue, it was a much more moral and values oriented period of time than what we live in now. I'm not a fan of race-based servitude and never have been; but outside of that the United States was a much better place in 1859 or even 1895 than it is in 2011 so far as I'm concerned.
I have my birth certificate, from the hospital where I was born. On the back . . . my footprints and my mother's thumbprints aren't there! OMG, I wasn't really born!

The hub's birth certificate has his footprints on the back, as well as his mother's thumbprints. OMG, I married a real person and he . . . he . . . . didn't. :sad:

All we have for the kids are Certification of Birth forms . . . no footprints or thumbprints on them. Guess they take after me!
Gotta look at the era too. Obama =60s. Hawaii BCs in the 60s had the footprints and the thumbprints.

Hubs and I are the same age, born two months apart, 1960 in the Philadelphia area.

I have no footprints/thumbprints on my bc; he does.

Means? Absolutely nothing. I probably screamed when they tried to ink me. lol

Somewhere the kids are inked and on a form. Hopefully. The hospital did charge us $300 for a circumcision . . . . on our daughter! Hey, mistakes happen.
When/if you lose that document, you can never get a copy of it. They will give you a COLB instead.

Anecdotal stuff is one thing, actual fact is totally another.

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