Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
For fuck sake. His MOTHER was a US citizen. He could have been born on MARS, people.
This is such a non-issue.

Yes, just a lot of hoo ha from people who either don't understand the citizenship laws, likely, or just don't care if it doesn't fit their own agenda, also likely.

At this point, who even cares? Obama is a bad President and it has NOTHING to do with where he was born. Continuously bringing it up does nothing but divert attention from the real issues.
I think about 10% will be satisfied and drop it.

The other 90% will say; "HI is a dem controled state. How do we know they didn't take all this time to make a real good fake?"

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?

For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.
"Comply with this soldier's request"?????? Do you understand how the military chain of command system works? "Requests" flow DOWN the chain, not up.

Not true.

Requests go up the chain. Orders come down.

Enlisted had "Special request" forms, and we had to fill it out in a very specific fashion.

ex; I respectfully request too....

Summarily followed by a "screw you"?

I only had to reqs turned down.

One was denied by my Div Chief initially, but was approved when my LPO got my back.
Another was denied by my XO.

The rest mostly flew through. Moral is very important.

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?

For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?

(And just so you know, I'm not a 'birther'. I just don't believe the average citizen will ever know.)
You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?
I'll answer this:

Because there is NO way the GOP governor of Hawaii lets Obama get away with what he released today, if it wasn't a legitimate, official state of Hawaii document.

Called it!!

Unless obama can illegally get his original BC, da burfers won't be happy, cuz since he got it illeagally it will be a fake also.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?

For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

He still doesn't get that the American people are paying attention to his policies, what he is (or isn't) doing, does he? He still thinks we're all asheep at the wheel.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?

For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?

(And just so you know, I'm not a 'birther'. I just don't believe the average citizen will ever know.)


if that's not enough, then I'm not a citizen either cuz that looks almost exactly like the one I got a few weeks ago.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?

For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?

(And just so you know, I'm not a 'birther'. I just don't believe the average citizen will ever know.)

I think the main point is that there isn't a single shred of evidence that he was born elsewhere.

He's said Hawaii is his birthplace as long as he's been a public figure. There shouldn't be a reason to dispute it without some kind of evidence.
For fuck sake. His MOTHER was a US citizen. He could have been born on MARS, people.
This is such a non-issue.

Actually this is not true. You should review the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 which was the applicable law at the time. If you don't care to research that then I refer you to the United States Code Title 8 Section 1401 which defines when a citizen and a foreign national have a child outside of U.S. Territory and the citizenship status of that child.

It is possible for a citizen to give birth outside this country and for the child to not be a citizen at birth.

You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?
I'll answer this:

Because there is NO way the GOP governor of Hawaii lets Obama get away with what he released today, if it wasn't a legitimate, official state of Hawaii document.

Insufficient. Hawaii and the US have a vested interested in ensuring that Obama is 'legal'. But hey, "you can trust me, I'm from the government."
You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?
I'll answer this:

Because there is NO way the GOP governor of Hawaii lets Obama get away with what he released today, if it wasn't a legitimate, official state of Hawaii document.

Insufficient. Hawaii and the US have a vested interested in ensuring that Obama is 'legal'. But hey, "you can trust me, I'm from the government."
It's sufficient for me, because of what a large conspiracy it would be, if not legitimate.

Too many possible "whistleblowers" involved.
For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

You seem to be pretty sure that Obama was born in Hawaii. How so?

(And just so you know, I'm not a 'birther'. I just don't believe the average citizen will ever know.)


if that's not enough, then I'm not a citizen either cuz that looks almost exactly like the one I got a few weeks ago.

That's what I thought and thanks for answering. What you have pointed out is that if the government provides a document that says you were born at a certain location, that's sufficient and should not be questioned.

I'm satisfied. Have been for a long time.

The question is, what took him so long and why now when he could have ended this almost three years ago.

Why all the massive waste of time and money?

For a big re-election pay off.

Trumps burfer rants have died off just a tad, so big 0 brings it to the front, knowing people will go over this and jump up and down over any thing that may be wrong.

I'd bet money that if he falls behind on the final stretch, he coughs up his actuall BC just to remind people there are kooks in the right that still buy this non-sense.

He still doesn't get that the American people are paying attention to his policies, what he is (or isn't) doing, does he? He still thinks we're all asheep at the wheel.

America is split 40-20-40

10 of the center will probably vote big 0, 10 won't.

all big 0 needs to do is convice a few fence sitters that the R is nutso, and he wins.

the timeing of all this is so very Machevalian. Honestly, I'm impressed.
I'll answer this:

Because there is NO way the GOP governor of Hawaii lets Obama get away with what he released today, if it wasn't a legitimate, official state of Hawaii document.

Insufficient. Hawaii and the US have a vested interested in ensuring that Obama is 'legal'. But hey, "you can trust me, I'm from the government."
It's sufficient for me, because of what a large conspiracy it would be, if not legitimate.

Too many possible "whistleblowers" involved.

The person that proves big 0 is not a citizen be set for 3 lives.
This whole birth certificate thing was stupid and stank of racism, if Obamas father was a white man from Denmark or the UK I doubt any motherfuckin body would be asking for a bloody birth certficate.
I'll answer this:

Because there is NO way the GOP governor of Hawaii lets Obama get away with what he released today, if it wasn't a legitimate, official state of Hawaii document.

Insufficient. Hawaii and the US have a vested interested in ensuring that Obama is 'legal'. But hey, "you can trust me, I'm from the government."
It's sufficient for me, because of what a large conspiracy it would be, if not legitimate.

Too many possible "whistleblowers" involved.

I agree, although I've seen cover-ups, especially during Clinton's campaign and Presidency, that have remained intact. Can you imagine the fall-out there would be if Obama was ineligible? That simply cannot happen.

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