Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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From a political standpoint, it’s impossible to dismiss the matter as conspiratorial fantasy, akin to, say, claims that the 1969 moon landing was staged. In the latest New York Times-CBS News poll, 45 percent of adult Republicans said they believe Obama was born in another country, and 22 percent said they don’t know. One-third of Republicans said they believe the president is native born.

I call shenanigans.

If you are going to copy and paste, at lease have the decency to link to the source.

There is no way you wrote that yourself. Akin is not in your vocabulary; and there are none of your signature spelling and grammar errors.
The utter dishoney of the right to pretend this is not the view of their base shows their moral code
Well since I'm not a 'birther' and never have been, I hope you don't think I should go screw myself. But as a former investigative reporter, I do enjoy a good investigative story and the President, by being the arrogant stubborn guy he seems to be, sure provided one and asked for it by not releasing his birth certificate to begin with.

if people did anything like this to shrub, you'd have been having a fit.

i think he's been unduly kind to the birfers.

and sorry, saying one isn't a birfer and then going with the birfer line.......

is being a birfer.

and while i like you. on this issue, i'd tell all the birfers where they could stick it.

People DID do stuff like this to the "Shrub" and when they made shit up like the phony military stuff that forced Dan Rather out of the media, yeah I had a fit. I object when people are falsely accused and set the record straight when I can. I have done that for President Clinton and for President Bush and I have done that for President Obama. I have even done that for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi though I'll admit I really REALLY had to hold my nose at those times.

But President Bush was pretty much an open book. Anything anybody wanted to know about him was mostly out there for anybody to see. I am reasonably certain that if there was any question of his eligibility to be President, he would have quickly put such questions to rest as John McCain did. However, when there were gaps in President Bush's military record--gaps that even HE could not fill in--I was digging right along with everybody else. It was an interesting story. And I would have been doing so if he had refused to reveal any of that stuff too.

But President Obama has been so secretive about so many things: the birth certificate, ALL of his college records, his passport, whether or not he wrote his two books himself, etc. etc. etc., he just begs for people to be curious. And those inclined to dig are going to do so.

At least Obama admitted to doing coke, something Bush never did. And we all know he did coke. ;)
Obama learned from Bush, he figured out it is better to be secretive then give them stuff to use against you.
CNN Poll: Only 42% Of Americans Believe Obama Is A Citizen, Only 23% Of Republicans at Pat Dollard

CNN Poll: Only 42% Of Americans Believe Obama Is A Citizen, Only 23% Of Republicans

Did you even read your own source, TM? :lol:

did you realize that was the title of the article and not my words?

Did you see how the title was worded? Very partisan, makes you read the story to get the true facts
What a friggen Joke the Obama is.

He could of released this over Three YEARS ago.

He's a class a asshole just like his rabid supporters.

How unbecoming of how a President SHOULD ACT.

Why in God's name would he?

Should Bush be forced to prove that he didn't blow up the WTC to satisfy the birthers?

Respectable people don't pay attention to insane conspiracy theorists,

Unless of course the entire opposition party has managed to let itself become insane conspiracy theorists...
AP News | News Virginian

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Carry on.



I find this comment from obama of all people a little odd. Why is he saying move on to other issues, when his BC never held up any issue he was pushing?
Obama said to Republican detractors and the media, it is time to move on to bigger issues.

He basicly ignored the issue and it never once hinder any thing That I know of.
Well, 30 pages, nothing constructive. Great.

So while you're all talking about this, you're ignoring the fight over the Ryan plan, the first Fed Reserve Press conference ever and the non-exsistent Federal Response to some of the most dangerous and damaging storms of the year. Oh, and the fact the Feds decided they now have the power to tell corporations that they won't do business with certain CEO's.

Well done folks, well done.
I hope the birfers can move on to the important issues this country is facing right now.
I am glad that Obama decided to stop playing this game of distraction. He probably felt that it was becoming a negative for him in this campaign year.

i think he shouldn't have released it.

i think he should have waited til the birfers nominated the donald. if i were him, when the donald, at the debates, says "mr president, WHERE IS THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE", i'd have calmly reached into my pocket and said. "why donald, here it is".

i think we might have seen the donald speechless for the first time.

That would feel very satisfying, but in these months between now and then, the sideshow would continue.

The President has once again showed that he is the adult. He has resisted using this for political gain, as he could have by letting it drag out.

LOL, yeah some ADULT, he only let this drag on for THREE YEARS when he could of released it before.

you Obamabots crack me up.
are you idiots still going on with the birfer garbage?


see, i knew he should have told you all to go screw yourselves. because wackos won't ever stfu.

Well since I'm not a 'birther' and never have been, I hope you don't think I should go screw myself. But as a former investigative reporter, I do enjoy a good investigative story and the President, by being the arrogant stubborn guy he seems to be, sure provided one and asked for it by not releasing his birth certificate to begin with.

I can't remember that you were/are.
The funny thing ias that in 6 months no one will admit to having been a birther. Well almost no one. There are the total mental cases.
Well, 30 pages, nothing constructive. Great.

So while you're all talking about this, you're ignoring the fight over the Ryan plan, the first Fed Reserve Press conference ever and the non-exsistent Federal Response to some of the most dangerous and damaging storms of the year. Oh, and the fact the Feds decided they now have the power to tell corporations that they won't do business with certain CEO's.

Well done folks, well done.

What exactly would our discussion of the ryan plan have changed anything within the government?
I hope the birfers can move on to the important issues this country is facing right now.
I am glad that Obama decided to stop playing this game of distraction. He probably felt that it was becoming a negative for him in this campaign year.

i think he shouldn't have released it.

i think he should have waited til the birfers nominated the donald. if i were him, when the donald, at the debates, says "mr president, WHERE IS THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE", i'd have calmly reached into my pocket and said. "why donald, here it is".

i think we might have seen the donald speechless for the first time.

That would feel very satisfying, but in these months between now and then, the sideshow would continue.
The President has once again showed that he is the adult. He has resisted using this for political gain, as he could have by letting it drag out.
As I stated earlier, it was starting to work against him in this campaign year. As for being an adult....adults would have quashed this at the beginning.
This crap has been used by the right for some time now.

It has been a lie from the very begining.

At least now some seem to be trying to pretend it never was.
LOL, yeah some ADULT, he only let this drag on for THREE YEARS when he could of released it before.

you Obamabots crack me up.

Obama was not the one trying to make an issue out of it.

What the hell did he care that there was a bunch of stupid nut-jobs claiming that he was some sort of Kenyan Manchurian Candidate?
Wonder when we are going to hear in the news about the people who live there now? How tourists are taking pictures of their house and how they are destroying their yard.
Perhaps this is why he did not release the long form all along. For the privacy of the people who now live in the house that his Mom and him lived in while he was a baby.
No you Obama apologists need to stop being afraid of the truth and covering your ears and closing your eyes to the truth idiot. there is NONE evidence that he was born in hawaii.,deal with it.

Did you read the news?

He released the long form you morons have been demanding.


now :stfu: so we can get him out of the WH.


NO I will not the document he has still has an issue
Google nordyke long form BC look at signture line 21 and compare to the one obama just provided today. The signatures are of different people. Shouldn't the local registrar be the same since the two documents were filed in the same county within one day of each other?
Hawaii population was not big enough to have more than one locial registrar pre county in 1961

Maybe not, since each copy was issued on a different day.

But hey, you keep on keeping on. And when obama eeks out a win, you have only your birther selves to blame.
LOL, yeah some ADULT, he only let this drag on for THREE YEARS when he could of released it before.

you Obamabots crack me up.

Obama was not the one trying to make an issue out of it.

What the hell did he care that there was a bunch of stupid nut-jobs claiming that he was some sort of Kenyan Manchurian Candidate?

wow, I thought he WORKED FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. I guess not.
and don't you have me on IGNORE?:eusa_whistle:

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