Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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How the hell did you come to that conclusion? I'm asking . . . . do you have a link to Obama's college records? Or to a thesis that he wrote? Or for the paperwork from his time spent in the IL senate?

Questions such as "Have you seen his school records? or "Have you seen his paperwork?" are an obvious lead up to the same supposed "doubts" that the right-wing was implying existed with his birth certificate.

Why would I have seen his school records? Is there some reason I should have?
Trump said the EXACT same "Very Interesting" phrase about the Birth Certificate.

I'm sure the school records would be just as "difficult" to find.

Um, that's exactly what I said. Trump blew the 'we found some very interesting information' question off. Read my post, above. A few days ago Trump said there wasn't any long-form bc. No reporter bothered to ask him about that. They should have and Trump should have answered.

So, you don't have a link to Obama's college records? Thesis written? The paperwork from his time spent in the IL Senate?

Where would he have written a thesis? His only graduate school education was law school, and you don't write a thesis to get a law degree.

If you're referring to some sort of senior paper for an undergrad, those aren't bound and/or kept. And for good reason: They're usually poorly documented tripe (I resemble that remark!)

Actually most law schools DO require a "rigorous writing assignment" on a legal topic along the lines of a law review article.
As I stated earlier, it was starting to work against him in this campaign year. As for being an adult....adults would have quashed this at the beginning.
Another idiot who doesn't know what Prima Facie means.

He should have released the long form, which he was privy to at the beginning....like an adult. Instead he wanted the b/c to be a distraction, and got mileage out of it in the press. But, it started to gain more momentum at a bad time (campaign year).
Get your feet back on the ground, your not that smart. :razz:
PS....I was never a birther.

Do you realize he would have had to have acess to the doc to do so?

Do you know the laws of Hawiaii regruarding these documents?
Actually, it's more like playing the wingnuts like a fiddle. The wingnuts have been tripping over themselves for the past three years trying to prove that he was born in Kenya. And what was the result?

They come off looking like a bunch of nutcases who have lost all credibility with the American people.

It's very smart politics. He gave them tons of rope and they just hung themselves.

WAY TO GO PREZ!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!


Good gawd, WAY TO GO PREZ!!!!
Are any of you OBAMABOTS ADULTS.:lol:

Am I wrong? Didn't the wingnuts come off looking like....well...wingnuts?

Didn't they lose a lot of credibility on this and other issues?

Politics 101 states that if your opposition is making a fool of himself......let him.


They did on this issue....I don't know what other issues your talking about, though.
This crap has been used by the right for some time now.

It has been a lie from the very begining.

At least now some seem to be trying to pretend it never was.

Someone lied to be sure. I tend to get real suspicious when someone fights so hard to hide the truth.
As I've said many times, It's most likely that he was born in Hawaii, but his reluctance to provide all sorts of documents and records forces me to wonder what he's hiding.

And I figure that the honorable among us don't mind legitimate questions being asked and answered of anybody. If we must protect our idols from any questions, they must not be worthy of much respect.

Those internet detectives can be shams, of course, and I resent dishonest e-mails being circulated by the right as much as I do those from the left because I want my side to look better than that. And sometimes it just isn't.

But remember when Hezbollah was making war on Israel? The media didn't question the photos Reuters was putting out and was dutifully printing them. But some of our internet sleuths looked more closely at those photos and spotted the photoshopped images engineered to make Israel look bad. Reuters had to fire some people and post retractions. I don't have such skills, but I really appreciate those who do.

And when we have people who are questioning the authenticity of a photo of a birth certificate, I'm gonna to look to see what they come up with. They may be scamming us or are just incompetent in their critique. But if they're right and we have a leader and/or his staff intent on scamming us, we should know that too.
Actually, it's more like playing the wingnuts like a fiddle. The wingnuts have been tripping over themselves for the past three years trying to prove that he was born in Kenya. And what was the result?

They come off looking like a bunch of nutcases who have lost all credibility with the American people.

It's very smart politics. He gave them tons of rope and they just hung themselves.

WAY TO GO PREZ!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!


Good gawd, WAY TO GO PREZ!!!!
Are any of you OBAMABOTS ADULTS.:lol:

Am I wrong? Didn't the wingnuts come off looking like....well...wingnuts?

Didn't they lose a lot of credibility on this and other issues?

Politics 101 states that if your opposition is making a fool of himself......let him.


I don't know, the 9/11 truthers didn't seem to bother you all as much as this did.
And they didn't seem to hurt the Obama, the idiot was still elected.
so you figure it out. or do we need to draw you picture? :lol:
Actually, it's more like playing the wingnuts like a fiddle. The wingnuts have been tripping over themselves for the past three years trying to prove that he was born in Kenya. And what was the result?

They come off looking like a bunch of nutcases who have lost all credibility with the American people.

It's very smart politics. He gave them tons of rope and they just hung themselves.

WAY TO GO PREZ!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!


Good gawd, WAY TO GO PREZ!!!!
Are any of you OBAMABOTS ADULTS.:lol:

Am I wrong? Didn't the wingnuts come off looking like....well...wingnuts?

Didn't they lose a lot of credibility on this and other issues?

Politics 101 states that if your opposition is making a fool of himself......let him.


No, yes, yes.
If facts mattered to you you would not have been milking this lie for years

Oh my, aren't you one who swears Bush STOLE the election from Gore?
so you shouldn't talk a bout milk.:lol:

Do you know about the felons list in florida and the court cases surrounding them?

There has been several threads on that election and was proven that Bush would have still won in the count.
Felons list? Eleven years ago.....what became of those cases?
Apparently Obama didn't do well at Occidental and perhaps Columbia, which is why Trump was questioning how Obama got into Harvard. Since there's no paper trail, one tends to speculate.

Yes, I'm quite sure there's "no paper trail".

After all, there was no birth documentation either. right?

How the hell did you come to that conclusion? I'm asking . . . . do you have a link to Obama's college records? Or to a thesis that he wrote? Or for the paperwork from his time spent in the IL senate?

Questions such as "Have you seen his school records? or "Have you seen his paperwork?" are an obvious lead up to the same supposed "doubts" that the right-wing was implying existed with his birth certificate.

Why would I have seen his school records? Is there some reason I should have?

You flipped off my 'no paper trail' comment and when I asked if you had any links to things that other presidents have willing released -- like college transcripts, etc. -- you get all 'why would I have seen his school records'.

If you don't have a link to share, just say so. All I was doing was asking.
wow, I thought he WORKED FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. I guess not.
and don't you have me on IGNORE?:eusa_whistle:

Yes, all the people.

However, that does not mean he has to visit lunatic asylums and answer their questions about why he's from Pluto, or why he has six heads.

And I have no recollection of putting you on ignore.
Oh yeah, that Obama has a real sense of humor.

Such a thin skinned ugly person, he has to take pot shots at everybody who is against him.

Hell he's even done it to US people who didn't vote for him.

so becoming of him and PRESIDENTIAL.
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Botched Name Purge Denied Some the Right to Vote (washingtonpost.com)

The Tampa residents were among hundreds, perhaps thousands, of non-felons in Florida who civil rights lawyers contend were wrongly prevented from voting in the Nov. 7 election after state election officials and a private contractor bungled an attempt to cleanse felons from voter rolls.

The effort was so riddled with errors that a more precise tally will probably never be possible. But it is clear that at least 2,000 felons whose voting rights had been automatically restored in other states were kept off the rolls and, in many cases, denied the right to vote.

How many votes did Bush win by?
wow, I thought he WORKED FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. I guess not.
and don't you have me on IGNORE?:eusa_whistle:

Yes, all the people.

However, that does not mean he has to visit lunatic asylums and answer their questions about why he's from Pluto, or why he has six heads.

And I have no recollection of putting you on ignore.

Oh sorry, I though it was you who said you had me on ignore.

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