Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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  • don't insult my president...

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It doesn't matter anymore.

Trump burst the Birth Certificate Bubble. Obama lost the narrative. This is not going to be an issue in 2012. Obama's record is now more exposed for examination now that this distraction has been removed.

Obama is killing you softly .. poor wingnut birthers. :lol::lol::lol:

HARDLY, the latest poll he's in the low 40's. but you all need to think something to keep your spirtis up.:lol:

Actually, the average poll shows him at about 47%.

Which is 12 points higher than Reagan was at this exact point in his presidency.
It's a shame that we can't come up with a snappy name like "Birthers" for the college transcript people.

Hmmm...."Scripters" ??

You heard it here first!!!
The title is being dishonest in making an untrue insinuation. A person needs to read the article to get the REAL facts. As for you doing the same thing....I have no doubts about that Vast. :eusa_whistle:

I deleted my post as soon as I wrote it, I thought you were referring to something else.

My bad.

But I didn't post the article.
I don't care what he released, the PEOPLE were asking HIM TO RELEASE his long form BC, that should of been enough for him to DO IT THREE YEARS AGO.. the only fools are you all who voted for him. he's playing you all like a fiddle and you fall at his feet. funny to watch

A few crackpots with an agenda do not constitute "The People".

Just like the few crackpots that believe Bush blew up the WTC do not constitute "The People".

Your logic is confused. Just because "Subgroup 1A" is part of "Group A" does not mean that "Group A" = "Subgroup 1A"
The answer to the many questions surrounding why Obama waited so long to release his birth certificate is simple.

In 2008, Obama met with Donald Trump in a secret closed-doors beer summit. There, they hatched a scheme. Knowing that there is a large segment of the American people that is still deeply racist, and that said racism would not emerge blatantly when confronted with the first black president, Obama and his good friend The Donald began crafting a long-con. At the first whiff of birtherism, Obama released most – but not all – of the relevant documentation of his birth in Hawaii, throwing the racists birthers a bone to chew on for the next couple of years. The plan was in motion.

The long-form birth certificate remained under lock and key in Hawaii. As the years went by, the usual suspects on the right trotted out one crazy conspiracy after another. Obama ignored them. Trump waited patiently while drawing as much attention to himself as possible.

Then, in 2011, Trump played his, er, Trump card, launching a wild-eyed conspiratorial presidential bid based almost solely on the birther question. Polls showed that Trump’s popularity was rising, and almost overnight he was polling at first place. A clear front-runner had emerged, and the crux of his campaign was the missing long-form birth certificate. Trump beat that drum as loudly as possible, even sending private eyes to Hawaii to track the runaway birth certificate down. And people loved him for it.

Birtherism, it appeared, had taken over a larger segment of America than anyone had expected. Despite rumors of its death, racism in America was still very much alive and kicking. And now it had its avatar.

Now it was Obama’s move. At the height of Trump’s popularity he released the final, definitive document: the long-form birth certificate – knowing full well that it would do nothing to placate the birthers. However, with so much momentum now behind Trump and a large segment of the Republican base rallied around the cause, there was little the GOP could do to recover and run anything like a legitimate challenge to the president in 2012. The threat of an independent bid by Trump – who could easily self-finance such an effort – was too great.

Obama effectively steered national attention back to the rightwing fringe – a fringe, mind you, that is also the largest voting bloc on the right. He also ensured that his good friend Trump was the one spear-heading the movement.

This effectively torpedoed Republican chances of a victory, and ensured Obama a second term, where he went on to do many great things, including finally realize Trump’s dream of universal healthcare for all. And everyone lived happily ever after. Well, almost everyone. Racism, it turned out, was still not over in America, even though a black man had been re-elected president. And Obama had to endure four more years of one of the most thankless jobs on earth. And Trump?

Well, Trump lost his reality shows on NBC but that hasn’t stopped him from finding a way into the spotlight. With his gig on Fox, Trump ruthlessly parodies rightwingers from within the heart of the propaganda machine itself.

Balloon Juice » Why Obama Waited

We just witnesseed a very significant event in politics and power. A lot of people are not getting the fully story. We just saw an American President run and fetch it for the man.

Obama is a weak pissant. Donald Trump is "The Man".
Last edited:
Rand Simberg found the transcript!


A larger version is available at:


Even if he wasn't born here Obama is the President and there is no way you will get Eric Holder to prosecute the case so all you "Birthers" out there just drop the issue.

Yes I understand he released another COLB today and yes I know the issues. Its different than the other one and the signatures don't match but that doesn't matter. Its NEVER going anywhere so just get off the subject already.

We have way more important things to press our politicians on. Lets get on with the debt, defecit, and shitty economy already and leave these stupid issues that aren't ever going anywhere alone.

For the love of America please just stop and focus on the debt, defecit, jobs, and the 2012 election already.

Thanks for thinking about it.

IMO had Obama taken steps to answer this when it was first became an issue it would have died right then and there.

However he didn't and this issue has taken on a life of its own that has little to do with the original premise that he wasn't a natural born citizen.

Now the American people are looking at this issue knowing full well there's a bit of phlonary going on far too many question's and a man who is very hesitant to answer those questions. This Monster is Obama's making he thought himself far above that of the mere voters of this Nation.........Ya come to find out ...not so much

He did, when he produced a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth, but that wasn't good enough.
Oh man. It's gonna be an interesting campaign season. Obama's gonna run circles around the GOP.

Stephanie is backed up so far against a wall that she won't even take a position, because she knows there's no position she can take that she would be able to defend.

Stephanie for president. She's got amazing political instincts. No one can call you a waffler if you just never express an opinion.

i disagree
We just witnesseed a very significant event in politics and power. A lot of people are not getting the fully story. We just saw an American President run and fetch it for the man.

Obama is a weak pissant.


There ya have it, folks,

The President is acting suspiciously if he holds it back and a "weak pissant" if he gives in and shows it.
Look at block 21 center bottom of both documents
Shouldn't both have the same signiture since both documents came from the same county and same hospital?
This the link to obama's long form document butI will add the image within the post
President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate | TPM Document Collection


No, they should be different since different people processed the copy.

You're assuming there's no turnover at the Department of Health? Probably several different people have held the job(s) over the years.
It's a hoot!

But any minute now, TMN is bound to land and call me a hater for spreading LIIES.

The court martial says he disobeyed orders form senior officers and missed movement.

He fucked over his men.

He got what any moron gets for missing movement, minus the beating enlisted men give another for doing so.


Obama is CIC. If his eligibility is in doubt, all orders are suspect. Why didn't the CIC just comply with this soldier's request? He obviously thought it important enough to do it today. Why not 6 months ago?


familiarize yourself with this concept. unless LTC fuckwit was reporting directly to obama, he had no right to question legal orders received from his immediate superior.

Command hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if i'd been on the court, i'd have thrown the grandstanding prick in leavenworth for as long as the UCMJ allowed.

I'm just curious why he spent $2,000,000 on suppressing the BC for 2 years and then just voluntarily gives it up on the same day the federal reserve is to give its first press conference in 90 some years
It's a shame that we can't come up with a snappy name like "Birthers" for the college transcript people.

Hmmm...."Scripters" ??

You heard it here first!!!

you name it you own it.. i just checked, and scripters.com is available, you should grab it !
Marc, not all Reps believe in the birther BS and some will vote for OL'BO regardless of that issue.

As for why politicians do what they do?? Self interest big time.

So you're suggesting that you believe that you believe that there are Republicans out there now that would actually vote for Obama?!??

Really? How do you figure that?

Also, HOW would Bachmann find walking this thing back to be in her self-interest? That doesn't make sense. She's spent about 2+ years INVESTING in the Birther nonsense to trump up her base. Wouldn't suddenly walking this nonsense back now be more hurtful?

I struggle to see the logic in your statements Claudette.

Help me out here.

I voted for Obama and if my party doesn't come up with a responsible candidate will probably have to reluctantly vote for him again. As much as I would love to see a Eisenhower or Goldwater type show up all we seem to back are crazy religious ideologues any more. It is very discouraging. I will never vote for a Morman. I don't do cult Christians. It is better for the country to have an intelligent even if mediocre middle of the road Dem as POTUS caretaker of the White House than another leader that worships the top 1% and pisses on the middle class.

So many have forgotten that the middle class is the true strength of our nation. They are not going to make wealth and take their winnings elsewhere. They, when given the opportunity and education, are the true innovators. They start and build the small businesses that turn into bigger businesses that do most of the meaningful hiring and local spending. They are the ones with the fire in their bellies to get ahead. When the middle class prospers we all prosper.

I agree, and I think you speak for many of us.
So obama has told the turth once in his life? when was that? He lies and that is enough reason not to belkieve him

What politician doesn't lie?

Have you asked for the BC's of all our presidents, congressmen, etc.?

No I haven't. Was there any doubt where they were born ?

If they are liars and you haven't seen their original, long-form, attested birth certificate, why wouldn't you doubt it?

What was the original reason to doubt Obama was born here? Not that he wouldn't release his long-form BC, but what was the doubt that would bring up wanting him to do that in the first place?

Obama’s birth place was long a dead issue. Buried and stinking. Along come the grave digger and dug up the dry bones and began beating life into it again. No one really care about a dead horse once it is dead and buried. GOP had laid the issue to rest in peace, but Trump being the loser he is had to have something to talk about than the real issues. And talk about an ego. This man had to give himself credit for something that had been settled long ago. Now he will start on where he went to kindergarten, where is played basketball, where he smoked pot, how he got into Columbia and Harvard, where he shyte and how it smelled.

Now he is talking about repairing airports. roads and bridges which Obama have been talking about all alone but don‘t have the money because of the late Bush administration spending and borrowing like drunken sailors. One thing about a president Trump, he will be the most corrupt president in history.

A president Trump will solve all our problems by filing bankrupt on all our debts and leaving Americans hold the bill. LMAO

He is “proud of himself for accomplished something no one else had been able to do” but it was no longer an issue because it had been settled long ago. I never seen anyone beat their ego like he has.

Trump, Show us the “unbelievable” stuff you uncovered with your investigators in Hawaii. LMAO

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