Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

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Rand Simberg found the transcript!


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In Which I Scoop Donald Trump - Transterrestrial Musings


An "F" in job creation. Wouldn't you know it.
This whole birth certificate thing was stupid and stank of racism, if Obamas father was a white man from Denmark or the UK I doubt any motherfuckin body would be asking for a bloody birth certficate.
You should have told Hillary that, when she started this issue.

I think she was told that, which is why the subject was dropped. But when it became clear that Obama would be the nominee, Phillip Berg decided to file his first lawsuit demanding proof. That was in late summer of 2008, and the rest is history.
Race of Father: "African".



A buddy of mine was shocked when he ordered a copy of his birth certificate recently and found that it listed his race as "Negro". "African" wasn't the term used for Black people back then, it was "Negro".

Also, Obama was born in August yet we are to believe he was only the 151st person born in that state all year? Really?
The President gave this issue more life then it needed to have.Maybe this was a plan by the left all along to dance around the issue which only added fuel to the fire.If he had it all along he could have stopped this dead in it's tracks but the President played a game with the American people giving credence to the allegations.
Race of Father: "African".



A buddy of mine was shocked when he ordered a copy of his birth certificate recently and found that it listed his race as "Negro". "African" wasn't the term used for Black people back then, it was "Negro".

Also, Obama was born in August yet we are to believe he was only the 151st person born in that state all year? Really?

The father wasn't African-American ...... he was African not negro.

gawd, you're an idiot

• If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?

• Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: It is spelled “Ukulele.”

Truly crazy assed conspiracy theorists will never give up their theories, no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary.

That is why there will always be "truthers" or "Clinton murdered Vince Foster" fanatics.
• If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?

• Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: It is spelled “Ukulele.”

these are lawrence o'donnell's talking points for tonight, how did you get them ?? you read the adobe layer report ?
Obama has produced the document they have screamed for.
Actually, he has not. He merely re-issued the same document. A COLB, not a BC.

Just looking at the two of them you can see the difference. A BIG difference. WTF? They're completely different forms. Just because the one produced today doesn't specify "BIRTH CERTIFICATE" but instead specifies "CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH," what is the difference other than reversing the caption? Both titles mean the same thing.
Race of Father: "African".



A buddy of mine was shocked when he ordered a copy of his birth certificate recently and found that it listed his race as "Negro". "African" wasn't the term used for Black people back then, it was "Negro".

Also, Obama was born in August yet we are to believe he was only the 151st person born in that state all year? Really?

The father wasn't African-American ...... he was African not negro.

gawd, you're an idiot


In that era, African would be nationality, not race.
Race of Father: "African".


A buddy of mine was shocked when he ordered a copy of his birth certificate recently and found that it listed his race as "Negro". "African" wasn't the term used for Black people back then, it was "Negro".

Also, Obama was born in August yet we are to believe he was only the 151st person born in that state all year? Really?

Psst, Obama's father was an "African" from Africa. And was your "buddy" born in Hawaii? If not, then you have no case.
Hawaii Appeals Court rejects man’s request to see
Obama’s birth certificate

April 8, 2011

Filed Under Barack Obama, Birthers

Hawaii’s Appeals Court has rejected an attempt by a man, Robert V. Justice, to see Barack Obama’s original birth certificate. Under Hawaiian privacy laws, someone must have a good reason for wanting to see the original. The court ruled that Mr. Justice had not demonstrated a sufficiently good reason.

10 reasons why the Birther movement is fundamentally wrong
10. A number of independent investigators and officials have examined the birth certificate and determined it to be completely genuine.

http://100gf.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/h ... urt-obama/
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I'm just curious why he spent $2,000,000 on suppressing the BC for 2 years and then just voluntarily gives it up on the same day the federal reserve is to give its first press conference in 90 some years

ROFL. Because they didn't spend 2 million dollars on "suppressing the BC".

That story was also untrue.

Well from what I have read that story is true while other stories say its not. I guess we will never know exactly.

So allow me to amend my post. Why has Obama spend a significant amount of money suppressing the BC for 2 years and then just voluntarily gives it up???
Ok. So has anyone compared this BC to one from some random person born in the same hospital a week later or earlier?

Seems like a logical check.
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