Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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i'm blabbering about the name of the hospital, if it's accurate to the name used on other long form cetificates of that day.

i'm wondering what some of you obama loyalists think about the video, the gentleman seems to know what he's talking about. are there other experts that agree with him ??, the political news is strangely quiet today.

YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4

Does the mystery man have a name?
I am a Republican voter since 1972. Would notvote for Obama for dog catcher.
But only a fool believes he wasn't born in Hawaii.


here's his you tube web page, he's not saying obama wasn't born in Hawaii he's saying the docment is a fake.
YouTube - kdenninger's Channel

I know Karl Denninger. He posts regularly on one of the stock boards I post on.
He stated a year ago that the DOW would be down to 2000 by April 1, 2011.
Brilliant guy.
will the president pointed at a black president carry over to all presidential candidates to prove their citizenship and produce a birth certificate now ? or is this just for non whites ?
could you imagine if Obama was hispanic ? you'd claim he snuck across the border ,
but really will this requirement now be mandatory for all candidate ? will trump prove he's a natural born American ? or palin or any from every party ?

this could really make primaries fun .

teabaggters want a oath of loyalty and a loyalty test for anyone that takes office of anykind . will that be the case or is this for just non whites ?
This is over, right?

We've stopped talking about this moronic birfer thing, right?

No its the most important thing going toro, what do you mean QE2 is ending and the fed gave a press conference.....what do you mean unemployment is still at a horrible level...what do you mean the devaluing of our dollar through printing too much money and borrowing too much is making the price of commodities rise....what do you mean the rise in commodities prices are leading to inflation on things like food.

That stuff doesn't matter, we need to talk about birth certificates for a president whom would never be prosectued on it by his attorney general or have to worry about our congress being dumb enough to bring the issue to the floor.

That's a big problem with progressivism and their situational ethics...it's ok to lie and it is also admissable up to a certain number of lies while on the stand in the progressive courts of law....

I would agree to a point. There are some who don't. I say this because the ones closest to me lied right to my face - totally superficial.

Overall, I'm kinda creeped out. zeitgeist, I watched the Alex Jones video you have on your siggy. Regarding Alex Jones with the new long form COLB compared to the old form.

YouTube - PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Seriously.....I don't want to be labeled as some right wing lunatic or be bad named and be a "birther". I don't want to be naive, a conpiracy theorist, etc. Really I don't. But I find myself looking at it this situation, looking up info in regard to his BC or COLD, and keep looking even deeper into it.

And then looking at a video like this, which has hundreds of comments flowing through even as I watch it! It really creeps me out for a number of reasons.

It creeps me out because we seem to have lost total trust in our government in the US. It creeps me out that its even an issue. It creeps me out thinking of how other nations must view us when they see this junk on their news. :(

What, are we Babylon or something? It's seems SO bad here, it so sad. I mean for this to even happen is unbelievable. The President of the United States of America has to show his COLB or Birth Certificate or whatever you call it publicly because enough people in our country are not trusting even where our own President is from! And then the video here!

And what really creeps me out I don't understand how Alex Jones could be lying in the video? Is it just for ratings? Or is it really fake? Again, I don't mean to be naive and I know people are back and forth on this, it's a huge issue... but wouldnt Alex Jones be subject to a libel suit if he was lying about this? And why would he lie?

Feel free anyone to answer, because I'm really saddened and creeped out and don't even know what to believe anymore except for my Lord.

What do you nonbirthers think of this video? How and/or why could someone even post something like this without getting in trouble if it wasn't true?

PS - Please I ask, DO NOT pull the race card on me regarding this. There are some racists yes, but I believe this isn't about race for the most part. I believe it's about losing trust, division, and maybe for some, a way to try to cause havoc for Obama because they don't like his party.
For all you conspiracy theorists:
If Obama posted an altered birth certificate on the internet it is a crime.
You can not alter vital records in any way and post them as valid.
Ditto for the certification of the original as that is a seperate crime.
You folks have been had once again.
But I did hear there was a Big Foot sighting in Hahira, Ga. last night.
News and film at 11.
Well, it didn't hurt the race card players' case when Trump instantaneously pivoted into the 'how did this guy get into Harvard' angle.

Yeah I see how that conclusion is made.

If Obama's grades were bad as trump claims (without any proof that i've seen) and still got into harvard then its a legit question.

Even if his grades were bad, he was still a legacy admission to Harvard.

Ditto, President Bush. And the person he beat in the 2000 election, Senator Gore. It is quite a normal practice.

How can you say that? If he did well in college prior to harvard then it had nothing to do with "legacy admissions".

No one posting here knows his college record so no one can claim that stuff.
Does the mystery man have a name?
I am a Republican voter since 1972. Would notvote for Obama for dog catcher.
But only a fool believes he wasn't born in Hawaii.


here's his you tube web page, he's not saying obama wasn't born in Hawaii he's saying the docment is a fake.
YouTube - kdenninger's Channel

I know Karl Denninger. He posts regularly on one of the stock boards I post on.
He stated a year ago that the DOW would be down to 2000 by April 1, 2011.
Brilliant guy.

Well is he right on this subject?
I told you these people would never accept any facts in this issue.

They hate him therefore he should not be president.
I told you these people would never accept any facts in this issue.

They hate him therefore he should not be president.

and I have NO doubt that you would behave in the exact same manner towards a candidate or office holder that you hated, so OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE.
BHO's latest certificate of live birth looks no more convincing than the previous one.

But hey, EVEN IF BHO was born in Hawaii he still lacks the Constitutionally required status as a Natural Born Citizen to serve as Prez due to papa's Brit citizenship at the time of BHO's birth.

I can understand the dem politicians and pundits lying/turning a blind eye for the Cause,...............BUT WHY are the supposedly oh sooooo constitution upholding repub politicians and pundits doing exactly the same thing??????

Listened to a few minutes of neocon Michael Medved launch a rabid maddog attack on 'birthers' yesterday- simply because these patriots seek to find answers to a question he just wants to go away.

We have a Prez who gained power in what amounts to a coup and yet supposedly constitutionalist repubs are waving a hand and saying 'move along nothing to see here'........and getting real pissed at those in the base who WON'T 'move along'...............................WHY???????????

Is it perhaps that the repubs have their own non-NBC great brown presidential hope in Bobby Jindal and are hoping to stage a counter-coup rather than accomplish something soooooo mundane and financially unrewarding to Insiders as upholding the Constitution????????


BHO meets the Natural Born Citizen requirement ...........ll.

Yeppers your statement is Bullshit. BHO aka The Kenyan may have USA Citizenship, BUT the Reality that his papa was a foreigner without USA Citizenship at the time of BHO's birth forever precludes BHO from NBC status.

BTW lots of socalled 'conservatives' are bilging the test on this rather simple issue- likely because THEY want to pull the same UnConstitutional scam with Bobby Jindal as the Usurper.
I have not read any of the 108 pages previous to this, but just let me say this ..... Know your role and Close YOUR HOLE !!! to all of you conspiracy loving, freak-show dicks who have now been silenced in regard to at least one issue.
I know there are those who will cry FAKE and on and on about other BS, but just get over it you idiots. It is now closed and i do not care if it is Trump or Paris Hilton who takes credit, but it is done.
I can tell all of you morons to now move on to an issue of substance like policies and legislation that you can hammer Obama about and get off of this ludicrous crap you have been crowing about for WAY too long.
You are officially now considered idiots for even thinking it was legitimate in the first place and even thinking that such a ruse could result in a fraudulent candidate being elected to the highest office in the land. It was stupid then, it is stupid now and you were all for stupid for even thinking it was a substantial issue at all.
And speaking of highest ............. you are all now free to go back to your bongs and come up with something even dumber for next week.

P.S. - you can all feel free to now grow up as well and maybe even do us all a favor and sit out the next four or five election cycles.
Just how stupid are you willing to be on this forum? All you do is make comments with nothing to back them up. You may some day realize that you have a mental disorder because of your connection to liberalism.

She is going to make you look like the piece of shit fool that you are.

No she isn't she'll run when she's busted for lying. or ignore the reply to a post she doesn't like.

She already posted the proof, moron.
wow now its school records ? LOl how about sperm count , DNA results . LOL you cant even get a republican to give a drug test results .
will all theses requirement be demanded on all candidates ? all party's ?
wow, so now the Obama, OUR PRESIDENT shouldn't have to comply with a request FROM THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM.


oh dear, :eusa_whistle:

The people making the request aren't the ones who elected him. They didn't vote for him in 2008 and won't vote for him in 2012. Fuck 'em. And fuck you, too.

It doesn't matter who did or didn't vote for him what matters is the Constitutional process. Both documnts that has been submitted to the public have so many holes in them I think it was made of swiss chesse.
Well now the "Donald" is asking him to show his grades..insinuating that there is no way he could have gotten into Harvard. He's also basically saying Obama hasn't written his own books.

Trump really isn't a racist..he hates everyone. But he's playing into the racist meme.

i hope every advertiser on his show pulls their spots.

They should. What an embarrassing man. This on top of very public and personal feuds with women should have prompted advertisers to pull their spots..

I would love to see one of those has-beens stand up and say "You can't fire me - I quit! I refuse to spend another minute in your racist presence"

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