Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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has anyone found a 1961 long form birth certificate of a child of any color being born at Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. is the hospital name the same ??

that would be a good way to debunk this flag/myth?
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Any one who would determine that the interest in Obama's BC is racist is a cretinous fool. I don't care if this were a chartreuse President with bright purple polka a dots. Americans have the right to know that the CinC is qualified to hold the office. Wouldn't it have been easier for Obama to have produced his BC when the Clinton campaign brought this allegation to the American people?

The truth of the matter is that in any other venue President Obama would be viewed a security risk by the FBI. He is known to associate with self confessed, unrepentant terrorists. He sat in the congregation of a hateful anti-American bigot for over twenty years. He is a known associate of the communist party, and has had self confessed communists appointed to Obama Czar-ships.

If the FBI had found evidence of such shenanigans in my back ground I would probably been sent to the stockade in lieu of being awarded my security clearance. The travesty in this situation is that Obama (would wouldn't pass even the most perfunctory back ground check) is walking around with the keys to America's nuclear arsenal in his back pocket. This same man fought the request that he produce his BC. Liberals, who seem to be permanently stuck on stupid, can't understand why the majority of Americans are concerned over the President's perceived integrity, and trustworthiness.
And here it comes, roll out the race card. yep, just like i called it. the reason obama published this now was to reintroduce the race card and stir up his slumping support from blacks. And bingo - here is comes.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

You don't think there are real racial issues at play here? I'm not sure where you're from, but down here in Alabama, a lot of the opposition to Obama is just flat out racist.

Does that mean that Oblammy is twisting it to his advantage in an unscrupulous way? I know know that I'd say unscrupulous...perhaps divisive and calculated, sure.

Does he just suck up all the racial crap and bear that on his shoulders? Or does he get to "give as good as he gets"?

I'm not saying that playing the race card isn't bad. I am saying that sometimes it is valid.

i know racism still exist but the request to prove his birth isn't about racism. heck, arnold isn't eligible to be president and he's a white boy. mccain was challenged too. obama is a smug asshole and he has been about this issue, so he's getting shit for it. If he really did prove his citizenship 2 years ago like half here claim he did, he should just be ignoring it. He doesn't owe any further explaination. but what he did was take advantage of a situation to rally a segment of his support group. but in the process he enhances and exploits the racial divide. that's a totally bull shit move. racism will never end with those kind of actions
has anyone found a 1961 long form birth certificate of a child of any color being born at Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. is the hospital name the same ??

that would be a good way to debunk this flag/myth?

I'm just wondering if all the people clamoring about Obama's grades (The Scripters, as in transcripts) are going to rake Newt Gingrich over the coals the same way about how he cheated on his wife with cancer.

You're pushing honesty as a family value, right? It's why Obama is evil? Well when push comes to shove, I hope you do the same thing with GOP candidates.

Why do you think the Left has not already raked Newt over the coals about an event that has been disclosed and is well known?
It isn't honesty but transparancy. Why has Obama taken 2+ years to release something that he could have done right away? (Personally I think they needed to find the best forger, but that's another story).
Why has Obama consistently refused to release information that is fairly routine for candidates? It is a mystery.
Personally I doubt there is any smoking gun hiding. It is simply a measure about how clueless Obama is generally about this and how much he thinks he is above everyone else.

The State of Hawaii, the entity BY STATUTE, validated the original years ago.
If they wouldn't have done so and Obama had issued another one you would have stated:
"No good. Only the entity that has sole authority over all birth records in Hawaii, The Hawaiian Dept. of Health, can validate and confirm the birth certificate."
If you didn't know that ONLY the State Dept. of Health can validate a birth certificate that is your problem.
I doubt you are that ignorant. You chose not to believe the truth.
Nothing to do about Obama. Never was. You are responsible for knowing how the real world works. Quit blaming others. You act like the classic liberal.
Trying to win an argument

Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

No I don't believe I see the word African as a racial Identifier. No not in America in the 60's African was not a racial identifier, It wasn't until the mid 80's that I first heard it used as one.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



In kenya african is a race, but not in the United States in 1961. I challenge you to show any Federal or state document besides this forgery that identifies African as a Race.

So you're saying the Obama people forged this document but used a never before used term to describe the father's race on the document?

I don't doubt that many in Ditto-Heads and Teabaggers did it to denigrate the President.

The President has proven he is a politician who will, at best, stretch the truth (at worst, lie), so the claim that his integrity is squeeky clean is duboius.

I think releasing it now is a lose, lose situation for him.

I agree wholeheartedly. Because he is the Pres and a liberal, not because he is black.

Just as you denigrate Tea Party Activists.
Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



In kenya african is a race, but not in the United States in 1961. I challenge you to show any Federal or state document besides this forgery that identifies African as a Race.

So you're saying the Obama people forged this document but used a never before used term to describe the father's race on the document?


Are you saying the document was crated in Kenya? lolol
I'm just wondering if all the people clamoring about Obama's grades (The Scripters, as in transcripts) are going to rake Newt Gingrich over the coals the same way about how he cheated on his wife with cancer.

You're pushing honesty as a family value, right? It's why Obama is evil? Well when push comes to shove, I hope you do the same thing with GOP candidates.

Why do you think the Left has not already raked Newt over the coals about an event that has been disclosed and is well known?
It isn't honesty but transparancy. Why has Obama taken 2+ years to release something that he could have done right away? (Personally I think they needed to find the best forger, but that's another story).
Why has Obama consistently refused to release information that is fairly routine for candidates? It is a mystery.
Personally I doubt there is any smoking gun hiding. It is simply a measure about how clueless Obama is generally about this and how much he thinks he is above everyone else.

The State of Hawaii, the entity BY STATUTE, validated the original years ago.
If they wouldn't have done so and Obama had issued another one you would have stated:
"No good. Only the entity that has sole authority over all birth records in Hawaii, The Hawaiian Dept. of Health, can validate and confirm the birth certificate."
If you didn't know that ONLY the State Dept. of Health can validate a birth certificate that is your problem.
I doubt you are that ignorant. You chose not to believe the truth.
Nothing to do about Obama. Never was. You are responsible for knowing how the real world works. Quit blaming others. You act like the classic liberal.

WTF are you blabbering about?
Still not worse than what the Left did to George Bush and his Family. I love all this silly victim shit coming from the Left. They were far more vicious and cruel to Bush and his Family than anyone could ever be towards this current President. The Left can play victim on this stuff but they really are the most hateful people in this Country.
Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the
Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.

YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4

this is facsinating to me.

it looks as if the president and all his men, and women... may have a problem here. two nights ago i said there is no way to fake provenance, the next morning (yesterday) our president released his document in to the world of science. i don't think he has bettered his position here.
this isn't an intangible or vague science like global warming, it's cut and dry. oddly enough both this issue and global warming are presented in much the same way. time will tell all.

the other thing i have noticed is the consistency of the psychological aura sourrouding the president and his team. to me, they are trying too hard to pre qualify and preempt further scrutiny (it seems staged). of course we all know that won't happen.

once again, i am not a racist, and i am not afraid to hold my original stance on the validity of the documents offered, or the way they have come to be. at this point my birther rallies are on hold, but i'm thinking about them a lot. let's see what gets done. i am not a document expert, but this certificate at whitehouse dot gov is being analyzed today by some who are. this video seems credible to me, but i want to hear the expert opinions of a hundred experts, not just one or five.

i believe this will quickly become a legal matter, that document examination by qualified experts and their subsequent opinions are admissable in court.

I don't doubt that many in Ditto-Heads and Teabaggers did it to denigrate the President.

The President has proven he is a politician who will, at best, stretch the truth (at worst, lie), so the claim that his integrity is squeeky clean is duboius.

I think releasing it now is a lose, lose situation for him.

BlindBoo, you need to go back and research this issue. The original birth-er allegation was issued by the Hillary Clinton campaign. When the Obama refused the request to produce his birth certificate he raised suspicions. Now libs are upset because Trump pressured him into doing what he should have done in 2008.

I do however agree with this statement. "I think releasing it now is a lose, lose situation for him." I think in the final analysis this latest gaff makes a strong case for why he's referred to as the buffoon in chief.

Obama has proven himself to be a weak, incompetent, pinhead. When it comes down to the fact that he is this country's top exec one thing is evident. Obama, is in way over his head. These are not racist comments. Obama, has earned this reputation.

The previous holder of the title "America's worst President ever was a white man. Jimmy Carter, earned his place in history too. So this has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with competence, trust, integrity, and honor. This President has proven himself lacking in all of these aspects. :up:
And here it comes, roll out the race card. yep, just like i called it. the reason obama published this now was to reintroduce the race card and stir up his slumping support from blacks. And bingo - here is comes.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

You don't think there are real racial issues at play here? I'm not sure where you're from, but down here in Alabama, a lot of the opposition to Obama is just flat out racist.

Does that mean that Oblammy is twisting it to his advantage in an unscrupulous way? I know know that I'd say unscrupulous...perhaps divisive and calculated, sure.

Does he just suck up all the racial crap and bear that on his shoulders? Or does he get to "give as good as he gets"?

I'm not saying that playing the race card isn't bad. I am saying that sometimes it is valid.

i know racism still exist but the request to prove his birth isn't about racism. heck, arnold isn't eligible to be president and he's a white boy. mccain was challenged too. obama is a smug asshole and he has been about this issue, so he's getting shit for it. If he really did prove his citizenship 2 years ago like half here claim he did, he should just be ignoring it. He doesn't owe any further explaination. but what he did was take advantage of a situation to rally a segment of his support group. but in the process he enhances and exploits the racial divide. that's a totally bull shit move. racism will never end with those kind of actions

You make a reasonable argument. I definitely DO think it has to do with race because you forget that the genesis of all this was that he was KENYAN - i.e. code for black. Racists can substitute the word Kenyan for the N-word and walk around all day, tongue in cheek saying "We aint gonna let no N...er Kenyan in our White House!"

There is a valid...if perhaps pretextual reason for seeing if his citizenship is valid...but this crazy train birthers have gone off on is just ridiculous.
Why do you think the Left has not already raked Newt over the coals about an event that has been disclosed and is well known?
It isn't honesty but transparancy. Why has Obama taken 2+ years to release something that he could have done right away? (Personally I think they needed to find the best forger, but that's another story).
Why has Obama consistently refused to release information that is fairly routine for candidates? It is a mystery.
Personally I doubt there is any smoking gun hiding. It is simply a measure about how clueless Obama is generally about this and how much he thinks he is above everyone else.

The State of Hawaii, the entity BY STATUTE, validated the original years ago.
If they wouldn't have done so and Obama had issued another one you would have stated:
"No good. Only the entity that has sole authority over all birth records in Hawaii, The Hawaiian Dept. of Health, can validate and confirm the birth certificate."
If you didn't know that ONLY the State Dept. of Health can validate a birth certificate that is your problem.
I doubt you are that ignorant. You chose not to believe the truth.
Nothing to do about Obama. Never was. You are responsible for knowing how the real world works. Quit blaming others. You act like the classic liberal.

WTF are you blabbering about?

i'm blabbering about the name of the hospital, if it's accurate to the name used on other long form cetificates of that day.

i'm wondering what some of you obama loyalists think about the video, the gentleman seems to know what he's talking about. are there other experts that agree with him ??, the political news is strangely quiet today.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eOfYwYyS_c&feature=channel_video_title]YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4[/ame][/QUOTE]
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That's a big problem with progressivism and their situational ethics...it's ok to lie and it is also admissable up to a certain number of lies while on the stand in the progressive courts of law....
and might I add that anyone who doesn't want to be humiliated, degraded, and or ridiculed on a national stage should probably refrain from entering politics . It is the roughest sport.
The State of Hawaii, the entity BY STATUTE, validated the original years ago.
If they wouldn't have done so and Obama had issued another one you would have stated:
"No good. Only the entity that has sole authority over all birth records in Hawaii, The Hawaiian Dept. of Health, can validate and confirm the birth certificate."
If you didn't know that ONLY the State Dept. of Health can validate a birth certificate that is your problem.
I doubt you are that ignorant. You chose not to believe the truth.
Nothing to do about Obama. Never was. You are responsible for knowing how the real world works. Quit blaming others. You act like the classic liberal.

WTF are you blabbering about?

i'm blabbering about the name of the hospital, if it's accurate to the name used on other long form cetificates of that day.

i'm wondering what some of you obama loyalists think about the video, the gentleman seems to know what he's talking about. are there other experts that agree with him ??, the political news is strangely quiet today.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eOfYwYyS_c&feature=channel_video_title]YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4[/ame]

Rabbi isn't an obama loyalists
And here it comes, roll out the race card. yep, just like i called it. the reason obama published this now was to reintroduce the race card and stir up his slumping support from blacks. And bingo - here is comes.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

You don't think there are real racial issues at play here? I'm not sure where you're from, but down here in Alabama, a lot of the opposition to Obama is just flat out racist.

Does that mean that Oblammy is twisting it to his advantage in an unscrupulous way? I know know that I'd say unscrupulous...perhaps divisive and calculated, sure.

Does he just suck up all the racial crap and bear that on his shoulders? Or does he get to "give as good as he gets"?

I'm not saying that playing the race card isn't bad. I am saying that sometimes it is valid.

Can you quantify "a lot"? Do people say the same thing about thomas sowell or Clarence Thomas?
I find a lot of the racial epithet stuff comes from people being opposed to him first and then using that language, not vice versa.
Trying to win an argument

Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

No I don't believe I see the word African as a racial Identifier. No not in America in the 60's African was not a racial identifier, It wasn't until the mid 80's that I first heard it used as one.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



In kenya african is a race, but not in the United States in 1961. I challenge you to show any Federal or state document besides this forgery that identifies African as a Race.

Is Portuguese a Race?

Is German a Race?

Those are races listed on documents you have supplied and supported.

Kind of hypocritical to get all high and mighty because someone from Kenya puts African while you have been supporting documents which say "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese".

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the audacity of hope created his own drama, now he is passing it off. this guy is a narcissist if you ask me.... he is the reason for the distraction, and now he blames others, again and again.. what the **** is going on? is it boooooosh fault or any other convenient knot head? obama believes he is the victim...... he is the original drama queen if you ask me... the guy is a bum, smart manipulative bum who has the libs wrapped around every word he slurs.....

and the grand old oprah buys into his ********.

Obama Tells Oprah Why He Released His Full Birth Certificate NOW - FoxNews.com

Obama put out the same birth certificate that would have been accepted from any other president. In fact, Obama needed to apply for a "special exemption" to have Hawaii release that birth certificate. Basically, Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law. Now, go ahead and explain why it wasn't about "race". G'day.

it wasn't, unless you are saying i am a racist, which i am not. i did not dispute his citizenship, just was curious why it too him two years..

is he a narcissist or not? that is not a racial issue..

but, go ahead and wave your fucking racist flag, bro... it is your story, you can spin it any way you want...... sounds to me like you have a color fixation....

What spin? Obama needed to apply for a "special exemption". Basically, those constitution loving Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law. That's "fact", not "spin".

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