Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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seriously, the grades aren't that important unless he bought his way in. that would have been proven. i got almost all A's and D' in college, and a few flags, it means i worked hard at the subjects i liked and didn't have the discipline to excell at the other. i think i turned out ok.

Actually, they aren't important at all, UNLESS he is lying about them, or committed academic fraud. Who cares how he got into Harvard? And if he was a C student, who cares as long as he is honest about it.
Maybe it didn't communicate that effectively, probably my fault, white Kenyans were told to put "White" and other Kenyans were told to put "African".

What I was trying to imply is that it's not about color of skin, it's about what the PARENT puts down the the worksheet.

Thanks to Boedicca for the source:

"Births in the United States are classified for vital statistics into white, negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite".

Vital Statistics of the United States 1961, Page 231

"Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" are not listed. So is the long form you have been displaying and supporting now fake? Is WND part of the conspiracy now because they are putting up fake birth certificates?

And yes "African" was an acceptable identifier, that's what a parent put on the paperwork and that's what Hawaii accepted. Hence it was acceptable.


Trying to win an argument

Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

Births in the United States are classified for vital statistics into white, negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite".
No I don't believe I see the word African as a racial Identifier. No not in America in the 60's African was not a racial identifier, It wasn't until the mid 80's that I first heard it used as one.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



Just so you know, the parents don't fill out a birth certificate. The hospital does, so the fact that his dad may have considered African to be a race means NOTHING, the hospital would only write down a race that was accepted as a race by the state of Hawaii. I don't think Hawaii ever considered African to be a race. It still isn't considered a race.
I'm just wondering if all the people clamoring about Obama's grades (The Scripters, as in transcripts) are going to rake Newt Gingrich over the coals the same way about how he cheated on his wife with cancer.

You're pushing honesty as a family value, right? It's why Obama is evil? Well when push comes to shove, I hope you do the same thing with GOP candidates.
I'm just wondering if all the people clamoring about Obama's grades (The Scripters, as in transcripts) are going to rake Newt Gingrich over the coals the same way about how he cheated on his wife with cancer.

You're pushing honesty as a family value, right? It's why Obama is evil? Well when push comes to shove, I hope you do the same thing with GOP candidates.
Trying to win an argument

Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

No I don't believe I see the word African as a racial Identifier. No not in America in the 60's African was not a racial identifier, It wasn't until the mid 80's that I first heard it used as one.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



Just so you know, the parents don't fill out a birth certificate. The hospital does, so the fact that his dad may have considered African to be a race means NOTHING, the hospital would only write down a race that was accepted as a race by the state of Hawaii. I don't think Hawaii ever considered African to be a race. It still isn't considered a race.
:confused: When I had my kids the nurse gave me the form to fill out.
That is such a valid point. It is blatant that he is being supported primarily because of his race. And being half black and half white, why is he always refered to as the black president?

I don't think it's weird. Black voters have a very justified sense of pride in seeing Obama elected. It's natural that they would support him. It's also sad to see him let them down - and support has dropped a bit.

Obama Approval Slips Among Blacks, Hispanics in March

It's natural they might feel an inclination to him. But the truth is his policies have been a disaster for them.
I felt some interest in Joe Lieberman when he ran for VP. But I wasn't going to vote for him, esp after he disavowed every position he had held.
But we consistently see record support for black candidates in the black community, even where those candidates are awful. The only exception I can think of is Rep Steve Cohen in Memphis who ran successfully in a black district opposed by the Ford machine. It is the exception that proves the rule.

Don't expect the same support for Allen West.

He's not authentically Black.

I'd vote for him.
Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.


Shut the fuck up flaggot, the south lost and the short form Obama released wasn't a scam it reflects the same shit written on the longform.

Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the
Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eOfYwYyS_c&feature=channel_video_title]YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4[/ame]

this is facsinating to me.
Trying to win an argument

Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

No I don't believe I see the word African as a racial Identifier. No not in America in the 60's African was not a racial identifier, It wasn't until the mid 80's that I first heard it used as one.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



Just so you know, the parents don't fill out a birth certificate. The hospital does, so the fact that his dad may have considered African to be a race means NOTHING, the hospital would only write down a race that was accepted as a race by the state of Hawaii. I don't think Hawaii ever considered African to be a race. It still isn't considered a race.

Just so you know, the hospital fills out the birth certificate based on information supplied by the parents. If the information was not supplied by the parents then how would they know the address? How would they know the date of birth of the parents? How would they know the age of the parents? How would they know the occupation of the parents?

Just as the parents supply address, age, occupation, etc. - the parents also supply the racial identifier they use.

Say like "German", "Korean", or "Portuguese" like on the one supplied by BigReb that has been all over these threads for weeks.


Anecdotal I know - but while my wife was in labor with our two children, guess who filled out the worksheet that the hospital used to gather the information that when on the hospital birth certificate? You got it I did.

BHO's latest certificate of live birth looks no more convincing than the previous one.

But hey, EVEN IF BHO was born in Hawaii he still lacks the Constitutionally required status as a Natural Born Citizen to serve as Prez due to papa's Brit citizenship at the time of BHO's birth.

I can understand the dem politicians and pundits lying/turning a blind eye for the Cause,...............BUT WHY are the supposedly oh sooooo constitution upholding repub politicians and pundits doing exactly the same thing??????

Listened to a few minutes of neocon Michael Medved launch a rabid maddog attack on 'birthers' yesterday- simply because these patriots seek to find answers to a question he just wants to go away.

We have a Prez who gained power in what amounts to a coup and yet supposedly constitutionalist repubs are waving a hand and saying 'move along nothing to see here'........and getting real pissed at those in the base who WON'T 'move along'...............................WHY???????????

Is it perhaps that the repubs have their own non-NBC great brown presidential hope in Bobby Jindal and are hoping to stage a counter-coup rather than accomplish something soooooo mundane and financially unrewarding to Insiders as upholding the Constitution????????
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HONOLULU -- Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.

Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public.

So far this month, only The Associated Press and one other person had looked at the binder, according to a sign-in sheet viewed Wednesday in the state Department of Health building. The sheet showed about 25 names of people who have seen the document since March 2010, when the sign-in sheet begins.

Those documents complement newspaper birth announcements published soon after Obama's Aug. 4, 1961 birth and a "certification of live birth" released by the Obama campaign three years ago, the only type of birth certificate the state issues.

Some Obama birth records made public for years - Inside Bay Area

Republicans want the state to break their own law. And they lie so much all the time. Even on this board, they say Hawaii changed it's law to keep Obama's BC a "secret" when they only amended the law to ignore frivolous repeat requests, the turds.

Hawaii even had a Republican governor who didn't like Obama and would have loved to "bring him down". How is this Eisenhower's party? The truth? It isn't. It's the party of crazies, liars and hateful, anti American racists. Guess that's the fruition of being 90% white in a diverse country.

How do you figure the darkie is 90% white?
BHO's latest certificate of live birth looks no more convincing than the previous one.

But hey, EVEN IF BHO was born in Hawaii he still lacks the Constitutionally required status as a Natural Born Citizen to serve as Prez due to papa's Brit citizenship at the time of BHO's birth.

I can understand the dem politicians and pundits lying/turning a blind eye for the Cause,...............BUT WHY are the supposedly oh sooooo constitution upholding repub politicians and pundits doing exactly the same thing??????

Listened to a few minutes of neocon Michael Medved launch a rabid maddog attack on 'birthers' yesterday- simply because these patriots seek to find answers to a question he just wants to go away.

We have a Prez who gained power in what amounts to a coup and yet supposedly constitutionalist repubs are waving a hand and saying 'move along nothing to see here'........and getting real pissed at those in the base who WON'T 'move along'...............................WHY???????????

Is it perhaps that the repubs have their own non-NBC great brown presidential hope in Bobby Jindal and are hoping to stage a counter-coup rather than accomplish something soooooo mundane and financially unrewarding to Insiders as upholding the Constitution????????

Hate to break the news...but the fact that Obama's father was a Kenyan has been known for 50 years.

Guess what? He was still sworn in as President
I don't think it's weird. Black voters have a very justified sense of pride in seeing Obama elected. It's natural that they would support him..................

Got It!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blacks are Natural Born Racists.

Thanks for the headsup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut the fuck up flaggot, the south lost and the short form Obama released wasn't a scam it reflects the same shit written on the longform.

Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the
Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eOfYwYyS_c&feature=channel_video_title"]YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4[/ame]

this is facsinating to me.
Of course it is. You're as stupid as birferreb.

His claims on the video are lies...the document you can download from the White House website is a pdf and a pdf would not have color gradients around black text. Not even on a colored background.

You birfers are idiots.

BHO's latest certificate of live birth looks no more convincing than the previous one.

But hey, EVEN IF BHO was born in Hawaii he still lacks the Constitutionally required status as a Natural Born Citizen to serve as Prez due to papa's Brit citizenship at the time of BHO's birth.

I can understand the dem politicians and pundits lying/turning a blind eye for the Cause,...............BUT WHY are the supposedly oh sooooo constitution upholding repub politicians and pundits doing exactly the same thing??????

Listened to a few minutes of neocon Michael Medved launch a rabid maddog attack on 'birthers' yesterday- simply because these patriots seek to find answers to a question he just wants to go away.

We have a Prez who gained power in what amounts to a coup and yet supposedly constitutionalist repubs are waving a hand and saying 'move along nothing to see here'........and getting real pissed at those in the base who WON'T 'move along'...............................WHY???????????

Is it perhaps that the repubs have their own non-NBC great brown presidential hope in Bobby Jindal and are hoping to stage a counter-coup rather than accomplish something soooooo mundane and financially unrewarding to Insiders as upholding the Constitution????????

Not sure if serious...............

Anyway I'm out of this thread. The racism from both sides sickens me .
I'm just wondering if all the people clamoring about Obama's grades (The Scripters, as in transcripts) are going to rake Newt Gingrich over the coals the same way about how he cheated on his wife with cancer.

You're pushing honesty as a family value, right? It's why Obama is evil? Well when push comes to shove, I hope you do the same thing with GOP candidates.

Why do you think the Left has not already raked Newt over the coals about an event that has been disclosed and is well known?
It isn't honesty but transparancy. Why has Obama taken 2+ years to release something that he could have done right away? (Personally I think they needed to find the best forger, but that's another story).
Why has Obama consistently refused to release information that is fairly routine for candidates? It is a mystery.
Personally I doubt there is any smoking gun hiding. It is simply a measure about how clueless Obama is generally about this and how much he thinks he is above everyone else.
BHO's latest certificate of live birth looks no more convincing than the previous one.

But hey, EVEN IF BHO was born in Hawaii he still lacks the Constitutionally required status as a Natural Born Citizen to serve as Prez due to papa's Brit citizenship at the time of BHO's birth.

I can understand the dem politicians and pundits lying/turning a blind eye for the Cause,...............BUT WHY are the supposedly oh sooooo constitution upholding repub politicians and pundits doing exactly the same thing??????

Listened to a few minutes of neocon Michael Medved launch a rabid maddog attack on 'birthers' yesterday- simply because these patriots seek to find answers to a question he just wants to go away.

We have a Prez who gained power in what amounts to a coup and yet supposedly constitutionalist repubs are waving a hand and saying 'move along nothing to see here'........and getting real pissed at those in the base who WON'T 'move along'...............................WHY???????????

Is it perhaps that the repubs have their own non-NBC great brown presidential hope in Bobby Jindal and are hoping to stage a counter-coup rather than accomplish something soooooo mundane and financially unrewarding to Insiders as upholding the Constitution????????


BHO meets the Natural Born Citizen requirement by all measures based even on the changes in the law that exist from then to today.

I was listening to Laura Ingraham yesterday and even HER EXPERT...a conservative talk show expert did the research and said he did.

Cite to your authority if you want to have any credibility. Show from a reliable source what the rule for Natural Born Citizens was at the time of his birth. I'm betting you can't cite to any authority at all.
Shut the fuck up flaggot, the south lost and the short form Obama released wasn't a scam it reflects the same shit written on the longform.

Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the
Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eOfYwYyS_c&feature=channel_video_title]YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4[/ame]

this is facsinating to me.

it looks as if the president and all his men, and women... may have a problem here. two nights ago i said there is no way to fake provenance, the next morning (yesterday) our president released his document in to the world of science. i don't think he has bettered his position here.
this isn't an intangible or vague science like global warming, it's cut and dry. oddly enough both this issue and global warming are presented in much the same way. time will tell all.

the other thing i have noticed is the consistency of the psychological aura sourrouding the president and his team. to me, they are trying too hard to pre qualify and preempt further scrutiny (it seems staged). of course we all know that won't happen.

once again, i am not a racist, and i am not afraid to hold my original stance on the validity of the documents offered, or the way they have come to be. at this point my birther rallies are on hold, but i'm thinking about them a lot. let's see what gets done. i am not a document expert, but this certificate at whitehouse dot gov is being analyzed today by some who are. this video seems credible to me, but i want to hear the expert opinions of a hundred experts, not just one or five.

i believe this will quickly become a legal matter, that document examination by qualified experts and their subsequent opinions are admissable in court.
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i know.... "shut the fuck up racist stupyhead !!"

perhaps our president needs to lawyer up... if he hasn't already.
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Doubting Obama’s birthplace only to degrade and humiliate.

I don’t believe anyone, even birthers, ever doubted that Obama was born in Hawaii and was a natural born citizen. The entire thing was all about degrading and humiliating a black man who is the most powerful man in the nation. No one could seriously believe Obama would concoct such a plan to deceive America. This man has proved his integrity many times over in his background and no one in their right mind could doubt it when he said he was born in Hawaii he was.

Donald Trump just took it a tad bit further and the entire plan all alone was to degrade and humiliate Obama and question his integrity which is faultless. The man is squeaky clean.

Donald Trump’s questioning his qualification to get into Columbia and Harvard is just to further degrade and humiliate Obama. No other president in history has undergone such degradation and humiliation.

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