Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I think John King on CNN got it right when he said there's a small 'piece of the pie' here who are those who can't deal with a black man being elected president.

I think the better explanation came from Rachel Maddow yesterday when she went through all the ways the birther conspiracy was a source of financial gain for various interests and individuals.

Sure there are small amounts of racists in every group but the majority of this stupid crap isn't about obama's race as so many are quick to claim. Its was an easy avenue of attack for those that don't like his policies and ideals....i still think it was an intellectually bankrupt way to attack obama, considering his record gives those who oppose him plenty of ammo, but even so those calling it out as racist are just as bad as the birthers.

And i'm sure trump will write a book on his "exploits and adventures in investigating obama" which fits right into what maddow said.

People who assume that birthers are racists should look in the mirror and ask "why do I automatically assume they are racist because obama is black, do I actually have a prejudice against non-black people?"

Well, it didn't hurt the race card players' case when Trump instantaneously pivoted into the 'how did this guy get into Harvard' angle.

"If Obama would only provide his long form birth certificate all this would be over"

OK..now where are your college transcripts? Your college thesis? Your last colonoscopy video?

Obama was an idiot for giving into this nonsense. It only encourages them
there is a long pattern of intellectual dishonesty within obama, he must have known before he ran for president, that he would be dogged by his own lack of character. the birth certificate is just one of many, many areas of doubt about him.

so you will have to forgive us if we don't just fall in line behind your guy. this is called politics. i have no shame for questioning the other team, i will continue to do so at my own pleasure, as will your team.

he wouldn't have stepped into the ring if he didn't expect to get hit.

Man shut the fuck up dickhead, he was neve dishonest about his birth, you dickwads were the dishonest fucks conjuring up lies about him being born is Kenya. I'm actually disappointed that he showed his long form birth certificate, I don't believe black people have to prove jack shit to whites any more, especially a bunch of retards who are nothing to begin with. Why question someone elses educational background when the retards doing the questioning have no college degree themselves?

well structured and articulate argument fabulous fabio. i can see why you are considered to be highly regarded on this board. were you ever bullied as a child ??
I love both my mother and father but I identify as black you moron and my mother and father raised me as black, not German-Polish.

You seem like a black racist to me. Just how does one get raised as black? I know I was never raised as white? See, it's jokers like you who continue to raise the differences of race. Then you bitch when someone else says there is a difference.

My mother is white and you're calling me a black racist? Fuck off. My parents have both call me black since as far back as I can remember, me and my siblings were never raised as half anything and we all look no different than any other lighter skinned black Americans. If you have a problem with me not identifying as biracial thats your fucking problem, not mine.

Your right, it is your problem. And it obviously is a problem. And it ill haunt you all your life. Good luck with that.
I'm a racist for calling racist pieces of shit racist? Cool with me dickwad because you can't find a thing I said that was racist.

You've done a lot more to show your a racist than I have to show I'm a "birther" yet you had no problem calling me one, but get upset at being called a racist?

What did I say that was racist, put up or shut the fuck up, your claims are bullshit.

No one here believes for one second that you would attack a black man the way you are attacking "the old white guy" that is racism.
Sure there are small amounts of racists in every group but the majority of this stupid crap isn't about obama's race as so many are quick to claim. Its was an easy avenue of attack for those that don't like his policies and ideals....i still think it was an intellectually bankrupt way to attack obama, considering his record gives those who oppose him plenty of ammo, but even so those calling it out as racist are just as bad as the birthers.

And i'm sure trump will write a book on his "exploits and adventures in investigating obama" which fits right into what maddow said.

People who assume that birthers are racists should look in the mirror and ask "why do I automatically assume they are racist because obama is black, do I actually have a prejudice against non-black people?"

Well, it didn't hurt the race card players' case when Trump instantaneously pivoted into the 'how did this guy get into Harvard' angle.

Yeah I see how that conclusion is made.

If Obama's grades were bad as trump claims (without any proof that i've seen) and still got into harvard then its a legit question.

Even if his grades were bad, he was still a legacy admission to Harvard.

Ditto, President Bush. And the person he beat in the 2000 election, Senator Gore. It is quite a normal practice.
there is a long pattern of intellectual dishonesty within obama, he must have known before he ran for president, that he would be dogged by his own lack of character. the birth certificate is just one of many, many areas of doubt about him.

so you will have to forgive us if we don't just fall in line behind your guy. this is called politics. i have no shame for questioning the other team, i will continue to do so at my own pleasure, as will your team.

he wouldn't have stepped into the ring if he didn't expect to get hit.

Man shut the fuck up dickhead, he was neve dishonest about his birth, you dickwads were the dishonest fucks conjuring up lies about him being born is Kenya. I'm actually disappointed that he showed his long form birth certificate, I don't believe black people have to prove jack shit to whites any more, especially a bunch of retards who are nothing to begin with. Why question someone elses educational background when the retards doing the questioning have no college degree themselves?

well structured and articulate argument fabulous fabio. i can see why you are considered to be highly regarded on this board. were you ever bullied as a child ??

He has a serious chip on his shoulder.
Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.


Shut the fuck up flaggot, the south lost and the short form Obama released wasn't a scam it reflects the same shit written on the longform.

whoops... faux pas !

/foʊ ˈpɑz; Fr. foʊ ˈpɑ/ show+spelled">Show Spelled[foh pahz; Fr. foh pah] Show IPA. a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing ...
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It isn't weird. It's true. Why did 97% of black voters back Obama? Why does he stll enjoy support over 90% in the black community, despite the fact that they have experienced higher unemployment rates under Obama's tenure?

That is such a valid point. It is blatant that he is being supported primarily because of his race. And being half black and half white, why is he always refered to as the black president?

I don't think it's weird. Black voters have a very justified sense of pride in seeing Obama elected. It's natural that they would support him. It's also sad to see him let them down - and support has dropped a bit.

Obama Approval Slips Among Blacks, Hispanics in March

It's natural they might feel an inclination to him. But the truth is his policies have been a disaster for them.
I felt some interest in Joe Lieberman when he ran for VP. But I wasn't going to vote for him, esp after he disavowed every position he had held.
But we consistently see record support for black candidates in the black community, even where those candidates are awful. The only exception I can think of is Rep Steve Cohen in Memphis who ran successfully in a black district opposed by the Ford machine. It is the exception that proves the rule.
Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.


Shut the fuck up flaggot, the south lost and the short form Obama released wasn't a scam it reflects the same shit written on the longform.

Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy. It is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.

You've been had America, and the White House was dumb enough to stick proof of it on their own web server.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eOfYwYyS_c&feature=channel_video_title]YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Scam? 2011-04-27 Obama.mp4[/ame]
It's been said right above but it bears repeating...

Enough is NEVER enough with these whackos!!

You wanted a BC...he gives you the short form
You cry conspiracy!!
He says there are more important things to deal with in the country...
You cry conspiracy!!
He gives you the long form
You say he's a wimp for handing it out...and you say it's not enough!! It's a fake!! You cry conspiracy!!

Birthers are really, truly, the worst that America has to offer.
Sure there are small amounts of racists in every group but the majority of this stupid crap isn't about obama's race as so many are quick to claim. Its was an easy avenue of attack for those that don't like his policies and ideals....i still think it was an intellectually bankrupt way to attack obama, considering his record gives those who oppose him plenty of ammo, but even so those calling it out as racist are just as bad as the birthers.

And i'm sure trump will write a book on his "exploits and adventures in investigating obama" which fits right into what maddow said.

People who assume that birthers are racists should look in the mirror and ask "why do I automatically assume they are racist because obama is black, do I actually have a prejudice against non-black people?"

Well, it didn't hurt the race card players' case when Trump instantaneously pivoted into the 'how did this guy get into Harvard' angle.

"If Obama would only provide his long form birth certificate all this would be over"

OK..now where are your college transcripts? Your college thesis? Your last colonoscopy video?

Obama was an idiot for giving into this nonsense. It only encourages them

I personally believe we have the right to see EVERY piece of paper ever written about the person elected to run our nation, but hey that's just me.

And no, I don't give a shit if that person is white, black, green, purple, male , female, thin, fat, ugly, handsome, or some odd combination of the above. We should all each and every one of us be able to satisfy our need to know about who is running our country.

Of course some people will never be satisfied, as always those people are in the minority, and are dumb shits, why bother addressing them?
It's been said right above but it bears repeating...

Enough is NEVER enough with these whackos!!

You wanted a BC...he gives you the short form
You cry conspiracy!!
He says there are more important things to deal with in the country...
You cry conspiracy!!
He gives you the long form
You say he's a wimp for handing it out...and you say it's not enough!! It's a fake!! You cry conspiracy!!

Birthers are really, truly, the worst that America has to offer.

I want money but counterfeit money is not real money. It's just a piece of paper. Now why did obama present a computer generated copy of a COLB document?
I wholeheartedly agree. But the fact remains , the people who questioned him and the people who question Obama despite the obvious are idiots, not racists at some are trying to claim.
Except questioning McCain's birth status was stopped once it was determined he was a citizen.

Obama's, not.

Yeah, a couple differences though. McCain was born of TWO american parents, not just one, and McCain produced his proof of citizenship (IE Birth certificate) within weeks of the questions first arising , not years later after being hounded. There is quite a bit of truth to the adage that those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing

Actually McCain never released his birth certificate. The only once that have been made available to the public were from the Hollister v. McCain case which shows he was born in Colon, Panama which was not part of the Canal Zone.

This is over, right?

We've stopped talking about this moronic birfer thing, right?

till you come along and ask that. harper you need to phrase your questions, without using subject matter or verbs, pronouns or adjectives.... adverbs... subjegated qualifiers, dangling and non dagling prepositions, or spliti infinitives. jeez don't they teach you nothin in newfoundland ?
President Obama made his documentation public three years ago and it was certified by the State of Hawaii. What relevant information did you learn from the long form COLB that wasn't provided on the certified short form?

I learned that I was wrong in my guess that it would show he was a Bastard. Though I still think he is.... I've always said he was born in Hawaii.....

and if he were illegitimate? and didn't want people to know?

that's a problem for you?

Hell no, I could care less, it was just my guess as to what he might have been hiding. You know me, all politicians are bastards one way or another.....
seriously, the grades aren't that important unless he bought his way in. that would have been proven. i got almost all A's and D's in college, and a few flags,
it means i worked hard at the subjects i liked and didn't have the discipline to excell at the other. i think i turned out ok.

i don't discount anyone for "spreading the wealth" of applying thier energy to topics they like. also there was beer to be drunk and many, many beautiful girls to talk to.

the college transcripts are unimportant to me.
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Why was there doubt that Obama wasn't American despite Congress affirming that he was? HE's BLack!!!!

When did Congress vote to declare Obama an American?

Twice that I can think of:

1. Resolution voted on 7/27/2009 - Bill Summary & Status - 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) - H.RES.593 - Major Congressional Actions - THOMAS (Library of Congress)


2. January 6, 2009 - U. S. Electoral College


Just democrats cleaning up after themself, and republicans sceared of being called racist.
OH I see all kenyans are told to put African as a racical identifier but when asked abour white kenyan it has nothing to do with race. Got it.

Maybe it didn't communicate that effectively, probably my fault, white Kenyans were told to put "White" and other Kenyans were told to put "African".

What I was trying to imply is that it's not about color of skin, it's about what the PARENT puts down the the worksheet.

Thanks to Boedicca for the source:

"Births in the United States are classified for vital statistics into white, negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite".

Vital Statistics of the United States 1961, Page 231

"Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" are not listed. So is the long form you have been displaying and supporting now fake? Is WND part of the conspiracy now because they are putting up fake birth certificates?

And yes "African" was an acceptable identifier, that's what a parent put on the paperwork and that's what Hawaii accepted. Hence it was acceptable.


Trying to win an argument

Already did, thanks.

And yes "African" was an acceptable identifier, that's what a parent put on the paperwork and that's what Hawaii accepted. Hence it was acceptable.

From the source you thanks Boedicca for providing

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

Births in the United States are classified for vital statistics into white, negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite".
No I don't believe I see the word African as a racial Identifier. No not in America in the 60's African was not a racial identifier, It wasn't until the mid 80's that I first heard it used as one.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



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