Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Its weird that the people who accuse blacks of playing the card are the same ones who think blacks are the most racist people in America?

It isn't weird. It's true. Why did 97% of black voters back Obama? Why does he stll enjoy support over 90% in the black community, despite the fact that they have experienced higher unemployment rates under Obama's tenure?

That is such a valid point. It is blatant that he is being supported primarily because of his race. And being half black and half white, why is he always refered to as the black president?

Because he is black and says he is black, my father is black and my mother is white European too and I also identify as black.
Except questioning McCain's birth status was stopped once it was determined he was a citizen.

Obama's, not.

Yeah, a couple differences though. McCain was born of TWO american parents, not just one, and McCain produced his proof of citizenship (IE Birth certificate) within weeks of the questions first arising , not years later after being hounded. There is quite a bit of truth to the adage that those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Oh and to the poster earlier that said no other Presidential candidate has been so hounded about his citizenship before Obama, I beg to differ. Here are some names for you to consider, obviously they are not as well known, since they LOST their election bids.

Christopher Schurmann 1896 Election
· Charles Evans Hughes 1916 Election
· George Romney 1968 Election
· Barry Goldwater 1964 Election
· Lowell Weicker 1980 Election
· Roger Calero 2004 and 2008
Again, Obama provided his birth certificate a couple of years ago.

No, he produced a certificate of live birth, one that was surrounded by questions I might add.

I am amazed at how people in this country are so eager to see their "heroes" as infallible. It's an astounding phenomenon. Just because you agree with a guy politically does not mean he doesn't handle some things wrong. No more so than believing everything a guy does is wrong just because you disagree with him politically.
Its weird that the people who accuse blacks of playing the card are the same ones who think blacks are the most racist people in America?

It isn't weird. It's true. Why did 97% of black voters back Obama? Why does he stll enjoy support over 90% in the black community, despite the fact that they have experienced higher unemployment rates under Obama's tenure?

That is such a valid point. It is blatant that he is being supported primarily because of his race. And being half black and half white, why is he always refered to as the black president?

I don't think it's weird. Black voters have a very justified sense of pride in seeing Obama elected. It's natural that they would support him. It's also sad to see him let them down - and support has dropped a bit.

Obama Approval Slips Among Blacks, Hispanics in March
Why is it only dumb fuck racists like you ever bring up white vs black BS?
It's not about race ass wipe.

fuck you old man and it is about race, the racist pieces of shit are in denial about their racism and have turned shit around to call others racist who call them on their bullshit? No other president was asked to show two fucking birth certificates, but now a black is in office and guess what, he has to show them, name me one fucking president before Obama that had had to do the same you dumbass old piece of shit?

Name one president who refused to make his documentation public.....
Face it dickwad, today everyone wants to know everything. Which may be why we don't get better quality people running for office.
But you go ahead and keep believing that the majority of the people are racists. We know who the real racists are on this board and they are in the vast minority. You may be one of them. There are about 3 others from each side that I can think of off the top of my head. That makes it less than 10 racist fucks. Damn you are in terrible company....

No dickwad, name me one president who has had to present two fucking birth certificates and your dumb old ass forgets that Obama did make his birth certificate public already, but the racist birther trash wasn't satisfied.
Why is it only dumb fuck racists like you ever bring up white vs black BS?
It's not about race ass wipe.

fuck you old man and it is about race, the racist pieces of shit are in denial about their racism and have turned shit around to call others racist who call them on their bullshit? No other president was asked to show two fucking birth certificates, but now a black is in office and guess what, he has to show them, name me one fucking president before Obama that had had to do the same you dumbass old piece of shit?

Name one president who refused to make his documentation public.....
Face it dickwad, today everyone wants to know everything. Which may be why we don't get better quality people running for office.
But you go ahead and keep believing that the majority of the people are racists. We know who the real racists are on this board and they are in the vast minority. You may be one of them. There are about 3 others from each side that I can think of off the top of my head. That makes it less than 10 racist fucks. Damn you are in terrible company....

President Obama made his documentation public three years ago and it was certified by the State of Hawaii. What relevant information did you learn from the long form COLB that wasn't provided on the certified short form?
Yeah, a couple differences though. McCain was born of TWO american parents, not just one, and McCain produced his proof of citizenship (IE Birth certificate) within weeks of the questions first arising , not years later after being hounded. There is quite a bit of truth to the adage that those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Oh and to the poster earlier that said no other Presidential candidate has been so hounded about his citizenship before Obama, I beg to differ. Here are some names for you to consider, obviously they are not as well known, since they LOST their election bids.

Christopher Schurmann 1896 Election
· Charles Evans Hughes 1916 Election
· George Romney 1968 Election
· Barry Goldwater 1964 Election
· Lowell Weicker 1980 Election
· Roger Calero 2004 and 2008
Again, Obama provided his birth certificate a couple of years ago.

No, he produced a certificate of live birth, one that was surrounded by questions I might add.

I am amazed at how people in this country are so eager to see their "heroes" as infallible. It's an astounding phenomenon. Just because you agree with a guy politically does not mean he doesn't handle some things wrong. No more so than believing everything a guy does is wrong just because you disagree with him politically.
He released a document that was certified by the state of Hawaii as being proof of his citizenship.
Yes, it was. Hawaii certified a couple of years ago that he was born in Hawaii.

And you don't think anyone had any legitimate reasons
to question the legitimacy of that document or to question the 3 year wait to see the long form? I mean I think the whole argument is stupid, but just to say that Obama hasn't brought some of this on himself by not being honest up front, is well dishonest.
No, they didn't. If they want to sue the state of Hawaii for fraud they could have. But they didn't.

No they couldn't have. A) Who would have had standing to sue B) States have immunity from most such suits.

Also, I don't think most people believe it was the state who perpetuated any such fraud anyway.
So I guess when many of us scoffed at all the birthers who said that all the president has to do is produce the long form and that will be the end of it...

...we pretty much nailed it.

Just feeding the trolls.....

When you treat idiots as anything other than idiots, you should expect more of this
Yeah, a couple differences though. McCain was born of TWO american parents, not just one, and McCain produced his proof of citizenship (IE Birth certificate) within weeks of the questions first arising , not years later after being hounded. There is quite a bit of truth to the adage that those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Oh and to the poster earlier that said no other Presidential candidate has been so hounded about his citizenship before Obama, I beg to differ. Here are some names for you to consider, obviously they are not as well known, since they LOST their election bids.

Christopher Schurmann 1896 Election
· Charles Evans Hughes 1916 Election
· George Romney 1968 Election
· Barry Goldwater 1964 Election
· Lowell Weicker 1980 Election
· Roger Calero 2004 and 2008
Again, Obama provided his birth certificate a couple of years ago.

No, he produced a certificate of live birth, one that was surrounded by questions I might add.

I am amazed at how people in this country are so eager to see their "heroes" as infallible. It's an astounding phenomenon. Just because you agree with a guy politically does not mean he doesn't handle some things wrong. No more so than believing everything a guy does is wrong just because you disagree with him politically.

There was nothing questionable about his birth certificate dickwad, it had a seal and serial number on it, you birther retards were just reaching looking for anything like you shitheads are doing now.
And those that questioned McCain were also idiots.

I wholeheartedly agree. But the fact remains , the people who questioned him and the people who question Obama despite the obvious are idiots, not racists at some are trying to claim.

The people who claim its about racism are just intellectually bankrupt and are as stupid as the birthers.

I think John King on CNN got it right when he said there's a small 'piece of the pie' here who are those who can't deal with a black man being elected president.

I think the better explanation came from Rachel Maddow yesterday when she went through all the ways the birther conspiracy was a source of financial gain for various interests and individuals.
fuck you old man and it is about race, the racist pieces of shit are in denial about their racism and have turned shit around to call others racist who call them on their bullshit? No other president was asked to show two fucking birth certificates, but now a black is in office and guess what, he has to show them, name me one fucking president before Obama that had had to do the same you dumbass old piece of shit?

Name one president who refused to make his documentation public.....
Face it dickwad, today everyone wants to know everything. Which may be why we don't get better quality people running for office.
But you go ahead and keep believing that the majority of the people are racists. We know who the real racists are on this board and they are in the vast minority. You may be one of them. There are about 3 others from each side that I can think of off the top of my head. That makes it less than 10 racist fucks. Damn you are in terrible company....

No dickwad, name me one president who has had to present two fucking birth certificates and your dumb old ass forgets that Obama did make his birth certificate public already, but the racist birther trash wasn't satisfied.

Is there ANY reason, other than Obama is black, why you're getting so upset over this? You're clearly a racist. So maybe you should stop calling others racists.
It isn't weird. It's true. Why did 97% of black voters back Obama? Why does he stll enjoy support over 90% in the black community, despite the fact that they have experienced higher unemployment rates under Obama's tenure?

That is such a valid point. It is blatant that he is being supported primarily because of his race. And being half black and half white, why is he always refered to as the black president?

Because he is black and says he is black, my father is black and my mother is white European too and I also identify as black.

Interesting. Not proud of your white heritage?
I think it was all planned out a long time ago. He knew he would win, I mean come on McCain, Who couldn't beat him ? Any way, I think that he knew after his first four years a second term would be tough after the American people caught wind of who he really was and what he was about, so he came up with the birth certificate thing so he can have evidence that racism is what removed him from office and not his handling of the Presidential duties. This is nothing more then legacy protection. When he loses, Sharpton and Jackson will sat it was because the Klan turned out.

Another bullshit conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it up, you turds wouldn't shut the fuck up for years, constantly talking shit about his birth certificate, now you dipshits look real dumb because you can't get around the fact that its no coincidence that the first black president is also the only one who had a movement of crazed people demanding his birth certificate and now his educational records. None of the presidents before was asked to do such, so why now? RACE!

Every President has a conspiracy that follows them around for the rest of there lives. Mostly, they are entertaining, and that is all that they usually amount to. Like the war for oil.

yeah, nuthin' to that one.

nothing to see here. just keep moving. :cuckoo:
Again, Obama provided his birth certificate a couple of years ago.

No, he produced a certificate of live birth, one that was surrounded by questions I might add.

I am amazed at how people in this country are so eager to see their "heroes" as infallible. It's an astounding phenomenon. Just because you agree with a guy politically does not mean he doesn't handle some things wrong. No more so than believing everything a guy does is wrong just because you disagree with him politically.

There was nothing questionable about his birth certificate dickwad, it had a seal and serial number on it, you birther retards were just reaching looking for anything like you shitheads are doing now.

I don't agree with the birthers in any way shape or form fool. I have always believed Obama is a citizen. I also believe you're a racist incapable of rational discussion.
Obama put out the same birth certificate that would have been accepted from any other president. In fact, Obama needed to apply for a "special exemption" to have Hawaii release that birth certificate. Basically, Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law. Now, go ahead and explain why it wasn't about "race". G'day.

Straw Man. He brought this all on himself the whole time preaching Transparency, while hiding a good part of his past. Probably with good reason. He should have been vetted during Primary Season and wasn't. Why is that??? For me personally, it has nothing to do with Race, and everything to do with trust and reliability, and Honor, let's not forget Honor.
Yeah, he hid that valid and legal BC in plain sight over two years ago.

Didn't know you were a birther, Intense.
many of us were/not are birthers.. we just could not figure out why obamanation was so hard headed. i figure that once a saul alinskyist community agitator, always one.... obummer is a very manipulative narcassist. he is stuck on himself and his saul alinsky thought process.... he is skipping down the road screwing the pooch.....
That is such a valid point. It is blatant that he is being supported primarily because of his race. And being half black and half white, why is he always refered to as the black president?

Because he is black and says he is black, my father is black and my mother is white European too and I also identify as black.

Interesting. Not proud of your white heritage?

right or wrong, anyone with black blood has been considered black, historically. it goes witht what you see when you look at someone. if he's got the president's coloring, i'd suggest that if you saw him, you wouldn't say he's biracial, but you'd identify him as a black man.
That is such a valid point. It is blatant that he is being supported primarily because of his race. And being half black and half white, why is he always refered to as the black president?

Because he is black and says he is black, my father is black and my mother is white European too and I also identify as black.

Interesting. Not proud of your white heritage?

I love both my mother and father but I identify as black you moron and my mother and father raised me as black, not German-Polish.
I wholeheartedly agree. But the fact remains , the people who questioned him and the people who question Obama despite the obvious are idiots, not racists at some are trying to claim.

The people who claim its about racism are just intellectually bankrupt and are as stupid as the birthers.

I think John King on CNN got it right when he said there's a small 'piece of the pie' here who are those who can't deal with a black man being elected president.

I think the better explanation came from Rachel Maddow yesterday when she went through all the ways the birther conspiracy was a source of financial gain for various interests and individuals.

Sure there are small amounts of racists in every group but the majority of this stupid crap isn't about obama's race as so many are quick to claim. Its was an easy avenue of attack for those that don't like his policies and ideals....i still think it was an intellectually bankrupt way to attack obama, considering his record gives those who oppose him plenty of ammo, but even so those calling it out as racist are just as bad as the birthers.

And i'm sure trump will write a book on his "exploits and adventures in investigating obama" which fits right into what maddow said.

People who assume that birthers are racists should look in the mirror and ask "why do I automatically assume they are racist because obama is black, do I actually have a prejudice against non-black people?"

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