Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
there is a long pattern of intellectual dishonesty within obama, he must have known before he ran for president, that he would be dogged by his own lack of character. the birth certificate is just one of many, many areas of doubt about him.

so you will have to forgive us if we don't just fall in line behind your guy. this is called politics. i have no shame for questioning the other team, i will continue to do so at my own pleasure, as will your team.

he wouldn't have stepped into the ring if he didn't expect to get hit.

Man shut the fuck up dickhead, he was neve dishonest about his birth, you dickwads were the dishonest fucks conjuring up lies about him being born is Kenya. I'm actually disappointed that he showed his long form birth certificate, I don't believe black people have to prove jack shit to whites any more, especially a bunch of retards who are nothing to begin with. Why question someone elses educational background when the retards doing the questioning have no college degree themselves?

Why is it only dumb fuck racists like you ever bring up white vs black BS?
It's not about race ass wipe.
there is a long pattern of intellectual dishonesty within obama, he must have known before he ran for president, that he would be dogged by his own lack of character. the birth certificate is just one of many, many areas of doubt about him.

so you will have to forgive us if we don't just fall in line behind your guy. this is called politics. i have no shame for questioning the other team, i will continue to do so at my own pleasure, as will your team.

The immature team vs. team mentality instead of looking at everyone for who they are, not the letter behind their name, is what's wrong with our fucking discourse. It's why voters by majority don't even follow politics. It's immature "us vs. them" baby shit, and no information is any longer trustable without assuming a partisan "from my team" bend.

i don't think it's unreasonable gt. politics has been called a team sport from the beginning. sort of like dodgeball. it integrates all of the elements of execution of the constitution, to what ever degree the team member choose to involve. it's personal and fun, and the big area is fair and protected by free speech. one could argue that the president saying i have so many important things to do so quit it is immature. (oprah) there are millions of examples (campaign discourse).
i guess the point is, no matter what names i am called, i'll do what i want, that seem fair to me this being a free country and all. my voice is just as legitimate as yours, no more, no less.

I disagree that it's just as legitimate.

I don't want to take your voice away, but I am free to dismiss it as unreasonable and illogical at my own whim, as all partisan voices are, to me. Why? You're unable to critically think through an issue without applying the predisposed partisan veneer. That's irrational, which leads me to the conclusion that yes, to me, your "voice" is less legitimate, to *me,* than an independant's voice is. I only trust the unaffiliated, and even them I have my doubts.
I think it has more to do with the fact that he's not trustworthy.

And the fact that he LOVES fucking with his critics.

Every politician ever has been untrustworthy. Thought that was common sense, but Obama gets special treatment somehow for his "untrustworthiness."

Yea, it has everything to do with bigotry or partisanship. If he was a Republicans, all shoes would be on the other feet. Sad. Sad. Sad.

I grow tired of liberal's excuses.

"They all lie!!!"

What a Putz.

You've learned to expect lying politicians and it shows.

I expect them to be honest, and if I discover for sure that they have lied to me they lose my support forever. You might want to try that approach because this ain't working for you. It's why you keep electing these assholes all the time.
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I beg to differ, douche.

ouch.. good example. you preach maturaity, then barb your response. no matter what your political bent, it would be pointless and uninteresting without discussion. i have been repeatedly called racist for simply challenging a public elected officail. it's to the point where it has no meaning. did challenging president bush make the democrats skinheads ? no.

i'm glad to have a place like this, to learn and express, without the sublime "mature" art of namecalling, like douche.

remember it's only because of people like me, that make it possible to put up with people like you. :razz:
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I think it has more to do with the fact that he's not trustworthy.

And the fact that he LOVES fucking with his critics.

Every politician ever has been untrustworthy. Thought that was common sense, but Obama gets special treatment somehow for his "untrustworthiness."

Yea, it has everything to do with bigotry or partisanship. If he was a Republicans, all shoes would be on the other feet. Sad. Sad. Sad.

I grow tired of liberal's excuses.

"They all lie!!!"

What a Putz.

You've learned to expect and it shows.

I expect them to be honest, and if I discover for sure that they have lied to me they lose my support forever. You might want to try that approach because this ain't working for you. It's why you keep electing these assholes all the time.

Umm, I think you don't have the knowledge to tell me what works for me and whom I've elected, so strong post.
there is a long pattern of intellectual dishonesty within obama, he must have known before he ran for president, that he would be dogged by his own lack of character. the birth certificate is just one of many, many areas of doubt about him.

so you will have to forgive us if we don't just fall in line behind your guy. this is called politics. i have no shame for questioning the other team, i will continue to do so at my own pleasure, as will your team.

he wouldn't have stepped into the ring if he didn't expect to get hit.

Man shut the fuck up dickhead, he was neve dishonest about his birth, you dickwads were the dishonest fucks conjuring up lies about him being born is Kenya. I'm actually disappointed that he showed his long form birth certificate, I don't believe black people have to prove jack shit to whites any more, especially a bunch of retards who are nothing to begin with. Why question someone elses educational background when the retards doing the questioning have no college degree themselves?

Why is it only dumb fuck racists like you ever bring up white vs black BS?
It's not about race ass wipe.

Ollie, it is not about race with you and most here. Everyone here knows that.
But believe me Ollie, it is about race to a lot of folks here in Georgia.
"Hell no, I ain't forgettin" is alive and well in Georgia and all over the south.
Not the majority, a small minority but it motivates many here with anything and everything Obama.
there is a long pattern of intellectual dishonesty within obama, he must have known before he ran for president, that he would be dogged by his own lack of character. the birth certificate is just one of many, many areas of doubt about him.

so you will have to forgive us if we don't just fall in line behind your guy. this is called politics. i have no shame for questioning the other team, i will continue to do so at my own pleasure, as will your team.

he wouldn't have stepped into the ring if he didn't expect to get hit.

Man shut the fuck up dickhead, he was neve dishonest about his birth, you dickwads were the dishonest fucks conjuring up lies about him being born is Kenya. I'm actually disappointed that he showed his long form birth certificate, I don't believe black people have to prove jack shit to whites any more, especially a bunch of retards who are nothing to begin with. Why question someone elses educational background when the retards doing the questioning have no college degree themselves?

Why is it only dumb fuck racists like you ever bring up white vs black BS?
It's not about race ass wipe.

fuck you old man and it is about race, the racist pieces of shit are in denial about their racism and have turned shit around to call others racist who call them on their bullshit? No other president was asked to show two fucking birth certificates, but now a black is in office and guess what, he has to show them, name me one fucking president before Obama that had had to do the same you dumbass old piece of shit?
Man shut the fuck up dickhead, he was neve dishonest about his birth, you dickwads were the dishonest fucks conjuring up lies about him being born is Kenya. I'm actually disappointed that he showed his long form birth certificate, I don't believe black people have to prove jack shit to whites any more, especially a bunch of retards who are nothing to begin with. Why question someone elses educational background when the retards doing the questioning have no college degree themselves?

Why is it only dumb fuck racists like you ever bring up white vs black BS?
It's not about race ass wipe.

Ollie, it is not about race with you and most here. Everyone here knows that.
But believe me Ollie, it is about race to a lot of folks here in Georgia.
"Hell no, I ain't forgettin" is alive and well in Georgia and all over the south.
Not the majority, a small minority but it motivates many here with anything and everything Obama.

Of course there are SOME racists out there who hate Obama no matter what. But I can find plenty of examples of racists who will defend Obama no matter what as well. Or do you deny that ? It's just the nature of humans that some people are dumb shit racists. It doesn't mean that every legitimate concern about a black man is rooted in racism.
How many people questioned Bush where his birth certificate was?

Hello again little child, perhaps you remember when the white guy named John McCain was questioned about his citizenship when running for President?

Have a nice day in school little one.

And those that questioned McCain were also idiots.

I wholeheartedly agree. But the fact remains , the people who questioned him and the people who question Obama despite the obvious are idiots, not racists at some are trying to claim.
How many people questioned Bush where his birth certificate was?

How many people accused him of STEALING AN ELECTION?:lol:

Bu...bu...but that's different.

I'm simply amazed.

This prick hides his long-form in lue of his BC for over 2 years.

And finally, after he's badgered into releasing the fucker he's all of the sudden an honest man.

These idiots are friggen hopeless.
Hello again little child, perhaps you remember when the white guy named John McCain was questioned about his citizenship when running for President?

Have a nice day in school little one.

And those that questioned McCain were also idiots.

I wholeheartedly agree. But the fact remains , the people who questioned him and the people who question Obama despite the obvious are idiots, not racists at some are trying to claim.
Except questioning McCain's birth status was stopped once it was determined he was a citizen.

Obama's, not.

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