Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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Funny, this wasn't your take when the birthers were howling about McCain being born in the Canal Zone. Oh, and McCain produced the BC and we all moved on.
Doubting Obama’s birthplace only to degrade and humiliate.

I don’t believe anyone, even birthers, ever doubted that Obama was born in Hawaii and was a natural born citizen. The entire thing was all about degrading and humiliating a black man who is the most powerful man in the nation. No one could seriously believe Obama would concoct such a plan to deceive America. This man has proved his integrity many times over in his background and no one in their right mind could doubt it when he said he was born in Hawaii he was.

Donald Trump just took it a tad bit further and the entire plan all alone was to degrade and humiliate Obama and question his integrity which is faultless. The man is squeaky clean.Donald Trump’s questioning his qualification to get into Columbia and Harvard is just to further degrade and humiliate Obama. No other president in history has undergone such degradation and humiliation.

It's official, you're insane.

It began before he was the pres. by democrats. Think!

He let it go on for so long because it was a way of screwing with everyone. He let his lemmings accuse most of the doubters of racism, only the white ones mind you. He played everyone who gave any thought to the issue, both the birthers and his faithful.

Trump is playing right back.

Were you even consciousw hen Bush was president? Or any of his predecessors for that matter? Your last comment leads me to have my doubts
It began before he was the pres. by democrats. Think!

He let it go on for so long because it was a way of screwing with everyone. He let his lemmings accuse most of the doubters of racism, only the white ones mind you. He played everyone who gave any thought to the issue, both the birthers and his faithful.

Trump is playing right back.

Were you even consciousw hen Bush was president? Or any of his predecessors for that matter? Your last comment leads me to have my doubts

I love it. Trump called him on Obama's tendency to behave like he's above it all. Obama has lived in a bubble for 49 years, never questioned on ANYTHING, and here comes this guy who basically says "hey, I don't give a shit if you are the president, where the hell's the BC".

Obama blinked.
It's politics, your hero democrats would've done the exact same thing to republicans if roles were reversed.

Was it stupid? Yes, but most political rhetoric and campaign drivel is, it's modern politics in america.
Doubting Obama’s birthplace only to degrade and humiliate.

I don’t believe anyone, even birthers, ever doubted that Obama was born in Hawaii and was a natural born citizen. The entire thing was all about degrading and humiliating a black man who is the most powerful man in the nation. No one could seriously believe Obama would concoct such a plan to deceive America. This man has proved his integrity many times over in his background and no one in their right mind could doubt it when he said he was born in Hawaii he was.

Donald Trump just took it a tad bit further and the entire plan all alone was to degrade and humiliate Obama and question his integrity which is faultless. The man is squeaky clean.

Donald Trump’s questioning his qualification to get into Columbia and Harvard is just to further degrade and humiliate Obama. No other president in history has undergone such degradation and humiliation.

You are right it is racism, because if Obamas father was a white man from Norway or Ireland I guarantee you 100% this whole silly birth certificate issue would have never came up.
Funny, this wasn't your take when the birthers were howling about McCain being born in the Canal Zone. Oh, and McCain produced the BC and we all moved on.

Obama's was out before the election. The whole CZ thing was just to make fun of the birthers. To his credit Obama didn't make them look like fools, until a bigger fool came along, Trump, and he just had enough and smeared their faces with egg. :clap2:
You are right it is racism, because if Obamas father was a white man from Norway or Ireland I guarantee you 100% this whole silly birth certificate issue would have never came up.

Sad state of affairs in that case that the Sec. of State is a racist :eusa_shhh:
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Funny, this wasn't your take when the birthers were howling about McCain being born in the Canal Zone. Oh, and McCain produced the BC and we all moved on.

Obama's was out before the election. The whole CZ thing was just to make fun of the birthers. To his credit Obama didn't make them look like fools, until a bigger fool came along, Trump, and he just had enough and smeared their faces with egg. :clap2:

Frankly, I think the whole thing is pretty stupid. But, the Big "O" got punked.
Obama’s Birth Certificate? Why is He Still Hiding His Other Records?…why did he spend millions of dollars to keep from showing it?

Thirdly, and just as important as questions 1 and 2, why is he still keeping his kindergarten records, his Punahou school records, his Occidental College records, his Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, his Harvard Law School records, his Harvard Law Review articles, his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, his passport, his medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records a secret?

Doc Drop: Obama Releases Birth Certificate [April 27, 2011] at Ironic Surrealism

Ironic Surrealism

Birth Certificate is a Fake!!!!

YouTube - PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud
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bottom line - legal citizen or not. It doesn't matter. He's failing miserably as the president. That's what we need to concern ourselves with.



And he was our first black president

Oh right, then he can't be racist.
Doubting Obama’s birthplace only to degrade and humiliate.

I don’t believe anyone, even birthers, ever doubted that Obama was born in Hawaii and was a natural born citizen. The entire thing was all about degrading and humiliating a black man who is the most powerful man in the nation. No one could seriously believe Obama would concoct such a plan to deceive America. This man has proved his integrity many times over in his background and no one in their right mind could doubt it when he said he was born in Hawaii he was.

Donald Trump just took it a tad bit further and the entire plan all alone was to degrade and humiliate Obama and question his integrity which is faultless. The man is squeaky clean.

Donald Trump’s questioning his qualification to get into Columbia and Harvard is just to further degrade and humiliate Obama. No other president in history has undergone such degradation and humiliation.

You have low standards if you consider Obama to be a good example of integrity.
And here it comes, roll out the race card. yep, just like i called it. the reason obama published this now was to reintroduce the race card and stir up his slumping support from blacks. And bingo - here is comes.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

You don't think there are real racial issues at play here? I'm not sure where you're from, but down here in Alabama, a lot of the opposition to Obama is just flat out racist.

Does that mean that Oblammy is twisting it to his advantage in an unscrupulous way? I know know that I'd say unscrupulous...perhaps divisive and calculated, sure.

Does he just suck up all the racial crap and bear that on his shoulders? Or does he get to "give as good as he gets"?

I'm not saying that playing the race card isn't bad. I am saying that sometimes it is valid.
it matters to me if he's eligible. it matters more if there is a cover up.
this has gotten very simple for me, as a kind of hobby, i suppose.

if there is a consensus amonsts scientists (real document experts). that will be the end of it. this is no longer a topic of speculation.

below is another potential red flag. we are researching it now.

FRAUDULENT - The official web site for Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital says that the hospital name at the time of his birth should have been Kauikeolani Children's Hospital. The name didn't change to Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until Kauikeolani Children's Hospital merged with Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1978. So how could his official long form birth certificate that was generated in 1961 have the name of the hospital that wasn't created until 1978???
Maybe it didn't communicate that effectively, probably my fault, white Kenyans were told to put "White" and other Kenyans were told to put "African".

What I was trying to imply is that it's not about color of skin, it's about what the PARENT puts down the the worksheet.

Thanks to Boedicca for the source:

"Births in the United States are classified for vital statistics into white, negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite".

Vital Statistics of the United States 1961, Page 231

"Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" are not listed. So is the long form you have been displaying and supporting now fake? Is WND part of the conspiracy now because they are putting up fake birth certificates?

And yes "African" was an acceptable identifier, that's what a parent put on the paperwork and that's what Hawaii accepted. Hence it was acceptable.


Trying to win an argument

Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

Births in the United States are classified for vital statistics into white, negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite".
No I don't believe I see the word African as a racial Identifier. No not in America in the 60's African was not a racial identifier, It wasn't until the mid 80's that I first heard it used as one.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



In kenya african is a race, but not in the United States in 1961. I challenge you to show any Federal or state document besides this forgery that identifies African as a Race.
I have enjoyed reading conspiracy theories simply because they are entertaining and often educational, but these birther theories are neither. They are just plan mean spirited. Most of all they are a distraction. I doubt there is a single serious contender for the nomination that believes in these theories, but in order to gain support from fringe elements they entertain them.
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I don't doubt that many in Ditto-Heads and Teabaggers did it to denigrate the President.

The President has proven he is a politician who will, at best, stretch the truth (at worst, lie), so the claim that his integrity is squeeky clean is duboius.

I think releasing it now is a lose, lose situation for him.

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