Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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In kenya african is a race, but not in the United States in 1961. I challenge you to show any Federal or state document besides this forgery that identifies African as a Race.

Is Portuguese a Race?

Is German a Race?

Those are races listed on documents you have supplied and supported.

Kind of hypocritical to get all high and mighty because someone from Kenya puts African while you have been supporting documents which say "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese".


Is Portuguese a Race?

Is German a Race?

Those are races listed on documents you have supplied and supported.
Your argument is slipping into the abbys of failure, :lol:Was African used in America as a racisal identifier in America in 1961?

On the documents you provided is Portuguese a Race? Is German a Race?

Were they on the list of official races?

Why are you dogging the question about the document you have vouched for as official but which contains the same type of race identification as Obama's.


And yes African was used on at least one document in 1961, a birth certificate whose data was supplied by a Kenyan, a country that told them to identify themselves as "African".

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She is going to make you look like the piece of shit fool that you are.

No she isn't she'll run when she's busted for lying. or ignore the reply to a post she doesn't like.

She already posted the proof, moron.

I didn't see it.
In 1960's no where in American government or culture was African considered a race. The first Time I ever heade the term African as a race was in the mid 80's
My god, you are one stupid fuck.

To argue with me on this issue tells me you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
I don't need to argue with you - World Watcher is kicking your ass without needing help from anyone.
B'loney. Don't project your deficiencies on the majority of Americans.

I provided a link to how the government defined data standards for race on birth certificates in 1961 in post #1139. There is no category for AFRICAN (which is not a race, it's a nationality).

That's what Americans are taught today, yes.

What were Kenyans taught in 1961?

Are you saying the document is a kenyan document? obama sr. did not supply the information for the COLB, obama's mother did. she signed for it.

You are one stupid fuck.
Is Portuguese a Race?

Is German a Race?

Those are races listed on documents you have supplied and supported.

Kind of hypocritical to get all high and mighty because someone from Kenya puts African while you have been supporting documents which say "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese".


Is Portuguese a Race?

Is German a Race?

Those are races listed on documents you have supplied and supported.
Your argument is slipping into the abbys of failure, :lol:Was African used in America as a racisal identifier in America in 1961?

On the documents you provided is Portuguese a Race? Is German a Race?

Where they on the list of official races from 1961?

Why are you dogging the question about the document you have vouched for as official but which contains the same type of race identification as Obama's.


And yes African was used on at least one document in 1961, a birth certificate whose data was supplied by a Kenyan, a country that told them to identify themselves as "African".


Again I ask is there any other govenment document state or federal that recognizes African as a RACE in 1961 other than the fraud already released?
BHO's latest certificate of live birth looks no more convincing than the previous one.

But hey, EVEN IF BHO was born in Hawaii he still lacks the Constitutionally required status as a Natural Born Citizen to serve as Prez due to papa's Brit citizenship at the time of BHO's birth.

I can understand the dem politicians and pundits lying/turning a blind eye for the Cause,...............BUT WHY are the supposedly oh sooooo constitution upholding repub politicians and pundits doing exactly the same thing??????

Listened to a few minutes of neocon Michael Medved launch a rabid maddog attack on 'birthers' yesterday- simply because these patriots seek to find answers to a question he just wants to go away.

We have a Prez who gained power in what amounts to a coup and yet supposedly constitutionalist repubs are waving a hand and saying 'move along nothing to see here'........and getting real pissed at those in the base who WON'T 'move along'...............................WHY???????????

Is it perhaps that the repubs have their own non-NBC great brown presidential hope in Bobby Jindal and are hoping to stage a counter-coup rather than accomplish something soooooo mundane and financially unrewarding to Insiders as upholding the Constitution????????


BHO meets the Natural Born Citizen requirement ...........ll.

Yeppers your statement is Bullshit. BHO aka The Kenyan may have USA Citizenship, BUT the Reality that his papa was a foreigner without USA Citizenship at the time of BHO's birth forever precludes BHO from NBC status.

BTW lots of socalled 'conservatives' are bilging the test on this rather simple issue- likely because THEY want to pull the same UnConstitutional scam with Bobby Jindal as the Usurper.

Oh another bullshit post by you...WITHOUT ANY CITATION TO AUTHORITY.

Here's what I want you to do...

1. Go find a reliable, citable reference to what the citizenship rules were at the time of BHO's birth.

2. Go find a reliable, citable reference to BHO's parents' citizenship was at the time of BHO's birth.

3. Apply the facts to the rule.

Once you do that...you'll find you are wrong.

Great job snipping out the part of my quote that explains that EVEN CONSERVATIVE PUNDITS have done my 1, 2, 3 above and found you wrong.

I'll wait....go do it if you really want to be intellectually honest.
That's what Americans are taught today, yes.

What were Kenyans taught in 1961?

Are you saying the document is a kenyan document? obama sr. did not supply the information for the COLB, obama's mother did. she signed for it.

You are one stupid fuck.

Stop read your coment again It doesn't matter what kenyans were taught to identify thyem self as in America 1961. Now if you are saying the document was produced in Kenya Then you have anargument. So was it? If it was then African is a race who am I to tell a kenyan how to identify himself on his countries offical paper work. But if it's an American document sorry failed.
I told you these people would never accept any facts in this issue.

They hate him therefore he should not be president.

we only hate him because he is destroying the country

I don't hate him. I oppose him because I believe his policies are incompetent and not always well intended, and I don't think he likes the USA all that much.

I don't care about the birth certificate issue other than as a matter of curiosity though I wonder if it was proved to be a forgery, would those who worship Obama care that it was forged? Are there a lot of people who routinely forgive being played for a fool if the person is on the correct side of political ideology or belongs to the right political party?
Superman is to renounce his US citizenship.

Superman Renounces
in 'Action Comics' #900 - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
Now how the FUCK did an alien ever acquire citizenship in the first place?

Clark Kent was adopted by Ma and Pa Kent, sure.

So maybe Clark got some citizenship.

But I doubt Kal-El ever showed HIS Certification of Live Birth to any Immigration Officials.


So how does this purveyor of "Truth, Justice and the American Way" CLAIM to even BE a US Citizen?

Any one who would determine that the interest in Obama's BC is racist is a cretinous fool. I don't care if this were a chartreuse President with bright purple polka a dots. Americans have the right to know that the CinC is qualified to hold the office. Wouldn't it have been easier for Obama to have produced his BC when the Clinton campaign brought this allegation to the American people?

The truth of the matter is that in any other venue President Obama would be viewed a security risk by the FBI. He is known to associate with self confessed, unrepentant terrorists. He sat in the congregation of a hateful anti-American bigot for over twenty years. He is a known associate of the communist party, and has had self confessed communists appointed to Obama Czar-ships.

If the FBI had found evidence of such shenanigans in my back ground I would probably been sent to the stockade in lieu of being awarded my security clearance. The travesty in this situation is that Obama (would wouldn't pass even the most perfunctory back ground check) is walking around with the keys to America's nuclear arsenal in his back pocket. This same man fought the request that he produce his BC. Liberals, who seem to be permanently stuck on stupid, can't understand why the majority of Americans are concerned over the President's perceived integrity, and trustworthiness.

Yes Bill Ayers was a violent radical of the 60's protesting the killing of Americans impressed into military service and thrown in a war of choice, They also protesteed the killing of innocent Asians. Calling him a terrorist doens't make it so. The Weather Underground did not target innocent civilians. Furthermore, like the Israelis fighting in Palestine in the 1940's, they always put out a warning ahead of any attack.

At that same time the Wright volunteered to serve. He does not hate America. I don't care how many time you listened to that clip......

Czar is a rhetorical name for a non-cabinet position as special advisor to the president. All modern president have appoint these regardless of what you call them. They do not have Czar like powers over anything.
I told you these people would never accept any facts in this issue.

They hate him therefore he should not be president.

we only hate him because he is destroying the country

I don't hate him. I oppose him because I believe his policies are incompetent and not always well intended, and I don't think he likes the USA all that much.

I don't care about the birth certificate issue other than as a matter of curiosity though I wonder if it was proved to be a forgery, would those who worship Obama care that it was forged? Are there a lot of people who routinely forgive being played for a fool if the person is on the correct side of political ideology or belongs to the right political party?

i don't actually hate HIM either. He's probably a pretty decent guy. i don't like his policy, his indecisiveness, or his politics.

hey, if they haven't seen through him at this point they never will
Any one who would determine that the interest in Obama's BC is racist is a cretinous fool. I don't care if this were a chartreuse President with bright purple polka a dots. Americans have the right to know that the CinC is qualified to hold the office. Wouldn't it have been easier for Obama to have produced his BC when the Clinton campaign brought this allegation to the American people?

The truth of the matter is that in any other venue President Obama would be viewed a security risk by the FBI. He is known to associate with self confessed, unrepentant terrorists. He sat in the congregation of a hateful anti-American bigot for over twenty years. He is a known associate of the communist party, and has had self confessed communists appointed to Obama Czar-ships.

If the FBI had found evidence of such shenanigans in my back ground I would probably been sent to the stockade in lieu of being awarded my security clearance. The travesty in this situation is that Obama (would wouldn't pass even the most perfunctory back ground check) is walking around with the keys to America's nuclear arsenal in his back pocket. This same man fought the request that he produce his BC. Liberals, who seem to be permanently stuck on stupid, can't understand why the majority of Americans are concerned over the President's perceived integrity, and trustworthiness.

Yes Bill Ayers was a violent radical of the 60's protesting the killing of Americans impressed into military service and thrown in a war of choice, They also protesteed the killing of innocent Asians. Calling him a terrorist doens't make it so. The Weather Underground did not target innocent civilians. Furthermore, like the Israelis fighting in Palestine in the 1940's, they always put out a warning ahead of any attack.

Wow....So you believe the end justifies the means? The son of a police seargent is not an innocent civilian?

At that same time the Wright volunteered to serve. He does not hate America. I don't care how many time you listened to that clip......

I did not hate my best friend growing up until he was about 35 years old...when he beat his wife.

Czar is a rhetorical name for a non-cabinet position as special advisor to the president. All modern president have appoint these regardless of what you call them. They do not have Czar like powers over anything.

Wow....you are an unusually forgiving person.

Curious....did you forgive Bush seeing as he was working with intel offered to him from not only OUR agencies...but from agencies around the world as well?
I don't doubt that many in Ditto-Heads and Teabaggers did it to denigrate the President.

The President has proven he is a politician who will, at best, stretch the truth (at worst, lie), so the claim that his integrity is squeeky clean is duboius.

I think releasing it now is a lose, lose situation for him.

I agree wholeheartedly. Because he is the Pres and a liberal, not because he is black.

Just as you denigrate Tea Party Activists.

No, to me there is a difference. A Tea Party Activist is one who has libertarian ideals and always have. The Teabaggers are the Pseudo-cons who just hijacked the movement and are trying to turn it into an arm of the Republican party.

To me anyway it has nothing to do with sucking balls!
Why did the right question the perfectly legal birth certificate Obama released in the first place?

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