Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

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Good lord people. It doesn't matter where he was born, his mother was a US citizen which makes him a US citizen.

Get over it.
My mother is a US citizen also .

But when I applied for a passport I had to show my birth certificate not hers
Which one did you show, and they accepted - the long form, or the one with the official, raised seal?

Don't lie.
In the 60;'s in America Korean Japense was an acceptedablr racial Identifer African was not.

Got a link to prove that, or is it coming straight out of your ass?

I didn't post the link but it has been posted in this thread.


Here is the link. The reference was to page 231.

It does NOT list Korean as a race identifier.

It does NOT list German as a race identifier.

It does NOT list Portuguese as a race identifier.

It does NOT list English as a race identifier.​

Which were race identifiers from a document YOU supplied to the various discussions.

Got a link to prove that, or is it coming straight out of your ass?

I didn't post the link but it has been posted in this thread.


Here is the link. The reference was to page 231.

It does NOT list Korean as a race identifier.

It does NOT list German as a race identifier.

It does NOT list Portuguese as a race identifier.

It does NOT list English as a race identifier.​

Which were race identifiers from a document YOU supplied to the various discussions.


I ask again do you have proof other than the fraud that has been present that AFRICAN was a racial identifier on American government documents 1961? Original documents not revised.
I didn't post the link but it has been posted in this thread.


Here is the link. The reference was to page 231.

It does NOT list Korean as a race identifier.

It does NOT list German as a race identifier.

It does NOT list Portuguese as a race identifier.

It does NOT list English as a race identifier.​

Which were race identifiers from a document YOU supplied to the various discussions.


I ask again do you have proof other than the fraud that has been present that AFRICAN was a racial identifier on American government documents 1961? Original documents not revised.

Sure, "African" was used on a Hawaii birth certificate in 1961. See on birth certificates people could write in what they wanted and that was what was printed.


I ask again was "Korean", "German", "English", or "Portuguese" official racial identifiers like on the birth certificate you have frequently linked to?



what did it say ravi? I didn't and don't want to click it.
It's a comparison of two signatures of Obama's mother. One is a social security card with a clearly computer generated signature...looks like it was written with an Etch-a-Sketch, in other words.
Any one who would determine that the interest in Obama's BC is racist is a cretinous fool. I don't care if this were a chartreuse President with bright purple polka a dots. Americans have the right to know that the CinC is qualified to hold the office. Wouldn't it have been easier for Obama to have produced his BC when the Clinton campaign brought this allegation to the American people?

The truth of the matter is that in any other venue President Obama would be viewed a security risk by the FBI. He is known to associate with self confessed, unrepentant terrorists. He sat in the congregation of a hateful anti-American bigot for over twenty years. He is a known associate of the communist party, and has had self confessed communists appointed to Obama Czar-ships.

If the FBI had found evidence of such shenanigans in my back ground I would probably been sent to the stockade in lieu of being awarded my security clearance. The travesty in this situation is that Obama (would wouldn't pass even the most perfunctory back ground check) is walking around with the keys to America's nuclear arsenal in his back pocket. This same man fought the request that he produce his BC. Liberals, who seem to be permanently stuck on stupid, can't understand why the majority of Americans are concerned over the President's perceived integrity, and trustworthiness.

Yes Bill Ayers was a violent radical of the 60's protesting the killing of Americans impressed into military service and thrown in a war of choice, They also protesteed the killing of innocent Asians. Calling him a terrorist doens't make it so. The Weather Underground did not target innocent civilians. Furthermore, like the Israelis fighting in Palestine in the 1940's, they always put out a warning ahead of any attack.

Wow....So you believe the end justifies the means? The son of a police seargent is not an innocent civilian?

I"m not willing to lump the Weather Underground into the same catagory as al Queda, or Hama if that's what you mean. do you have a link to a story on the Sargents son?

At that same time the Wright volunteered to serve. He does not hate America. I don't care how many time you listened to that clip......

I did not hate my best friend growing up until he was about 35 years old...when he beat his wife.

The clip that the rabid right aired is terribly misleading. The man does not hate America.
Czar is a rhetorical name for a non-cabinet position as special advisor to the president. All modern president have appoint these regardless of what you call them. They do not have Czar like powers over anything.

Wow....you are an unusually forgiving person.

Curious....did you forgive Bush seeing as he was working with intel offered to him from not only OUR agencies...but from agencies around the world as well?

I think President Bush should have worked within the UN Framework before invading and occupying Iraq.
Doubting Obama’s birthplace only to degrade and humiliate.

I don’t believe anyone, even birthers, ever doubted that Obama was born in Hawaii and was a natural born citizen. The entire thing was all about degrading and humiliating a black man who is the most powerful man in the nation. No one could seriously believe Obama would concoct such a plan to deceive America. This man has proved his integrity many times over in his background and no one in their right mind could doubt it when he said he was born in Hawaii he was.

Donald Trump just took it a tad bit further and the entire plan all alone was to degrade and humiliate Obama and question his integrity which is faultless. The man is squeaky clean.

Donald Trump’s questioning his qualification to get into Columbia and Harvard is just to further degrade and humiliate Obama. No other president in history has undergone such degradation and humiliation.

Looks like LilOlLiberal is still obessed about race. Anyone who dares question the Hussein is a racist!

I think this whole birther thing gained a lot of steam because a growing segment of the population is absolutely baffled by this President. It is becoming more and more obvious his policies are meant to destroy the US economy and to bring down the status of America in general. He has been and wants to continue to spend us into oblivion, he has done nothing about the illegal immigraition problem which leads to many of our fiscal problems, and his health care plan is designed to destroy the private health sector.

Many Americans who have started to realize this are probably asking themselves 'how can this be?' How can an American President willfully want to do this to us? Maybe because he isn't a real American, maybe because he wasn't even born here and was raised in Indonesia and just has a different view.

The answer of course is, he is doing all this not because he is some foreign born Manchurian Candidate, but because he is a die hard Marxist left wing liberal. And his radical ideaology is rooted in destorying capitalism and American exceptionalism in favor of a new socialist "global" America which is made to serve the rest of the world.
wow, so now the Obama, OUR PRESIDENT shouldn't have to comply with a request FROM THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM.


oh dear, :eusa_whistle:

The people making the request aren't the ones who elected him. They didn't vote for him in 2008 and won't vote for him in 2012. Fuck 'em. And fuck you, too.

It doesn't matter who did or didn't vote for him what matters is the Constitutional process. Both documnts that has been submitted to the public have so many holes in them I think it was made of swiss chesse.

the libs are whining because he was too moderate for what they expected . and like all American they thought president was king for 4 years .

That is too fucking funny.

You people really are batshit crazy.

what did it say ravi? I didn't and don't want to click it.
It's a comparison of two signatures of Obama's mother. One is a social security card with a clearly computer generated signature...looks like it was written with an Etch-a-Sketch, in other words.

compare my signature on one of those credit card scanner things to the actual signature card and they will be cutting me off
I told you these people would never accept any facts in this issue.

They hate him therefore he should not be president.

we only hate him because he is destroying the country

I don't hate him. I oppose him because I believe his policies are incompetent and not always well intended, and I don't think he likes the USA all that much.

I don't care about the birth certificate issue other than as a matter of curiosity though I wonder if it was proved to be a forgery, would those who worship Obama care that it was forged? Are there a lot of people who routinely forgive being played for a fool if the person is on the correct side of political ideology or belongs to the right political party?

How come you do not use the same judgment on those that have been proved to be worshippers of everything and anything false against Obama?
Those out number the worshippers of him 2 to 1.
Woulda, coulda shoulda is rank speculation. Childs' play.
Waste of time.
So, let me see if I have all this straight up to this point:

1. Donald Trump and a bunch of (rather partisan) folks claimed that Obama was not actually born in this country.

2. They claimed that the only proof that they would accept was his "long form birth certificate", and that they believed they had evidence that said document did not exist.

3. Donald Trump launched an investigation and claimed that his investigators discovered suspicious items concerning said birth certificate.

4. Obama produced said "Long Form" birth certificate, proving that said partisan group was incorrect, and that Donald Trump was an out-and-out liar.

5. Donald Trump and a bunch of (rather partisan) folks claim that there are "questions" concerning Obama's college transcripts...

Anyone see a pattern here?
I was pretty sure Obama was stillborn and his entire career has been like Weekend at Bernie's.

That is too fucking funny.

You people really are batshit crazy.

what did it say ravi? I didn't and don't want to click it.

It has what is supposedly his mothers signature on a picture of what is supposedly her Social Security card, and compares it to her signature on the Birth Certificate.

Of course, even if the blogger on that site had somehow gotten a hold of his mother's SS Card (which they obviously didn't), it would in fact be a crime to then post it on the internet.

I know for a fact it's a crime in New York to publicly disseminate a person's Social Security number (as per the “NY Social Security Number Protection Law” of 2006), and I'm thinking it's a crime in most of the US as well.
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That is too fucking funny.

You people really are batshit crazy.

what did it say ravi? I didn't and don't want to click it.

It has what is supposedly his mothers signature on a picture of what is supposedly her Social Security card, and compares it to her signature on the Birth Certificate.

Of course, even if the blogger on that site had somehow gotten a hold of his mother's SS Card (which they obviously didn't), it would in fact be a crime to then post it on the internet.

I know for a fact it's a crime in New York to publicly disseminate a person's Social Security number (as per the “NY Social Security Number Protection Law” of 2006), and I'm thinking it's a crime in most of the US as well.

red herring
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red herring

Whatever, just giving you a heads up that the person who posted that has committed a crime in many states.

In addition, you linking that page could also be considered "disseminating", and, depending on the laws of your state, would make you also guilty of a crime.
Sorry bout that,

1. This is just getting warmed up, this fake birth certificate/clob will fail, and then guess what, we impeach ol Barry.
2. Its coming folks.
3. BOOYAH!!!!


There are some who would agree with this. All fox viewers of course but they are out there.
I didn't post the link but it has been posted in this thread.


Here is the link. The reference was to page 231.

It does NOT list Korean as a race identifier.

It does NOT list German as a race identifier.

It does NOT list Portuguese as a race identifier.

It does NOT list English as a race identifier.​

Which were race identifiers from a document YOU supplied to the various discussions.


I ask again do you have proof other than the fraud that has been present that AFRICAN was a racial identifier on American government documents 1961? Original documents not revised.

You are a burfer no matter what aren't you. No matter how dumb you look, no matter how much proof you get, you are a burfer conspiracy nut or your a racist asshole. Either way, REPRSENT THE BAGGERS!

Go Donald.

BHO meets the Natural Born Citizen requirement ...........ll.

Yeppers your statement is Bullshit. BHO aka The Kenyan may have USA Citizenship, BUT the Reality that his papa was a foreigner without USA Citizenship at the time of BHO's birth forever precludes BHO from NBC status.

BTW lots of socalled 'conservatives' are bilging the test on this rather simple issue- likely because THEY want to pull the same UnConstitutional scam with Bobby Jindal as the Usurper.

Oh another bullshit post by you...WITHOUT ANY CITATION TO AUTHORITY.

Here's what I want you to do...

1. Go find a reliable, citable reference to what the citizenship rules were at the time of BHO's birth.

2. Go find a reliable, citable reference to BHO's parents' citizenship was at the time of BHO's birth.

3. Apply the facts to the rule.

Once you do that...you'll find you are wrong.

Great job snipping out the part of my quote that explains that EVEN CONSERVATIVE PUNDITS have done my 1, 2, 3 above and found you wrong.

I'll wait....go do it if you really want to be intellectually honest.

I'm still waiting NRA for life. You just cant back your shit up with anything objective or reliable...therefore your posts are bullshit.

Fact is...in 1940, Congress passed a law making illegitimate children born abroad to US citizen women citizens if the mother had resided in the US. However, under this law, if the child was legitimated by the foreign national father before his or her eighteenth birthday, the child would not be considered a citizen.

In 1998, the Supreme Court issued an opinion upholding the requirement that a child born out of wedlock to a US citizen woman be legitimated before his or her eighteenth birthday.
The decision was reaffirmed in the 2001 US Supreme Court decision Nguyen v. INS which held that differing requirements for out-of-wedlock children of US citizen men versus US citizen women are constitutional.

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