obama to sign the UN small arms treaty July 27 2012

You know no such thing, because it didn't happen. I was in the army all during Clinton's presidency, and he asked us no such thing.

How would you know? Clinton wouldn't ask the troops any such question he would ask the command staff.

Then how does Moonglow know? It didn't happen, I never heard it, and yes, we would have heard it if anyone did. I heard the RUMORS but that's all they were.

I don't think moonglow is part of the right

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silly wabbit. Everyone knows he won't come for the gun-clingers til AFTER his reelection :2up:
or when he and congress goes lame duck. Betcha he makes his midnight pardon/appointments list put Clinton's to shame.

He'll do as much damage as he can upon his exodus. Isn't it interesting that Holder was involved with the Clinton pardons...and guess who heads DOJ now with the House breathing down his neck?:eusa_whistle:
Just a fair warning that obama does not have a functioning brain in and election year

Having a functioning brain is not a requisite of being President, how do you think he got elected in the first place?

Plenty of mindless minions in this country to vote him in(again).

he was elected by these type of people

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCXot2HQT00]Obama Voters - Brainwashed With Change - YouTube[/ame]

America needs more rock the vote , clueless imbeciles to vote........
silly wabbit. Everyone knows he won't come for the gun-clingers til AFTER his reelection :2up:
or when he and congress goes lame duck. Betcha he makes his midnight pardon/appointments list put Clinton's to shame.

He'll do as much damage as he can upon his exodus. Isn't it interesting that Holder was involved with the Clinton pardons...and guess who heads DOJ now with the House breathing down his neck?:eusa_whistle:

I was having a discussion the other day about obama, and one of the guys I was talking with said something I would never have expected from him,
"obama said if he was not reelected he would not leave office, he would start a war or do what ever he had too to stay in" I asked him where in the hell he heard that, he said his wife told him.

This questionnaire is to gather data concerning the attitudes of combat trained personnel with regards to nontraditional missions. All of your responses are confidential. Write your answers directly on the questionnaire form. In Part II, place an “X” in the space provided for your response.

Part I. Demographics

1. What Service are you in?
2. What is your pay grade? (e.g. E-?, O-?)
3. What is your MOS code and description?
4. What is your highest level of education in years?
5. How many months did you serve in Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield?
6. How many months did you serve in Somalia?
7. What state or country did you primarily reside in during childhood?

Part II. Attitudes

8. Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used within the United States for any of the following missions?
Drug enforcement
(___) (___) (___) (___) (___)
Strongly Agree agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree
Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
[transcriber's note: questions #9 through #46 all provide the same range of response options as shown in question #8, above. The response options have been omitted from the remaining questions for brevity.]
9. Security at national events (e.g. Olympic Games, Super Bowl)
10. Environmental disaster clean-up
11. Substitute teachers in public schools
12. Community assistance programs (e.g. landscaping, environmental clean-up, road repair, animal control)
13. Federal and State prison guards
14. National emergency police force
15. Advisors to S.W.A.T units, the FBI, or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (B.A.T.F.)
16. Border patrol (e.g. prevention of illegal aliens into U.S. territory.)

Do you feel that U.S. combat troops under U.S. command should be used in other countries for any of the following United Nations missions?

17. Drug enforcement
18. Disaster relief (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
19. Environmental disaster clean-up
20. Peace keeping
21. Nation building/reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.)
22. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing, and clothing)

Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used in other countries, under command of non-U.S. officers appointed by the United Nations for any of the following missions?

23. Drug enforcement
24. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
25. Environmental disaster clean-up
26. Peace keeping
27. Nation building (Reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.
28. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing, and clothing)

Police Action (e.g. Korea, Vietnam, but serving under non-U.S. officers) Consider the following statements:

29. The U.S. runs a field training exercise. U.N. combat troops should be allowed to serve in U.S. combat units during these exercises under U.S. command and control.
30. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops under U.S. command and control should serve in U.N. combat units during these exercises.
31. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops should serve under U.N. command and control during these exercises.
32. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions as long as the U.S. has full command and control.
33. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions under United Nations command and control.
34. U.S. combat troops should be commanded by U.N. officers and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) at battalion and company levels while performing U.N. missions.
35. It would make no difference to me to have U.N. soldiers as members of my team. (e.g. fire team, squad, platoon)
36. It would make no difference to me to take orders from a U.N. company commander.
37. I feel the President of the United States has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the U.N. Secretary General.
38. I feel there is no conflict between my oath of office and serving as a U.N. soldier.
39. I feel my unit’s combat effectiveness would not be affected by performing humanitarian missions for the United Nations.
40. I feel a designated unit of U.S. combat soldiers should be permanently assigned to the command and control of the United Nations.
41. I would be willing to volunteer for assignment to a U.S. combat unit under a U.N. commander.
42. I would like U.N. member countries, including the U.S., to give the U.N. all the soldiers necessary to maintain world peace.
43. I would swear to the following code: “I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and every nation’s way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”
44. The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.
Pay very close attention to the LAST TWO questions...
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or when he and congress goes lame duck. Betcha he makes his midnight pardon/appointments list put Clinton's to shame.

He'll do as much damage as he can upon his exodus. Isn't it interesting that Holder was involved with the Clinton pardons...and guess who heads DOJ now with the House breathing down his neck?:eusa_whistle:

I was having a discussion the other day about obama, and one of the guys I was talking with said something I would never have expected from him,
"obama said if he was not reelected he would not leave office, he would start a war or do what ever he had too to stay in" I asked him where in the hell he heard that, he said his wife told him.

I have heard that theory batted about from several people too...the excuse? 'Things are too bad and I can't leave office because I have to fix them...'

Also have heard the 'declaring Marshal Law' and suspending the elections theory as well.

I put nothing past this extra-Constitutional thug.
He'll do as much damage as he can upon his exodus. Isn't it interesting that Holder was involved with the Clinton pardons...and guess who heads DOJ now with the House breathing down his neck?:eusa_whistle:

I was having a discussion the other day about obama, and one of the guys I was talking with said something I would never have expected from him,
"obama said if he was not reelected he would not leave office, he would start a war or do what ever he had too to stay in" I asked him where in the hell he heard that, he said his wife told him.

I have heard that theory batted about from several people too...the excuse? 'Things are too bad and I can't leave office because I have to fix them...'

Also have heard the 'declaring Marshal Law' and suspending the elections theory as well.

I put nothing past this extra-Constitutional thug.

That would be the thing for obama too do refuse to step down, it would start a war.
Hell Carter never talked about not stepping down, even with the Iran crisis and the shitty economy.
I was having a discussion the other day about obama, and one of the guys I was talking with said something I would never have expected from him,
"obama said if he was not reelected he would not leave office, he would start a war or do what ever he had too to stay in" I asked him where in the hell he heard that, he said his wife told him.

I have heard that theory batted about from several people too...the excuse? 'Things are too bad and I can't leave office because I have to fix them...'

Also have heard the 'declaring Marshal Law' and suspending the elections theory as well.

I put nothing past this extra-Constitutional thug.

That would be the thing for obama too do refuse to step down, it would start a war.
Hell Carter never talked about not stepping down, even with the Iran crisis and the shitty economy.

And funny isn't it? WE and our system of governance has always been known for exceptionalism...meaning peaceful transtion of power.

I wouldn't put it past Obama to break tradition as he has everywhere else.

This questionnaire is to gather data concerning the attitudes of combat trained personnel with regards to nontraditional missions. All of your responses are confidential. Write your answers directly on the questionnaire form. In Part II, place an “X” in the space provided for your response.

Part I. Demographics

1. What Service are you in?
2. What is your pay grade? (e.g. E-?, O-?)
3. What is your MOS code and description?
4. What is your highest level of education in years?
5. How many months did you serve in Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield?
6. How many months did you serve in Somalia?
7. What state or country did you primarily reside in during childhood?

Part II. Attitudes

8. Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used within the United States for any of the following missions?
Drug enforcement
(___) (___) (___) (___) (___)
Strongly Agree agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree
Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
[transcriber's note: questions #9 through #46 all provide the same range of response options as shown in question #8, above. The response options have been omitted from the remaining questions for brevity.]
9. Security at national events (e.g. Olympic Games, Super Bowl)
10. Environmental disaster clean-up
11. Substitute teachers in public schools
12. Community assistance programs (e.g. landscaping, environmental clean-up, road repair, animal control)
13. Federal and State prison guards
14. National emergency police force
15. Advisors to S.W.A.T units, the FBI, or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (B.A.T.F.)
16. Border patrol (e.g. prevention of illegal aliens into U.S. territory.)

Do you feel that U.S. combat troops under U.S. command should be used in other countries for any of the following United Nations missions?

17. Drug enforcement
18. Disaster relief (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
19. Environmental disaster clean-up
20. Peace keeping
21. Nation building/reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.)
22. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing, and clothing)

Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used in other countries, under command of non-U.S. officers appointed by the United Nations for any of the following missions?

23. Drug enforcement
24. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)
25. Environmental disaster clean-up
26. Peace keeping
27. Nation building (Reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.
28. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing, and clothing)

Police Action (e.g. Korea, Vietnam, but serving under non-U.S. officers) Consider the following statements:

29. The U.S. runs a field training exercise. U.N. combat troops should be allowed to serve in U.S. combat units during these exercises under U.S. command and control.
30. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops under U.S. command and control should serve in U.N. combat units during these exercises.
31. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops should serve under U.N. command and control during these exercises.
32. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions as long as the U.S. has full command and control.
33. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions under United Nations command and control.
34. U.S. combat troops should be commanded by U.N. officers and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) at battalion and company levels while performing U.N. missions.
35. It would make no difference to me to have U.N. soldiers as members of my team. (e.g. fire team, squad, platoon)
36. It would make no difference to me to take orders from a U.N. company commander.
37. I feel the President of the United States has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the U.N. Secretary General.
38. I feel there is no conflict between my oath of office and serving as a U.N. soldier.
39. I feel my unit’s combat effectiveness would not be affected by performing humanitarian missions for the United Nations.
40. I feel a designated unit of U.S. combat soldiers should be permanently assigned to the command and control of the United Nations.
41. I would be willing to volunteer for assignment to a U.S. combat unit under a U.N. commander.
42. I would like U.N. member countries, including the U.S., to give the U.N. all the soldiers necessary to maintain world peace.
43. I would swear to the following code: “I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and every nation’s way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”
44. The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.
Pay very close attention to the LAST TWO questions...

Thanks for pointing that out.
I have heard that theory batted about from several people too...the excuse? 'Things are too bad and I can't leave office because I have to fix them...'

Also have heard the 'declaring Marshal Law' and suspending the elections theory as well.

I put nothing past this extra-Constitutional thug.

That would be the thing for obama too do refuse to step down, it would start a war.
Hell Carter never talked about not stepping down, even with the Iran crisis and the shitty economy.

And funny isn't it? WE and our system of governance has always been known for exceptionalism...meaning peaceful transtion of power.

I wouldn't put it past Obama to break tradition as he has everywhere else.

Have you ever heard of the fly on the wall saying?

I would love to be a fly on the wall of some of the hard line obama supporters if obama did decide to not step down just to see their true reaction.:badgrin:
That would be the thing for obama too do refuse to step down, it would start a war.
Hell Carter never talked about not stepping down, even with the Iran crisis and the shitty economy.

And funny isn't it? WE and our system of governance has always been known for exceptionalism...meaning peaceful transtion of power.

I wouldn't put it past Obama to break tradition as he has everywhere else.

Have you ever heard of the fly on the wall saying?

I would love to be a fly on the wall of some of the hard line obama supporters if obama did decide to not step down just to see their true reaction.:badgrin:

They'd probably applaud him...but those are the people that think the Constitution [root of all law here], is outdated, old, moldy, and rusted out...and the same crop that applaud despots as Chavez and Castro.
How would you know? Clinton wouldn't ask the troops any such question he would ask the command staff.

Then how does Moonglow know? It didn't happen, I never heard it, and yes, we would have heard it if anyone did. I heard the RUMORS but that's all they were.

I don't think moonglow is part of the right

U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens/1994 Combat Arms Survey « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

Ummm that's one guy making a claim about one exercise where he says he was asked that by his superiors. That's not at all the same as Clinton asking the military.

The article also makes a claim about a supposed questionnaire for the the Marines, but the link doesn't work, so I can't check to see what was actually asked or the context.
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Barack Obama is not an American. So it's no surprise he doesn't have America's best interests at heart. He's the 'President of the World', not the President of the United States. Surprised so many still don't get that.
Then how does Moonglow know? It didn't happen, I never heard it, and yes, we would have heard it if anyone did. I heard the RUMORS but that's all they were.

I don't think moonglow is part of the right

U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens/1994 Combat Arms Survey « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

Ummm that's one guy making a claim about one exercise where he says he was asked that by his superiors. That's not at all the same as Clinton asking the military.

The article also makes a claim about a supposed questionnaire for the the Marines, but the link doesn't work, so I can't check to see what was actually asked or the context.

I posted the Combat Arms Survey, all you have to do is read the thread, Skippy...

Ummm that's one guy making a claim about one exercise where he says he was asked that by his superiors. That's not at all the same as Clinton asking the military.

The article also makes a claim about a supposed questionnaire for the the Marines, but the link doesn't work, so I can't check to see what was actually asked or the context.

I posted the Combat Arms Survey, all you have to do is read the thread, Skippy...

Yeah, you posted that AFTER I started my response.

You forgot a link to the .mil site you got the survey from, though. Perhaps you could fix that.

Ummm that's one guy making a claim about one exercise where he says he was asked that by his superiors. That's not at all the same as Clinton asking the military.

The article also makes a claim about a supposed questionnaire for the the Marines, but the link doesn't work, so I can't check to see what was actually asked or the context.

I posted the Combat Arms Survey, all you have to do is read the thread, Skippy...

I know it's a blog but do you actually think mainstream media would release this information if it was true?

The following COMBAT ARMS SURVEY was sent to Geoff Metcalf by a U.S. Marine, with a (non-anonymous) note explaining that the survey was given May 10, 1994, at the Twenty-nine Palms (CA) Marine base, to a number of Marines from different units which had participated in either: Operation “Just Cause,” “Desert Storm” or “Restore Hope.”

29 palms combat arms survey: Would you fire on US citizens? | qbit.cc
Ummm that's one guy making a claim about one exercise where he says he was asked that by his superiors. That's not at all the same as Clinton asking the military.

The article also makes a claim about a supposed questionnaire for the the Marines, but the link doesn't work, so I can't check to see what was actually asked or the context.

I posted the Combat Arms Survey, all you have to do is read the thread, Skippy...

I know it's a blog but do you actually think mainstream media would release this information if it was true?

The following COMBAT ARMS SURVEY was sent to Geoff Metcalf by a U.S. Marine, with a (non-anonymous) note explaining that the survey was given May 10, 1994, at the Twenty-nine Palms (CA) Marine base, to a number of Marines from different units which had participated in either: Operation “Just Cause,” “Desert Storm” or “Restore Hope.”

29 palms combat arms survey: Would you fire on US citizens? | qbit.cc
Ok, I tracked it down. The survey was academic research for a Masters Thesis on Unit Cohesion at the Naval Postgraduate School. It was given to 300 Marines. It was NOT an official DoD study. And Clinton certainly had nothing to do with it.
So, as it is not being reported, was that treaty that is so scary to some actually signed?
Could the firearms industry have pulled the perfect PR set up? Think of all the guns & ammo sold the last few weeks to those who really believed a UN Treaty would be signed today, banning firearms in the US.

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