obama to sign the UN small arms treaty July 27 2012

Be sure and let us know when they ask you for a list of your guns, mm-kay?
I am against anything that restricts my right to own guns, buy them or sell them. I am especially against anything that has to do with the UN. they do not have our best interest at heart. If other countries have problems then it is their responsibility to solve them. Having Eric Holder sell guns into Mexico and then lying about it just shows the mentalty of the Obama administration. The sooner he is gone the better.
The President has heard the opposition and applauds all of you for expressing your views:


But on a serious note, he also suggests that it's time for all of you to hand over your guns, motherfuckers, cause he WILL find each and every motherfucking one!

The President has heard the opposition and applauds all of you for expressing your views:


But on a serious note, he also suggests that it's time for all of you to hand over your guns, motherfuckers, cause he WILL find each and every motherfucking one!


That will work for me if he does it.:badgrin:
Some on the extreme right are openly discussing treason:

Vanderboegh warns of civil war if UN small arms treaty enforced - National Conservative | Examiner.com


Bush was against because he thought NATIONAL controls the appropriate course, now the NRA is against it because they FEAR domestic control. Have conservatives actually read this treaty?

a statement released by Hillary Clinton and the State Department that it was overturning the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed a proposed Arms Trade treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

the National Rifle Association, who claim that the treaty is an attempt to circumvent the Second Amendment and similar guarantees in state constitutions in order to impose domestic gun regulations.[11]

I do know that durng Clintons presidency he ask thpeople of the military if they would be willing to go into peoples houses to obtain weapons.
Just a fair warning that obama does not have a functioning brain in and election year

I dont think it's a lack of a brain. Rather, I think he is just so arrogant he cant comprehend why it would cause problems.
Some on the extreme right are openly discussing treason:

Vanderboegh warns of civil war if UN small arms treaty enforced - National Conservative | Examiner.com


Bush was against because he thought NATIONAL controls the appropriate course, now the NRA is against it because they FEAR domestic control. Have conservatives actually read this treaty?

a statement released by Hillary Clinton and the State Department that it was overturning the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed a proposed Arms Trade treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

the National Rifle Association, who claim that the treaty is an attempt to circumvent the Second Amendment and similar guarantees in state constitutions in order to impose domestic gun regulations.[11]

Who is truly committing treason, the one upholding their rights under the Constitution, or the ones using the government to undermine the document they swore to uphold and defend?
Here's what the UN folks are saying...

Thursday's negotiations got off to a very slow start due to procedural issues, and adjourned late due to more of the same. Some countries did make statements that illustrated the deep divisions in the assembled body, especially over the issue of civilian firearms.

While the New Zealand delegate stated that, "The task is not to regulate state's internal matters, such as conditions of domestic sales of arms or national systems of gun control or registration," the delegate from Mexico took the opposite tack, saying individuals' rights (i.e., the Second Amendment) are not an excuse for "products traded without controls." This statement continued Mexico's efforts to blame its drug cartel problem on American guns. The Mexican delegate then went on to say specifically that civilian firearms needed to be included in the ATT.

And, in a joint position statement issued this week, French, German, British, and Swedish government officials said, "We believe that an arms trade treaty should cover all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons, all types of munitions, and related technologies."
NRA-ILA | U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations Underway

And no, Conservative, the treaty isn't written yet...

So, so far, only the Mexicans have actually 'said' that civilian firearms should be included, is that correct?

I'm relatively sure the 2nd amendment will remain intact and in force in this.

Yeah, and I was relatively sure that Obamacare would be overturned. I've found our government is quite likely to do the exact opposite of what the Constitution actually says.
Here's what the UN folks are saying...

NRA-ILA | U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations Underway

And no, Conservative, the treaty isn't written yet...

So, so far, only the Mexicans have actually 'said' that civilian firearms should be included, is that correct?

I'm relatively sure the 2nd amendment will remain intact and in force in this.

Yeah, and I was relatively sure that Obamacare would be overturned. I've found our government is quite likely to do the exact opposite of what the Constitution actually says.
Exactly.... :clap2: *shakes head in disgust*
The UN and Obama will try to pass the 1st stage as an innocent looking piece of paper, then over a period of time add sanctions to it. They know that hitting us head on in a frontal attack on our Constitution won't work. So the plan would have to be subtle and sneaky. Watch for the snakes crawling on their bellies :)

Nice first post, and true. Welcome to the Zoo... :D
Here's what the UN folks are saying...

NRA-ILA | U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations Underway

And no, Conservative, the treaty isn't written yet...

So, so far, only the Mexicans have actually 'said' that civilian firearms should be included, is that correct?

I'm relatively sure the 2nd amendment will remain intact and in force in this.

Yeah, and I was relatively sure that Obamacare would be overturned. I've found our government is quite likely to do the exact opposite of what the Constitution actually says.

The Constitution is only as good as those who protect it.
Those arms makers and dealers which make gazillions of dollars a year chanelling small arms to Third World countries, contributing to the bloodshed, are going to fight this tooth and nail. And they will be pouring millions of gallons of bongwater, generating enough diversionary smoke to greenhouse the entire planet, and putting up enough deflective mirrors to power the state of Nevada with solar power.


Maybe the UN merely wants to put a muzzle on Holder and Obama for enabling the Mexican cartels with assault rifles.
Those arms makers and dealers which make gazillions of dollars a year chanelling small arms to Third World countries, contributing to the bloodshed, are going to fight this tooth and nail. And they will be pouring millions of gallons of bongwater, generating enough diversionary smoke to greenhouse the entire planet, and putting up enough deflective mirrors to power the state of Nevada with solar power.


I read somewhere that 40% of these small arms are made in the USA. Get ready for a spike in unemployment if this treaty is signed and ratified.
silly wabbit. Everyone knows he won't come for the gun-clingers til AFTER his reelection :2up:
Those arms makers and dealers which make gazillions of dollars a year chanelling small arms to Third World countries, contributing to the bloodshed, are going to fight this tooth and nail. And they will be pouring millions of gallons of bongwater, generating enough diversionary smoke to greenhouse the entire planet, and putting up enough deflective mirrors to power the state of Nevada with solar power.


This is merely another diversion dreamed up by the Obama campaign. They have Hillary take the point and agree to this UN POS proposed treaty and now no one is talking about unemployment or the economy.

And, the NRA takes the bait and will spend a lot of money fighting this nonsense instead of helping Romney get elected.
silly wabbit. Everyone knows he won't come for the gun-clingers til AFTER his reelection :2up:
or when he and congress goes lame duck. Betcha he makes his midnight pardon/appointments list put Clinton's to shame.
I do know that durng Clintons presidency he ask thpeople of the military if they would be willing to go into peoples houses to obtain weapons.
You know no such thing, because it didn't happen. I was in the army all during Clinton's presidency, and he asked us no such thing.
I do know that durng Clintons presidency he ask thpeople of the military if they would be willing to go into peoples houses to obtain weapons.
You know no such thing, because it didn't happen. I was in the army all during Clinton's presidency, and he asked us no such thing.

How would you know? Clinton wouldn't ask the troops any such question he would ask the command staff.
I do know that durng Clintons presidency he ask thpeople of the military if they would be willing to go into peoples houses to obtain weapons.
You know no such thing, because it didn't happen. I was in the army all during Clinton's presidency, and he asked us no such thing.

How would you know? Clinton wouldn't ask the troops any such question he would ask the command staff.

Then how does Moonglow know? It didn't happen, I never heard it, and yes, we would have heard it if anyone did. I heard the RUMORS but that's all they were.

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