Obama Transcendentally Unworthy of Being President

You're so bitter that Bush won, twice... lol. I guess you support Reaganomics seeing as he had two terms as well...

Being elected means everything you do is right! Or, in Swallows mind, only if you're a Democrat, because Republicans can't be held to the same standers of measurement or else both parties would start looking a whole lot identical.


And your still a faggot, Avorysucks.

Nothing is going to change your queerness.

As for you swallowing my jiz?

Go suck an egg..homoboi.

What a pathetic, genetically defective, monkey...................................

Pig diarrhea such as yourself should throw rocks in glass houses.
'Transcendentally Unworthy' spoken like a true Irritus grad. Bravo, meaningless, useless, irrelevant, but heck no one ever claimed our graduates did anything except spout nonsense. Nonsense keeps sense at bay and sense we don't need. http://www.usmessageboard.com/education/287771-education-for-a-republican.html

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

"...[M]any people find themselves surprised at the sympathy they can feel for even outrageous opponents of government-as was demonstrated when popular support blossomed for the anti-government forces holed up with David Koresh at Waco, Texas, or with Randy Weaver, who defied the FBI at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I remember filmmaker Oliver Stone's telling me how much he sided with those underdogs. After all, much of what those groups said was just the equivalent of the Jefferson tee shirt worn by Timothy McVeigh, the bomber of Oklahoma City's federal building. But the real victims of our fear are not those faced with such extreme action - not even the 168 people killed (and many more injured) by McVeigh. The real victims are the millions of poor or shelterless or medically indigent who have been told, over the years, that they must lack care or life support in the name of their very own freedom. Better for them to starve than to be enslaved by 'big government.' That is the real cost of our anti-government values." Garry Wills 'A Necessary Evil' Introduction p21

And they will be further vicitmized by rising insurance premiums, brought on by none other the Obama himself. Take it from Kathleen Sebelius:

Sebelius: Well, yeah actually, ObamaCare is causing insurance premiums to rise « Hot Air

Obamacare already mandates $716 billion in Medicare payment cuts over the next 10 years, but these cuts are not targeted at specific instances of “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Rather, they are across-the-board changes in Medicare payment formulas for hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospice agencies, and Medicare Advantage plans.
Moreover, as every responsible analyst has noted, one cannot simultaneously use that money to pay for Obamacare and extend the life of the Medicare trust fund. Notwithstanding the tiresome claptrap that Medicare payment cuts affect only providers and not beneficiaries, cuts in funding for services directly affect those persons who depend on those services.
Obamacare will also increase Medicare taxes. The law raises the Medicare payroll tax, which funds the hospital insurance (HI) trust fund, on high-income earners from 2.9 percent to 3.8 percent and also extends the 3.8 percent Medicare tax to investment income. Together, this is the largest tax increase in Obamacare, costing taxpayers $318 billion from 2013 to 2022.[3]
However, the Medicare payroll tax revenue is again double-counted as paying for new spending and extending the life of the trust fund.[4] As for the tax on investment income, Medicare trustee Charles Blahous explains, “Though termed an ‘Unearned Income Medicare Contribution’ (UIMC) under the law, this revenue would not come from Medicare’s traditional contribution base and it would not be allocated to a Medicare Trust Fund.”[5]
Higher Premiums
President Obama has also proposed major Medicare changes in his fiscal year 2013 budget proposal. For Medicare Parts B and D, Obama’s budget plan would increase premiums by 15 percent for upper-income seniors. But by 2035, those premium increases would be expanded to cover 25 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries. Thus, President Obama’s proposed special premium increase on upper-income retirees would substantially increase the number of seniors paying the tax. Obama?s Medicare Plan: Seniors Will Pay More

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