Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

Oh, Obama said it.

Which of our 57 states was he in at the time of the comment?
broken record

Well, you NaziCons just keep on believing it...

The actual intent behind Senator Obama's misstatement is easy to discern without the need to invoke an obscure international organization. He was trying to express the thought that in all the time he had spent on the campaign trail so far in 2007-08, he had visited all (48) of the states in the continental U.S. save for one (i.e., "one left to go," excluding Alaska and Hawaii), but in his weariness he slipped up and started off with "fifty" instead of "forty." (Note the long pause in the video clip between the words "fifty" and "seven.")

Barack Obama and 57 States
Prime Minister Lee of Singapore gave obama an EPIC slapdown. It was a joy to see. Is the charlatan in chief going into surgery to get Lee's shoe extricated from his ass?
"Obama: Trump is unfit to be president"

The guy who has aided Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Violent Criminal Illegals, Illegal Sanctuary cities, Terrorists (Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeida, Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives matter...), injected the US into 2 civil wars to help terrorists overthrow dictators through 2 UN-Sanctioned personal wars, who spied on Americans and illegally used the IRS to target Americans to help his re-election chances, who added almost $7 trillion in new debt in his 1st 4 years, who deservingly won 'Lie of the Year' but who UN-deservingly won the Nobel Peace Prize for (FAILED) 'Potential', who has violated both Constitution and Law repeatedly while running the LEAST transparent most criminal administration in US history...is declaring Trump to be unfit for President?!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Obama: no idea how many states are in the USA, no idea how old the USA is, never heard of Judaical Review (How did he pass the Bar Exam?), but he's the Progressive Expert and Go-to Guy

Well, that's good enough for me! Just heard it on MBNBC.

Obama is unfit to be President, so who gives a shit?

Fits like a glove.

So if Trump wins the electoral college, then he is fit to be President? Got it

Well, yeah. Fitness/unfitness isn’t based on personal opinions.

I’ll be happy to call him Mr. President if he does.

The man makes fun of handicapped people, thinks that he can ban people based on their religions, says people are unqualified for their job based on their heritage, insinuates women are on their period, and is a congenital liar

All of those are facts.

…if the American people wish to reward such behavior…that is their right.
Prime Minister Lee of Singapore gave obama an EPIC slapdown. It was a joy to see. Is the charlatan in chief going into surgery to get Lee's shoe extricated from his ass?
What did he say?

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