Obama urges Israel, "Not to destabilize the situation" over slaughtered teens

Is there any reason the American Jewish community still supports this asshole? There can't be. Obama wants more dead Israelis.
For the board Anti-Semites who swarm like flies on stank- we've all heard it.. The USS Liberty, blah blah blah so do your little pointy hatted heads a favor and go make your own thread with a racist title- Hell you can even include some kind of Nazi theme song if you like.. This thread is about the real discussion of Israel's right to defend herself without that JACKASS bastard in the WH sticking his fat nose in it.

I think we need for you and the rest of the pro-Zionist wingnuts to form a Right Wing Militia and go over and fight for the greater glory of Zionism.

Bill Krystol can be your commanding officer, since he's been spending the last 10 years telling the military how to do it right.

Onward Christians Soldiers! And just think, then Jesus will return and send all those nasty Jews to Hell for rejecting him. That's a Win-Win.

In the meantime, the Jewish Nazis will blow up whatever they can in revenge, as usual. The Israelis never let an outrage go to waste if they can punish the people whose lands they occupy.

Awww...STFU and change your stinky burqa and wash that filthy prayer rug, Fatima.
Stfu LDS. Your bloodlust for Americans going to war is bad enough. Butt the hell out of the affairs of other nations. As much as you pretend otherwise, we all know you're not a military expert.

Go cram a hamster up your ass Queenie.. This is about your boy King thinking he can influence a tiny FREE nation to sit it out .. and we all know why.. His love for Hamas and other terror organizations is obvious.

Why shouldn't he have influence over Israel? Do you know how much aid we give to them? It's insane.

we also give aid to china, do we have influence over them ?
Stfu LDS. Your bloodlust for Americans going to war is bad enough. Butt the hell out of the affairs of other nations. As much as you pretend otherwise, we all know you're not a military expert.

Go cram a hamster up your ass Queenie.. This is about your boy King thinking he can influence a tiny FREE nation to sit it out .. and we all know why.. His love for Hamas and other terror organizations is obvious.

Why shouldn't he have influence over Israel? Do you know how much aid we give to them? It's insane.

We're the reason mexico isn't a broke dick nation. Yet we dont have influence down there either,and they're fucking us over.:cuckoo:
I as thinking about this yesterday and israel does not have confidence in Obama's foreign policy so I think they might just take matters into their own hands.
Israel is badass. Remember Golda Meir? She didn't take any crap.

Onward Christians Soldiers! And just think, then Jesus will return and send all those nasty Jews to Hell for rejecting him. That's a Win-Win.

In the meantime, the Jewish Nazis will blow up whatever they can in revenge, as usual. The Israelis never let an outrage go to waste if they can punish the people whose lands they occupy.

anti-Semite limpwristers are gay.:coffee:

I say find another Jewish state where these people can be safe and send all the far left jerkoffs from America over to the holy land to live with the Islamic radicals!! They can practice all their social engineering shit on them.....see how that turns out!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Had they gone to unoccupied land, Herzl considered South America, we would not be having this little problem. Instead they wanted the Holy Land, which they have never been able to hold for long, and will lose soon again. Six million Jews versus 600 million Arabs and 75 million Persians, do the math, and when the oil runs out we won't need our 51st state and won't give a damn what happens to Jews, yet again...
I as thinking about this yesterday and israel does not have confidence in Obama's foreign policy so I think they might just take matters into their own hands.

Nobody has confidence in Obama's polcies. Hell, Hillary Clinton doesnt have confidence in them.
Is there any reason the American Jewish community still supports this asshole? There can't be. Obama wants more dead Israelis.

Sure he does, because if Obama is known for one thing...it's killing jews...

Or you know you are a fucking retard
In retaliation for:

Eyal Yifrah, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Fraenkel, a 16-year-old with dual Israeli-American citizenship, disappeared on June 12 while hitchhiking home.

Children doing nothing other than going home. The animals who did this deserve this and more.
STFU Obama.. you are NO friend to Israel in fact quite the opposite. You allow murdering thugs to torture and kill Americans in Benghazi ; You are weak and a laughing stock around the world. Israel knows her security lies in strength, not cowardice.. Israel has the absolute right to seek justice so butt the hell out.

Obama Urges Israel Not to 'Destabilize Situation' After Hamas Murdered Teens | National Review Online

How exactly was it Obama's fault what happened in Benghazi?

You people act like toddlers.
Obama and all that follow him are Morons. The "situation" is already, "destabilized". Terror killings, Kidnapping, Rockets fired by, "the followers of Islam", and the idiots warn not to "destabilize" the situation?
Like I said- moron.

Easy to say when you don't live in Israel, of course.

Maybe you should have thought about destabilization when baby bushed forced elections in Gaza.

Btw, unlike you, I don't "follow" any politician.
One of the murdered boys was an American. Not that Obama cares or anything like that. The Palestinians are Obama's partners in peace. He thinks they will look for the murderers, while the Palestinians attacked the ambulance carrying the bodies of two Israelies and the American child with rocks.

Israel should just sterilize Gaza and be done with it.
STFU Obama.. you are NO friend to Israel in fact quite the opposite. You allow murdering thugs to torture and kill Americans in Benghazi ; You are weak and a laughing stock around the world. Israel knows her security lies in strength, not cowardice.. Israel has the absolute right to seek justice so butt the hell out.

Obama Urges Israel Not to 'Destabilize Situation' After Hamas Murdered Teens | National Review Online

All presidents in my lifetime have at one point or another urged the Israelis to have restraint for some reason or another.

People like the OP are one of the reasons the world looks at America like we're psycho or something.
]One of the murdered boys was an American.[/B] Not that Obama cares or anything like that. The Palestinians are Obama's partners in peace. He thinks they will look for the murderers, while the Palestinians attacked the ambulance carrying the bodies of two Israelies and the American child with rocks.

Israel should just sterilize Gaza and be done with it.

He was a 16 yr old boy from New York whose parents will have to bury..
Is there any reason the American Jewish community still supports this asshole? There can't be. Obama wants more dead Israelis.

American Jews support the left even when the put them in ovens.
STFU Obama.. you are NO friend to Israel in fact quite the opposite. You allow murdering thugs to torture and kill Americans in Benghazi ; You are weak and a laughing stock around the world. Israel knows her security lies in strength, not cowardice.. Israel has the absolute right to seek justice so butt the hell out.

Obama Urges Israel Not to 'Destabilize Situation' After Hamas Murdered Teens | National Review Online

This is the end result of a the progressive concept that all violence is equal, that fighting back is just as bad as starting the fight.

We see it here, we see it in schools, where bullies and victims are punished equally when something comes to blows, we see it in progressives belief that people are not allowed to defend themselves.

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