Obama VS. Romney: The Final Battle - Who Wins?

I love these videos.

Gates v. Jobs was better, though.

Haven't seen that one yet, I'll go look it up.

I just thought this one was fitting for today, given election day is nearing.
too close to call.....I'm not going to sit here and be all boisterous about this election.

I hope Obama wins, I hope the Dems keep their majority in the Senate, and I'd like to see them retake the House.

The first two have a decent chance of happening....the last is probably a pipe dream.

Whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to freak out either way. Life's too damned short to go apeshit over an election.

basically....good luck and may the best people win.
shit....I feel stupid.....didn't realize the video was a satirical thing....oh well....my sentiments still stand.
too close to call.....I'm not going to sit here and be all boisterous about this election.

I hope Obama wins, I hope the Dems keep their majority in the Senate, and I'd like to see them retake the House.

The first two have a decent chance of happening....the last is probably a pipe dream.

Whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to freak out either way. Life's too damned short to go apeshit over an election.

basically....good luck and may the best people win.

That's great Steel, I totally respect your position.

But did you actually watch the video I posted? :lol:
If everything was fair, Romney in a landslide. However, Deomcrats have to use voter fraud, rig voting machines, use voter intimidation and grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants to win elections...so with that in mind I would say this one is up for grabs. Just remember, it was through ACORN that one person voted 73 times and voted Democrat each time. It goes back to Mayor Daly who said vote early and vote often. The Democrat party and voter fraud, voter intimidation go together like a horse and carriage. Take away this, Democrats lose the majority of elections. Now, I could also go into how many Democrats "fake right and go left", but that is a whole different reply/post.
too close to call.....I'm not going to sit here and be all boisterous about this election.

I hope Obama wins, I hope the Dems keep their majority in the Senate, and I'd like to see them retake the House.

The first two have a decent chance of happening....the last is probably a pipe dream.

Whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to freak out either way. Life's too damned short to go apeshit over an election.

basically....good luck and may the best people win.

That's great Steel, I totally respect your position.

But did you actually watch the video I posted? :lol:

yeah.....AFTER I posted...lol

watched about 20 seconds....can't really stand rap music and the actors didn't look nothing like the two candidates.

I liked the debate put to music thing though....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ti2S7Py25w]Debate Highlights Songified! - YouTube[/ame]
If everything was fair, Romney in a landslide. However, Deomcrats have to use voter fraud, rig voting machines, use voter intimidation and grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants to win elections...so with that in mind I would say this one is up for grabs. Just remember, it was through ACORN that one person voted 73 times and voted Democrat each time. It goes back to Mayor Daly who said vote early and vote often. The Democrat party and voter fraud, voter intimidation go together like a horse and carriage. Take away this, Democrats lose the majority of elections. Now, I could also go into how many Democrats "fake right and go left", but that is a whole different reply/post.

Pre-emptive excuses are funny.
If everything was fair, Romney in a landslide. However, Deomcrats have to use voter fraud, rig voting machines, use voter intimidation and grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants to win elections...so with that in mind I would say this one is up for grabs. Just remember, it was through ACORN that one person voted 73 times and voted Democrat each time. It goes back to Mayor Daly who said vote early and vote often. The Democrat party and voter fraud, voter intimidation go together like a horse and carriage. Take away this, Democrats lose the majority of elections. Now, I could also go into how many Democrats "fake right and go left", but that is a whole different reply/post.
It's sad to see America fall into the corruption of people being untrustworthy on voting day.

Nothing is more important nor more the reason why America once held a dream for people to believe in. People who vote more than once have no honor and are a shame to us all. I hope that stops very soon, by force if necessary and by stripping away citizenship if it ever happens again.

Cheating is destroying our trust in each other.

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