Obama vs The Trump Challenge

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
This scenario plays out....

1) Obama will puss out

2) Democrats will back Obama puss-ing out

3) America will see Obama/Democrats puss-out

4) We can all laugh at Democrat hypocrisy

aww... good times...:lol:

Would you want Romney to release his tax returns if Rosie ODonnal had made the same offer?

I'm thinking Romney would, he's very charitable with the American people, several millions every year.

.... no balls Obama, could care less .. that's obvious..
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You know you would be calling her a has been and commending Romney for staying above the crazy and not dignifying her nonsense with a response.

Personally if I were rooting for Romney, I'd be furious with Trump for bringing up this birther issue right before the election. All it does is toss sympathy to Obama and shine a light on the crazies who hide in the GOP.

Plus Obama could donate 5 million to a charity and make a witty comment about Hawaii seceding and come off smelling like roses.
This scenario plays out....

1) Obama will puss out

2) Democrats will back Obama puss-ing out

3) America will see Obama/Democrats puss-out

4) We can all laugh at Democrat hypocrisy

aww... good times...:lol:

The only thing I see is a giggling retard who believes the President of the United States should bow to an egomaniac with a big wallet.

You know you would be calling her a has been and commending Romney for staying above the crazy and not dignifying her nonsense with a response.

Personally if I were rooting for Romney, I'd be furious with Trump for bringing up this birther issue right before the election. All it does is toss sympathy to Obama and shine a light on the crazies who hide in the GOP.

Plus Obama could donate 5 million to a charity and make a witty comment about Hawaii seceding and come off smelling like roses.

This is between Trump.. Obama..some simple documents.. and the American people.

Well.. so far Obama and his Democrat apologists smell like crap. I wouldn't expect that to change anytime soon.
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Lumpy, I am going to tell you the same thing I said in the other Trump announcement topic.

When the day comes that some jackass challenges a Republican to do his bidding with emotional blackmail, and that day WILL come after this, I want every one of you Trump piss drinkers to remember everything you said about Trump and Obama in this topic.

If the Republican President does not do the bidding of the guy with the check, I want you to hear yourselves blaming the President for any babies that starve. I want you to hear yourselves calling him a pussy and all the other names you have used.

I want you to hear yourselves gleefully chuckling to yourselves over the rich guy trying to get the President of the United States to jump to his commands.

Okay, shitbird?

You set the benchmark to a new low. Don't EVER let me catch you being a hypocrite about it.

This scenario plays out....

1) Obama will puss out

2) Democrats will back Obama puss-ing out

3) America will see Obama/Democrats puss-out

4) We can all laugh at Democrat hypocrisy

aww... good times...:lol:

The only thing I see is a giggling retard who believes the President of the United States should bow to an egomaniac with a big wallet.


Obama bows to terrorist nations and leaders.. asshats like you appreciate that kinda bowing..:lol:
Lumpy, I am going to tell you the same thing I said in the other Trump announcement topic.

When the day comes that some jackass challenges a Republican to do his bidding with emotional blackmail, and that day WILL come after this, I want every one of you Trump piss drinkers to remember everything you said about Trump and Obama in this topic.

If the Republican President does not do the bidding of the guy with the check, I want you to hear yourselves blaming the President for any babies that starve. I want you to hear yourselves calling him a pussy and all the other names you have used.

I want you to hear yourselves gleefully chuckling to yourselves over the rich guy trying to get the President of the United States to jump to his commands.

Okay, shitbird?

You set the benchmark to a new low. Don't EVER let me catch you being a hypocrite about it.



Do you really believe I give a rats ass about your suck-hole, delusions of grandeur, Obama apologist threats and opinion..
This scenario plays out....

1) Obama will puss out

2) Democrats will back Obama puss-ing out

3) America will see Obama/Democrats puss-out

4) We can all laugh at Democrat hypocrisy

aww... good times...:lol:

The only thing I see is a giggling retard who believes the President of the United States should bow to an egomaniac with a big wallet.

Bow nothing, kiss his fat ass.

There's nothing to puss out from. Fail.

The question is will Trump puss out.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlvQW7tI4aE&feature=player_detailpage]Colbert Offers Trump $1 Million - YouTube[/ame]
This scenario plays out....

1) Obama will puss out

2) Democrats will back Obama puss-ing out

3) America will see Obama/Democrats puss-out

4) We can all laugh at Democrat hypocrisy

aww... good times...:lol:

The only thing I see is a giggling retard who believes the President of the United States should bow to an egomaniac with a big wallet.


Some things change, some do not.
More rural people would have showed up to stick it to the obongo, land slide TRUMP...
Obama vs Trump: Dispute erupts over who would have won
3 / 21

Associated Press
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By JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press7 hrs ago


HONOLULU (AP) — In an alternate universe in which President Barack Obama ran for a third term against Donald Trump, who would have won?

No surprise: The president and the president-elect disagree.

A fresh dispute erupted Monday between Obama and his successor, spurred by Obama's hypothetical musings that had he run again, he would have been victorious. Interviewed for a podcast, Obama suggested he still holds enough sway over the coalition of voters that elected him twice to get them to vote for him once again.

"I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it," Obama told his former White House adviser, David Axelrod, in a podcast released Monday.

Trump, naturally, disagreed. He took to his preferred medium — Twitter — to offer his reaction.

"President Obama said that he thinks he would have won against me. He should say that but I say NO WAY!" Trump wrote.

He suggested Obama's record would have prevented him from securing a victory, citing jobs that have left the U.S., troubles with Obama's Affordable Care Act and the ongoing threat posed by the Islamic State group as examples.

The White House declined to comment on Trump's tweet.


Obama vs Trump: Dispute erupts over who would have won
More rural people would have showed up to stick it to the obongo, land slide TRUMP...
Obama vs Trump: Dispute erupts over who would have won
3 / 21

Associated Press
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By JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press7 hrs ago

HONOLULU (AP) — In an alternate universe in which President Barack Obama ran for a third term against Donald Trump, who would have won?

No surprise: The president and the president-elect disagree.

A fresh dispute erupted Monday between Obama and his successor, spurred by Obama's hypothetical musings that had he run again, he would have been victorious. Interviewed for a podcast, Obama suggested he still holds enough sway over the coalition of voters that elected him twice to get them to vote for him once again.

"I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it," Obama told his former White House adviser, David Axelrod, in a podcast released Monday.

Trump, naturally, disagreed. He took to his preferred medium — Twitter — to offer his reaction.

"President Obama said that he thinks he would have won against me. He should say that but I say NO WAY!" Trump wrote.

He suggested Obama's record would have prevented him from securing a victory, citing jobs that have left the U.S., troubles with Obama's Affordable Care Act and the ongoing threat posed by the Islamic State group as examples.

The White House declined to comment on Trump's tweet.


Obama vs Trump: Dispute erupts over who would have won

Would you expect either man to take a different view?

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